from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
-from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import List, Optional
import argparse
import contextlib
-import datetime as dt
import hashlib
import heapq
import io
import itertools
import math
-from psycopg2.extras import execute_batch, NumericRange
+from psycopg2.extras import NumericRange
import psycopg2
from disk_jumble import bencode, BLOCK_SIZE
hash: bytes
-def _run_sort_key(run: _Run):
- return run.block_ranges[0].start
class _V1Run(_Run):
piece_length: int # for the entity overall
+def _run_sort_key(run: _Run):
+ return run.block_ranges[0].start
+def _get_target_ranges(conn, limit: Optional[int]) -> List[NumericRange]:
+ ranges = []
+ block_count = 0
+ with conn.cursor() as cursor:
+ cursor.execute(
+ """
+ select unnest(written_map - coalesce(verified_map, int8multirange())) as range
+ from diskjumble.disk_maps
+ where disk_id = %s and written_map is not null
+ order by range
+ """,
+ (args.disk_id,),
+ )
+ for (r,) in cursor:
+ if limit is not None and block_count + (r.upper - r.lower) > limit:
+ capped_size = limit - block_count
+ if capped_size:
+ ranges.append(NumericRange(r.lower, r.lower + capped_size))
+ break
+ else:
+ ranges.append(r)
+ return ranges
def _get_v1_worklist(conn, disk_id: int, target_ranges: List[NumericRange]) -> List[_V1Run]:
How this works: First, we fetch some info about each torrent on the disk that has data within the requested blocks.
def _do_verify(conn, disk_id: int, target_ranges: Optional[List[range]], disk_file: io.BufferedIOBase, read_size: int, read_tries: int):
- @dataclass
- class Pass:
- blocks: range
- @dataclass
- class Fail:
- run: _Run
if target_ranges is None:
pg_target_ranges = [NumericRange()]
if missing:
raise RuntimeError(f"unable to locate blocks: {len(missing)} in the range {min(missing)} to {max(missing)}")
- def generate_results():
- for run in worklist:
- if isinstance(run, _V1Run):
- hasher = hashlib.sha1()
- entity_off = run.piece_num * run.piece_length
- else:
- hasher = hashlib.sha256()
- entity_off = run.piece_num * BLOCK_SIZE
- try:
- for range_ in run.block_ranges:
- for block in range_:
- read_start = block * BLOCK_SIZE
- read_end = read_start + min(BLOCK_SIZE, run.entity_length - entity_off)
- while disk_file.tell() < read_end:
- pos = disk_file.tell()
- for _ in range(read_tries):
- try:
- data = - pos, read_size))
- except OSError:
- else:
- break
+ passes = []
+ fails = []
+ for run in worklist:
+ if isinstance(run, _V1Run):
+ hasher = hashlib.sha1()
+ entity_off = run.piece_num * run.piece_length
+ else:
+ hasher = hashlib.sha256()
+ entity_off = run.piece_num * BLOCK_SIZE
+ try:
+ for range_ in run.block_ranges:
+ for block in range_:
+ read_start = block * BLOCK_SIZE
+ read_end = read_start + min(BLOCK_SIZE, run.entity_length - entity_off)
+ while disk_file.tell() < read_end:
+ pos = disk_file.tell()
+ for _ in range(read_tries):
+ try:
+ data = - pos, read_size))
+ except OSError:
- raise _BadSector()
- assert data
- hasher.update(data)
- entity_off += BLOCK_SIZE
- except _BadSector:
- yield Fail(run)
+ break
+ else:
+ raise _BadSector()
+ assert data
+ hasher.update(data)
+ entity_off += BLOCK_SIZE
+ except _BadSector:
+ fails.extend(run.block_ranges)
+ else:
+ if hasher.digest() == run.hash:
+ passes.extend(run.block_ranges)
- if hasher.digest() == run.hash:
- yield from (Pass(r) for r in run.block_ranges)
- else:
- yield Fail(run)
- def batch_results(results) -> Iterator[Tuple[List[range], List[_Run]]]:
- # Group verify results into batches for output to the database
- passes = []
- fails = []
- batch_size = 0
- for r in results:
- if batch_size > 500:
- yield (passes, fails)
- passes = []
- fails = []
- batch_size = 0
- if isinstance(r, Pass):
- if passes and r.blocks.start <= passes[-1].stop:
- new_stop = max(r.blocks.stop, passes[-1].stop)
- batch_size += (new_stop - passes[-1].stop)
- passes[-1] = range(passes[-1].start, new_stop)
- else:
- passes.append(r.blocks)
- batch_size += len(r.blocks)
+ fails.extend(run.block_ranges)
+ def clean_up(ranges):
+ out = []
+ for r in sorted(ranges, key = lambda r: r.start):
+ if out and r.start == out[-1].stop:
+ out[-1] = range(out[-1].start, r.stop)
- fails.append(
- batch_size += sum(map(len,
- if passes or fails:
- yield (passes, fails)
+ out.append(r)
+ return out
- cursor = conn.cursor()
- ts =
- for (pass_ranges, fail_runs) in batch_results(generate_results()):
- if pass_ranges:
- execute_batch(
- cursor,
- """
- insert into diskjumble.verify_pass (verify_pass_id, at, disk_id, disk_sectors)
- values (default, %s, %s, %s)
- """,
- [(ts, disk_id, NumericRange(r.start, r.stop)) for r in pass_ranges],
- page_size = len(pass_ranges),
- )
- if fail_runs:
- execute_batch(
- cursor,
- """
- with
- new_piece as (
- insert into diskjumble.verify_piece (verify_id, at, entity_id, piece)
- values (default, %(ts)s, %(entity_id)s, %(piece_num)s)
- returning verify_id
- ),
- _ as (
- insert into diskjumble.verify_piece_content (verify_id, seq, disk_id, disk_sectors)
- select verify_id, ordinality - 1, %(disk_id)s, block_range
- from
- new_piece,
- unnest(%(ranges)s::int8range[]) with ordinality as block_range
- )
- insert into diskjumble.verify_piece_fail (verify_id)
- select verify_id from new_piece
- """,
- [
- {
- "ts": ts,
- "entity_id": run.entity_id,
- "piece_num": run.piece_num,
- "disk_id": disk_id,
- "ranges": [NumericRange(r.start, r.stop) for r in run.block_ranges],
- }
- for run in fail_runs
- ],
- page_size = len(fail_runs),
- )
+ clean_passes = clean_up(passes)
+ clean_fails = clean_up(fails)
+ conn.cursor().execute(
+ """
+ with
+ new_passes as (
+ select range_agg(range) as new_passes
+ from unnest(%(pass_ranges)s::int8range[]) as range
+ ),
+ new_fails as (
+ select range_agg(range) as new_passes
+ from unnest(%(fail_ranges)s::int8range[]) as range
+ )
+ update diskjumble.disk_maps
+ set
+ verified_map = coalesce(verified_map, int8multirange()) + new_passes,
+ written_map = written_map - new_fails
+ from new_passes, new_fails
+ where disk_id = %(disk_id)s
+ """,
+ {
+ "pass_ranges": [NumericRange(r.start, r.stop) for r in clean_passes],
+ "fail_ranges": [NumericRange(r.start, r.stop) for r in clean_fails],
+ "disk_id": disk_id,
+ },
+ )
if __name__ == "__main__":
- def read_tries(raw_val):
+ def pos_int(raw_val):
val = int(raw_val)
if val > 0:
return val
raise ValueError()
- def block_ranges(raw_val):
- def parse_one(part):
- if "-" in part:
- (s, e) = map(int, part.split("-"))
- if e <= s:
- raise ValueError()
- else:
- return range(s, e)
- else:
- s = int(part)
- return range(s, s + 1)
- return list(map(parse_one, raw_val.split(",")))
+ def nonneg_int(raw_val):
+ val = int(raw_val)
+ if val >= 0:
+ return val
+ else:
+ raise ValueError()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("disk_id", type = int)
- type = read_tries,
+ type = pos_int,
help = "number of times to attempt a particular disk read before giving up on the block",
- "block_ranges",
- type = block_ranges,
+ "block_limit",
+ type = nonneg_int,
nargs = "?",
- help = "if specified, only verify what's needed to cover these disk blocks (\"0,2-4\" means 0, 2, and 3)",
+ help = "if specified, only target this many eligible blocks",
args = parser.parse_args()
- if args.block_ranges is None:
- target_ranges = None
- else:
- target_ranges = []
- for r in sorted(args.block_ranges, key = lambda r: r.start):
- if target_ranges and r.start <= target_ranges[-1].stop:
- prev = target_ranges.pop()
- target_ranges.append(range(prev.start, max(prev.stop, r.stop)))
- else:
- target_ranges.append(r)
+ path = f"/dev/mapper/diskjumble-{args.disk_id}"
with contextlib.closing(psycopg2.connect("")) as conn:
- path = f"/dev/mapper/diskjumble-{args.disk_id}"
+ conn.autocommit = True
+ target_ranges = _get_target_ranges(conn, args.block_limit)
with open(path, "rb", buffering = _READ_BUFFER_SIZE) as disk_file:
- with conn:
- _do_verify(conn, args.disk_id, target_ranges, disk_file, _READ_BUFFER_SIZE, args.read_tries)
+ _do_verify(conn, args.disk_id, target_ranges, disk_file, _READ_BUFFER_SIZE, args.read_tries)