-Import "bmk_config.bmx"\r
-'OS X Nasm doesn't work? Used to produce incorrect reloc offsets - haven't checked for a while \r
-Const USE_NASM=False\r
-Const CC_WARNINGS=False'True\r
-Type TModOpt ' BaH\r
- Field cc_opts:String = ""\r
- Field ld_opts:TList = New TList\r
- \r
- Method addOption(qval:String)\r
- If qval.startswith("CC_OPTS") Then\r
- cc_opts:+ " " + qval[qval.find(":") + 1..].Trim()\r
- ElseIf qval.startswith("LD_OPTS") Then\r
- Local opt:String = qval[qval.find(":") + 1..].Trim()\r
- \r
- If opt.startsWith("-L") Then\r
- opt = "-L" + CQuote(opt[2..])\r
- End If\r
- \r
- ld_opts.addLast opt\r
- End If\r
- End Method\r
- \r
- Method hasCCopt:Int(value:String)\r
- Return cc_opts.find(value) >= 0\r
- End Method\r
- Method hasLDopt:Int(value:String)\r
- For Local opt:String = EachIn ld_opts\r
- If opt.find(value) >= 0 Then\r
- Return True\r
- End If\r
- Next\r
- Return False\r
- End Method\r
- Function setPath:String(value:String, path:String)\r
- Return value.Replace("%PWD%", path)\r
- End Function\r
- \r
-End Type\r
-Global mod_opts:TModOpt ' BaH\r
-Function Match( ext$,pat$ )\r
- Return (";"+pat+";").Find( ";"+ext+";" )<>-1\r
-End Function\r
-Function HTTPEsc$( t$ )\r
- t=t.Replace( " ","%20" )\r
- Return t\r
-End Function\r
-Function Sys( cmd$ )\r
- If opt_verbose\r
- Print cmd\r
- Else If opt_dumpbuild\r
- Local p$=cmd\r
- p=p.Replace( BlitzMaxPath()+"/","./" )\r
- WriteStdout p+"~n"\r
- Local t$="mkdir "\r
- If cmd.StartsWith( t ) And FileType( cmd[t.length..] ) Return\r
- EndIf\r
- Return system_( cmd )\r
-End Function\r
-Function CQuote$( t$ )\r
- If t And t[0]=Asc("-") Return t\r
- For Local i=0 Until t.length\r
- If t[i]=Asc(".") Continue\r
- If t[i]=Asc("/") Continue\r
- If t[i]=Asc("\") Continue\r
- If t[i]=Asc("_") Or t[i]=Asc("-") Continue\r
- If t[i]>=Asc("0") And t[i]<=Asc("9") Continue\r
- If t[i]>=Asc("A") And t[i]<=Asc("Z") Continue\r
- If t[i]>=Asc("a") And t[i]<=Asc("z") Continue\r
- Return "~q"+t+"~q"\r
- Next\r
- Return t\r
-End Function\r
-Function Ranlib( dir$ )\r
- '\r
- If macos_version>=$1040 Return\r
- '\r
- For Local f$=EachIn LoadDir( dir )\r
- Local p$=dir+"/"+f\r
- Select FileType( p )\r
- Ranlib p\r
- If ExtractExt(f).ToLower()="a" Sys "ranlib "+p\r
- End Select\r
- Next\r
-End Function\r
-Function Assemble( src$,obj$ )\r
- DeleteFile obj\r
- Local cmd$\r
- If opt_arch="ppc" \r
- cmd="as -arch ppc"\r
- Else\r
- cmd="nasm -f macho"\r
- Else\r
- cmd="as -arch i386"\r
- EndIf\r
- EndIf\r
- cmd:+" -W -o "+CQuote(obj)+" "+CQuote(src);\r
- cmd$=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/fasm")+" "+CQuote(src)+" "+CQuote(obj)\r
- Local opts$=getenv_( "BMK_FASM_OPTS" )\r
- If opts="" opts="-m1048560"\r
- cmd$=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/fasm")+" "+opts+" "+CQuote(src)+" "+CQuote(obj)\r
- If Sys( cmd )\r
- Throw "Build Error: Failed to assemble "+src\r
- EndIf\r
-End Function\r
-Function CompileC( src$,obj$,opts$ )\r
- DeleteFile obj\r
- Local t$=getenv_( "BMK_CC_OPTS" )\r
- If t opts:+" "+t\r
- Local cmd$="gcc"\r
- If ExtractExt(src)="cpp" Or ExtractExt(src)="cc" Or ExtractExt(src)="cxx" Or ExtractExt(src)="mm"\r
- cmd="g++"\r
- Else\r
- If CC_WARNINGS opts:+" -Wimplicit-function-declaration"\r
- EndIf\r
- If Not CC_WARNINGS opts:+" -w"\r
- If opt_arch="ppc" \r
- opts:+" -arch ppc"\r
- Else\r
- opts:+" -arch i386"\r
- EndIf\r
- If macos_version>=$1070 'Lion?\r
- opts:+" -mmacosx-version-min=10.4" '...can build for Tiger++\r
- Else If macos_version>=$1040 'Tiger?\r
- opts:+" -mmacosx-version-min=10.3" '...can build for Panther++\r
- EndIf\r
- If Not mod_opts Or Not mod_opts.hasCCopt("-march")\r
- opts:+" -march=pentium"\r
- EndIf\r
- opts:+" -ffast-math"\r
- opts:+" -m32 -mfancy-math-387 -fno-strict-aliasing"\r
- If mod_opts\r
- If Not mod_opts.hasCCopt("-fexceptions")\r
- opts:+" -fno-exceptions"\r
- EndIf\r
- opts:+ " " + mod_opts.cc_opts ' BaH\r
- Else\r
- opts:+" -fno-exceptions"\r
- EndIf\r
- cmd:+opts+" -c -o "+CQuote(obj)+" "+CQuote(src)\r
- If Sys( cmd )\r
- Throw "Build Error: failed to compile "+src\r
- EndIf\r
-End Function\r
-Function CompileBMX( src$,obj$,opts$ )\r
- DeleteFile obj\r
- Local azm$=StripExt(obj)+".s"\r
- Local cmd$=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/bcc")+opts+" -o "+CQuote(azm)+" "+CQuote(src)\r
- Local cmd$=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/bcc")+opts+" -o "+CQuote(azm)+" "+CQuote(src)\r
-?Linux \r
- Local cmd$=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/bcc")+opts+" -o "+CQuote(azm)+" "+CQuote(src)\r
- If Sys( cmd )\r
- Throw "Build Error: failed to compile "+src\r
- EndIf\r
- If opt_arch="x86"\r
- If Not USE_NASM\r
- Local cmd$=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/fasm2as")+" "+CQuote(azm)\r
- If Sys( cmd ) Throw "Fasm2as failed - please contact BRL!"\r
- EndIf\r
- EndIf\r
- Assemble azm,obj\r
-End Function\r
-Function CreateArc( path$ , oobjs:TList )\r
- DeleteFile path\r
- Local cmd$,t$\r
- For t$=EachIn oobjs\r
- If Len(cmd)+Len(t)>1000\r
- If Sys( cmd )\r
- DeleteFile path\r
- Throw "Build Error: Failed to create archive "+path\r
- EndIf\r
- cmd=""\r
- EndIf\r
- If Not cmd cmd="ar -r "+CQuote(path)\r
- cmd:+" "+CQuote(t)\r
- Next\r
- cmd="libtool -o "+CQuote(path)\r
- For Local t$=EachIn oobjs\r
- cmd:+" "+CQuote(t)\r
- Next\r
- For Local t$=EachIn oobjs\r
- If Len(cmd)+Len(t)>1000\r
- If Sys( cmd )\r
- DeleteFile path\r
- Throw "Build Error: Failed to create archive "+path\r
- EndIf\r
- cmd=""\r
- EndIf\r
- If Not cmd cmd="ar -r "+CQuote(path)\r
- cmd:+" "+CQuote(t)\r
- Next\r
- If cmd And Sys( cmd )\r
- DeleteFile path\r
- Throw "Build Error: Failed to create archive "+path\r
- EndIf\r
-End Function\r
-Function LinkApp( path$,lnk_files:TList,makelib )\r
- DeleteFile path\r
- Local cmd$\r
- Local files$\r
- Local tmpfile$=BlitzMaxPath()+"/tmp/ld.tmp"\r
- cmd="g++"\r
- \r
- If opt_arch="ppc" \r
- cmd:+" -arch ppc" \r
- Else\r
- cmd:+" -arch i386 -read_only_relocs suppress"\r
- EndIf\r
- If macos_version>=$1070 'Lion?\r
- cmd:+" -mmacosx-version-min=10.4" '...can build for Tiger++\r
- Else If macos_version>=$1040 'Tiger?\r
- cmd:+" -mmacosx-version-min=10.3" '...can build for Panther++\r
- EndIf\r
- cmd:+" -o "+CQuote( path )\r
- cmd:+" "+CQuote( "-L"+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib" ) )\r
- If Not opt_dumpbuild cmd:+" -filelist "+CQuote( tmpfile )\r
- \r
- For Local t$=EachIn lnk_files\r
- If opt_dumpbuild Or (t[..1]="-")\r
- cmd:+" "+t \r
- Else\r
- files:+t+Chr(10)\r
- EndIf\r
- Next\r
- cmd:+" -lSystem -framework CoreServices -framework CoreFoundation"\r
- cmd=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/ld.exe")+" -s -stack 4194304" 'symbol stripping enabled\r
- If opt_apptype="gui" cmd:+" -subsystem windows"\r
- If makelib cmd:+" -shared"\r
- \r
- cmd:+" -o "+CQuote( path )\r
- cmd:+" "+CQuote( "-L"+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib" ) )\r
- If makelib\r
- Local imp$=StripExt(path)+".a"\r
- Local def$=StripExt(path)+".def"\r
- If FileType( def )<>FILETYPE_FILE Throw "Cannot locate .def file"\r
- cmd:+" "+def\r
- cmd:+" --out-implib "+imp\r
- files:+"~n"+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib/dllcrt2.o" )\r
- Else\r
- files:+"~n"+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib/crtbegin.o" )\r
- files:+"~n"+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib/crt2.o" )\r
- EndIf\r
- 'Unholy!!!!!\r
- Local xpmanifest$\r
- For Local f$=EachIn lnk_files\r
- Local t$=CQuote( f )\r
- If opt_dumpbuild Or (t[..1]="-" And t[..2]<>"-l")\r
- cmd:+" "+t\r
- Else\r
- If f.EndsWith( "/win32maxguiex.mod/xpmanifest.o" )\r
- xpmanifest=t\r
- Else\r
- files:+"~n"+t\r
- EndIf\r
- EndIf\r
- Next\r
- If xpmanifest files:+"~n"+xpmanifest\r
- \r
- cmd:+" "+CQuote( tmpfile )\r
- files:+"~n-lgdi32 -lwsock32 -lwinmm -ladvapi32"\r
- files:+" -lstdc++ -lgcc -lmingwex -lmingw32 -lmoldname -lmsvcrt -luser32 -lkernel32"\r
- \r
- If Not makelib\r
- files:+" "+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib/crtend.o" )\r
- EndIf\r
- \r
- files="INPUT("+files+")"\r
- cmd="g++"\r
- cmd:+" -m32 -s -Os -pthread"\r
- cmd:+" -o "+CQuote( path )\r
- cmd:+" "+CQuote( tmpfile )\r
- cmd:+" -Wl,-rpath='$ORIGIN'"\r
- cmd:+" -L/usr/lib32"\r
- cmd:+" -L/usr/X11R6/lib"\r
- cmd:+" -L/usr/lib"\r
- cmd:+" -L"+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib" )\r
- For Local t$=EachIn lnk_files\r
- t=CQuote(t)\r
- If opt_dumpbuild Or (t[..1]="-" And t[..2]<>"-l")\r
- cmd:+" "+t\r
- Else\r
- files:+" "+t\r
- EndIf\r
- Next\r
- files="INPUT("+files+")"\r
- Local t$=getenv_( "BMK_LD_OPTS" )\r
- If t \r
- cmd:+" "+t\r
- EndIf\r
- Local stream:TStream=WriteStream( tmpfile )\r
- stream.WriteBytes files.ToCString(),files.length\r
- stream.Close\r
- \r
- If Sys( cmd ) Throw "Build Error: Failed to link "+path\r
-End Function\r
+Import "bmk_config.bmx"
+'OS X Nasm doesn't work? Used to produce incorrect reloc offsets - haven't checked for a while
+Const USE_NASM=False
+Const CC_WARNINGS=False'True
+Type TModOpt ' BaH
+ Field cc_opts:String = ""
+ Field ld_opts:TList = New TList
+ Method addOption(qval:String)
+ If qval.startswith("CC_OPTS") Then
+ cc_opts:+ " " + qval[qval.find(":") + 1..].Trim()
+ ElseIf qval.startswith("LD_OPTS") Then
+ Local opt:String = qval[qval.find(":") + 1..].Trim()
+ If opt.startsWith("-L") Then
+ opt = "-L" + CQuote(opt[2..])
+ End If
+ ld_opts.addLast opt
+ End If
+ End Method
+ Method hasCCopt:Int(value:String)
+ Return cc_opts.find(value) >= 0
+ End Method
+ Method hasLDopt:Int(value:String)
+ For Local opt:String = EachIn ld_opts
+ If opt.find(value) >= 0 Then
+ Return True
+ End If
+ Next
+ Return False
+ End Method
+ Function setPath:String(value:String, path:String)
+ Return value.Replace("%PWD%", path)
+ End Function
+End Type
+Global mod_opts:TModOpt ' BaH
+Function Match( ext$,pat$ )
+ Return (";"+pat+";").Find( ";"+ext+";" )<>-1
+End Function
+Function HTTPEsc$( t$ )
+ t=t.Replace( " ","%20" )
+ Return t
+End Function
+Function Sys( cmd$ )
+ If opt_verbose
+ Print cmd
+ Else If opt_dumpbuild
+ Local p$=cmd
+ p=p.Replace( BlitzMaxPath()+"/","./" )
+ WriteStdout p+"~n"
+ Local t$="mkdir "
+ If cmd.StartsWith( t ) And FileType( cmd[t.length..] ) Return
+ EndIf
+ Return system_( cmd )
+End Function
+Function CQuote$( t$ )
+ If t And t[0]=Asc("-") Return t
+ For Local i=0 Until t.length
+ If t[i]=Asc(".") Continue
+ If t[i]=Asc("/") Continue
+ If t[i]=Asc("\") Continue
+ If t[i]=Asc("_") Or t[i]=Asc("-") Continue
+ If t[i]>=Asc("0") And t[i]<=Asc("9") Continue
+ If t[i]>=Asc("A") And t[i]<=Asc("Z") Continue
+ If t[i]>=Asc("a") And t[i]<=Asc("z") Continue
+ Return "~q"+t+"~q"
+ Next
+ Return t
+End Function
+Function Ranlib( dir$ )
+ '
+ If macos_version>=$1040 Return
+ '
+ For Local f$=EachIn LoadDir( dir )
+ Local p$=dir+"/"+f
+ Select FileType( p )
+ Ranlib p
+ If ExtractExt(f).ToLower()="a" Sys "ranlib "+p
+ End Select
+ Next
+End Function
+Function Assemble( src$,obj$ )
+ DeleteFile obj
+ Local cmd$
+ If opt_arch="ppc"
+ cmd="as -arch ppc"
+ Else
+ cmd="nasm -f macho"
+ Else
+ cmd="as -arch i386"
+ cmd:+" -mmacosx-version-min=10.6"
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ cmd:+" -W -o "+CQuote(obj)+" "+CQuote(src);
+ cmd$=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/fasm")+" "+CQuote(src)+" "+CQuote(obj)
+ Local opts$=getenv_( "BMK_FASM_OPTS" )
+ If opts="" opts="-m1048560"
+ cmd$=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/fasm")+" "+opts+" "+CQuote(src)+" "+CQuote(obj)
+ If Sys( cmd )
+ Throw "Build Error: Failed to assemble "+src
+ EndIf
+End Function
+Function CompileC( src$,obj$,opts$ )
+ DeleteFile obj
+ Local t$=getenv_( "BMK_CC_OPTS" )
+ If t opts:+" "+t
+ Local cmd$="gcc"
+ If ExtractExt(src)="cpp" Or ExtractExt(src)="cc" Or ExtractExt(src)="cxx" Or ExtractExt(src)="mm"
+ cmd="g++"
+ Else
+ If CC_WARNINGS opts:+" -Wimplicit-function-declaration"
+ EndIf
+ If Not CC_WARNINGS opts:+" -w"
+ If opt_arch="ppc"
+ opts:+" -arch ppc"
+ Else
+ opts:+" -arch i386"
+ EndIf
+ opts:+" -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" 'build for Snow Leopard++
+' If macos_version>=$1070 'Lion?
+' opts:+" -mmacosx-version-min=10.4" '...can build for Tiger++
+' Else If macos_version>=$1040 'Tiger?
+' opts:+" -mmacosx-version-min=10.3" '...can build for Panther++
+' EndIf
+ If Not mod_opts Or Not mod_opts.hasCCopt("-march")
+ opts:+" -march=pentium"
+ EndIf
+ opts:+" -ffast-math"
+ opts:+" -m32 -mfancy-math-387 -fno-strict-aliasing"
+ If mod_opts
+ If Not mod_opts.hasCCopt("-fexceptions")
+ opts:+" -fno-exceptions"
+ EndIf
+ opts:+ " " + mod_opts.cc_opts ' BaH
+ Else
+ opts:+" -fno-exceptions"
+ EndIf
+ cmd:+opts+" -c -o "+CQuote(obj)+" "+CQuote(src)
+ If Sys( cmd )
+ Throw "Build Error: failed to compile "+src
+ EndIf
+End Function
+Function CompileBMX( src$,obj$,opts$ )
+ DeleteFile obj
+ Local azm$=StripExt(obj)+".s"
+ Local cmd$=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/bcc")+opts+" -o "+CQuote(azm)+" "+CQuote(src)
+ Local cmd$=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/bcc")+opts+" -o "+CQuote(azm)+" "+CQuote(src)
+ Local cmd$=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/bcc")+opts+" -o "+CQuote(azm)+" "+CQuote(src)
+ If Sys( cmd )
+ Throw "Build Error: failed to compile "+src
+ EndIf
+ If opt_arch="x86"
+ Local cmd$=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/fasm2as")+" "+CQuote(azm)
+ If Sys( cmd ) Throw "Fasm2as failed - please contact BRL!"
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ Assemble azm,obj
+End Function
+Function CreateArc( path$ , oobjs:TList )
+ DeleteFile path
+ Local cmd$,t$
+ For t$=EachIn oobjs
+ If Len(cmd)+Len(t)>1000
+ If Sys( cmd )
+ DeleteFile path
+ Throw "Build Error: Failed to create archive "+path
+ EndIf
+ cmd=""
+ EndIf
+ If Not cmd cmd="ar -r "+CQuote(path)
+ cmd:+" "+CQuote(t)
+ Next
+ cmd="libtool -o "+CQuote(path)
+ For Local t$=EachIn oobjs
+ cmd:+" "+CQuote(t)
+ Next
+ For Local t$=EachIn oobjs
+ If Len(cmd)+Len(t)>1000
+ If Sys( cmd )
+ DeleteFile path
+ Throw "Build Error: Failed to create archive "+path
+ EndIf
+ cmd=""
+ EndIf
+ If Not cmd cmd="ar -r "+CQuote(path)
+ cmd:+" "+CQuote(t)
+ Next
+ If cmd And Sys( cmd )
+ DeleteFile path
+ Throw "Build Error: Failed to create archive "+path
+ EndIf
+End Function
+Function LinkApp( path$,lnk_files:TList,makelib )
+ DeleteFile path
+ Local cmd$
+ Local files$
+ Local tmpfile$=BlitzMaxPath()+"/tmp/ld.tmp"
+ cmd="g++"
+ If opt_arch="ppc"
+ cmd:+" -arch ppc"
+ Else
+ cmd:+" -arch i386 -read_only_relocs suppress"
+ EndIf
+ cmd:+" -mmacosx-version-min=10.6" 'build for Snow Leopard++
+' If macos_version>=$1070 'Lion?
+' cmd:+" -mmacosx-version-min=10.4" '...can build for Tiger++
+' Else If macos_version>=$1040 'Tiger?
+' cmd:+" -mmacosx-version-min=10.3" '...can build for Panther++
+' EndIf
+ cmd:+" -o "+CQuote( path )
+ cmd:+" "+CQuote( "-L"+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib" ) )
+ If Not opt_dumpbuild cmd:+" -filelist "+CQuote( tmpfile )
+ For Local t$=EachIn lnk_files
+ If opt_dumpbuild Or (t[..1]="-")
+ cmd:+" "+t
+ Else
+ files:+t+Chr(10)
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ cmd:+" -lSystem -framework CoreServices -framework CoreFoundation"
+ cmd=CQuote(BlitzMaxPath()+"/bin/ld.exe")+" -s -stack 4194304" 'symbol stripping enabled
+ If opt_apptype="gui" cmd:+" -subsystem windows"
+ If makelib cmd:+" -shared"
+ cmd:+" -o "+CQuote( path )
+ cmd:+" "+CQuote( "-L"+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib" ) )
+ If makelib
+ Local imp$=StripExt(path)+".a"
+ Local def$=StripExt(path)+".def"
+ If FileType( def )<>FILETYPE_FILE Throw "Cannot locate .def file"
+ cmd:+" "+def
+ cmd:+" --out-implib "+imp
+ files:+"~n"+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib/dllcrt2.o" )
+ Else
+ files:+"~n"+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib/crtbegin.o" )
+ files:+"~n"+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib/crt2.o" )
+ EndIf
+ 'Unholy!!!!!
+ Local xpmanifest$
+ For Local f$=EachIn lnk_files
+ Local t$=CQuote( f )
+ If opt_dumpbuild Or (t[..1]="-" And t[..2]<>"-l")
+ cmd:+" "+t
+ Else
+ If f.EndsWith( "/win32maxguiex.mod/xpmanifest.o" )
+ xpmanifest=t
+ Else
+ files:+"~n"+t
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ If xpmanifest files:+"~n"+xpmanifest
+ cmd:+" "+CQuote( tmpfile )
+ files:+"~n-lgdi32 -lwsock32 -lwinmm -ladvapi32"
+ files:+" -lstdc++ -lgcc -lmingwex -lmingw32 -lmoldname -lmsvcrt -luser32 -lkernel32"
+ If Not makelib
+ files:+" "+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib/crtend.o" )
+ EndIf
+ files="INPUT("+files+")"
+ cmd="g++"
+ cmd:+" -m32 -s -Os -pthread"
+ cmd:+" -o "+CQuote( path )
+ cmd:+" "+CQuote( tmpfile )
+ cmd:+" -Wl,-rpath='$ORIGIN'"
+ cmd:+" -L/usr/lib32"
+ cmd:+" -L/usr/X11R6/lib"
+ cmd:+" -L/usr/lib"
+ cmd:+" -L"+CQuote( BlitzMaxPath()+"/lib" )
+ For Local t$=EachIn lnk_files
+ t=CQuote(t)
+ If opt_dumpbuild Or (t[..1]="-" And t[..2]<>"-l")
+ cmd:+" "+t
+ Else
+ files:+" "+t
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ files="INPUT("+files+")"
+ Local t$=getenv_( "BMK_LD_OPTS" )
+ If t
+ cmd:+" "+t
+ EndIf
+ Local stream:TStream=WriteStream( tmpfile )
+ stream.WriteBytes files.ToCString(),files.length
+ stream.Close
+ If Sys( cmd ) Throw "Build Error: Failed to link "+path
+End Function