separated dpimanifest from xpmanifest for backwards compatability
authorSimon Armstrong <Simon Armstrong>
Thu, 2 Feb 2017 03:28:25 +0000 (16:28 +1300)
committerSimon Armstrong <Simon Armstrong>
Thu, 2 Feb 2017 03:28:25 +0000 (16:28 +1300)
13 files changed:
mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/dpimanifest.bmx [new file with mode: 0644]
mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/dpimanifest.o [new file with mode: 0644]
mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/resources/compile.cmd [new file with mode: 0644]
mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/resources/dpi.manifest [new file with mode: 0644]
mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/resources/dpi.rc [new file with mode: 0644]
mod/maxgui.mod/xpmanifest.mod/resources/resources.rc [deleted file]
mod/maxgui.mod/xpmanifest.mod/resources/xp.rc [new file with mode: 0644]

index fdfb563bcfe33703335f9a61ce1532fe1eb4cf59..4ad413a76abe9e220d42f7832544386ef5daa91d 100644 (file)
@@ -13,3 +13,4 @@
diff --git a/mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/dpimanifest.bmx b/mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/dpimanifest.bmx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..75b7113
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+bbdoc: MaxGUI Manifest File for DPI-aware Windows 10 systems
+End Rem
+Module MaxGUI.DPIManifest
+ModuleInfo "Version: 0.01"
+ModuleInfo "Author: Simon Armstrong"
+ModuleInfo "License: zlib/libpng"
+ModuleInfo "History: 0.01 Release"
+Import "dpimanifest.o"
diff --git a/mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/dpimanifest.o b/mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/dpimanifest.o
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6fa7250
Binary files /dev/null and b/mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/dpimanifest.o differ
diff --git a/mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/resources/compile.cmd b/mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/resources/compile.cmd
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..98cf258
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+@echo off\r
+windres -o ../dpimanifest.o dpi.rc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/resources/dpi.manifest b/mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/resources/dpi.manifest
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b5d1094
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>\r
+<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3" >\r
+  <asmv3:application>\r
+    <asmv3:windowsSettings xmlns="">\r
+      <dpiAware>true</dpiAware>\r
+    </asmv3:windowsSettings>\r
+  </asmv3:application>\r
+    <assemblyIdentity\r
+        version=""\r
+        processorArchitecture="X86"\r
+        name="BRL.BlitzMax.MaxGUI"\r
+        type="win32" />\r
+    <description>MaxGUI</description>\r
+    <dependency>\r
+        <dependentAssembly>\r
+            <assemblyIdentity\r
+                type="win32"\r
+                name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls"\r
+                version=""\r
+                processorArchitecture="X86"\r
+                publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df"\r
+                language="*" />\r
+        </dependentAssembly>\r
+    </dependency>\r
diff --git a/mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/resources/dpi.rc b/mod/maxgui.mod/dpimanifest.mod/resources/dpi.rc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..99afd1b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#define RT_MANIFEST    24\r
+#define MANIFEST_ID    1\r
+MANIFEST_ID            RT_MANIFEST     "dpi.manifest"\r
index 4e3f8fe6505262f698f078b675edd838a2902e25..3d7d9c6f655fb436c5e0f40b16e8d96d1914a0f7 100644 (file)
-bbdoc: MaxGUI Drivers/Win32MaxGUIEx
-End Rem
-Module MaxGUI.Win32MaxGUIEx
-ModuleInfo "Version: 0.75"
-ModuleInfo "Author: Simon Armstrong, Seb Hollington"
-ModuleInfo "License: zlib/libpng"
-Import MaxGUI.MaxGUI
-Import "winimports.bmx"
-' Import "xpmanifest.o"
-maxgui_driver = New TWindowsGUIDriver
-Type TWindowsGUIDriver Extends TMaxGUIDriver
-       Global GadgetMap:TMap
-       Global GDIDesktop:TWindowsDesktop
-       Global GDIFont:TWindowsFont
-       Global ClassAtom
-       Global ClassAtom2
-       Global KBMessageHook,MouseMessageHook
-       Global windowtheme:Short Ptr
-       Global _cursor, _commoncontrolversion[]
-       Global _explorerstyle = False
-       Global _activeWindow:TWindowsWindow = Null
-       Global _customcolors[] =        [$FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, ..
-                                                $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF ]
-       Global _hwndTooltips%
-       Global intDontReleaseCapture% = False   'See WM_CAPTURECHANGED
-       Method New()
-               'Initialize libraries
-               OleInitialize(Null)
-               icc.dwSize = SizeOf(icc)
-               InitCommonControlsEx icc
-               'Initialize Global Variables
-               GDIFont=TWindowsFont.DefaultFont()
-               GadgetMap=New TMap
-               GDIDesktop=New TWindowsDesktop
-               'Set-up Message Hooks
-               KBMessageHook=SetWindowsHookExW(WH_KEYBOARD,KeyboardProc,GetModuleHandleW(Null),GetCurrentThreadId())
-               MouseMessageHook=SetWindowsHookExW(WH_MOUSE,MouseProc,GetModuleHandleW(Null),GetCurrentThreadId())
-               'Gadget Tooltips
-               _hwndTooltips = CreateWindowExW( 0,"tooltips_class32","",WS_POPUP|TTS_ALWAYSTIP,0,0,0,0,GDIDesktop._hwnd,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null )
-               SendMessageW( _hwndTooltips, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, 300 )
-               SetWindowPos( _hwndTooltips, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE )
-       EndMethod
-       Method Delete()
-               DestroyWindow( _hwndTooltips );_hwndTooltips = 0
-               UnhookWindowsHookEx MouseMessageHook
-               UnhookWindowsHookEx KBMessageHook
-       EndMethod
-       Method UserName$()
-               Return getenv_("username")
-       End Method
-       Method ComputerName$()
-               Return getenv_("userdomain")
-       End Method
-       'Low-level Win32 interface
-       Function RegisterHwnd(hwnd,gadget:TWindowsGadget)
-               GadgetMap.Insert TIntWrapper.Create(hwnd),gadget                
-       EndFunction
-       Function RemoveHwnd(hwnd)
-               GadgetMap.Remove TIntWrapper.Create(hwnd)
-       EndFunction
-       Function GadgetFromHwnd:TWindowsGadget(hwnd) nodebug
-               Return TWindowsGadget(GadgetMap.ValueForKey(TIntWrapper.Create(hwnd)))
-       EndFunction
-       Function ClassWndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp) "win32"
-               Local owner:TWindowsGadget
-               Local res
-               Local nmhdr:Int Ptr
-               '?Debug And Win32
-               'Print TWindowsDebug.ReverseLookupMsg(msg) + ", hwnd: " + hwnd + ", wp: " + wp + ", lp: " + lp
-               '?Win32
-               Select msg
-                       Case WM_MENUCHAR
-                               If HotKeyEventFromWp(wp & $FF) Then
-                                       Return (MNC_CLOSE Shl 16)
-                               Else
-                                       Return (MNC_IGNORE Shl 16)
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_SIZE
-                               owner = GadgetFromHwnd(hwnd)
-                               If owner And Not TWindowsWindow(owner) Then
-                                       If hwnd = owner.Query(QUERY_HWND) Then owner.RethinkClient()
-                                       If hwnd = owner.Query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT) Then owner.LayoutKids()
-                               EndIf
-                               owner=GadgetFromHwnd(lp)
-                               Select True
-                                       Case TWindowsLabel(owner) <> Null
-                                               SetBkMode(wp, TRANSPARENT)
-                                               If owner.FgColor() > -1 Then SetTextColor_(wp, owner.FgColor())
-                                               Return owner.CreateControlBrush( owner._hwnd, wp )
-                                       Case TWindowsPanel(owner) <> Null
-                                               If TWindowsPanel(owner)._type = TWindowsPanel.PANELGROUP Then
-                                                       SetBkMode(wp, TRANSPARENT)
-                                                       If owner.FgColor() > -1 Then SetTextColor_(wp, owner.FgColor())
-                                                       Return owner.CreateControlBrush( lp, wp )
-                                               EndIf
-                                       Case TWindowsTextField(owner) <> Null, TWindowsComboBox(owner) <> Null
-                                               If owner.FgColor() > -1 Then SetTextColor_(wp, owner.FgColor())
-                                               If owner.BgBrush() Then SetBkColor(wp, owner.BgColor());Return owner.BgBrush()
-                                       Case TWindowsButton(owner) <> Null, TWindowsSlider(owner) <> Null
-                                               SetBkMode(wp, TRANSPARENT)
-                                               If owner.FgColor() > -1 Then SetTextColor_(wp, owner.FgColor())
-                                               Return owner.CreateControlBrush( owner._hwnd, wp )
-                               EndSelect
-                               owner = Null
-                       Case WM_COMMAND,WM_HSCROLL,WM_VSCROLL
-                               If lp Then
-                                       owner=GadgetFromHwnd(lp)
-                                       'Fix for tab control's up/down arrow.
-                                       If Not owner Then owner = GadgetFromHwnd(GetParent_(lp))
-                               Else
-                                       owner=GadgetFromHwnd(hwnd)              'Fixed for menu events
-                               EndIf
-                               If Not owner Then owner = GadgetFromHwnd(hwnd)
-                               If owner Then
-                                       res=owner.OnCommand(msg,wp)
-                                       If Not res And owner._proc And owner._hwnd = hwnd Return CallWindowProcW(owner._proc,hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-                                       Return res
-                               Else
-                                       Return DefWindowProcW( hwnd,msg,wp,lp )
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_NOTIFY
-                               'Gadget tooltips
-                               nmhdr=Int Ptr(lp)
-                               owner=GadgetFromHwnd(nmhdr[0])          
-                               If owner Then
-                                       Select nmhdr[2]
-                                               Case TTN_GETDISPINFOW
-                                                       If owner._wstrTooltip Then nmhdr[3] = Int(owner._wstrTooltip)
-                                       EndSelect
-                                       Return owner.OnNotify(wp,lp)
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_SETCURSOR
-                               If _cursor Then
-                                       SetCursor(_cursor)
-                                       Return 1
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_ACTIVATEAPP, WM_ACTIVATE
-                               SystemEmitOSEvent(hwnd,msg,wp,lp,Null)
-                       Case WM_DRAWITEM
-                               Local tmpDrawItemStruct:DRAWITEMSTRUCT = New DRAWITEMSTRUCT
-                               MemCopy tmpDrawItemStruct, Byte Ptr lp, SizeOf(tmpDrawItemStruct)
-                               owner = GadgetFromHwnd(tmpDrawItemStruct.hwndItem)
-                               If owner And owner.OnDrawItem( tmpDrawItemStruct ) Then Return True
-                               owner = Null
-                       'Allow BRL.System to handle mouse/key events on sensitive gadgets.
-                       Case WM_CAPTURECHANGED
-                               'For preventing problem where controls which called SetCapture() internally
-                               'had their capture prematurely released by the ReleaseCapture() call in BRL.System.
-                               intDontReleaseCapture = False
-                               'If SetCapture() is called again after BRL.System's call (when the new
-                               'capture hwnd [lp] = old hwnd [hwnd]) then we dont want to call ReleaseCapture() in BRL.System
-                               'when WM_MOUSEBUTTONUP is received by the system hook TWindowsGUIDriver.MouseProc().
-                               If (lp = hwnd) And (Not intEmitOSEvent) Then intDontReleaseCapture = True
-                       Default
-                               'Added preliminary check to avoid searching for a gadget in GadgetMap un-necessarily.
-                               If (msg = WM_MOUSEWHEEL) Or (msg = WM_MOUSELEAVE) Or (msg>=WM_KEYFIRST And msg<=WM_KEYLAST) Then
-                                       owner=GadgetFromHwnd(hwnd)
-                                       If owner Then
-                                               Select msg
-                                                       Case WM_MOUSELEAVE, WM_MOUSEWHEEL
-                                                               If (owner.sensitivity&SENSITIZE_MOUSE) Then SystemEmitOSEvent hwnd,msg,wp,lp,owner
-                                                       Case WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, WM_SYSKEYUP, WM_CHAR, WM_SYSCHAR
-                                                               If (owner.sensitivity&SENSITIZE_KEYS) And Not GadgetDisabled(owner) Then
-                                                                       SystemEmitOSEvent hwnd,msg,wp,lp,owner
-                                                               EndIf
-                                                               If (msg<>WM_CHAR And msg<>WM_SYSCHAR) And HotKeyEventFromWp(wp) Then Return 1
-                                               EndSelect
-                                       EndIf
-                               EndIf
-               EndSelect
-               If Not owner Then owner=GadgetFromHwnd(hwnd)
-               If owner Return owner.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Return DefWindowProcW( hwnd,msg,wp,lp )
-       EndFunction
-       Function KeyboardProc( code,wparam,lparam ) "win32" nodebug
-               Local ev:TEvent, hwnd%, tmpClassName:Short[16], mods:Int, key:Int = wparam
-               If code>=0 Then
-                       'Removed:
-'                      Rem
-                       If wparam = $D Then     '$D: VK_RETURN
-                               hwnd = GetFocus()
-                               If hwnd And GetClassNameW(hwnd,tmpClassName,tmpClassName.length) And String.FromWString(tmpClassName).ToUpper() = "EDIT" Then
-                                       SetFocus(GetParent_(hwnd))
-                               EndIf
-                       EndIf
-'                      EndRem
-                       ev = HotkeyEventFromWp(wparam)
-                       If ev
-                               'Hot-key events shouldn't be emitted if the source gadget is disabled
-                               If Not(TGadget(ev.source) And GadgetDisabled(TGadget(ev.source))) Then
-                                       If Not (lparam & $80000000) Then
-                                               EmitEvent ev
-                                               If ev.mods Then Return 1        'Key press events never reach active panels etc. if we return 1
-                                       EndIf
-                               EndIf
-                       EndIf           
-               EndIf
-               Return CallNextHookEx( KBMessageHook,code,wparam,lparam );
-       EndFunction
-       Function HotkeyEventFromWp:TEvent(wparam)
-               Local key = wparam, mods = KeyMods()
-               Select wparam
-                       Case VK_SHIFT, $A0, $A1
-                               If (wparam=VK_SHIFT) Then key = KEY_LSHIFT
-                               mods:&~MODIFIER_SHIFT
-                       Case VK_CONTROL, $A2, $A3
-                               If (wparam=VK_CONTROL) Then key = KEY_LCONTROL
-                               mods:&~MODIFIER_CONTROL
-                       Case VK_MENU, $A4, $A5
-                               If (wparam=VK_MENU) Then key = KEY_LALT
-                               mods:&~MODIFIER_ALT
-                       Case VK_LWIN, VK_RWIN
-                               mods:&~MODIFIER_SYSTEM
-               EndSelect
-               Return HotKeyEvent( key,mods,GetForegroundWindow() )
-       EndFunction
-       Global intButtonStates%[3]
-       Function MouseProc( code,wparam,lparam ) "win32" nodebug
-               If code>=0 And wparam >= WM_MOUSEFIRST And wparam <= WM_MOUSELAST Then 'Not needed as MouseProc only receives mouse messages!!!
-                       Local MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT:Int Ptr = Int Ptr(lparam), wp, lp, data
-                       Local hwnd% = MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT[2], msg% = wparam, owner:TWindowsGadget
-                       Local point:Int[] = [MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT[0],MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT[1]]
-                       Select msg
-                               Case WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK
-                                       data = MOUSE_LEFT
-                                       msg = WM_LBUTTONDOWN
-                                       intButtonStates[MOUSE_LEFT] = True
-                               Case WM_LBUTTONUP
-                                       data = MOUSE_LEFT
-                                       intButtonStates[MOUSE_LEFT] = False
-                               Case WM_RBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK
-                                       data = MOUSE_RIGHT
-                                       msg = WM_RBUTTONDOWN
-                                       intButtonStates[MOUSE_RIGHT] = True
-                               Case WM_RBUTTONUP
-                                       data = MOUSE_RIGHT
-                                       intButtonStates[MOUSE_RIGHT] = False
-                               Case WM_MBUTTONDOWN, WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK
-                                       data = MOUSE_MIDDLE
-                                       msg = WM_MBUTTONDOWN
-                                       intButtonStates[MOUSE_MIDDLE] = True
-                               Case WM_MBUTTONUP
-                                       data = MOUSE_MIDDLE
-                                       intButtonStates[MOUSE_MIDDLE] = False
-                       EndSelect
-                       owner = GadgetFromHwnd(hwnd)
-                       If owner And ScreenToClient( hwnd, point ) Then
-                               If data And (Not intButtonStates[data]) And TGadget.dragGadget[data-1] Then
-                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETDROP, owner, data, KeyMods(), point[0], point[1], TGadget.dragGadget[data-1]
-                                       TGadget.dragGadget[data-1] = Null
-                               EndIf
-                               If (owner.sensitivity&SENSITIZE_MOUSE) Then
-                                       'Fake wp parameter to pass onto bbSystemEmitOSEvent
-                                       If intButtonStates[MOUSE_LEFT] Then wp:|MK_LBUTTON
-                                       If intButtonStates[MOUSE_MIDDLE] Then wp:|MK_MBUTTON
-                                       If intButtonStates[MOUSE_RIGHT] Then wp:|MK_RBUTTON
-                                       If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&$8000 Then wp:|MK_SHIFT
-                                       If GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&$8000 Then wp:|MK_CONTROL
-                                       lp = (Short(point[1]) Shl 16) | Short(point[0])
-                                       'Sort and determine whether to emit the event
-                                       Select msg
-                                               Case WM_MOUSEMOVE
-                                                       If (owner._oldcursorlp<>lp) Then
-                                                               owner._oldcursorlp=lp
-                                                               SystemEmitOSEvent hwnd,msg,wp,lp,owner
-                                                       EndIf
-                                               Case WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONUP, WM_MBUTTONUP
-                                                       If intDontReleaseCapture Then
-                                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_MOUSEUP, owner, data
-                                                       Else
-                                                               SystemEmitOSEvent hwnd,msg,wp,lp,owner
-                                                       EndIf
-                                               Case WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONDOWN, WM_MBUTTONDOWN
-                                                       SystemEmitOSEvent hwnd,msg,wp,lp,owner
-                                       EndSelect
-                               EndIf
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf
-               Return CallNextHookEx( MouseMessageHook,code,wparam,lparam )
-       EndFunction
-       Global intEmitOSEvent
-       Function SystemEmitOSEvent( hwnd, msg, wp, lp, owner:TGadget )
-               intEmitOSEvent:+1
-               If owner Then
-                       While owner.source
-                               owner = owner.source
-                       Wend
-               EndIf
-               Local tmpResult% = bbSystemEmitOSEvent( hwnd, msg, wp, lp, owner )
-               intEmitOSEvent:-1
-               Return tmpResult
-       EndFunction
-       Function ClassName$()
-               Global _name$
-               Global _wc:WNDCLASSW
-               Global _icon
-               If Not _name
-                       _name="BLITZMAX_WINDOW_CLASS"
-                       _icon=LoadIconW(GetModuleHandleW(Null),Short Ptr(101))
-                       _wc=New WNDCLASSW
-             |CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW
-                       _wc.lpfnWndProc=ClassWndProc
-                       _wc.hInstance=GetModuleHandleW(Null)
-                       _wc.hIcon=_icon
-                       _wc.hCursor=LoadCursorW( 0,Short Ptr( IDC_ARROW ) )
-                       _wc.hbrBackground=COLOR_BTNSHADOW
-                       _wc.lpszMenuName=Null
-                       _wc.lpszClassName=_name.ToWString()
-                       _wc.cbWndExtra=DLGWINDOWEXTRA
-                       ClassAtom=RegisterClassW(_wc)
-               EndIf
-               Return _name
-       EndFunction
-       Function DialogClassName$()
-               Global _dname$
-               Global _dc:WNDCLASSW
-               If Not _dname
-                       _dname="BLITZMAX_DIALOG_CLASS"
-                       _dc=New WNDCLASSW
-             |CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW
-                       _dc.lpfnWndProc=ClassWndProc
-                       _dc.hInstance=GetModuleHandleW(Null)
-                       _dc.hCursor=LoadCursorW( 0,Short Ptr( IDC_ARROW ) )
-                       _dc.hbrBackground=COLOR_BTNSHADOW
-                       _dc.lpszMenuName=Null
-                       _dc.lpszClassName=_dname.ToWString()
-                       _dc.cbWndExtra=DLGWINDOWEXTRA
-                       ClassAtom2=RegisterClassW(_dc)
-               EndIf
-               Return _dname
-       EndFunction
-       'TMaxGuiDriver interface        
-       Method CreateGadget:TGadget(class,Text$,x,y,w,h,group:TGadget,style)
-               Select class
-                       Case GADGET_WINDOW
-                               If Not group group=GDIDesktop
-               End Select
-               Local   gadget:TGadget = GadgetInstanceFromClass(class,group,style,Text)
-               Select class
-                               Return gadget
-               End Select
-               If LocalizationMode() & LOCALIZATION_OVERRIDE Then
-                       LocalizeGadget(gadget,Text,"")
-               Else
-                       gadget.SetText(Text)
-               EndIf
-               If group Then gadget._SetParent group
-               If class <> GADGET_TOOLBAR Then gadget.SetShape(x,y,w,h)
-               'v0.51: Gadgets are now only shown when they have been sized, and the text set.
-               If TWindowsGadget(gadget) Then
-                       If Not TWindowsWindow(gadget)
-                               gadget.SetFont(GDIFont)
-                               If TWindowsGadget(group) Then
-                                       TWindowsGadget(gadget)._forceDisable = Not( TWindowsGadget(group)._enabled And Not TWindowsGadget(group)._forceDisable )
-                                       gadget.SetEnabled(Not (gadget.State()&STATE_DISABLED))
-                               EndIf
-                               gadget.SetShow(True)
-                       ElseIf Not (style & WINDOW_HIDDEN) Then
-                               gadget.SetShow(True)
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf
-               If TWindowsGadget(gadget) Then TWindowsGadget(gadget).Sensitize()
-               Return gadget
-       EndMethod
-       Method GadgetInstanceFromClass:TGadget(class, group:TGadget, style = 0, Text$ = "")
-               Local gadget:TGadget
-               Select class
-                       Case GADGET_DESKTOP
-                               gadget=GDIDesktop
-                       Case GADGET_MENUITEM
-                               gadget=New TWindowsMenu.Create(group,style,Text)
-                       Case GADGET_WINDOW
-                               gadget=New TWindowsWindow.Create(group,style)
-                       Case GADGET_BUTTON
-                               gadget=New TWindowsButton.Create(group,style)
-                       Case GADGET_TEXTFIELD
-                               gadget=New TWindowsTextField.Create(group,style,Text)
-                       Case GADGET_TEXTAREA
-                               gadget=New TWindowsTextArea.Create(group,style)
-                       Case GADGET_COMBOBOX
-                               gadget=New TWindowsComboBox.Create(group,style,Text)
-                       Case GADGET_LISTBOX
-                               gadget=New TWindowsListBox.Create(group,style)
-                       Case GADGET_TOOLBAR
-                               gadget=New TWindowsToolBar.Create(group,style,Text)
-                       Case GADGET_TABBER
-                               gadget=New TWindowsTabber.Create(group,style)
-                       Case GADGET_NODE        
-                               gadget=New TWindowsTreeNode.Create(group,style,Text)
-                       Case GADGET_TREEVIEW
-                               gadget=New TWindowsTreeView.Create(group,style)
-                       Case GADGET_LABEL
-                               gadget=New TWindowsLabel.Create(group,style)
-                       Case GADGET_SLIDER
-                               gadget=New TWindowsSlider.Create(group,style)
-                       Case GADGET_PROGBAR
-                               gadget=New TWindowsProgressBar.Create(group,style)
-                       Case GADGET_PANEL
-                               gadget=New TWindowsPanel.Create(group,style)
-                       Case GADGET_CANVAS
-                               gadget=New TWindowsPanel.Create(group,style|PANEL_CANVAS|PANEL_ACTIVE)
-                       Case GADGET_HTMLVIEW
-                               gadget=New TWindowsHTMLView.Create(group,style)
-               End Select
-               Return gadget
-       EndMethod
-       Method ActiveGadget:TGadget()
-               Local tmpHwnd:Int = GetFocus(), tmpGadget:TGadget
-               While tmpHwnd
-                       tmpGadget = GadgetFromHwnd( tmpHwnd )
-                       If tmpGadget Then Exit
-                       tmpHwnd = GetParent_(tmpHwnd)
-               Wend
-               Return tmpGadget
-       EndMethod
-       Method RequestColor(red,green,blue)
-               Local cc:CHOOSECOLOR = New CHOOSECOLOR
-               cc.lStructSize=SizeOf(cc)
-               cc.hwndOwner=GetActiveHwnd()
-               cc.rgbResult=(red)|(green Shl 8)|(blue Shl 16)
-               cc.lpCustColors=_customcolors
-               Local hwnd = GetFocus()
-               Local n = ChooseColorW(cc)
-               SetFocus(hwnd)          
-               If Not n Return 0       
-               n = ((cc.rgbResult Shr 16)&$ff) | (cc.rgbResult&$ff00) | ((cc.rgbResult Shl 16)&$ff0000)
-               Return n|$ff000000
-       EndMethod
-       Method LookupColor( colorindex:Int, red:Byte Var, green:Byte Var, blue:Byte Var )
-               Select colorindex
-                       Case GUICOLOR_WINDOWBG
-                               colorindex = COLOR_BTNFACE
-                       Case GUICOLOR_GADGETBG
-                               colorindex = COLOR_WINDOW
-                       Case GUICOLOR_GADGETFG
-                               colorindex = COLOR_WINDOWTEXT
-                       Case GUICOLOR_LINKFG
-                               colorindex = COLOR_HOTLIGHT
-                       Case GUICOLOR_SELECTIONBG
-                               colorindex = COLOR_HIGHLIGHT
-                       Default
-                               Return Super.LookupColor( colorindex, red, green, blue )
-               EndSelect
-               Local tmpColor:Int = GetSysColor( colorindex )
-               red = tmpColor & $FF
-               green = (tmpColor Shr 8) & $FF
-               blue = (tmpColor Shr 16) & $FF
-               Return True
-       EndMethod
-       Method LoadFont:TGuiFont(name$,size,flags)
-               Return New TWindowsFont.Load(name,Double(size),flags)
-       EndMethod
-       Method LoadFontWithDouble:TGuiFont(name$,size:Double,flags)
-               Return New TWindowsFont.Load(name,size,flags)
-       EndMethod
-       Method LibraryFont:TGuiFont( pFontType% = GUIFONT_SYSTEM, pFontSize:Double = 0, pFontStyle% = FONT_NORMAL )
-               If pFontType = GUIFONT_SYSTEM Then Return TWindowsFont.DefaultFont( pFontSize, pFontStyle ) Else Return Super.LibraryFont( pFontType, pFontSize, pFontStyle )
-       EndMethod
-       Method RequestFont:TGuiFont(font:TGuiFont)
-               Return TWindowsFont.Request(font)
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetPointer(shape)
-               Global winptrs[]=[0,32512,32513,32514,32515,32516,32642,32643,32644,32645,32646,32648,32649,32650,32651]
-               If shape<1 Or shape>14 Then _cursor = LoadCursorW( 0,Short Ptr( IDC_ARROW ) ) Else _cursor=LoadCursorW(0,Short Ptr(winptrs[shape]))
-               SetCursor(_cursor)
-               If TWindowsTextArea._oldCursor Then TWindowsTextArea._oldCursor = _cursor
-               If shape = 0 Then _cursor = 0
-       EndMethod
-       Method LoadIconStrip:TIconStrip(source:Object)          
-               Return TWindowsIconStrip.Create(source)
-       EndMethod
-       Function CheckCommonControlVersion()    'Returns True if supports alpha/themes etc. or False if not.
-               If Not _commoncontrolversion Then
-                       Local libComCtl = LoadLibraryW("comctl32.dll")
-                       Local GetCommonControlVersion( pDllVersionInfo:Byte Ptr ) "win32" = GetProcAddress(libComCtl, "DllGetVersion")
-                       If GetCommonControlVersion Then
-                               Local tmpDllVersion:DLLVERSIONINFO2 = New DLLVERSIONINFO2
-                               GetCommonControlVersion( tmpDllVersion )
-                               _commoncontrolversion = [tmpDllVersion.dwMajorVersion,tmpDllVersion.dwMinorVersion,tmpDLLVersion.dwBuildNo]
-                       EndIf
-                       GetCommonControlVersion = Null
-                       FreeLibrary( libComCtl )
-               EndIf
-               If _commoncontrolversion And _commoncontrolversion[0] >= 6 Then
-                       If (_commoncontrolversion[0] > 6) Or (_commoncontrolversion[1] > 0) Then Return 2 Else Return 1
-               EndIf
-       EndFunction
-       Function GetThemeHandle(hwnd, pClass$ = "WINDOW")
-               If OpenThemeData And CheckCommonControlVersion() Then Return OpenThemeData(hwnd, pClass)
-       EndFunction
-       Function CloseThemeHandle(hTheme)
-               If CloseThemeData Then Return CloseThemeData(hTheme)
-       EndFunction
-       Function CreateExplorerStyleGadgets( pDisable = False )
-               _explorerstyle = (pDisable <> True)
-       EndFunction
-       Function GetActiveHwnd()
-               If _activeWindow Then Return _activeWindow._hwnd Else Return GetActiveWindow()
-       EndFunction
-Type TWindowsGadget Extends TGadget
-       'Flag that determines whether gadgets should redraw when they are resized (see Rethink()).
-       Global _resizeRedraw = True
-       'Generic Unicode Strings to prevent memory-leak
-       Global _wstrEmpty:Short Ptr = "".ToWString()
-       Global _wstrSpace:Short Ptr = " ".ToWString()
-       Global _wstrExplorer:Short Ptr = "Explorer".ToWString()
-       'Important gadget fields that store OS control handles etc..
-       Field _class, _hwnd, _hwndclient, _tooltips
-       Field _proc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp) "win32"
-       Field _hotkey:THotKey
-       Field _oldcursorlp      'Should track events
-       Field _sensitive% = False       'Determines whether gadgets should generate events.
-                                               'Not to be confused with the sensitivity field of TGadget
-                                               'which specifies which type of events are fired.
-       'Aesthetics
-       Field _bgbrush, _fgcolor = -1, _bgcolor = -1    'Background colour
-       Field _hbrush, _hbitmap                                 'Background colour
-       Field _bitmap                                                   'Background bitmap
-       Field _iconBitmap                                                       'Icon bitmap
-       Field _hTheme                                                   'Open handle to XP Theme API (for use in button's WM_DRAWITEM etc.)
-       Field _font:TWindowsFont                                        'Font (needs to be stored, otherwise it may be collected by GC)
-       Field _wstrTooltip:Short Ptr, _toolAdded = False
-       Field _clientX:Int, _clientY:Int, _enabled:Int = True, _forcedisable:Int = False
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget, style, Text$="")     Abstract
-       Method SetColor(red,green,blue)
-               If _bgbrush Then DeleteObject _bgbrush
-               _bgcolor = (blue Shl 16) | (green Shl 8) | red
-               _bgbrush=CreateSolidBrush(_bgcolor)
-               RedrawGadget(Self)
-       EndMethod
-       Method RemoveColor()
-               If _bgbrush Then DeleteObject _bgbrush
-               _bgbrush=0
-               RedrawGadget(Self)
-       EndMethod
-       Method FgColor()
-               Return _fgcolor
-       EndMethod
-       Method BgColor()
-               Return _bgcolor
-       EndMethod
-       Method BgBrush()
-               Return _bgbrush
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTextColor(r,g,b)
-               _fgcolor = (b Shl 16) | (g Shl 8) | r
-               RedrawGadget(Self)
-       EndMethod
-       Method Query(queryid)
-               Select queryid
-                       Case QUERY_HWND
-                               Return _hwnd
-                       Case QUERY_HWND_CLIENT
-                               If _hwndclient Return _hwndclient
-                               Return _hwnd
-               End Select                              
-       EndMethod
-       Method Register(class,hwnd,hwndclient=0,tips=False)
-               _class=class
-               _hwnd=hwnd
-               _hwndclient=hwndclient
-               TWindowsGUIDriver.RegisterHwnd(_hwnd,Self)              
-               If _hwndclient TWindowsGUIDriver.RegisterHwnd(_hwndclient,Self)         
-               Local atom=GetClassLongW(hwnd,GCW_ATOM)
-               If atom<>TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassAtom And atom<>TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassAtom2 And Not _proc
-                       _proc=Byte Ptr(SetWindowLongW(hwnd,GWL_WNDPROC,Int Byte Ptr TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassWndProc))
-               EndIf
-               If tips Then SetupToolTips()    
-       EndMethod       
-       Method SetupToolTips()
-               If _tooltips Then DestroyWindow _tooltips;TWindowsGUIDriver.RemoveHwnd(_tooltips);_tooltips = 0
-               _tooltips = CreateWindowExW( 0,"tooltips_class32","",TTS_ALWAYSTIP,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,_hwnd,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null )
-               SendMessageW _tooltips,TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,0,300
-               TWindowsGUIDriver.RegisterHwnd( _tooltips, Self )
-       EndMethod
-       Method isTabbable()
-               Local style:Int = GetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE)&(WS_TABSTOP|WS_CHILD)
-               Return (style=(WS_TABSTOP|WS_CHILD))
-       EndMethod
-       Method isControl()
-               Return (GetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE)&(WS_CHILD)=WS_CHILD)
-       EndMethod
-       Method Activate(cmd)
-               Select cmd
-                       Case ACTIVATE_FOCUS
-                               If isTabbable()
-                                       DefDlgProcW GetParent_(_hwnd),WM_NEXTDLGCTL,_hwnd,1
-                                       Return 1
-                               EndIf
-                               Return SetFocus(_hwnd)
-                       Case ACTIVATE_BACK
-                               Return SendMessageW(_hwnd,WM_NEXTDLGCTL,1,0)
-                       Case ACTIVATE_FORWARD
-                               Return SendMessageW(_hwnd,WM_NEXTDLGCTL,0,0)
-                       Case ACTIVATE_REDRAW
-                               RefreshLook()
-                               Return RedrawWindow( _hwnd, Null, Null, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ALLCHILDREN )
-               End Select
-       EndMethod
-       Method Rethink()
-               QueueResize(_hwnd,xpos,ypos,width,height)
-       EndMethod       
-       Method RethinkClient(forceRedraw:Int = False)
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetArea(x,y,w,h)
-               SetRect(x,y,w,h)
-               Rethink()
-       EndMethod
-       Method LayoutKids()
-               StartResize()
-               'Implemented hack to speed-up drawing considerably...
-               Local tmpOldState = TWindowsGadget._resizeredraw
-               TWindowsGadget._resizeredraw = False
-               'Child windows are laid-out like normal...
-               Super.LayoutKids()
-               'Reposition all child gadgets together.
-               EndResize()
-               'If this control is the first parent who started the resizing, then redraw parent and all controls now.
-               If tmpOldState Then
-                       If (Not kids.IsEmpty()) Then Activate(ACTIVATE_REDRAW)
-                       TWindowsGadget._resizeredraw = True
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClientWidth()
-               Local Rect[] = [xpos,ypos,xpos+width,ypos+height]
-               SendMessageW Query(QUERY_HWND), WM_NCCALCSIZE, False, Int Byte Ptr Rect
-               Return Rect[2]-Rect[0]-_clientX
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClientHeight()
-               Local Rect[] = [xpos,ypos,xpos+width,ypos+height]
-               SendMessageW Query(QUERY_HWND), WM_NCCALCSIZE, False, Int Byte Ptr Rect
-               Return Rect[3]-Rect[1]-_clientY
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetText(Text$)
-               Desensitize()
-               SetWindowTextW _hwnd, Text
-               Sensitize()
-       EndMethod       
-       Method GetText$()
-               Local strText:Short[GetWindowTextLengthW(_hwnd)+1]              'Must include NULL terminator.
-               GetWindowTextW _hwnd, strText, strText.length
-               Return String.FromWString( strText )
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetFont(font:TGuiFont)
-               If TWindowsFont(font) Then _font = TWindowsFont(font) Else _font = TWindowsGUIDriver.GDIFont
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_SETFONT,font.handle,1
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetShow(show)
-               If show
-                       ShowWindow _hwnd,SW_SHOW
-               Else
-                       'Requester fix - ShowWindow activates the last activated window when an active window is hidden, so if
-                       'a file requester/child gadget was the last window to be activated, then the program will lose focus as it is
-                       'trying to activate a non-existent window.
-                       If parent And HasDescendant(ActiveGadget()) Then ActivateGadget(parent)
-                       ShowWindow _hwnd,SW_HIDE
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetEnabled(enable)
-               _enabled = enable
-               enable = enable And Not _forceDisable
-               If Not((EnableWindow(_hwnd,enable)<>0) ~ enable) Then
-                       For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids
-                               tmpGadget._forceDisable = Not enable
-                               If tmpGadget.isControl() Then tmpGadget.SetEnabled(tmpGadget._enabled)
-                       Next
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )
-               If _wstrTooltip Then MemFree _wstrTooltip;_wstrTooltip = Null
-               Local tmpToolInfo:TOOLINFOW = New TOOLINFOW
-               tmpToolInfo.cbSize = SizeOf(tmpToolInfo)
-               tmpToolInfo.hwnd = GetParent_(_hwnd)
-               tmpToolInfo.hinst = GetModuleHandleW(Null)
-               tmpToolInfo.uID = _hwnd
-               If pTooltip Then
-                       _wstrTooltip = pTooltip.Replace("~r","").Replace("~n","~r~n").ToWString()
-                       tmpToolInfo.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND|TTF_TRANSPARENT|TTF_SUBCLASS
-                       tmpToolInfo.lpszText = _wstrTooltip
-                       If Not _toolAdded Then
-                               _toolAdded = SendMessageW(TWindowsGUIDriver._hwndTooltips, TTM_ADDTOOLW, 0, Int Byte Ptr tmpToolInfo)
-                       Else
-                               SendMessageW(TWindowsGUIDriver._hwndTooltips, TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTW, 0, Int Byte Ptr tmpToolInfo)
-                       EndIf
-               ElseIf _tooladded Then
-                       SendMessageW(TWindowsGUIDriver._hwndTooltips, TTM_DELTOOLW, 0, Int Byte Ptr tmpToolInfo )
-                       _toolAdded = 0
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method GetTooltip$()
-               If _wstrTooltip Then Return String.FromWString(_wstrTooltip)
-       EndMethod
-       Method State()
-               Local t, style = GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_STYLE)
-               If Not (style&WS_VISIBLE) Then t:|STATE_HIDDEN
-               If Not _enabled Then t:|STATE_DISABLED
-               Return t
-       EndMethod
-       Method Free()
-               If _tooltips Then DestroyWindow _tooltips;_tooltips=0
-               SetTooltip("")  'Free any tooltip memory allocations
-               If _hwnd Then DestroyWindow _hwnd;TWindowsGUIDriver.RemoveHwnd(_hwnd);_hwnd=0
-               If _hwndclient Then TWindowsGUIDriver.RemoveHwnd(_hwndclient);_hwndclient=0
-               FlushBrushes(False)
-               If _hotKey Then RemoveHotKey(_hotKey);_hotKey = Null
-               If _iconBitmap Then DeleteObject(_iconBitmap);_iconBitmap = 0
-               If _bitmap Then DeleteObject(_bitmap);_bitmap = 0
-               If _bgbrush Then DeleteObject(_bgbrush);_bgbrush = 0
-               If _htheme Then TWindowsGUIDriver.CloseThemeHandle(_hTheme);_hTheme = 0
-               _font = Null
-               _SetParent Null
-       EndMethod       
-       Method OnNotify(wp,lp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Select msg
-                       Case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING
-                               FlushBrushes()
-               EndSelect
-               If _proc And _hwnd = hwnd Then
-                       Return CallWindowProcW(_proc,hwnd,msg,wp,lp)     'fixed auto scrollbars
-               EndIf
-               Return DefWindowProcW( hwnd,msg,wp,lp )
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnDrawItem( pDrawItemStruct:DRAWITEMSTRUCT )
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetHotKey(key,modifier)
-               Local ev:TEvent = CreateEvent( EVENT_GADGETACTION,Self )
-               If _hotKey Then RemoveHotKey(_hotKey);_hotKey = Null
-               If key Then _hotkey=SetHotKeyEvent(key,modifier,ev,FindGadgetWindowHwnd(Self))
-       EndMethod
-       'Slow back-up code for mimicking transparency for PANEL_GROUPs and when
-       'DrawThemeParentBackground() is not available (i.e. on Windows 9x/2000).
-       Method CreateControlBrush( hWndControl, hdc = 0 )
-               Local xOffset, yOffset
-               Local hwndWindow = GetParent_(hwndControl)
-               Local rectWindow[4], rectControl[4], rectClient[4]
-               If _hbrush Then Return _hbrush
-               If BgBrush() Then
-                       If hdc Then SetBkColor(hdc, BgColor())
-                       Return BgBrush()
-               EndIf
-               Local tmpDC = GetDC( hwndWindow )
-               'Fix required to offset background when controls are drawn with WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE (e.g. panel with PANEL_SUNKEN/PANEL_RAISED set)
-               If GetWindowLongW(hwndWindow,GWL_EXSTYLE)&(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE|WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE) Then
-                       xOffset = -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE)
-                       yOffset = -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE)
-               EndIf
-               GetClientRect( hwndControl, rectClient )
-               GetWindowRect( hwndWindow, rectWindow )
-               GetWindowRect( hwndControl, rectControl )
-               Local x = rectControl[0]-rectWindow[0]
-               Local y = rectControl[1]-rectWindow[1]
-               Local w = rectControl[2]-rectControl[0]
-               Local h = rectControl[3]-rectControl[1]
-               Local dcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC( tmpDC )
-               Local bkgndBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( tmpDC, rectWindow[2]-rectWindow[0], rectWindow[3]-rectWindow[1] )
-               SelectObject( dcBitmap, bkgndBitmap )
-               'InvalidateRect( hwndWindow, Null, False )
-               SendMessageW hwndWindow, WM_ERASEBKGND, dcBitmap, 0
-               Local bkgndClientBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( tmpDC, w, h )
-               Local dcClientBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC( tmpDC )
-               SelectObject( dcClientBitmap, bkgndClientBitmap )
-               BitBlt( dcClientBitmap, 0,0 , w, h, dcBitmap, x+xOffset, y+yOffset, ROP_SRCCOPY )
-               DeleteObject( bkgndBitmap )
-               DeleteDC( dcBitmap )
-               DeleteDC( dcClientBitmap )
-               _hbrush = CreatePatternBrush( bkgndClientBitmap )
-               _hbitmap = bkgndClientBitmap
-               ReleaseDC( hwndWindow, tmpDC )
-               Return _hbrush
-       EndMethod
-       'Clears the parent background brushes.
-       Method FlushBrushes(pRecurse:Int = True)
-               Local tmpChanges:Int = 0
-               If _hbrush Then
-                       DeleteObject( _hbrush )
-                       _hbrush = 0
-                       tmpChanges:|True
-               EndIf
-               If _hBitmap Then
-                       DeleteObject( _hBitmap )
-                       _hBitmap = 0
-                       tmpChanges:|True
-               EndIf
-               Return tmpChanges
-       EndMethod
-       'Method that returns a brush for drawing backgrounds.
-       Method DrawBackground( hdc, hwnd )
-               If BgBrush() Then SetBkColor(hdc, BgColor());Return BgBrush()
-               Return DrawParentBackground( hdc, hwnd )
-       EndMethod
-       'Another method which mimics transparency on Windows Controls.
-       Function DrawParentBackground( hdc, hwndControl, pForceHack = False )
-               Local rectWindow[4], rectControl[4], rectClient[4]
-               Local hwndWindow = GetParent_(hwndControl)
-               GetClientRect( hwndControl, rectClient )
-               GetClientRect( hwndWindow, rectWindow )
-               GetWindowRect( hwndControl, rectControl )
-               'Ensures that the the drawing context is returned in exactly the same state that it was passed.
-               Local tmpSaveState = SaveDC( hdc )
-               If DrawThemeParentBackground And Not pForceHack Then
-                       DrawThemeParentBackground(hwndControl,hdc,rectClient)
-               Else 'Again, slow back-up code in case DrawThemeParentBackground() is not available.
-                       Local tmpDC, xOffset, yOffset
-                       'Fix required to offset background when controls are drawn with WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE (e.g. panel with PANEL_BORDER set)
-                       If GetWindowLongW(hwndWindow,GWL_EXSTYLE)&WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE Then
-                               xOffset = -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE)
-                               yOffset = -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE)
-                       EndIf
-                       tmpDC = GetDC( hwndWindow )
-                       ScreenToClient( hwndWindow, rectControl )
-                       ScreenToClient( hwndWindow, Int Ptr (rectControl)+2 )
-                       Local x = rectControl[0]+rectClient[0]
-                       Local y = rectControl[1]+rectClient[1]
-                       Local w = rectClient[2]-rectClient[0]
-                       Local h = rectClient[3]-rectClient[1]
-                       Local bkgndBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( tmpDC, rectWindow[2]-rectWindow[0], rectWindow[3]-rectWindow[1] )
-                       Local dcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC( tmpDC )
-                       SelectObject( dcBitmap, bkgndBitmap )
-                       InvalidateRect( hwndWindow, Null, False )
-                       SendMessageW hwndWindow, WM_ERASEBKGND, dcBitmap, 0
-                       BitBlt( hdc, 0,0 , w, h, dcBitmap, x+xOffset, y+yOffset, ROP_SRCCOPY )
-                       DeleteObject( bkgndBitmap )
-                       DeleteDC( dcBitmap )
-                       ReleaseDC( hwndWindow, tmpDC )
-               EndIf
-               'Ensures that the the drawing context is returned in exactly the same state that it was passed.
-               RestoreDC( hdc, tmpSaveState )
-               Return GetStockObject( NULL_BRUSH )
-       EndFunction
-       Method Sensitize()
-               _sensitive = True
-       EndMethod
-       Method DeSensitize()
-               _sensitive = False
-       EndMethod
-       Method PostGuiEvent( pID%, pData%=0, pMods%=0, pX%=0, pY%=0, pExtra:Object = Null)
-               Select True
-                       Case TWindowsListBox(Self) <> Null, TWindowsTabber(Self) <> Null, TWindowsToolbar(Self) <> Null, TWindowsCombobox(Self) <> Null
-                               If pData>-1 Then
-                                       If (ItemFlags(pData) & GADGETITEM_TOGGLE) Then SelectItem(pData,2)
-                               EndIf
-               End Select
-               If _sensitive Then MaxGUI.MaxGUI.PostGuiEvent( pID, Self, pData, pMods, pX, pY, pExtra )
-       EndMethod
-       'Resize Methods
-       Field hdwpStruct
-       Method StartResize()
-               If Not hdwpStruct Then
-                       Local tmpCount = kids.Count()
-                       If tmpCount Then hdwpStruct = BeginDeferWindowPos( tmpCount )
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method QueueResize( hwnd, xpos, ypos, width, height )
-               If parent And GetParent_(hwnd) = parent.Query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT) And TWindowsGadget(parent).hdwpStruct Then
-                       If Not _resizeRedraw Then tmpFlags:| SWP_NOREDRAW
-                       TWindowsGadget(parent).hdwpStruct = DeferWindowPos( TWindowsGadget(parent).hdwpStruct, hwnd, Null, xpos, ypos, width, height, tmpFlags )
-               Else
-                       MoveWindow( hwnd, xpos, ypos, width, height, _resizeRedraw )
-                       HasResized()
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method EndResize()
-               If hdwpStruct Then
-                       EndDeferWindowPos( hdwpStruct );hdwpStruct = 0
-                       For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids
-                               Sensitize()
-                               tmpGadget.HasResized()
-                       Next
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       'Required for resizing columns in listboxes (has to be done outside WM_SIZE)
-       Method HasResized()
-       EndMethod
-       'Required to ensure problematic controls are updated when parent aesthetics are changed:
-       Method RefreshLook()
-               FlushBrushes(False)
-               For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids
-                       tmpGadget.RefreshLook()
-               Next
-       EndMethod
-       Method StartDoubleBuffer()
-               For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids
-                       tmpGadget.StartDoubleBuffer()
-               Next
-       EndMethod
-       Method EndDoubleBuffer()
-               For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids
-                       tmpGadget.EndDoubleBuffer()
-               Next
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsDesktop Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Method New()
-               Local Rect[4]
-               Local hwnd = GetDesktopWindow()
-               Register(GADGET_DESKTOP,hwnd,0,False)
-               GetClientRect hwnd,Rect
-               SetShape 0,0,Rect[2]-Rect[0],Rect[3]-Rect[1]
-       EndMethod
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")
-               Return Self
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )
-               'Shouldn't have tool-tips.
-       EndMethod
-       Method Free()
-               'Can't be free'd.
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_DESKTOP
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClientHeight()
-               Local Rect[4]
-               If Super.ClientHeight() = height And SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, Int Byte Ptr Rect, 0 ) 
-                       Return Rect[3]-Rect[1]
-               Else
-                       Return Super.ClientHeight()
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClientWidth()
-               Local Rect[4]
-               If Super.ClientWidth() = width And SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, Int Byte Ptr Rect, 0 ) 
-                       Return Rect[2]-Rect[0]
-               Else
-                       Return Super.ClientWidth()
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsWindow Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Field   _wstyle, _xstyle
-       Field   _minwidth,_minheight,_maxwidth = -1,_maxheight = -1
-       Field   _menu:TWindowsMenu
-       Field   _hmenu
-       Field   _status
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")
-               Local   hwnd, parent, client
-               Local classname$ = TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassName()
-      = style
-               If group Then parent = group.Query(QUERY_HWND)
-               If (style&WINDOW_TITLEBAR)
-                       _wstyle:|WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_SYSMENU
-                       If style&WINDOW_RESIZABLE _wstyle:|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX
-                       If group <> TWindowsGUIDriver.GDIDesktop And Not (style&WINDOW_TOOL) Then
-                               classname$ = TWindowsGUIDriver.DialogClassName()
-                               _xstyle:|WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME
-                       EndIf
-               Else
-                       _wstyle:|WS_POPUP               
-               EndIf
-               If style&WINDOW_RESIZABLE Then _wstyle:|WS_SIZEBOX      
-               If style&WINDOW_MENU Then _hmenu=CreateMenu_();AppendMenuW( _hmenu,MF_STRING,Null,_wstrEmpty )
-               If style&WINDOW_TOOL Then _xstyle:|WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW
-               ' Note: No WINDOW_HIDDEN case as gadgets are always created hidden to hide initial resize flicker.
-               ' TWindowsGUIDriver.CreateGadget() will later show window if WINDOW_HIDDEN is not specified.
-               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(_xstyle,classname,"",_wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,_hmenu,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               If style&WINDOW_STATUS
-                       _status=CreateWindowExW(0,"msctls_statusbar32","",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,0,0,0,0,hwnd,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-                       SetWindowPos( _status, HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOOWNERZORDER|SWP_NOSIZE)
-               EndIf
-               client=CreateWindowExW(0,TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassName(),"",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CLIPCHILDREN|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS,0,0,0,0,hwnd,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               Register GADGET_WINDOW,hwnd,client,False
-               If style&WINDOW_ACCEPTFILES Then DragAcceptFiles _hwnd,True
-               _wstyle = GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE )
-               Return Self
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetAlpha( alpha# )
-               If SetLayeredWindowAttributes Then
-                       Local tmpStyle% = GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE)
-                       If alpha = 1.0 Then
-                               SetLayeredWindowAttributes( _hwnd, 0, Byte(alpha*255), LWA_ALPHA)
-                               If (tmpStyle & WS_EX_LAYERED) Then SetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, tmpStyle&~WS_EX_LAYERED)
-                       Else
-                               If Not (tmpStyle & WS_EX_LAYERED) Then SetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, tmpStyle|WS_EX_LAYERED)
-                               SetLayeredWindowAttributes( _hwnd, 0, Byte(alpha*255), LWA_ALPHA)
-                       EndIf
-                       RedrawGadget(Self)
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method Rethink()
-               Local dimensions[] = [xpos,ypos,width,height]
-               ConvertToContainerDimensions( dimensions[0], dimensions[1], dimensions[2], dimensions[3] )
-               MoveWindow _hwnd, dimensions[0], dimensions[1], dimensions[2], dimensions[3], True
-               RethinkClient(True)
-       EndMethod       
-       Method RethinkClient(forceRedraw:Int = False)
-               If _hwndClient Then
-                       MoveWindow _hwndClient, _clientx,_clienty,ClientWidth(),ClientHeight(),forceRedraw
-               EndIf
-               LayoutKids()
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClientWidth()
-               If (style & WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS) Then Return width
-               Local Rect:Int[4]
-               GetClientRect _hwnd, Rect
-               Return Max(Rect[2]-Rect[0]-_clientX,0)
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClientHeight()
-               If (style & WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS) Then Return height
-               Local h:Int = height, Rect:Int[] = [0,0,width,height]
-               AdjustWindowRectEx(Rect,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_STYLE),_hmenu,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE))
-               h:-(Rect[3]-Rect[1]+_clientY-height)
-               If _status Then GetWindowRect _status,Rect;h:-(Rect[3]-Rect[1])
-               Return Max(h,0)
-       End Method
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_WINDOW
-       EndMethod
-       Method State()
-               Local t = Super.State()
-               If IsIconic(_hwnd) t:|STATE_MINIMIZED
-               If IsZoomed(_hwnd) t:|STATE_MAXIMIZED
-               Return t
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetEnabled(enable)
-               _enabled = enable
-               EnableWindow(_hwnd,enable)
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetMinimumSize(w,h)
-               'Set minimum size for current window style
-               _minwidth=w;_minheight=h
-               'Get window style
-               Local tmpWStyle% = GetWindowLongW( _hwnd, GWL_STYLE )
-               'Update size border
-               If (_maxwidth = _minwidth And _maxheight = _minheight) Then tmpWStyle:&~WS_SIZEBOX ElseIf (style&WINDOW_RESIZABLE) Then tmpWStyle:|WS_SIZEBOX
-               'Set new window style if necessary
-               If tmpWStyle <> GetWindowLongW( _hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) Then
-                       SetWindowLongW( _hwnd, GWL_STYLE, tmpWStyle )
-                       Rethink()
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetMaximumSize(w,h)
-               'Set maximum size for current window style
-               _maxwidth=w;_maxheight=h
-               'Get window style
-               Local tmpWStyle% = GetWindowLongW( _hwnd, GWL_STYLE )&~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX
-               'Update size border
-               If (_maxwidth = _minwidth And _maxheight = _minheight) Then tmpWStyle:&~WS_SIZEBOX ElseIf (style&WINDOW_RESIZABLE) Then tmpWStyle:|WS_SIZEBOX
-               'Set new window style if necessary
-               If tmpWStyle <> GetWindowLongW( _hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) Then
-                       SetWindowLongW( _hwnd, GWL_STYLE, tmpWStyle )
-                       Rethink()
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method GetMenu:TGadget()
-               If Not _menu Then
-                       _menu = New TWindowsMenu.Create(Null,0,"")
-                       _menu._setParent Self
-               EndIf
-               Return _menu
-       EndMethod
-       Method UpdateMenu()
-               Local hmenu, oldMenu
-               If _menu
-                       _menu.FreeKids
-                       _menu.Open
-                       hmenu=_menu._hmenu
-               EndIf
-               oldMenu = GetMenu_( _hwnd )
-               SetMenu _hwnd,hmenu
-               DrawMenuBar _hwnd
-               DestroyMenu oldMenu
-       EndMethod
-       Field _statustext$
-       Method GetStatusText$()
-               If _status
-                       Return _statustext
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetStatusText(Text$)
-               If _status
-                       _statustext = Text
-                       If (style&WINDOW_RESIZABLE) Then Text:+"     "  'Cludge for size handle obfuscation
-                       Local tmpWString:Short Ptr = Text.ToWString()
-                       SendMessageW _status,WM_SETTEXT,0,Int(tmpWString)
-                       MemFree tmpWString
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Field popupextra:Object
-       Method PopupMenu(menu:TGadget,extra:Object)
-               Local pt[2], wmenu:TWindowsMenu = TWindowsMenu(menu), tmpLink:TLink
-               If wmenu
-                       GetCursorPos_ pt
-                       popupextra = extra
-                       wmenu.Open(True)
-                       Local hmenu:Int = TrackPopupMenu( wmenu._hmenu,TPM_LEFTALIGN|TPM_TOPALIGN|TPM_RETURNCMD|TPM_NONOTIFY,pt[0],pt[1],0,_hwnd,0 )
-                       If hmenu Then HandleMenuEvent( WM_COMMAND, hmenu )
-                       wmenu.Close()
-                       popupextra = Null
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Function EnumChildProc(hwnd,lp) "win32"
-               Local winfo:WINDOWINFO = New WINDOWINFO
-               winfo.cbSize=SizeOf winfo
-               GetWindowInfo hwnd,winfo
-               If winfo.dwStyle&WS_TABSTOP
-                       _firsttab=hwnd
-               Else
-                       EnumChildWindows hwnd,EnumChildProc,0
-               EndIf           
-               If _firsttab Return 0
-               Return 1
-       EndFunction
-       Global _firsttab
-       Method Activate(cmd)
-               Select cmd
-                       Case ACTIVATE_FOCUS
-                               _firsttab=0
-                               EnumChildWindows _hwnd,EnumChildProc,0
-                               If Not _firsttab _firsttab=_hwnd
-                               SetFocus _firsttab
-                       Case ACTIVATE_MINIMIZE
-                               ShowWindow _hwnd,SW_MINIMIZE
-                       Case ACTIVATE_MAXIMIZE
-                               ShowWindow _hwnd,SW_MAXIMIZE
-                       Case ACTIVATE_RESTORE
-                               ShowWindow _hwnd,SW_RESTORE
-                       Case ACTIVATE_REDRAW
-                               RefreshLook()
-                               Return RedrawWindow( _hwnd, Null, Null, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_ERASE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ALLCHILDREN )
-               End Select
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)
-               If wp>100 Then HandleMenuEvent(msg,wp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method HandleMenuEvent( msg, wp )
-               Local tmpMenuSource:TWindowsMenu = TWindowsMenu.GetMenuFromKey(wp), tmpMenuID
-               If tmpMenuSource Then tmpMenuID = tmpMenuSource._tag
-               Local tmpPopupExtra:Object = popupextra
-               popupextra = Null
-               MaxGUI.MaxGUI.PostGuiEvent EVENT_MENUACTION,tmpMenuSource,tmpMenuID,0,0,0,tmpPopupExtra
-       EndMethod
-       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Local x,y,w,h
-               Local move,size
-               Local Rect[4]
-               Local winrect[4]
-               Select msg
-                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND
-                               If BgBrush() Then
-                                       Local Rect[4]
-                                       If Not GetUpdateRect( hwnd, Rect, False ) Then GetClipBox( wp, Rect )
-                                       FillRect( wp, Rect, BgBrush() )
-                                       Return 1
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_SIZE
-                               If (hwnd = _hwnd) And (wp <> SIZE_MINIMIZED) Then
-                                       If _status Then SendMessageW _status,WM_SIZE,0,0
-                                       If (style & WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS) Then
-                                               GetClientRect _hwnd,Rect
-                                               w=Rect[2]
-                                               h=Rect[3]
-                                               AdjustWindowRectEx(Rect,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_STYLE),_hmenu,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE))
-                                               x=-Rect[0]
-                                               y=-Rect[1]
-                                               GetWindowRect _hwnd,Rect
-                                               x:+Rect[0]
-                                               y:+Rect[1]
-                                               If _status Then
-                                                       GetWindowRect _status,Rect
-                                                       h:-(Rect[3]-Rect[1])
-                                               EndIf
-                                               x:+_clientX;y:+_clientY
-                                               w:-_clientX;h:-_clientY
-                                       Else
-                                               GetWindowRect(_hwnd,Rect)
-                                               x=Rect[0];y=Rect[1]
-                                               w=Rect[2]-Rect[0]
-                                               h=Rect[3]-Rect[1]       
-                                       EndIf   
-                                       If x<>xpos Or y<>ypos Then move = True
-                                       If w<>width Or h<>height Then size = True
-                                       SetRect x,y,w,h
-                                       If size Then RethinkClient()
-                                       If move PostGuiEvent EVENT_WINDOWMOVE,0,0,x,y
-                                       If size PostGuiEvent EVENT_WINDOWSIZE,0,0,w,h
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_MOVE
-                               If (hwnd = _hwnd) And Not (IsZoomed(hwnd) Or IsIconic(hwnd)) Then
-                                       If (style & WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS) Then
-                                               GetClientRect _hwnd,Rect
-                                               w=Rect[2]
-                                               h=Rect[3]
-                                               AdjustWindowRectEx(Rect,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_STYLE),_hmenu,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE))
-                                               x=-Rect[0]
-                                               y=-Rect[1]
-                                               GetWindowRect _hwnd,Rect
-                                               x:+Rect[0]+_clientX
-                                               y:+Rect[1]+_clientY
-                                       Else
-                                               GetWindowRect(_hwnd,Rect)
-                                               x=Rect[0];y=Rect[1]
-                                               w=Rect[2]-Rect[0]
-                                               h=Rect[3]-Rect[1]                       
-                                       EndIf   
-                                       If x<>xpos Or y<>ypos Then
-                                               SetRect x,y,width,height
-                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_WINDOWMOVE,0,0,x,y
-                                       EndIf
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_GETMINMAXINFO
-                               If hwnd = _hwnd And lp Then
-                                       Local minmax:Int Ptr = Int Ptr(lp), tmpZero% = 0
-                                       minmax[6]=_minwidth
-                                       minmax[7]=_minheight
-                                       ConvertToContainerDimensions(tmpZero,tmpZero,minmax[6],minmax[7])
-                                       If (_maxwidth >= _minwidth) And (_maxheight >= _minheight) Then
-                                               minmax[8]=_maxwidth
-                                               minmax[9]=_maxheight
-                                               ConvertToContainerDimensions(tmpZero,tmpZero,minmax[8],minmax[9])
-                                       EndIf
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_ACTIVATE
-                               If (wp = WA_ACTIVE) Or (wp = WA_CLICKACTIVE) Then
-                                       TWindowsGUIDriver._ActiveWindow = Self
-                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_WINDOWACTIVATE
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_COMMAND
-                               If wp>100 Then HandleMenuEvent(wp,msg)
-                       Case WM_CLOSE
-                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE
-                               Return 1
-                       Case WM_DROPFILES
-                               Local hdrop,pt[2],path$
-                               Local pbuffer:Short[MAX_PATH]
-                               Local i,n,l
-                               DragQueryPoint wp,pt
-                               n=DragQueryFileW(wp,$ffffffff,Null,0);
-                               For i=0 Until n
-                                       l=DragQueryFileW(wp,i,pbuffer,MAX_PATH)
-                                       path=String.FromShorts(pbuffer,l)
-                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_WINDOWACCEPT,0,0,pt[0],pt[1],path
-                               Next
-                               DragFinish wp
-               End Select
-               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method DoLayout()
-               'Don't do anything!
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )
-               'Windows shouldn't have tool-tips!
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetSensitivity(flags)
-               'Problems with resizing/moving sensitive windows.
-               Super.SetSensitivity(flags&~SENSITIZE_MOUSE)
-               'Easy to create an active panel in client area as a work around.
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetPixmap(pPixmap:TPixmap, pFlags)
-               If Not (pFlags & GADGETPIXMAP_ICON) Then Return False
-               If _iconBitmap Then DestroyIcon(_iconBitmap);_iconBitmap = 0
-               If pPixmap Then _iconBitmap = TWindowsGraphic.IconFromPixmap32( pPixmap )               
-               SendMessageW (_hwnd, WM_SETICON, 0, _iconBitmap)
-               SendMessageW (_hwnd, WM_SETICON, 1, _iconBitmap)
-               Return True
-       EndMethod
-       ' Needed otherwise SetEnabled() locks if modal child window is opened and parent is disabled.
-       Method isControl()
-               Return False
-       EndMethod
-       Method ConvertToContainerDimensions%( pX Var, pY Var, pW Var , pH Var )
-               If Not (style & WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS) Then Return 0
-               Local Rect[4], menu = GetMenu_(_hwnd)
-               If menu Then menu = True
-               If _status Then GetWindowRect _status,Rect;pH:+(Rect[3]-Rect[1])
-               pW:+_clientX;pH:+_clientY;pX:-_clientX;pY:-_clientY
-               Rect = [pX,pY,pX+pW,pY+pH]
-               AdjustWindowRectEx Rect,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_STYLE),menu,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE)
-               pX = Rect[0];pY = Rect[1];pW = Rect[2]-Rect[0];pH = Rect[3]-Rect[1]
-               Return 1
-       EndMethod
-       Method FlushBrushes(pRecurse:Int = True)
-               Super.FlushBrushes()
-               If Not pRecurse Then Return
-               For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids
-                       tmpGadget.FlushBrushes()
-               Next
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsButton Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Field _buttonImageList[] = [-1,0,0,0,0,0], _strButtonText$, _mouseoverbutton
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")
-               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey
-               Local   hwnd,parent
-      = style
-               Select style&7
-                       Case 0 wstyle:|BS_PUSHBUTTON;style = BUTTON_PUSH
-                       Case BUTTON_CHECKBOX wstyle:|BS_3STATE;If (style&BUTTON_PUSH) Then wstyle:|BS_PUSHLIKE
-                       Case BUTTON_RADIO wstyle:|BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON;If (style&BUTTON_PUSH) Then wstyle:|BS_PUSHLIKE
-                       Case BUTTON_OK wstyle:|BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON;hotkey=IDOK
-                       Case BUTTON_CANCEL wstyle:|BS_PUSHBUTTON;hotkey=IDCANCEL
-               End Select
-               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)
-               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"BUTTON","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)                               
-               Register GADGET_BUTTON,hwnd
-               Return Self             
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTextColor(r,g,b)
-               If Not (style&7) Then
-                       SetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE)|BS_OWNERDRAW)
-                       If Not _hTheme Then _hTheme = TWindowsGUIDriver.GetThemeHandle( _hwnd, "Button" )
-               ElseIf Not (style&BUTTON_PUSH) And ((style&7=BUTTON_CHECKBOX) Or (style&7=BUTTON_RADIO))
-                       If SetWindowThemeW Then SetWindowThemeW(_hwnd,_wstrSpace,_wstrSpace)
-               EndIf
-               Super.SetTextColor(r,g,b)
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetColor(r,g,b)
-               If Not (style&7) Then
-                       SetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE)|BS_OWNERDRAW)
-                       If Not _hTheme Then _hTheme = TWindowsGUIDriver.GetThemeHandle( _hwnd, "Button" )
-               EndIf
-               Super.SetColor(r,g,b)
-       EndMethod
-       Method RemoveColor()
-               If Not (style&7) Then
-                       SetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE)&~BS_OWNERDRAW)
-                       _hTheme=0
-               EndIf
-               Super.RemoveColor()
-       EndMethod
-       Method State()
-               Local t=Super.State()
-               Select SendMessageW( _hwnd,BM_GETCHECK,0,0 )
-                       Case BST_CHECKED;t:|STATE_SELECTED
-               EndSelect
-               Return t
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetSelected(bool)
-               Local state = BST_UNCHECKED
-               If bool Then
-                       If (style&7 = BUTTON_CHECKBOX) And (bool = CHECK_INDETERMINATE) Then
-                               state = BST_INDETERMINATE
-                       Else
-                               state = BST_CHECKED
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,BM_SETCHECK,state,0
-       EndMethod
-       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Select msg
-                       Case WM_THEMECHANGED
-                               If _hTheme Then
-                                       TWindowsGUIDriver.CloseThemeHandle(_hTheme)
-                                       _hTheme = TWindowsGUIDriver.GetThemeHandle(_hwnd,"BUTTON")
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK
-                               PostMessageW(_hwnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wp, lp)
-                       Case WM_MOUSEMOVE
-                               If Not _mouseoverbutton Then
-                                       _mouseoverbutton = True
-                                       InvalidateRect(_hwnd,Null,False)
-                                       Local tmpTrackMouseEvent:Int[] = [ 16, $2, hwnd, 0 ]    'TME_LEAVE: $2
-                                       _TrackMouseEvent( tmpTrackMouseEvent )
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_MOUSELEAVE
-                               If _mouseoverbutton Then
-                                       _mouseoverbutton = False
-                                       InvalidateRect(_hwnd,Null,False)
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND
-                               Return 1
-               EndSelect
-               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnDrawItem(pDrawItemStruct:DRAWITEMSTRUCT)
-               Local tmpDc = pDrawItemStruct.hDc, txtWidth%, txtHeight%
-               Local tmpDcState = SaveDC(tmpDC)
-               ' button state
-               Local tmpIsPressed = (pDrawItemStruct.ItemState & ODS_SELECTED)
-               Local tmpIsFocused  = (pDrawItemStruct.ItemState & ODS_FOCUS)
-               Local tmpIsDisabled = (pDrawItemStruct.ItemState & ODS_DISABLED)
-               Local tmpDrawFocusRect = Not (pDrawItemStruct.ItemState & ODS_NOFOCUSRECT)
-               Local itemRect:Int Ptr = Int Ptr Varptr pDrawItemStruct.rcItem_left, txtRect:Int[4], clientRect:Int[4]
-               Local tmpBgMode = SetBkMode(tmpDc, TRANSPARENT)
-               ' Prepare draw... paint button background
-               If _hTheme Then
-                       Local tmpState = PBS_NORMAL
-                       If tmpIsDisabled Then
-                               tmpState = PBS_DISABLED
-                       ElseIf tmpIsPressed Then
-                               tmpState = PBS_PRESSED
-                       ElseIf _mouseoverbutton Then
-                               tmpState = PBS_HOT
-                       ElseIf tmpIsFocused Then
-                               tmpState = PBS_DEFAULTED
-                       EndIf
-                       If IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(_hTheme, BP_PUSHBUTTON, tmpState) Then
-                               DrawThemeParentBackground( _hwnd, tmpDc, itemRect )
-                       EndIf
-                       DrawThemeBackground(_hTheme, tmpDc, BP_PUSHBUTTON, tmpState, itemRect, Null)
-                       GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(_hTheme, tmpDc, BP_PUSHBUTTON, tmpState, itemRect, clientRect)
-               Else
-                       clientRect = [itemRect[0], itemRect[1], itemRect[2], itemRect[3]]
-                       InflateRect(clientRect, -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE), -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE))
-                       If tmpIsFocused Then
-                               Local tmpBr = CreateSolidBrush($000000)
-                               FrameRect(tmpDc, itemRect , tmpBr)
-                               InflateRect(itemRect, -1, -1)
-                               DeleteObject(tmpBr)
-                       EndIf
-                       Local crColor
-                       If BgColor() < 0 Then crColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE) Else crColor = BgColor()
-                       Local brBackground = CreateSolidBrush(crColor)
-                       FillRect(tmpDc, itemRect, brBackground)
-                       DeleteObject(brBackground)
-                       ' Draw pressed button
-                       If tmpIsPressed
-                               Local brBtnShadow = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW))
-                               FrameRect(tmpDc, itemRect, brBtnShadow)
-                               DeleteObject(brBtnShadow)
-                               OffsetRect( clientRect, 1, 1 )
-                       Else ' ...Else draw non pressed button
-                               Local tmpUState = DFCS_BUTTONPUSH
-                               If _mouseoverbutton Then tmpUState :| DFCS_HOT
-                               If tmpIsPressed Then tmpUState :| DFCS_PUSHED
-                               DrawFrameControl(tmpDc, itemRect, DFC_BUTTON, tmpUState)
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf
-               If BgColor() > -1 Then
-                       Local brBackground = CreateSolidBrush(BgColor())
-                       FillRect(tmpDc, clientRect, brBackground)
-                       DeleteObject(brBackground)
-               EndIf
-               txtRect = clientRect[..]
-               clientRect[RECT_RIGHT]:-clientRect[RECT_LEFT]
-               clientRect[RECT_BOTTOM]:-clientRect[RECT_TOP]
-               ' Read the button's title
-               Local tmpText$ = Super.GetText()
-               ' Draw the icon
-               'DrawTheIcon(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_OWNERDRAW_BTN), &dc, bHasTitle, &lpDIS.rcItem, &captionRect, bIsPressed, bIsDisabled)
-               ' Write the button title (if any)
-               If tmpText Then
-                       Local tmpFlags = DT_CENTER|DT_WORDBREAK
-                       DrawTextW( tmpDc, tmpText, -1, txtRect, DT_CALCRECT|tmpFlags )
-                       txtWidth = txtRect[RECT_RIGHT]-txtRect[RECT_LEFT]
-                       txtHeight = txtRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-txtRect[RECT_TOP]
-                       txtRect[RECT_LEFT] = clientRect[RECT_LEFT] + (clientRect[RECT_RIGHT] - txtWidth)/2
-                       txtRect[RECT_TOP] = clientRect[RECT_TOP] + (clientRect[RECT_BOTTOM] - txtHeight)/2
-                       txtRect[RECT_RIGHT] = txtRect[RECT_LEFT] + txtWidth
-                       txtRect[RECT_BOTTOM] = txtRect[RECT_TOP] + txtHeight
-                       Local tmpTextColor
-                       If tmpIsDisabled Then
-                               tmpTextColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT)
-                       Else
-                               If FgColor() < 0 Then tmpTextColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT) Else tmpTextColor = FgColor()
-                       EndIf
-                       tmpTextColor = SetTextColor_(tmpDc,tmpTextColor)
-                       DrawTextW( tmpDc, tmpText, -1, txtRect, tmpFlags )
-                       SetTextColor_(tmpDc,tmpTextColor)
-               EndIf
-               RestoreDC(tmpDc,tmpDcState)
-               ' Draw the focus rect
-               If tmpIsFocused And tmpDrawFocusRect Then
-                       Local focusRect:Int[4]
-                       CopyRect(focusRect, itemRect)
-                       InflateRect(focusRect, -3, -3)
-                       SetMapMode(tmpDc, MM_TEXT)
-                       DrawFocusRect(tmpDc, focusRect)
-               EndIf
-               Return True
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)
-               Select wp Shr 16
-                       Case BN_CLICKED
-                               Select (style&7)
-                                       Case BUTTON_CHECKBOX
-                                               Select State()&STATE_INDETERMINATE
-                                                       Case 0, STATE_INDETERMINATE
-                                                               SetSelected(True)
-                                                       Case STATE_SELECTED
-                                                               SetSelected(False)
-                                               EndSelect
-                               EndSelect
-                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,ButtonState(Self)
-                               'Fix so that tooltips reappear on Windows XP
-                               Local tmpTooltip$ = GetTooltip()
-                               If tmpTooltip Then SetTooltip("");SetTooltip(tmpTooltip)
-               EndSelect
-       EndMethod                                                       
-       Method SetPixmap(pixmap:TPixmap,pFlags)
-               Local tmpWindowStyle = GetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE)
-               If (pFlags & GADGETPIXMAP_ICON) And (((style&BUTTON_PUSH)=BUTTON_PUSH) Or (style = BUTTON_CANCEL)) Then
-                       'To remove an image from a button, a handle-list of -1 should be passed.
-                       If _buttonImageList[0] >= 0 Then ImageList_Destroy(_buttonImageList[0]);_buttonImageList[0] = -1
-                       If pixmap Then _buttonImageList[0] = BuildImageList( pixmap )
-                       If (pFlags & GADGETPIXMAP_NOTEXT) Then
-                               _buttonImageList[5] = BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_CENTER
-                       Else
-                               _buttonImageList[5] = BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_LEFT
-                       EndIf
-                       'If running Windows XP/Vista, let's use BCM_SETIMAGELIST
-                       If Not SendMessageW (_hwnd, BCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, Int Byte Ptr _buttonImageList) Then
-                       'Otherwise, if this fails we should use BM_SETIMAGE.
-                               If _buttonImageList[0] >= 0 Then ImageList_Destroy(_buttonImageList[0]);_buttonImageList[0] = -1
-                               If _iconBitmap Then DeleteObject(_iconBitmap);_iconBitmap = 0
-                               If pixmap Then _iconBitmap = TWindowsGraphic.BitmapFromPixmap( pixmap, True )
-                               SendMessageW (_hwnd, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, _iconBitmap)
-                       EndIf
-                       'Show the text if there isn't a pixmap or if we haven't specified GADGETPIXMAP_NOTEXT.
-                       If (Not pixmap) Or Not(pFlags & GADGETPIXMAP_NOTEXT) Then
-                               tmpWindowStyle:&(~BS_BITMAP)
-                               'Text isn't hidden on XP image buttons regardless of whether BS_BITMAP is set
-                               'so we have to hack this in - they must have fixed it on Vista though as it works fine there.
-                               Super.SetText( GetText() )
-                       Else
-                               tmpWindowStyle:|BS_BITMAP
-                               'Text isn't hidden on XP image buttons regardless of whether BS_BITMAP is set
-                               'so we have to hack this in - they must have fixed it on Vista though as it works fine there.
-                               Super.SetText( "" )
-                       EndIf
-                       SetWindowLongW _hwnd,GWL_STYLE,tmpWindowStyle
-                       InvalidateRect _hwnd, Null, False
-                       Return True
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetText(pText$)
-               Local oldText$ = _strButtonText
-               _strButtonText = pText
-               If (_buttonImageList[0] < 0  And Not _iconBitmap) Or (oldText = Super.GetText()) Then Super.SetText(pText)
-       EndMethod
-       Method GetText$()
-               Return _strButtonText
-       EndMethod
-       Method Free()
-               If _buttonImageList[0] >= 0 Then ImageList_Destroy(_buttonImageList[0])
-               If _iconBitmap Then DestroyIcon( _iconBitmap );_iconBitmap = 0
-               _buttonImageList = Null
-               Super.Free()
-       EndMethod
-       Function BuildImageList(pixmap:TPixmap)
-               Local bitmap,imagelist,mask
-               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() And (Pixmap.format=PF_RGBA8888 Or pixmap.format=PF_BGRA8888)
-                       imagelist=ImageList_Create(pixmap.width,pixmap.height,ILC_COLOR32,0,1)
-                       If imagelist
-                               bitmap=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapFromPixmap(pixmap, True)
-                               ImageList_Add(imagelist,bitmap,0)
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf
-               If imagelist=0
-                       bitmap=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapFromPixmap(pixmap, False)
-                       mask=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapMaskFromPixmap(pixmap)
-                       imagelist=ImageList_Create(pixmap.width,pixmap.height,ILC_COLOR24|ILC_MASK,0,1)
-                       ImageList_Add(imagelist,bitmap,mask)
-                       DeleteObject(mask)
-               EndIf
-               DeleteObject(bitmap)
-               Return imagelist
-       EndFunction
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_BUTTON
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsTextField Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Field _busy
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      
-               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey
-               Local   hwnd,parent
-      = style
-               xstyle=WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
-               If style&TEXTFIELD_PASSWORD Then wstyle:|ES_PASSWORD            
-               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)
-               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"EDIT","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               'SendMessageW hwnd,WM_SETFONT,TWindowsGUIDriver.GDIFont.handle,1
-               Register GADGET_TEXTFIELD,hwnd
-               SetColor(255,255,255)
-               Return Self             
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetText(Text$)
-               Local p0,p1
-               _busy:+1
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_GETSEL,Int Byte Ptr Varptr p0,Int Byte Ptr Varptr p1
-               Super.SetText(Text)
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETSEL,p0,p1
-               _busy:-1
-       EndMethod
-       Method Activate(cmd)
-               Select cmd
-                       Case ACTIVATE_CUT       
-                               SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_CUT,0,0
-                       Case ACTIVATE_COPY      
-                               SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_COPY,0,0
-                       Case ACTIVATE_PASTE
-                               SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_PASTE,0,0
-                       Case ACTIVATE_FOCUS
-                               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETSEL,0,-1
-               End Select
-               Return Super.Activate(cmd)
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)
-               If Not _busy
-                       Select (wp Shr 16)
-                               Case EN_UPDATE
-                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION
-                               Case EN_KILLFOCUS
-                                       SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETSEL,0,0
-                       End Select
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Local event:TEvent
-               Select msg
-                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND
-                               Return 1
-                       Case WM_KEYDOWN
-                               If eventfilter<>Null
-                                       event=CreateEvent(EVENT_KEYDOWN,Self,wp,keymods())
-                                       If Not eventfilter(event,context) Return True
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_CHAR
-                               If eventfilter<>Null
-                                       event=CreateEvent(EVENT_KEYCHAR,Self,wp,keymods())
-                                       If Not eventfilter(event,context) Return True
-                               EndIf
-                       Case WM_KILLFOCUS
-                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETLOSTFOCUS
-               End Select
-               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_TEXTFIELD
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsTextArea Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Global _ClassName:String = Null 'See InitializeLibrary().
-       Global _pagemargin# = 0.5               'Page margin for print-out in inches
-       Field _locked
-       Field cr1:CHARRANGE=New CHARRANGE
-       Field cr2:CHARRANGE=New CHARRANGE
-       Field ole:IRichEditOLE
-       Field idoc:ITextDocument
-       Field busy,readonly
-       Field   IID_ITextDocument:GUID = New GUID
-       Function _InitializeLibrary()
-               If Not _ClassName Then
-                       'Load RichEdit DLL
-                       If Not LoadLibraryW("msftedit.dll") Then
-                               If LoadLibraryW("riched20.dll") _ClassName = "RichEdit20W"
-                       Else
-                               _ClassName = "RICHEDIT50W"
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf
-       EndFunction
-       Method New()
-               _InitializeLibrary()
-       EndMethod
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      
-               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey
-               Local   hwnd,parent
-               Local res
-               xstyle=WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
-               If Not (style&TEXTAREA_WORDWRAP) wstyle:|WS_HSCROLL|ES_AUTOHSCROLL
-'              If (style&TEXTAREA_READONLY) wstyle:|ES_READONLY                                                
-               If (style&TEXTAREA_READONLY) readonly=True
-      = style
-               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)
-               'RichText control should be made have dimensions of 1x1 pixels to fix Windows XP vertical scrollbar drawing bug.
-               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,_ClassName,"",wstyle,0,0,1,1,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               SendMessageW hwnd,EM_SETLIMITTEXT,4*1024*1024,0
-               SendMessageW hwnd,EM_SETUNDOLIMIT,0,0
-               SendMessageW hwnd,EM_GETOLEINTERFACE,0,Int Byte Ptr Varptr ole
-               res=IIDFromString(ITextDocument_UUID,IID_ITextDocument)
-               res=ole.QueryInterface(IID_ITextDocument,Varptr idoc)           
-               Register GADGET_TEXTAREA,hwnd                   
-               Return Self             
-       EndMethod
-       Method Free()
-               If ole Then ole.Release_
-               If idoc Then idoc.Release_
-               Super.Free()
-       EndMethod
-       Method Activate(cmd)
-               Select cmd
-                       Case ACTIVATE_CUT       
-                               SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_CUT,0,0
-                       Case ACTIVATE_COPY      
-                               SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_COPY,0,0
-                               SetFocus _hwnd
-                       Case ACTIVATE_PASTE
-                               DoPaste 
-                       Case ACTIVATE_PRINT
-                               DoPrint
-                       Default
-                               Return Super.Activate(cmd)
-               End Select
-       EndMethod
-       Method DoPaste()
-               Local h,handle,n
-               Local w:Short Ptr,cp:Short Ptr
-               Local tp:Byte Ptr,bp:Byte Ptr
-               If OpenClipboard(_hwnd)
-                       If IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)
-                               handle=GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT)
-                               n=GlobalSize(handle)
-                               w=Short Ptr GlobalLock(handle)
-                               h=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,n)
-                               cp=Short Ptr GlobalLock(h)
-                               memcpy_(cp,w,n)
-                               If cp[n/2-2]=10 Then cp[n/2-2]=13
-                               GlobalUnlock h  
-                               GlobalUnlock handle
-                               If h
-                                       EmptyClipboard
-                                       SetClipboardData CF_UNICODETEXT,h
-                               EndIf
-                       ElseIf IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_OEMTEXT)
-                               handle=GetClipboardData(CF_OEMTEXT)
-                               n=GlobalSize(handle)            
-                               tp=Byte Ptr GlobalLock(handle)                          
-                               h=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,n)
-                               bp=Byte Ptr GlobalLock(h)
-                               memcpy_(bp,tp,n)
-                               If bp[n-2]=10 Then bp[n-2]=13
-                               GlobalUnlock h
-                               GlobalUnlock handle
-                               If h
-                                       EmptyClipboard
-                                       SetClipboardData CF_OEMTEXT,h
-                               EndIf
-                       EndIf
-                       CloseClipboard
-                       SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_PASTE,0,0
-                       SetFocus _hwnd
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method DoPrint()
-               Local tmpTextSelLen = TextAreaSelLen(Self)
-               Local tmpPrintDialog:PRINTDLGW = New PRINTDLGW
-               tmpPrintDialog.flags = PD_RETURNDC | PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE | PD_NOPAGENUMS
-               If Not tmpTextSelLen Then tmpPrintDialog.flags:|PD_NOSELECTION
-               tmpPrintDialog.hwndOwner = _hwnd
-               If Not PrintDlg( Byte Ptr tmpPrintDialog ) Then Return 0
-               Local hdcPrinter = tmpPrintDialog.hdc   
-               Local tmpDoc:DOCINFOW = New DOCINFOW
-               Local tmpDocTitle:Short Ptr = AppTitle.ToWString()
-               tmpDoc.lpszDocName = tmpDocTitle
-               Local tmpSuccess = (StartDocW( hdcPrinter, Byte Ptr tmpDoc ) > 0)
-               If tmpSuccess Then
-                       Local _cursor = TWindowsGUIDriver._cursor
-                       SetPointer( POINTER_WAIT )
-                       SetMapMode( hdcPrinter, MM_TEXT )
-                       Local wPage = GetDeviceCaps( hdcPrinter, PHYSICALWIDTH )
-                       Local hPage = GetDeviceCaps( hdcPrinter, PHYSICALHEIGHT )
-                       Local xPPI = GetDeviceCaps( hdcPrinter, LOGPIXELSX )
-                       Local yPPI = GetDeviceCaps( hdcPrinter, LOGPIXELSY )
-                       Local tmpTextLengthStruct[] = [GTL_DEFAULT,1200]
-                       Local tmpTextLength = SendMessageW (_hwnd, EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, Int Byte Ptr tmpTextLengthStruct, 0)
-                       Local tmpTextPrinted, tmpFormatRange:FORMATRANGE = New FORMATRANGE
-                       tmpFormatRange.hdc = hdcPrinter
-                       tmpFormatRange.hdcTarget = hdcPrinter
-                       tmpFormatRange.rcPageRight = (wPage*1440:Long)/xPPI
-                       tmpFormatRange.rcPageBottom = (hPage*1440:Long)/yPPI
-                       tmpFormatRange.rcLeft = (1440*_pagemargin);tmpFormatRange.rcTop = (1440*_pagemargin)
-                       tmpFormatRange.rcRight = tmpFormatRange.rcPageRight - (2880*_pagemargin)
-                       tmpFormatRange.rcBottom = tmpFormatRange.rcPageBottom - (2880*_pagemargin)
-                       If tmpPrintDialog.flags & PD_SELECTION Then
-                               tmpTextPrinted = TextAreaCursor(Self)
-                               tmpFormatRange.CHARRANGE_cpMax = tmpTextPrinted+tmpTextSelLen
-                       Else
-                               tmpFormatRange.CHARRANGE_cpMax = tmpTextLength
-                       EndIf
-                       SendMessageW (_hwnd, EM_FORMATRANGE, False, 0)
-                       While tmpSuccess And ( tmpTextPrinted < tmpFormatRange.CHARRANGE_cpMax )
-                               tmpFormatRange.CHARRANGE_cpMin = tmpTextPrinted
-                               tmpSuccess = (StartPage(hdcPrinter) > 0)
-                               If Not tmpSuccess Then Exit
-                               tmpTextPrinted = SendMessageW( _hwnd, EM_FORMATRANGE, True, Int Byte Ptr tmpFormatRange )
-                               tmpSuccess = (EndPage(hdcPrinter) > 0)
-                       Wend
-                       If tmpSuccess Then EndDoc( hdcPrinter ) Else AbortDoc( hdcPrinter )
-                       SendMessageW (_hwnd, EM_FORMATRANGE, False, 0)
-                       TWindowsGUIDriver._cursor = _cursor
-                       SetCursor _cursor
-               EndIf
-               GlobalFree( tmpPrintDialog.hDevMode )
-               GlobalFree( tmpPrintDialog.hDevNames )
-               DeleteDC( hdcPrinter )
-               MemFree tmpDocTitle
-               Return tmpSuccess
-       EndMethod
-       Global gt[] = [GTL_DEFAULT, CP_ACP]
-       Method CharCount()
-               Return SendMessageW(_hwnd,EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX,Int Byte Ptr gt,0)
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetStyle(r,g,b,flags,pos,length,units)
-               Local iifont:ITextFont
-               Local iirange:ITextRange
-               Local res, tmpOutput
-               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES
-                       Local n=pos
-                       pos=CharAt(pos)
-                       If length>=0 length=CharAt(n+length)-pos
-               EndIf                   
-               If length<0 length=charcount()-pos      
-               busy:+1         
-               res=idoc.Range(pos,pos+length,iirange)
-               res=iirange.GetFont(iifont)
-               res=iifont.SetForeColor(((b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r))
-               If (flags&TEXTFORMAT_BOLD) Then iifont.SetBold(TOMTRUE) Else iifont.SetBold(TOMFALSE)
-               If (flags&TEXTFORMAT_ITALIC) Then iifont.SetItalic(TOMTRUE) Else iifont.SetItalic(TOMFALSE)
-               If (flags&TEXTFORMAT_UNDERLINE) Then iifont.SetUnderline(TOMSINGLE) Else iifont.SetUnderline(TOMFALSE)
-               If (flags&TEXTFORMAT_STRIKETHROUGH) Then iifont.SetStrikeThrough(TOMTRUE) Else iifont.SetStrikeThrough(TOMNONE)
-               iifont.Release_
-               iirange.Release_
-               busy:-1
-       EndMethod       
-       Method InsertText(Text$,pos,count)
-               Local iirange:ITextRange
-               Local bstr:Short Ptr, tmpWString:Short Ptr = Text.toWString()
-               Local res, bool
-               busy:+1
-               res=idoc.Range(pos,pos+count,iirange)           
-               bstr=SysAllocStringLen(tmpWString,Text.length);MemFree tmpWString
-               LockText()
-               res=iirange.SetText(bstr)
-               UnlockText()
-               SysFreeString bstr
-               iirange.Release_
-               busy:-1
-       EndMethod
-       Method ReplaceText(pos,length,Text$,units)
-               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES
-                       Local n=pos
-                       pos=CharAt(pos)
-                       If length>=0 length=CharAt(n+length)-pos
-               EndIf                   
-               If length<0 Then length=charcount()-pos 
-               InsertText Text,pos,length
-       EndMethod
-       Method AreaText$(pos,length,units)
-               Local iirange:ITextRange
-               Local bstr:Short Ptr
-               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES
-                       Local n=pos
-                       pos=CharAt(pos)
-                       If length>=0 length=CharAt(n+length)-pos
-               EndIf                   
-               If length<0 length=charcount()-pos      
-               idoc.Range(pos,pos+length,iirange)              
-               iirange.GetText(Varptr bstr)
-               Local Text$=String.FromWString(bstr)
-               SysFreeString bstr
-               iirange.Release_
-               Text=Text.Replace(Chr(13),Chr(10))
-               Return Text
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetSelection(pos,length,units)
-               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES
-                       Local n=pos
-                       pos=CharAt(pos)
-                       If length>0
-                               length=CharAt(n+length)
-                               length=length-pos
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf                   
-               If length<0 length=charcount()-pos      
-               Local cr:CHARRANGE = New CHARRANGE
-               cr.cpMin=pos
-               cr.cpMax=pos+length
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_EXSETSEL,0,Int Byte Ptr(cr)
-               Sensitize()
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetMargins(leftmargin)
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETMARGINS,EC_LEFTMARGIN,leftmargin
-       EndMethod
-       ' 72 points per inch
-       Method SetTabs(tabs)
-               Local hdc=GetDC( 0 )
-               idoc.SetDefaultTabStop tabs * 72.0 / GetDeviceCaps( hdc,LOGPIXELSX )
-               ReleaseDC 0,hdc
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTextColor(r,g,b)
-               cf.cbSize=SizeOf(CHARFORMATW)                           
-               cf.dwMask=CFM_COLOR|CFM_BOLD|CFM_ITALIC
-               cf.crTextColor=(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r   
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETCHARFORMAT,SCF_DEFAULT,Int Byte Ptr cf
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETCHARFORMAT,SCF_ALL,Int Byte Ptr cf
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetColor(r,g,b)
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,0,((b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r)
-       EndMethod
-       Method RemoveColor()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,1,0
-       EndMethod
-       Method GetCursorPos(units)
-               Local cr:CHARRANGE = New CHARRANGE
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_EXGETSEL,0,Int Byte Ptr(cr)
-               Local pos=cr.cpMin
-               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES pos=LineAt(pos)
-               Return pos
-       EndMethod       
-       Method GetSelectionLength(units)
-               Local cr:CHARRANGE = New CHARRANGE
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_EXGETSEL,0,Int Byte Ptr(cr)
-               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES
-                       Return LineAt(cr.cpMax-1)-LineAt(cr.cpMin)+1
-               Else
-                       Return cr.cpMax-cr.cpMin
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method CharAt(Line)
-               If Line<0 Return
-               If Line>AreaLen(TEXTAREA_LINES) Return charcount()
-               Return SendMessageW(_hwnd,EM_LINEINDEX,Line,0)
-       EndMethod
-       Method LineAt(pos)
-               If pos<0 Return
-               If pos>charcount() Return AreaLen(TEXTAREA_LINES)
-               Return SendMessageW(_hwnd,EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR,0,pos)
-       EndMethod
-       Method AreaLen(units)
-               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES Return LineAt(charcount())
-               Return charcount()
-       EndMethod
-       Method CharX( char )
-               Local tmpPoint[2]
-               SendMessageW(_hwnd, EM_POSFROMCHAR, Int Byte Ptr tmpPoint, char )
-               Return tmpPoint[0]
-       EndMethod
-       Method CharY( char )
-               Local tmpPoint[2]
-               SendMessageW(_hwnd, EM_POSFROMCHAR, Int Byte Ptr tmpPoint, char )
-               Return tmpPoint[1]
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetText(Text$)
-               InsertText Text,0,charcount()
-       EndMethod
-       Method AddText(Text$)
-               InsertText Text,charcount(),0
-               Local cr:CHARRANGE = New CHARRANGE
-               Local p = charcount()
-               cr.cpMin=p
-               cr.cpMax=p
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_EXSETSEL,0,Int Byte Ptr(cr)
-       EndMethod
-       Method GetText$()
-               Return AreaText(0,charcount(),TEXTAREA_CHARS)
-       EndMethod
-       Global _oldCursor = 0
-       Field _oldSelPos%, _oldSelLen% = 0
-       Method LockText()
-               If Not idoc.Freeze(_locked)
-                       _oldSelPos = GetCursorPos(TEXTAREA_CHARS)
-                       _oldSelLen = GetSelectionLength(TEXTAREA_CHARS)
-                       If Not _oldCursor Then _oldCursor = GetCursor()
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method UnlockText()
-               If idoc.Unfreeze(_locked) = S_OK Then
-                       SetSelection( _oldSelPos, _oldSelLen, TEXTAREA_CHARS )
-                       If _oldCursor And (_oldCursor <> GetCursor()) Then
-                               SetCursor(_oldCursor)
-                       EndIf
-                       _oldCursor = 0
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)
-               If busy Then Return
-               Select wp Shr 16
-                       Case EN_CHANGE
-                               If Not _locked Then PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION
-               End Select
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnNotify(wp,lp)
-               Local nmhdr:Int Ptr
-               Local event:TEvent
-               Super.OnNotify(wp,lp)   'Tooltip
-               nmhdr=Int Ptr(lp)
-               Select nmhdr[2]
-'                      Case EN_PROTECTED
-'                              DebugStop
-                       Case EN_SELCHANGE
-                               If Not (busy Or _locked)
-                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETSELECT
-                               EndIf
-                       Case EN_MSGFILTER
-                               Select nmhdr[3]
-                                       Case WM_RBUTTONDOWN
-                                               If GetSelectionLength(TEXTAREA_CHARS)=0 nmhdr[3]=WM_LBUTTONDOWN
-                                       Case WM_RBUTTONUP
-                                               Local mx=nmhdr[5] & $ffff
-                                               Local my=nmhdr[5] Shr 16
-                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETMENU,0,0,mx,my
-                                       Case WM_KEYDOWN
-                                               Local k=nmhdr[4]
-                                               'Filtering out special shortcut combinations
-                                               If (keymods()&MODIFIER_CONTROL) Then
-                                                       Select k
-                                                               Case 76,69,82   'ctrl+l, ctrl+e, ctrl+r
-                                                                       Return 1        'Alignment shortcuts
-                                                               Case 188,190    'ctrl+<, ctrl+>
-                                                                                       'Font size shortcuts
-                                                                       If (keymods()&MODIFIER_SHIFT) Then Return 1
-                                                       EndSelect
-                                               EndIf
-                                               'Read-only
-                                               If readonly
-                                                       If k>=33 And k<=40 Return 0 'selection keys
-                                                       If (keymods()&MODIFIER_CONTROL) Then
-                                                               Select k
-                                                                       Case 65, 67;Return 0 'ctrl-a, ctrl+c
-                                                               EndSelect
-                                                       EndIf
-                                                       Return 1                                                
-                                               EndIf
-                                               'Event Filter
-                                               If eventfilter<>Null
-                                                       event=CreateEvent(EVENT_KEYDOWN,Self,k,keymods())
-                                                       Return Not eventfilter(event,context)
-                                               EndIf
-                                       Case WM_CHAR
-                                               If readonly Return 1
-                                               If eventfilter<>Null
-                                                       event=CreateEvent(EVENT_KEYCHAR,Self,nmhdr[4],keymods())
-                                                       Return Not eventfilter(event,context)
-                                               EndIf
-                               End Select
-               End Select
-       EndMethod
-       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Select msg
-                       Case WM_MOUSEWHEEL
-                               If (wp&MK_CONTROL) Then SendMessageW _hwnd, EM_SETZOOM, 0, 0
-                       Case WM_KILLFOCUS
-                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETLOSTFOCUS
-               End Select
-               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_TEXTAREA
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsListBox Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Field _icons:TWindowsIconStrip
-       Field _selected = -1
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")              
-               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey
-               Local   hwnd,parent
-      = style
-               xstyle=WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
-               wstyle:|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS
-               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)
-               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"SysListView32","",wstyle,0,0,20,20,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               Local column:LVCOLUMNW
-               column=New LVCOLUMNW
-               SendMessageW hwnd,LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW,0,Int Byte Ptr(column)
-               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() Then SendMessageW hwnd,LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE,LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER,LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER
-               Register GADGET_LISTBOX,hwnd,0,False    'Set to True for normal Tooltips
-               If TWindowsGUIDriver._explorerstyle Then UseExplorerTheme()
-               Return Self             
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetColor(r,g,b)
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETBKCOLOR ,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR ,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r
-       EndMethod
-       Method RemoveColor()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETBKCOLOR ,1,0
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR ,1,0
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTextColor(r,g,b)
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r
-       EndMethod
-       'Hack: When image lists are removed from listviews, the items don't
-       'reposition themselves automatically. Hack involves first setting a tiny
-       'blank image-list to update item size, before attempting to remove it.
-       Method SetIconStrip(iconstrip:TIconStrip)
-               Local imagelist
-               If Not iconstrip Then
-                       _icons = TWindowsIconStrip.CreateBlank()
-               Else
-                       _icons = TWindowsIconStrip(iconstrip)
-               EndIf
-               If _icons Then imagelist = _icons._imagelist
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETIMAGELIST,LVSIL_SMALL,imagelist
-               If Not iconstrip Then
-                       SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETIMAGELIST,LVSIL_SMALL,0
-                       _icons = Null
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClearListItems()
-               _selected=-1
-               DeSensitize()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_DELETEALLITEMS,0,0
-               If Not IsSingleSelect() Then SelectionChanged()
-               Sensitize()
-       EndMethod
-       Method InsertListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)
-               Local it:LVITEMW
-               it=New LVITEMW
-               it.mask=LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_DI_SETITEM
-               it.iItem=index
-               it.pszText=Text.toWString()
-               'If icon>=0 Then
-                       it.mask:|LVIF_IMAGE
-                       it.iImage=icon
-               'EndIf
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_INSERTITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr(it)
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH,0,-2
-               If Not IsSingleSelect() Then SelectionChanged()
-               Sensitize()
-               MemFree it.pszText
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)
-               Local tmpReselect
-               If ListItemState(index) & STATE_SELECTED Then tmpReselect = True
-               RemoveListItem index
-               InsertListItem index,Text,tip,icon,tag
-               If tmpReselect Then SetItemState(index,STATE_SELECTED)
-       EndMethod
-       Method RemoveListItem(index)
-               Desensitize()
-               If ListItemState(index) & STATE_SELECTED Then _selected = -1
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_DELETEITEM,index,0
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH,0,-2
-               If Not IsSingleSelect() Then SelectionChanged()
-               Sensitize()
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetListItemState(index,state)
-               Local it:LVITEMW = New LVITEMW
-               it.mask=LVIF_STATE
-               it.iItem=index
-               If state&STATE_SELECTED
-                       it.state=LVIS_SELECTED
-                       If IsSingleSelect() Then _selected=index
-               ElseIf _selected=index
-                       _selected=-1
-               EndIf
-               it.stateMask=LVIS_SELECTED
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETITEMSTATE,index,Int Byte Ptr(it)
-               If it.state Then SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE,index,False
-               If Not IsSingleSelect() Then SelectionChanged()
-               Sensitize()
-       EndMethod
-       Method ListItemState(index)
-               Local state = SendMessageW(_hwnd,LVM_GETITEMSTATE,index,LVIS_SELECTED)
-               If state&LVIS_SELECTED Return STATE_SELECTED
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )
-               'ToolTips should be set on an item-by-item basis instead.
-       EndMethod
-       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Select msg
-                       Case WM_MAXGUILISTREFRESH
-                               Local index
-                               If IsSingleSelect() Then
-                                       index=SendMessageW(_hwnd,LVM_GETNEXTITEM,-1,LVNI_SELECTED)
-                               Else
-                                       index = SelectionChanged()
-                               EndIf
-                               If index <> _selected Then
-                                       If IsSingleSelect() Then _selected = index
-                                       Local item:TGadgetItem = New TGadgetItem
-                                       If index>=0 And index<items.length item=items[index]
-                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETSELECT,index,0,0,0,item.extra
-                               EndIf
-                       'If we are using XP Common Controls or higher, then the listbox will be double-buffered
-                       'and so we don't need to clear the background (performance tweak).
-                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND
-                               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() Then Return 1
-               EndSelect
-               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnNotify(wp,lp)
-               Local nmhdr:Int Ptr = Int Ptr(lp)
-               Local index, code = nmhdr[2]
-               Select code
-                       Case LVN_GETINFOTIPW
-                               Local tmpItemIndex = nmhdr[6]
-                               Local tmpMaxCharCount = nmhdr[5]-1
-                               Local tmpTipOutput:Short Ptr = Short Ptr(nmhdr[4])
-                               If tmpItemIndex < items.length Then
-                                       Local tmpTipString$ = items[tmpItemIndex].tip
-                                       If (items[tmpItemIndex].flags&GADGETITEM_LOCALIZED) Then tmpTipString = LocalizeString(tmpTipString)
-                                       tmpTipString = tmpTipString[..Min(tmpTipString.length,tmpMaxCharCount)]
-                                       Local tmpBufferMem:Short Ptr = tmpTipString.ToWString()
-                                       MemCopy tmpTipOutput, tmpBufferMem, (tmpTipString.length+1) * 2
-                                       MemFree tmpBufferMem
-                               EndIf
-                       Case LVN_ITEMCHANGED
-                               'We need to postpone processing until after *all* item states have been updated by the OS.
-                               If Not(nmhdr[7]&LVIF_STATE) Then Return
-                               PostMessageW( _hwnd, WM_MAXGUILISTREFRESH, 0, 0 )
-                       Case NM_DBLCLK
-                               index=nmhdr[3]
-                               Local item:TGadgetItem
-                               If index>=0 And index<items.length
-                                       item=items[index]
-                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,index,0,0,0,item.extra
-                               EndIf
-                       Case NM_CLICK
-                               index=nmhdr[3]
-                               If index=-1 And _selected<>-1
-                                       _selected=-1
-                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETSELECT,-1
-                               EndIf
-                       Case NM_RCLICK
-                               index=nmhdr[3]
-                               Local item:TGadgetItem
-                               If index>=0 And index<items.length
-                                       item=items[index]
-                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETMENU,index,0,0,0,item.extra
-                               EndIf
-                       'Return true to tell the OS not to send individual LVN_DELETEITEM notifications for each and every item when clearing list.
-                       Case LVN_DELETEALLITEMS
-                               Return True
-               End Select
-       EndMethod
-       Method IsSingleSelect()
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_LISTBOX
-       EndMethod
-       Method HasResized()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH,0,-2
-       EndMethod
-       Method UseExplorerTheme()
-               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() And SetWindowThemeW Then SetWindowThemeW( _hwnd, _wstrExplorer, Null )
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsComboBox Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Field _icons:TWindowsIconStrip
-       Field _editHwnd, _comboHwnd
-       Field _selected = -1
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")
-               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey,hwnd
-               Local   parent,editstyle,combostyle
-      = style
-               If (style & COMBOBOX_EDITABLE) Then wstyle:|CBS_DROPDOWN Else wstyle:|CBS_DROPDOWNLIST
-               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)
-               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"ComboBoxEx32","",wstyle,0,0,0,180,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               If (style & COMBOBOX_EDITABLE) Then
-                       _editHwnd=SendMessageW(hwnd,CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL,0,0)
-                       If _editHwnd Then
-                               editstyle=GetWindowLongW(_editHwnd,GWL_STYLE)
-                               SetWindowLongW _editHwnd,GWL_STYLE,editstyle|WS_TABSTOP
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf
-               _comboHwnd=SendMessageW(hwnd,CBEM_GETCOMBOCONTROL,0,0)
-               comboStyle=GetWindowLongW(_comboHwnd,GWL_STYLE)
-               SetWindowLongW _comboHwnd,GWL_STYLE,comboStyle|WS_TABSTOP
-               Register GADGET_COMBOBOX,hwnd
-               TWindowsGUIDriver.RegisterHwnd(_combohwnd,Self)
-               If _edithwnd Then TWindowsGUIDriver.RegisterHwnd(_edithwnd,Self)
-               SetColor(255,255,255)
-               Return Self     
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetText(Text$)
-               If Not _editHwnd Then
-                       Local tmpWString:Short Ptr = Text.ToWString()
-                       Local tmpResult = SendMessageW(_comboHwnd, CB_SETCUEBANNER, 0, Int(tmpWString))
-                       MemFree tmpWString;Return tmpResult
-               Else
-                       Return Super.SetText(Text)
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method GetText$()
-               If Not _editHwnd Then
-                       If _selected > -1 Then Return items[_selected].Text Else Return ""
-               Else
-                       Return Super.GetText()
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method Activate(cmd)
-               If _editHwnd Then
-                       Select cmd
-                               Case ACTIVATE_CUT       
-                                       SendMessageW _editHwnd,WM_CUT,0,0
-                               Case ACTIVATE_COPY      
-                                       SendMessageW _editHwnd,WM_COPY,0,0
-                                       SetFocus _hwnd
-                               Case ACTIVATE_PASTE
-                                       SendMessageW _editHwnd,WM_PASTE,0,0
-                               Case ACTIVATE_FOCUS
-                                       SendMessageW _editHwnd,EM_SETSEL,0,-1
-                       End Select
-               EndIf
-               Return Super.Activate(cmd)
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetIconStrip(iconstrip:TIconStrip)
-               Local imagelist
-               _icons=TWindowsIconStrip(iconstrip)
-               If _icons Then imagelist = _icons._imagelist
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,CBEM_SETIMAGELIST,LVSIL_SMALL,imagelist
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClearListItems()
-               _selected=-1
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,CB_RESETCONTENT,0,0
-               Sensitize()
-       EndMethod
-       Method InsertListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)
-               it.mask=CBEIF_TEXT
-               it.iItem=index
-               it.pszText=Text.toWString()
-               If icon>=0
-                       it.mask:|CBEIF_IMAGE|CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE
-                       it.iImage=icon
-                       it.iSelectedImage=icon
-               EndIf
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW(_hwnd,CBEM_INSERTITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr(it))
-               Sensitize()
-               MemFree it.pszText
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)
-               it.mask=CBEIF_TEXT
-               it.iItem=index
-               it.pszText=Text.toWString()
-               If _icons And icon>-1
-                       it.mask:|CBEIF_IMAGE|CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE
-                       it.iImage=icon
-                       it.iSelectedImage=icon
-               EndIf
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW(_hwnd,CBEM_SETITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr(it))
-               Sensitize()
-               MemFree it.pszText
-       EndMethod
-       Method RemoveListItem(index)
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,CBEM_DELETEITEM,index,0
-               Sensitize()
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetListItemState(index,state)
-               If state&STATE_SELECTED
-                       _selected=index
-               Else
-                       If _selected=index _selected=-1
-                       index=-1
-               EndIf
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,CB_SETCURSEL,index,0
-               Sensitize()
-       EndMethod
-       Method ListItemState(index)
-               Local Current,state
-               Current=SendMessageW(_hwnd,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0)
-               If Current=CB_ERR Current=-1
-               If Current=index state=STATE_SELECTED
-               Return state
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)
-               Local index
-               Select wp Shr 16
-                       Case CBN_SELCHANGE
-                               index=SendMessageW(_hwnd,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0)
-                               If index=CB_ERR
-                                       index=-1
-                               Else
-                                       If _selected<>index     'user generated event
-                                               _selected=index
-                                               Local extra:Object
-                                               If index>=0 And index<items.length extra=items[index].extra
-                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,index,0,0,0,extra
-                                       EndIf
-                               EndIf
-                       Case CBN_EDITCHANGE
-                               _selected=-1
-                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,-1
-               End Select
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_COMBOBOX
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsToolbar Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Field _icons:TWindowsIconStrip
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      
-               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey
-               Local   hwnd,parent
-      = style
-               Self.parent = group
-               parent=Self.parent.query(QUERY_HWND)
-               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"ToolbarWindow32","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               DragAcceptFiles(hwnd,False)     'For some reason, toolbars may accept files by default!
-               Register GADGET_TOOLBAR,hwnd,0,True
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_SETTOOLTIPS,_tooltips,0
-               Rethink()
-               Return Self             
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetIconStrip(iconstrip:TIconStrip)       
-               _icons=TWindowsIconStrip(iconstrip)
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_SETIMAGELIST,0,_icons._imagelist  
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_AUTOSIZE,0,0
-               Rethink
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetShow(truefalse)
-               Super.SetShow(truefalse)
-               UpdateWindowClient()
-       EndMethod
-       Method Free()
-               SetShow(False)
-               Super.Free()
-       EndMethod
-       Method Rethink()
-               Local tmpRect[4]
-               GetWindowRect _hwnd,tmpRect
-               SetRect(0,0,parent.ClientWidth(),(tmpRect[3]-tmpRect[1]))
-               QueueResize _hwnd,xpos,ypos,width,height
-               UpdateWindowClient()
-       EndMethod
-       Method UpdateWindowClient()
-               Local tmpHeight:Int = height
-               If (State()&STATE_HIDDEN) Then tmpHeight = 0
-               If TWindowsGadget(parent)._clientY <> tmpHeight Then
-                       TWindowsGadget(parent)._clientY = tmpHeight
-                       parent.Rethink()
-                       TWindowsGadget(parent).RethinkClient()
-                       parent.LayoutKids()
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method DoLayout()
-               Rethink()
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )
-               'ToolTips should be set on an item-by-item basis instead.
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClearListItems()
-               While SendMessageW(_hwnd,TB_BUTTONCOUNT,0,0)
-                       RemoveListItem(0)
-               Wend
-       EndMethod
-       Method InsertListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)
-               Local   but:TBBUTTON
-               but=New TBBUTTON
-               but.fsState=TBSTATE_ENABLED
-               If icon = -2 Or (icon>-1 And _icons.IsBlankIcon(icon))
-                       but.idCommand=0
-                       but.fsStyle=TBSTYLE_SEP
-               Else
-                       but.iBitmap=icon
-                       but.idCommand=index+1
-                       but.fsStyle=TBSTYLE_BUTTON
-               EndIf
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_INSERTBUTTON,index,Int Byte Ptr(but)
-               Sensitize()
-               If tip
-                       Local ti:TOOLINFOW=New TOOLINFOW
-                       ti.cbSize=SizeOf(ti)
-                       ti.uFlags=TTF_SUBCLASS
-                       ti.hwnd=_hwnd
-                       ti.lpszText=tip.towstring()
-                       ti.uId=index+1
-                       SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_GETITEMRECT,index,Int(Varptr ti.rect_left)
-                       SendMessageW _tooltips,TTM_ADDTOOLW,0,Int Byte Ptr(ti)
-                       MemFree ti.lpszText
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)
-               Local tmpState:Int = ListItemState(index)
-               RemoveListItem index
-               InsertListItem index,Text,tip,icon,tag
-               SetListItemState(index,tmpState)
-       EndMethod
-       Method RemoveListItem(index)
-               Local ti:TOOLINFOW=New TOOLINFOW
-               ti.cbSize=SizeOf(ti)
-               ti.hwnd=_hwnd
-               ti.uId=index+1
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW _tooltips,TTM_DELTOOLW,0,Int(Varptr ti)
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_DELETEBUTTON,index,0
-               Sensitize()
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetListItemState(index,state)
-               Local enable,pressed
-               If state&STATE_DISABLED=0 enable=$1
-               If state&STATE_SELECTED pressed=$1
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_ENABLEBUTTON,index+1,enable
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_CHECKBUTTON,index+1,pressed
-       EndMethod
-       Method ListItemState(index)
-               Local state,flags
-               state=SendMessageW(_hwnd,TB_GETSTATE,index+1,0)
-               If state=-1 Return 0
-               If Not (state&TBSTATE_ENABLED) flags:|STATE_DISABLED
-               If state&TBSTATE_CHECKED flags:|STATE_SELECTED
-               Return flags    
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)
-               Local index=wp-1
-               Local extra:Object
-               If index>=0 And index<items.length extra=items[index].extra
-               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,index,0,0,0,extra
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_TOOLBAR
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsTabber Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Field _icons:TWindowsIconStrip
-       Field _tabcount
-       Field _blank:Short Ptr
-       Field _selected = -1
-       Field _tipbuffer:Short Ptr
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")              
-               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey
-               Local   hwnd,parent,client
-      = style
-               xstyle=WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT
-               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)
-               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"SysTabControl32","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               client=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassName(),"",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS|WS_CLIPCHILDREN,0,0,0,0,hwnd,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null )
-               SendMessageW hwnd,TCM_INSERTITEMW,0,Int(_wstrSpace)
-               Register GADGET_TABBER,hwnd,client,True
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_SETTOOLTIPS,_tooltips,0
-               Return Self             
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetIconStrip(iconstrip:TIconStrip)
-               Local imagelist
-               _icons=TWindowsIconStrip(iconstrip)
-               If _icons Then imagelist = _icons._imagelist
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_SETIMAGELIST,0,imagelist
-               RethinkClient()
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClientWidth()
-               Local Rect[] = [0,0,width,height]
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_ADJUSTRECT,False,Int Byte Ptr(Rect)              
-               If Rect[2]>Rect[0] Then Return Rect[2]-Rect[0]
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClientHeight()
-               Local Rect[] = [0,0,width,height]
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_ADJUSTRECT,False,Int Byte Ptr(Rect)              
-               If Rect[3]>Rect[1] Then Return Rect[3]-Rect[1]
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClearListItems()
-               _tabcount=0
-               _selected=-1
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0
-               Sensitize()
-               RethinkClient()
-       EndMethod
-       Method InsertListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)
-               If _tabcount=0 SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_DELETEALLITEMS,0,0
-               Local t:TCITEMW=New TCITEMW             
-               t.mask=TCIF_TEXT|TCIF_IMAGE
-               t.pszText=Text.toWString()
-               t.iImage=icon
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_INSERTITEMW,index,Int Byte Ptr(t)
-               Sensitize()
-               MemFree t.pszText       
-               _tabcount:+1
-               RethinkClient()
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)
-               Local t:TCITEMW=New TCITEMW             
-               t.mask=TCIF_TEXT|TCIF_IMAGE
-               t.pszText=Text.toWString()
-               t.iImage=icon
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_SETITEMW,index,Int Byte Ptr(t)
-               Sensitize()
-               MemFree t.pszText
-               RethinkClient()
-       EndMethod
-       Method RemoveListItem(index)
-               Desensitize()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_DELETEITEM,index,0
-               _tabcount:-1
-               _selected=SendMessageW(_hwnd,TCM_GETCURSEL,0,0)
-               If _tabcount=0 SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_INSERTITEMW,0,Int(_blank)
-               Sensitize()
-               RethinkClient()
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetListItemState(index,state)
-               Desensitize()
-               If state&STATE_SELECTED
-                       _selected=index
-                       SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_SETCURSEL,index,0
-               ElseIf _selected=index
-                       _selected=-1
-               EndIf
-               Sensitize()
-       EndMethod
-       Method ListItemState(index)
-               Local state,Current
-               Current=-1
-               If _tabcount Current=SendMessageW(_hwnd,TCM_GETCURSEL,0,0)
-               If Current=index state:|STATE_SELECTED
-               Return state
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnNotify(wp,lp)
-               Local nmhdr:Int Ptr     'hwnd,id,code
-               Local index
-               nmhdr=Int Ptr(lp)
-               Select nmhdr[2]
-                       Case TTN_GETDISPINFOW
-                               Local TCHITTESTINFO[3], Rect[4]
-                               GetCursorPos_( TCHITTESTINFO );GetWindowRect( _hwnd, Rect )
-                               TCHITTESTINFO = [TCHITTESTINFO[0]-Rect[0],TCHITTESTINFO[1]-Rect[1],0]
-                               Local tmpItem = SendMessageW( _hwnd, TCM_HITTEST, 0, Int Byte Ptr TCHITTESTINFO )
-                               If (tmpItem > -1) And (tmpItem < items.length) Then
-                                       Local tmpTooltip$ = items[tmpItem].tip
-                                       If (items[tmpItem].flags&GADGETITEM_LOCALIZED) Then tmpTooltip = LocalizeString(tmpTooltip)
-                                       SetTipBuffer( tmpTooltip )
-                                       If tmpTooltip Then nmhdr[3] = Int(_tipbuffer)
-                               EndIf
-                       Case TCN_SELCHANGE
-                               If _tabcount
-                                       index=SendMessageW(_hwnd,TCM_GETCURSEL,0,0)
-                                       If index<>_selected
-                                               Local extra:Object
-                                               If index>=0 And index<items.length
-                                                       extra=items[index].extra
-                                               Else
-                                                       index=-1
-                                               EndIf
-                                               _selected=index
-                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,index,0,0,0,extra
-                                       EndIf
-                               EndIf
-                       Case NM_RCLICK
-                               Local TCHITTESTINFO[3], Rect[4], extra:Object
-                               GetCursorPos_( TCHITTESTINFO );GetWindowRect( _hwnd, Rect )
-                               TCHITTESTINFO = [TCHITTESTINFO[0]-Rect[0],TCHITTESTINFO[1]-Rect[1],0]
-                               Local index = SendMessageW( _hwnd, TCM_HITTEST, 0, Int Byte Ptr TCHITTESTINFO )
-                               If (index < 0) Or (index >= items.length) Then index = -1 Else extra = items[index].extra
-                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETMENU,index,0,TCHITTESTINFO[0],TCHITTESTINFO[1],extra
-               EndSelect
-       EndMethod
-       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Select msg
-                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND
-                               Select hwnd
-                                       Case _hwndclient
-                                               If DrawThemeParentBackground Then
-                                                       DrawParentBackground(wp,hwnd)
-                                                       Return 1
-                                               EndIf
-                               EndSelect
-               End Select
-               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method RethinkClient(forceRedraw:Int = False)
-               Local Rect[] = [0,0,width,height]
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_ADJUSTRECT,False, Int Byte Ptr(Rect)
-               MoveWindow _hwndclient,Rect[RECT_LEFT],Rect[RECT_TOP],Rect[RECT_RIGHT]-Rect[RECT_LEFT],Rect[RECT_BOTTOM]-Rect[RECT_TOP],forceRedraw
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTipBuffer( pTip$ )
-               If _tipbuffer Then MemFree _tipbuffer
-               If pTip Then _tipbuffer = pTip.ToWString()
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )
-               'ToolTips should be set on an item-by-item basis instead.
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_TABBER
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsTreeNode Extends TGadget
-       Field   _parent:TWindowsTreeNode
-       Field   _tree           'HWND
-       Field   _item           'HTREEITEM
-       Field   _expanded
-       Field   _icon
-       Field _handle
-       Method Activate(cmd)
-               Local tmpTree:TWindowsTreeView = TWindowsTreeView(TWindowsGUIDriver.GadgetFromHwnd(_tree))
-               If tmpTree Then tmpTree.Desensitize()
-               Select cmd
-                       Case ACTIVATE_SELECT
-                               If _item <> TVI_ROOT Then
-                                       SendMessageW _tree,TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_CARET,_item
-                               Else
-                                       SendMessageW _tree,TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_CARET,0
-                               EndIf
-                       Case ACTIVATE_EXPAND
-                               SendMessageW _tree,TVM_EXPAND,TVE_EXPAND,_item
-                               _expanded=True
-                       Case ACTIVATE_COLLAPSE
-                               SendMessageW _tree,TVM_EXPAND,TVE_COLLAPSE,_item
-                               _expanded=False
-                       Case ACTIVATE_REDRAW
-                               RedrawNode()
-               End Select
-               If tmpTree Then tmpTree.Sensitize()
-       EndMethod
-       Method CreateRoot:TWindowsTreeNode(owner:TWindowsTreeView)
-               _tree=owner._hwnd
-               _item=TVI_ROOT          
-               Return Self
-       EndMethod
-       Method CountKids()
-               Return kids.count()
-       EndMethod
-       Method Create:TWindowsTreeNode(group:TGadget,style,Text$="",index=-1,icon = -1)
-               _parent=TWindowsTreeNode(group)
-               If Not _parent Throw "Parent isn't a treeview node. Use TreeViewRoot() when creating a root node."
-      = style
-               _tree=_parent._tree
-               _icon = icon
-               Spawn(Text,index)
-               _SetParent group,index
-               If (LocalizationMode()&LOCALIZATION_OVERRIDE) Then
-                       LocalizeGadget(Self, Text, "")
-               EndIf
-               Return Self
-       EndMethod
-       Method GetText$()
-               Local item[10]
-               Local buffer:Short[260]
-               item[0]=TVIF_TEXT
-               item[1]=_item
-               item[4]=Int Byte Ptr buffer
-               item[5]=256
-               SendMessageW _tree,TVM_GETITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr(item)
-               Return String.FromWString(buffer)
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetText(Text$)
-               Local tv:TVITEMW=New TVITEMW
-               tv.mask=TVIF_HANDLE|TVIF_TEXT
-               tv.hItem = _item
-               If _icon > -1 Then
-                       tv.mask:|TVIF_IMAGE|TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE
-                       tv.iImage=_icon
-                       tv.iSelectedImage=tv.iImage
-               EndIf
-               tv.pszText=Text.ToWString()
-               SendMessageW(_tree,TVM_SETITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr tv)
-               MemFree tv.pszText
-       EndMethod
-       Method DoLayout()
-               'Don't do anything!
-       EndMethod
-       Method Free()
-               'If we don't have a parent then the node must have previously been freed.
-               If Not _parent Then Return
-               'Avoid firing events when freeing a treenode that is selected.
-               If SendMessageW(_tree,TVM_GETNEXTITEM,TVGN_CARET,0) Then DeSelect()
-               'Free treenode
-               If _item Then SendMessageW(_tree,TVM_DELETEITEM,0,_item);_item=0
-               'Redraw parent if we were its last child node
-               If Not SendMessageW(_tree, TVM_GETNEXTITEM, TVGN_CHILD, _parent._item) Then _parent.RedrawNode()
-               'Cleanup variables that could be circular references
-               _parent = Null;_tree = 0;_SetParent Null
-               'Release any handle we created using HandleFromObject() in Spawn()
-               If _handle Then Release _handle
-       EndMethod
-       Method DeSelect()
-               SendMessageW _tree,TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_CARET,0
-       EndMethod
-       Method InsertNode:TGadget(index,Text$,icon)
-               Return New TWindowsTreeNode.Create(Self,0,Text,index,icon)
-       EndMethod
-       Method ModifyNode(Text$,icon)
-               _icon = icon
-               SetText Text
-       EndMethod
-       Method tviatindex(index)
-               If kids.IsEmpty() Then Return TVI_FIRST
-               If index<0 Or index>=kids.count() Return TVI_LAST               
-               Local child:TWindowsTreeNode
-               child=TWindowsTreeNode(kids.valueatindex(index))
-               Return child._item
-       EndMethod
-       Method Spawn(name$,index=-1)
-               Local it:TVINSERTSTRUCTW
-               Local hitem                             
-               it=New TVINSERTSTRUCTW
-               it.hParent=_parent._item
-               If index = 0 Then
-                       it.hInsertAfter = TVI_FIRST
-               Else
-                       it.hInsertAfter=_parent.tviatindex(index-1)
-               EndIf
-               it.item_mask=TVIF_TEXT|TVIF_PARAM
-               If _icon > -1 Then
-                       it.item_mask:|TVIF_IMAGE|TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE
-                       it.item_iImage=_icon
-                       it.item_iSelectedImage=it.item_iImage
-               EndIf
-               Local tmpParentHadKids = SendMessageW(_tree, TVM_GETNEXTITEM, TVGN_CHILD, _parent._item)
-               it.item_pszText=name.ToWString()
-               it.item_lparam=HandleFromObject(Self)
-               'Make sure that we store handle so we can release it later.
-               If _handle Then Release _handle
-               _handle = it.item_lparam
-               _item=SendMessageW(_tree,TVM_INSERTITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr it)
-               MemFree it.item_pszText
-               'Fix for tree-view parent status update problem.
-               If Not tmpParentHadKids Then _parent.RedrawNode()
-               Return _item
-       EndMethod
-       Method RedrawNode()
-               If _item = TVI_ROOT Then
-                       InvalidateRect _tree, Null, True
-               Else
-                       Local Rect[] = [_item,0,0,0]
-                       If SendMessageW(_tree, TVM_GETITEMRECT, False, Int Byte Ptr Rect) Then
-                               InvalidateRect _tree, Rect, True
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )
-               'At the moment, nodes don't support tooltips.
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_NODE
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsTreeView Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Field   _root:TWindowsTreeNode
-       Field   _selected:TWindowsTreeNode
-       Field   _icons:TWindowsIconStrip
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")
-               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey
-               Local   hwnd,parent
-      = style
-               xstyle=WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
-               If Not(style&TREEVIEW_DRAGNDROP) wstyle:|TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP
-               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)
-               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"SysTreeView32","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() Then SendMessageW hwnd, TVM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE, TVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER, TVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER
-               Register GADGET_TREEVIEW,hwnd                   
-               _root=New TWindowsTreeNode.CreateRoot(Self)     
-               If TWindowsGUIDriver._explorerstyle Then UseExplorerTheme()
-               Return Self
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetIconStrip(iconstrip:TIconStrip)       
-               _icons=TWindowsIconStrip(iconstrip)
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TVM_SETIMAGELIST,TVSIL_NORMAL,_icons._imagelist
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetColor(r,g,b)
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TVM_SETBKCOLOR,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r
-       EndMethod
-       Method RemoveColor()
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TVM_SETBKCOLOR,1,0
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTextColor(r,g,b)
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,TVM_SETTEXTCOLOR,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r
-       EndMethod
-       Method RootNode:TGadget()
-               Return _root
-       EndMethod
-       Method SelectedNode:TGadget()
-               Return _selected
-       EndMethod
-       Method CountKids()
-               Return _root.CountKids()
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnNotify(wp,lp)
-               Local nmhdr:Int Ptr
-               Local itemnew:Int Ptr
-               Local node:TWindowsTreeNode
-               Super.OnNotify(wp,lp)   'Tool-tips
-               nmhdr=Int Ptr(lp)
-               Select nmhdr[2] 'code
-                       'MSLU glitch requires handling of ANSI equivalent
-                       Case TVN_SELCHANGEDW, TVN_SELCHANGEDA
-                               itemnew=nmhdr+14                'Int Ptr(nmhdr[5])      'itemNew
-                               If itemnew[1]=TVI_ROOT  'hItem
-                                       _selected=_root
-                               Else
-                                       _selected=TWindowsTreeNode(HandleToObject(itemnew[9]))  'lParaM
-                               EndIf
-                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETSELECT,0,0,0,0,_selected
-                               itemnew=nmhdr+14                'Int Ptr(nmhdr[5])      'itemNew.TVITEM
-                               If itemnew[1]=TVI_ROOT          'hItem
-                                       node=_root
-                               Else
-                                       node=TWindowsTreeNode(HandleToObject(itemnew[9] ))      'lParaM
-                               EndIf
-                               Select nmhdr[3] 'action itemnew[2]&TVIS_EXPANDED        'state
-                                       Case 1
-                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETCLOSE,0,0,0,0,node
-                                               node._expanded=False
-                                       Case 2
-                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETOPEN,0,0,0,0,node
-                                               node._expanded=True
-                               End Select
-                               Return True
-                               If (style&TREEVIEW_DRAGNDROP) Then
-                                       Local data% = 1
-                                       If (nmhdr[2] = TVN_BEGINRDRAGW) Or (nmhdr[2] = TVN_BEGINRDRAGA) Then data = 2
-                                       itemnew=nmhdr+14                'Int Ptr(nmhdr[5])      'itemNew
-                                       If itemnew[1]<>TVI_ROOT Then
-                                               TGadget.dragGadget[data-1]=TWindowsTreeNode(HandleToObject(itemnew[9]))
-                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETDRAG, data, KeyMods(), itemnew[10], itemnew[11], TGadget.dragGadget[data-1]
-                                       Else
-                                               TGadget.dragGadget[data-1]=Null
-                                       EndIf
-                               EndIf
-                       Case NM_DBLCLK, NM_RETURN
-                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,0,0,0,0,_selected
-                       Case NM_RCLICK
-                               Local Rect[4]
-                               Local pt[2]
-                               Local hittest[4]
-                               Local item[10]
-                               GetWindowRect _hwnd,Rect
-                               GetCursorPos_ pt
-                               hittest[0]=pt[0]-Rect[0]
-                               hittest[1]=pt[1]-Rect[1]
-                               If SendMessageW(_hwnd,TVM_HITTEST,0,Int Byte Ptr(hittest))
-                                       If hittest[3]=TVI_ROOT
-                                               node=_root
-                                       Else
-                                               item[0]=TVIF_PARAM
-                                               item[1]=hittest[3]
-                                               SendMessageW _hwnd,TVM_GETITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr(item)
-                                               node=TWindowsTreeNode(HandleToObject(item[9]))
-                                       EndIf
-                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETMENU,0,hittest[0],hittest[1],0,node
-                               EndIf
-                               Return True
-               EndSelect
-       EndMethod
-       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Select msg
-                       'If we are using Vista's common controls, then the treeview will be double-buffered and so
-                       'we don't need to clear the background when redrawing (performance tweak).
-                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND
-                               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() >= 2 Then Return 1
-               EndSelect
-               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method UseExplorerTheme()
-               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() And SetWindowThemeW Then
-                       SetWindowThemeW( _hwnd, _wstrExplorer, Null )
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_TREEVIEW
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsLabel Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      
-               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey
-               Local   hwnd,parent
-      = style
-               Select style&24
-                       Case LABEL_LEFT wstyle:|SS_LEFT
-                       Case LABEL_RIGHT wstyle:|SS_RIGHT
-                       Case LABEL_CENTER wstyle:|SS_CENTER
-               End Select
-               Select style&7
-                       Case LABEL_FRAME wstyle:|WS_BORDER
-                       Case LABEL_SUNKENFRAME wstyle:|SS_SUNKEN
-                       Case LABEL_SEPARATOR wstyle:|SS_SUNKEN|SS_GRAYRECT
-               End Select
-               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)
-               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"STATIC","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               Register GADGET_LABEL,hwnd
-               Return Self
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetArea(x,y,w,h)
-               If ((style & 7) = LABEL_SEPARATOR) Then
-                       If (w > h) Then h = 2 Else w = 2
-               EndIf
-               Return Super.SetArea(x,y,w,h)
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetText(Text$)
-               If ((style & 7) <> LABEL_SEPARATOR) Then Return Super.SetText(Text)
-       EndMethod
-       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Select msg
-                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND
-                               Return 1
-               EndSelect
-               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_LABEL
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsSlider Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Field   _slidertype,_ishorizontal,_visible = 5,_total = 10,_value
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      
-               Local   xstyle,wstyle,class$
-               Local   hwnd,parent,hotkey
-               _slidertype=style&$fffc
-               _ishorizontal=style&SLIDER_HORIZONTAL
-      = style
-               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)           
-               Select _slidertype
-                       Case SLIDER_SCROLLBAR
-                               If _ishorizontal wstyle:|SBS_HORZ;Else wstyle:|SBS_VERT
-                               class$="SCROLLBAR"
-                       Case SLIDER_TRACKBAR
-                               wstyle:|TBS_AUTOTICKS|WS_TABSTOP
-                               xstyle:|WS_EX_COMPOSITED        'Reduces flicker when resizing (doesn't like scrollbars/up-down controls)
-                               If _ishorizontal wstyle:|TBS_HORZ Else wstyle:|TBS_VERT
-                               class$=TRACKBAR_CLASS
-                       Case SLIDER_STEPPER
-                               If _ishorizontal wstyle:|UDS_HORZ
-                               class$="msctls_updown32"
-                       Default
-                               Return Null
-               End Select
-               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,class,"",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               Register GADGET_SLIDER,hwnd
-               RefreshLook()
-               Return Self             
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetRange(visible,total)
-               _visible = visible
-               _total = total
-               Local tmpEnabled:Int = Not( State() & STATE_DISABLED )
-               Desensitize()
-               Select _slidertype
-                       Case SLIDER_SCROLLBAR
-                               Local info:SCROLLINFO=New SCROLLINFO
-                               info.cbSize=SizeOf(SCROLLINFO)
-                               info.fMask=SIF_PAGE|SIF_RANGE
-                               info.nMax=total-1
-                               info.nPage=visible                      
-                               SendMessageW _hwnd,SBM_SETSCROLLINFO,True,Int Byte Ptr info
-                       Case SLIDER_TRACKBAR
-                               SendMessageW _hwnd,TBM_SETRANGEMIN,False,visible
-                               SendMessageW _hwnd,TBM_SETRANGEMAX,True,total
-                               ' Aesthetic tweak that should stop black tick bands forming when
-                               ' large ranges are used on small trackbars.
-                               Local tmpFirstTick% = SendMessageW( _hwnd, TBM_GETTICPOS, 0, 0 )
-                               Local tmpNumTicks% = SendMessageW( _hwnd, TBM_GETNUMTICS, 0, 0)
-                               Local tmpLastTick% = SendMessageW( _hwnd, TBM_GETTICPOS, tmpNumTicks-3, 0 )
-                               If Not( tmpLastTick < 0 Or tmpFirstTick < 0 Or (total-visible-2) < 1) Then
-                                       If (tmpLastTick-tmpFirstTick)/(total-visible-2) < 4 Then
-                                               SendMessageW( _hwnd, TBM_CLEARTICS, True, 0 )
-                                       EndIf
-                               EndIf
-                       Case SLIDER_STEPPER
-                               SendMessageW _hwnd,UDM_SETRANGE32,visible,total
-               End Select
-               _value = GetProp()
-               SetEnabled(tmpEnabled)
-               Sensitize()     
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetProp(value)
-               Desensitize()
-               Select _slidertype
-                       Case SLIDER_SCROLLBAR
-                               Local info:SCROLLINFO=New SCROLLINFO
-                               info.cbSize=SizeOf(SCROLLINFO)
-                               info.fMask=SIF_POS
-                               info.nPos=value
-                               SendMessageW _hwnd,SBM_SETSCROLLINFO,True,Int Byte Ptr info
-                       Case SLIDER_TRACKBAR
-                               If _ishorizontal Then
-                                       SendMessageW _hwnd,TBM_SETPOS,True,value
-                               Else
-                                       'Flip the value so that the scale starts from the bottom
-                                       SendMessageW _hwnd,TBM_SETPOS,True,_visible + _total - value
-                               EndIf
-                       Case SLIDER_STEPPER
-                               SendMessageW _hwnd,UDM_SETPOS,True,value
-               End Select
-               _value = value
-               Sensitize()     
-       EndMethod
-       Method GetProp()
-               Local value
-               Select _slidertype
-                       Case SLIDER_SCROLLBAR
-                               value=GetScrollPos(_hwnd,SB_CTL)
-                       Case SLIDER_TRACKBAR
-                               value=SendMessageW(_hwnd,TBM_GETPOS,0,0)
-                               'Flip the value so that the scale starts from the bottom
-                               If Not _ishorizontal Then value = _visible + _total - value
-                       Case SLIDER_STEPPER
-                               value=SendMessageW(_hwnd,UDM_GETPOS32,0,Null)
-               End Select              
-               Return value
-       EndMethod
-       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)
-               If _slidertype=SLIDER_SCROLLBAR
-                       If msg=WM_COMMAND Return
-                       Local info:SCROLLINFO=New SCROLLINFO
-                       info.cbSize=SizeOf(SCROLLINFO)
-                       Select wp&$ffff
-                               Case SB_THUMBTRACK,SB_THUMBPOSITION
-                                       info.fMask=SIF_TRACKPOS
-                                       SendMessageW _hwnd,SBM_GETSCROLLINFO,0,Int Byte Ptr info
-                                       SetScrollPos _hwnd,SB_CTL,info.nTrackPos,True
-                               Default
-                                       info.fMask=SIF_POS|SIF_PAGE|SIF_RANGE
-                                       SendMessageW _hwnd,SBM_GETSCROLLINFO,0,Int Byte Ptr info
-                                       Local pos=info.nPos
-                                       Local vis=info.nPage
-                                       Select wp&$ffff
-                                               Case SB_LINEUP pos:-1
-                                               Case SB_LINEDOWN pos:+1
-                                               Case SB_PAGEUP pos:-vis
-                                               Case SB_PAGEDOWN pos:+vis
-                                               Default Return 0
-                                       End Select
-                                       SetScrollPos _hwnd,SB_CTL,pos,True
-                       End Select
-               EndIf
-               Local index=GetProp()
-               If (index <> _value) Then
-                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,index
-                       _value = index
-               EndIf
-               Return 1
-       EndMethod
-       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Select msg
-                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND
-                               Return 1
-               EndSelect
-               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method RefreshLook()
-               Super.RefreshLook()
-               SetRange(_visible,_total)
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_SLIDER
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsProgressBar Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")              
-               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey
-               Local   hwnd,parent
-      = style
-               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)
-               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"msctls_progress32","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               Register GADGET_PROGBAR,hwnd
-               Return Self             
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetValue(value#)
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,PBM_SETPOS,value*100,0
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetColor(r,g,b)
-               'Only works in Classic mode, but it's better than nothing.
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,PBM_SETBKCOLOR ,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r
-       EndMethod
-       Method RemoveColor()
-               'Only works in Classic mode, but it's better than nothing.
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,PBM_SETBKCOLOR ,1,0
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTextColor(r,g,b)
-               'Only works in Classic mode, but it's better than nothing.
-               SendMessageW _hwnd,PBM_SETBARCOLOR ,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_PROGBAR
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsPanel Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Const PANELPANEL=0
-       Const PANELGROUP=1
-       Const PANELCANVAS=2
-       Field _type
-       Field _alpha#=1.0
-       Field _bitmapwidth,_bitmapheight,_bitmapflags
-       Field _canvas:TGraphics
-       Field _hasalpha
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      
-               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey
-               Local   hwnd,client,parent
-      = style
-               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)
-               If (style&3=PANEL_GROUP) Then
-                       _type=PANELGROUP
-                       hwnd=CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT,"BUTTON","",BS_GROUPBOX|WS_CHILD|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS|WS_CLIPCHILDREN,0,0,0,0,parent,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null )
-                       client=CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT,TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassName(),"",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CLIPCHILDREN|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS,0,0,0,0,hwnd,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               Else
-                       _type=PANELPANEL
-                       xstyle=WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT
-                       wstyle=WS_CHILD|WS_CLIPCHILDREN|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS
-                       Select (style&3)
-                               Case PANEL_SUNKEN xstyle:|WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
-                               Case PANEL_RAISED xstyle:|WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE ; wstyle:|WS_DLGFRAME
-                       EndSelect
-                       If (style&PANEL_CANVAS) Then _type=PANELCANVAS                                                                                                                                                          
-                       hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassName(),"",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)
-               EndIf
-               Register GADGET_PANEL,hwnd,client
-               If (style & PANEL_ACTIVE) Then sensitivity = SENSITIZE_ALL
-               Return Self     
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetAlpha( alpha# )
-               _alpha=alpha
-               RedrawGadget(Self)
-       EndMethod
-       Method Activate( cmd )
-               Select cmd
-                       Case ACTIVATE_REDRAW
-                               If (_type = PANELCANVAS) Then
-                                       InvalidateRect _hwnd, Null, False
-                                       Return True
-                               EndIf
-               EndSelect
-               Return Super.Activate(cmd)
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetPixmap(pixmap:TPixmap,flags)
-               If _bitmap Then DeleteObject _bitmap;_bitmap = 0
-               If pixmap Then
-                       If pixmap.format=PF_RGBA8888 Or pixmap.format=PF_BGRA8888
-                               _bitmap=TWindowsGraphic.PreMultipliedBitmapFromPixmap32( pixmap )
-                       EndIf
-                       If _bitmap
-                               _hasalpha=True
-                       Else
-                               _bitmap=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapFromPixmap( pixmap, False )
-                               _hasalpha=False
-                       EndIf
-                       _bitmapflags=flags
-                       _bitmapwidth=pixmap.width
-                       _bitmapheight=pixmap.height
-               EndIf
-               RedrawGadget(Self)
-       EndMethod
-       Method AttachGraphics:TGraphics( flags )
-               _canvas=brl.Graphics.AttachGraphics( _hwnd,flags )
-       EndMethod
-       Method CanvasGraphics:TGraphics()
-               Return _canvas
-       EndMethod
-       Method Free()
-               If _canvas Then CloseGraphics(_canvas);_canvas = Null
-               Super.Free()
-       EndMethod
-       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Select msg
-                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND
-                               If _type = PANELCANVAS Then Return 1
-                               Local hdc=wp,hdcCanvas,hdcBitmap,srcw,srch,x,y,xoffset,yoffset
-                               Local clientRect[4], updateRect[4], clipRect[4], windowRect[4]
-                               GetClipBox( hdc, clipRect )
-                               GetWindowRect( hwnd, windowRect)
-                               GetClientRect( hwnd, clientRect )
-                               If Not GetUpdateRect( hwnd, updateRect, False) Then updateRect = clipRect
-                               If IsRectEmpty(updateRect) Then updateRect = [0,0,windowRect[2]-windowRect[0],windowRect[3]-windowRect[1]]
-                               'If we are drawing a bitmap or using alpha then let's do some double-buffering stuff
-                               If (hwnd <> _hwndclient) And ((_bitmap And _bitmapwidth And _bitmapheight) Or _alpha<1.0) Then
-                                       hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(wp)
-                                       hdcCanvas = CreateCompatibleBitmap(wp,windowRect[2]-windowRect[0],windowRect[3]-windowRect[1])
-                                       SelectObject( hdc, hdcCanvas )
-                               EndIf
-                               'Fill the drawing context with the background colour, or the background of the parent
-                               If BgBrush() And (hwnd <> _hwndclient) Then FillRect(hdc,updateRect,BgBrush()) Else DrawParentBackground(hdc,hwnd)
-                               'If we aren't drawing to a bitmap or using alpha, then we can return now.
-                               If Not ((hwnd <> _hwndclient) And ((_bitmap And _bitmapwidth And _bitmapheight) Or _alpha<1.0)) Then Return 1
-                               If _bitmap And _bitmapwidth And _bitmapheight
-                                       hdcBitmap=CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)
-                                       SelectObject(hdcBitmap,_bitmap)
-                                       srcw=_bitmapwidth
-                                       srch=_bitmapheight
-                                       Select (_bitmapflags & (GADGETPIXMAP_ICON-1))
-                                               Case PANELPIXMAP_TILE
-                                                       While y<windowRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-windowRect[RECT_TOP]
-                                                               x=0
-                                                               While x<windowRect[RECT_RIGHT]-windowRect[RECT_LEFT]
-                                                                       If _hasalpha
-                                                                               AlphaBlend_ hdc,x,y,srcw,srch,hdcBitmap,0,0,srcw,srch,$01ff0000
-                                                                       Else
-                                                                               BitBlt hdc,x,y,srcw,srch,hdcBitmap,0,0,ROP_SRCCOPY
-                                                                       EndIf
-                                                                       x:+srcw
-                                                               Wend
-                                                               y:+srch
-                                                       Wend
-                                               Case PANELPIXMAP_CENTER
-                                                       x=(windowRect[RECT_RIGHT]-windowRect[RECT_LEFT]-srcw)/2
-                                                       y=(windowRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-windowRect[RECT_TOP]-srch)/2
-                                                       If _hasalpha
-                                                               AlphaBlend_ hdc,x,y,srcw,srch,hdcBitmap,0,0,srcw,srch,$01ff0000
-                                                       Else
-                                                               BitBlt hdc,x,y,srcw,srch,hdcBitmap,0,0,ROP_SRCCOPY
-                                                       EndIf
-                                               Case PANELPIXMAP_FIT, PANELPIXMAP_FIT2
-                                                       Local mx# = Float(windowRect[RECT_RIGHT]-windowRect[RECT_LEFT])/srcw
-                                                       Local my# = Float(windowRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-windowRect[RECT_TOP])/srch
-                                                       If mx>my Then
-                                                               If (_bitmapflags&(GADGETPIXMAP_ICON-1)) = PANELPIXMAP_FIT Then mx=my Else my=mx
-                                                       EndIf
-                                                       Local w=mx*srcw
-                                                       Local h=mx*srch
-                                                       x=(windowRect[RECT_RIGHT]-windowRect[RECT_LEFT]-w)/2
-                                                       y=(windowRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-windowRect[RECT_TOP]-h)/2
-                                                       SetStretchBltMode hdc,COLORONCOLOR
-                                                       If _hasalpha
-                                                               AlphaBlend_ hdc,x,y,w,h,hdcBitmap,0,0,srcw,srch,$01ff0000
-                                                       Else
-                                                               StretchBlt hdc,x,y,w,h,hdcBitmap,0,0,srcw,srch,ROP_SRCCOPY
-                                                       EndIf
-                                               Case PANELPIXMAP_STRETCH
-                                                       SetStretchBltMode hdc,COLORONCOLOR
-                                                       If _hasalpha
-                                                               AlphaBlend_ hdc,0,0,windowRect[RECT_RIGHT]-windowRect[RECT_LEFT],windowRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-windowRect[RECT_TOP],hdcBitmap,0,0,srcw,srch,$01ff0000
-                                                       Else
-                                                               StretchBlt hdc,0,0,windowRect[RECT_RIGHT]-windowRect[RECT_LEFT],windowRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-windowRect[RECT_TOP],hdcBitmap,0,0,srcw,srch,ROP_SRCCOPY
-                                                       EndIf
-                                       EndSelect                               
-                                       DeleteDC(hdcBitmap)
-                               EndIf
-                               If _alpha < 1.0 Then
-                                       DrawParentBackground( wp, hwnd )
-                                       Local blendfunction = ((Int(_alpha*255)&$FF) Shl 16)
-                                       AlphaBlend_(wp,updateRect[0],updateRect[1],updateRect[2]-updateRect[0],updateRect[3]-updateRect[1],hdc,updateRect[0],updateRect[1],updateRect[2]-updateRect[0],updateRect[3]-updateRect[1],blendfunction)
-                               Else
-                                       BitBlt(wp,0,0,windowRect[2]-windowRect[0],WindowRect[3]-windowRect[1],hdc,0,0,ROP_SRCCOPY)
-                               EndIf
-                               Assert hdc <> wp, "hdc == wp! Please post a MaxGUI bug report."
-                               DeleteObject( hdcCanvas )
-                               DeleteDC( hdc )
-                               Return 1
-                       Case WM_PAINT
-                               Select _type
-                                       Case PANELCANVAS
-                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETPAINT
-                                               ValidateRect _hwnd, Null
-                                               Return 1
-                               EndSelect
-                       Case WM_LBUTTONDOWN
-                               SetFocus Query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)
-               End Select
-               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method FlushBrushes(pRecurse:Int = True)
-               Super.FlushBrushes()
-               If Not pRecurse Then Return
-               For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids
-                       tmpGadget.FlushBrushes()
-               Next
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClientWidth()
-               If _hwndClient Then Return (Super.ClientWidth()-8) Else Return Super.ClientWidth()
-       EndMethod
-       Method ClientHeight()
-               If _hwndClient Then Return (Super.ClientHeight()-20) Else Return Super.ClientHeight()
-       EndMethod
-       Method RethinkClient(forceRedraw:Int = False)
-               If _hwndClient Then
-                       MoveWindow( _hwndClient, 4+_clientX,16+_clientY,ClientWidth(),ClientHeight(),forceRedraw)
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               If _type = PANELCANVAS Then Return GADGET_CANVAS Else Return GADGET_PANEL
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsHTMLView Extends TWindowsGadget
-       Field mshtml
-       Field browser:IWebBrowser2
-       Field IID_IHTMLDocument2:GUID=New GUID
-       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      
-      = style
-               Local parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)
-               mshtml=msHtmlCreate(Self,TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassName(),parent,style)    
-               browser=msHTMLBrowser(mshtml)
-               Register GADGET_HTMLVIEW,msHtmlHwnd(mshtml)
-               Local res = IIDFromString(IHTMLDocument2_UUID,IID_IHTMLDocument2)               
-               Return Self
-       EndMethod
-       Method Rethink()
-               msHtmlSetShape mshtml,xpos,ypos,width,height
-       EndMethod       
-       Method SetText(Text$)   'sets document url
-               If Text Then msHtmlGo mshtml,Text
-       EndMethod
-       Method GetText$()
-               Local bstr:Short Ptr
-               browser.lfget_LocationURL(Varptr bstr)
-               Local result$ = String.FromWString(bstr)
-               SysFreeString(bstr)
-               Return result
-       EndMethod
-       Method GetTitleText$()  'returns document title
-               Local bstr:Short Ptr
-               Local res
-               Local disp:IDispatch
-               Local doc:IHTMLDOCUMENT2
-               res=browser.lfget_Document(Varptr disp)
-               If res RuntimeError "no document"               
-               res=disp.QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2,Varptr doc)
-               If res RuntimeError "no document2 interface"
-               If doc
-                       doc.get_Title(Varptr bstr)
-               Else    
-                       browser.lfget_LocationName(Varptr bstr)
-               EndIf
-               Local result$ = String.FromWString(bstr)
-               SysFreeString(bstr)
-               Return result
-       End Method
-       Method Run$(script$)
-               Local res
-               Local disp:IDispatch
-               Local doc:IHTMLDOCUMENT2
-               Local win:IHTMLWindow2
-               Local result:VARIANT            
-               res=browser.lfget_Document(Varptr disp)
-               If res RuntimeError "no document"               
-               res=disp.QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2,Varptr doc)
-               If res RuntimeError "no document2 interface"
-               res=doc.get_parentWindow(Varptr win)
-               If res RuntimeError "no parent window"
-               result=New VARIANT
-               result.vt=VT_EMPTY
-               Local bstr:Short Ptr
-               bstr=SysAllocStringLen(script.toWString(),script.length)
-               res=win.execScript(bstr,Null,result)
-               SysFreeString bstr
-               Return res
-       End Method
-       Method Activate(cmd)
-               Return msHtmlActivate(mshtml,cmd)
-       EndMethod
-       Method State()
-               Return msHtmlStatus(mshtml)
-       EndMethod
-       Method Run$(script$)
-               msHtmlRun(mshtml,script)
-       EndMethod
-       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-               Select msg
-                       'Reduces flicker on HTMLViews
-                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND
-                               Return 1
-               EndSelect
-               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_HTMLVIEW
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsMenu Extends TGadget
-       Field   _hmenu
-       Field   _pmenu
-       Field   _item
-       Field   _state
-       Field   _tag
-       Field   _hotkeycode
-       Field   _modifier
-       Field   _shortcut$
-       Field   _hotkey:THotKey
-       Field   _key = SetNewKey()
-       Field _iconBitmap
-       Global iteminfo:MENUITEMINFOW
-       Global keymap:TMap=New TMap 'key,gadget
-       Global keycount=100
-       Method SetNewKey%()
-               keycount:+1
-               keymap.Insert( TIntWrapper.Create(keycount), Self )
-               Return keycount
-       EndMethod
-       Function GetMenuFromKey:TWindowsMenu(pKey%)
-               Return TWindowsMenu(keymap.ValueForKey(TIntWrapper.Create(pKey)))
-       EndFunction
-       Method SetText(pText$)
-               name = pText
-       EndMethod
-       Method GetText$()
-               Return name
-       EndMethod
-       Method Free()
-               Close
-               _setparent Null
-               keymap.Remove(TIntWrapper.Create(_key))
-               If _iconBitmap Then DeleteObject(_iconBitmap)
-       EndMethod
-       Method DoLayout()
-               'Don't do anything!
-       EndMethod
-       Method State()
-               Return _state
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetEnabled(enable)
-               If enable
-                       If _pmenu EnableMenuItem(_pmenu,_item,MF_BYPOSITION|MF_ENABLED)
-                       _state:&~STATE_DISABLED
-               Else
-                       If _pmenu EnableMenuItem(_pmenu,_item,MF_BYPOSITION|MF_GRAYED)
-                       _state:|STATE_DISABLED
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetSelected(bool)
-               If bool
-                       If _pmenu CheckMenuItem(_pmenu,_item,MF_BYPOSITION|MF_CHECKED)
-                       _state:|STATE_SELECTED
-               Else
-                       If _pmenu CheckMenuItem(_pmenu,_item,MF_BYPOSITION|MF_UNCHECKED)
-                       _state:&~STATE_SELECTED
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetHotKey(keycode,modifier)
-               _hotkeycode=keycode
-               _modifier=modifier
-               Local   pre$, suf$, m$
-               If LocalizationMode()&LOCALIZATION_ON Then
-                       pre="{{"
-                       suf="}}"
-               EndIf
-               If keycode>=KEY_0 And keycode<=KEY_9
-                       m$=Chr(keycode)
-               ElseIf keycode>=KEY_A And keycode<=KEY_Z
-                       m$=Chr(keycode)
-               ElseIf keycode>=KEY_F1 And keycode<=KEY_F12
-                       m$="F"+(keycode+1-KEY_F1)
-               ElseIf keycode>=KEY_NUM0 And keycode<=KEY_NUM9
-                       m$="Num "+(keycode+1-KEY_NUM0)
-               Else
-                       Select keycode
-                               Case KEY_BACKSPACE;m = pre+"Backspace"+suf
-                               Case KEY_TAB;m = pre+"Tab"+suf
-                               Case KEY_ESCAPE;m = pre+"Esc"+suf
-                               Case KEY_SPACE;m = pre+"Space"+suf
-                               Case KEY_ENTER;m = pre+"Enter"+suf
-                               Case KEY_PAGEUP;m = pre+"PageUp"+suf
-                               Case KEY_PAGEDOWN;m = pre+"PageDown"+suf
-                               Case KEY_END;m = pre+"End"+suf
-                               Case KEY_HOME;m = pre+"Home"+suf
-                               Case KEY_LEFT;m = pre+"Left"+suf
-                               Case KEY_RIGHT;m = pre+"Right"+suf
-                               Case KEY_UP;m = pre+"Up"+suf
-                               Case KEY_DOWN;m = pre+"Down"+suf
-                               Case KEY_INSERT;m = pre+"Insert"+suf
-                               Case KEY_DELETE;m = pre+"Delete"+suf
-                               Case KEY_TILDE;m = "~~"
-                               Case KEY_MINUS;m = "-"
-                               Case KEY_EQUALS;m = "="
-                               Case KEY_OPENBRACKET;m = "["
-                               Case KEY_CLOSEBRACKET;m = "]"
-                               Case KEY_BACKSLASH;m = "\"
-                               Case KEY_SEMICOLON;m = ";"
-                               Case KEY_QUOTES;m = "'"
-                               Case KEY_COMMA;m = ","
-                               Case KEY_PERIOD;m = "."
-                               Case KEY_SLASH;m = "/"
-                               Case KEY_NUMMULTIPLY;m = "Num *"
-                               Case KEY_NUMADD;m = "Num +"
-                               Case KEY_NUMSUBTRACT;m = "Num -"
-                               Case KEY_NUMDECIMAL;m = "Num ."
-                               Case KEY_NUMDIVIDE;m = "Num /"
-                       EndSelect
-               EndIf
-               If m
-                       If modifier&MODIFIER_SHIFT m$=pre+"Shift"+suf+"+"+m$
-                       If modifier&MODIFIER_CONTROL m$=pre+"Ctrl"+suf+"+"+m$
-                       If modifier&MODIFIER_ALT m$=pre+"Alt"+suf+"+"+m$
-                       m="~t"+m
-               EndIf
-               _shortcut$=LocalizeString(m)
-               If Not iteminfo
-                       iteminfo=New MENUITEMINFOW
-                       iteminfo.cbSize=SizeOf(iteminfo)
-               EndIf
-               iteminfo.fMask=MIIM_TYPE
-               iteminfo.dwTypeData=(name+_shortcut).toWString()                                        
-               SetMenuItemInfoW _pmenu,_item,True,iteminfo
-               MemFree iteminfo.dwTypeData
-               Local ev:TEvent=CreateEvent( EVENT_MENUACTION, Self,_tag )
-               If _hotKey RemoveHotKey(_hotKey);_hotKey = Null
-               If keycode Then _hotkey=SetHotKeyEvent(keycode,modifier,ev,FindGadgetWindowHwnd(Self))
-       EndMethod
-       Method Create:TWindowsMenu(group:TGadget,tag,Text$="")
-               If Not iteminfo Then
-                       iteminfo=New MENUITEMINFOW
-                       iteminfo.cbSize=SizeOf(iteminfo)
-               EndIf
-               name=Text
-               _tag=tag
-               Local window:TWindowsWindow = TWindowsWindow(group)
-               If window group=window.GetMenu()
-               _SetParent(group)
-               If (LocalizationMode()&LOCALIZATION_OVERRIDE) Then
-                       LocalizeGadget(Self, name, "")
-               EndIf
-               Return Self     
-       EndMethod
-       Method Open(popup=False)
-               Local dad:TWindowsMenu  = TWindowsMenu(parent)                          
-               If dad
-                       _pmenu=dad._hmenu
-                       If Not _pmenu Throw "Parent doesn't have a handle - the desktop heap may have run out of memory!"
-                       _item=GetMenuItemCount(_pmenu)
-                       If name
-                               Local tmpWString:Short Ptr = (LocalizeString(name)+_shortcut).ToWString()
-                               AppendMenuW _pmenu,MF_STRING,_key,tmpWString
-                               MemFree tmpWString
-                       Else
-                               AppendMenuW _pmenu,MF_SEPARATOR,_key,Null
-                       EndIf
-                       If kids.count()
-                               _hmenu=CreateMenu_()
-                               Local tmpMenuInfo:MENUINFO = New MENUINFO
-                               tmpMenuInfo.fMask = MIM_APPLYTOSUBMENUS|MIM_STYLE
-                               tmpMenuInfo.dwStyle = MNS_CHECKORBMP|MNS_MODELESS
-                               SetMenuInfo(_hmenu, tmpMenuInfo)
-                               iteminfo.fMask=MIIM_SUBMENU
-                               iteminfo.hSubMenu=_hmenu                                        
-                               SetMenuItemInfoW _pmenu,_item,True,iteminfo
-                       EndIf
-                       If _state&STATE_DISABLED SetEnabled(False)
-                       If _state&STATE_SELECTED SetSelected(True)
-                       If _iconBitmap Then SetMenuItemBitmaps(_pMenu,_key,MF_BYCOMMAND,_iconBitmap,Null)
-               Else
-                       If popup
-                               _hmenu=CreatePopupMenu()
-                       Else
-                               If kids _hmenu=CreateMenu_()
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf
-               For Local kid:TWindowsMenu = EachIn kids
-                       kid.Open
-               Next
-       EndMethod
-       Method FreeKids()
-               For Local kid:TWindowsMenu = EachIn kids
-                       kid.Close
-               Next
-       EndMethod
-       Method Close()
-               FreeKids()
-               If _hmenu
-                       DestroyMenu _hmenu
-                       _hmenu=0
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetPixmap(pixmap:TPixmap,pFlags)
-               If Not (pFlags & GADGETPIXMAP_ICON) Then Return
-               If _iconBitmap Then DeleteObject(_iconBitmap);_iconBitmap = 0
-               If pixmap Then
-                       pixmap = PixmapWindow(pixmap,0,0,Min(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK),PixmapWidth(pixmap)),Min(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENUCHECK),PixmapHeight(pixmap)))
-                       If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() >= 2 Then
-                               _iconBitmap = TWindowsGraphic.PreMultipliedBitmapFromPixmap32( pixmap )
-                       Else
-                               Local tmpRGB = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU)
-                               _iconBitmap = TWindowsGraphic.BitmapWithBackgroundFromPixmap32( pixmap, tmpRGB&$FF, (tmpRGB Shr 8) & $FF, (tmpRGB Shr 16) & $FF )
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )
-               'Menus shouldn't have tool-tips.
-       EndMethod
-       Method Class()
-               Return GADGET_MENUITEM
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsIconStrip Extends TIconStrip
-       Field   _blanks[]
-       Field   _imagelist
-       Function DetectNotBlank(pixmap:TPixmap,xx,n)
-               Local c = pixmap.ReadPixel(xx,0), y
-               For Local x=0 Until n
-                       For y=0 Until n
-                               If pixmap.ReadPixel(xx+x,y)<>c Return True
-                       Next
-               Next
-       EndFunction
-       Method IsBlankIcon(n)
-               Return _blanks[n]
-       EndMethod
-       Function RemoveMask(pixmap:TPixmap)
-               If pixmap.format<>( PF_RGBA8888 ) And pixmap.format<>( PF_BGRA8888 ) Return
-               Local w = pixmap.width, h = pixmap.height, y, c
-               For Local x=0 Until w
-                       For y=0 Until h
-                               c=pixmap.ReadPixel(x,y)                         
-                               If c>=0 pixmap.WritePixel x,y,-1
-                       Next
-               Next
-       EndFunction
-       Function BuildImageList(pixmap:TPixmap)
-               Local bitmap,imagelist,sz,mask
-               sz=pixmap.height
-               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() And (Pixmap.format=PF_RGBA8888 Or pixmap.format=PF_BGRA8888)
-                       imagelist=ImageList_Create(sz,sz,ILC_COLOR32,0,1)
-                       If imagelist
-                               bitmap=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapFromPixmap(pixmap, True)
-                               ImageList_Add(imagelist,bitmap,0)
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf
-               If imagelist=0
-                       bitmap=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapFromPixmap(pixmap, False)
-                       mask=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapMaskFromPixmap(pixmap)
-                       imagelist=ImageList_Create(sz,sz,ILC_COLOR24|ILC_MASK,0,1)
-                       ImageList_Add(imagelist,bitmap,mask)
-                       DeleteObject(mask)
-               EndIf
-               DeleteObject(bitmap)
-               Return imagelist
-       EndFunction
-       Function Create:TWindowsIconStrip(source:Object)
-               Local   icons:TWindowsIconStrip
-               Local   imagelist
-               Local   n,i,sz
-               Local   blanks[]
-               'Get a 24-bit pixmap from source                                
-               Local pix:TPixmap = TPixmap(source)
-               If Not pix pix = LoadPixmap(source)
-               If Not pix Return
-               'Detect blank icons in the set          
-               sz=pix.height;If sz n=pix.width/sz
-               If n=0 Return   
-               blanks=New Int[n]
-               For i=0 Until n
-                       blanks[i]=Not DetectNotBlank(pix,i*sz,sz)
-               Next
-               'Build a Win32 Image-List
-               imagelist=BuildImageList(pix)           
-               icons = New TWindowsIconStrip
-               icons.pixmap = pix
-               icons.count=n
-               icons._blanks=blanks
-               icons._imagelist=imagelist
-               Return icons
-       EndFunction     
-       Function CreateBlank:TWindowsIconStrip()
-               Return Create(CreatePixmap(1,1,PF_BGR888))
-       EndFunction
-       Method Delete()
-               If _imagelist Then
-                       ImageList_Destroy(_imagelist)
-                       _imagelist = 0
-               EndIf
-       EndMethod
-Type TWindowsFont Extends TGuiFont
-       Method Load:TWindowsFont(_name$,_size:Double,_style)
-               If handle Then DeleteObject handle;handle = 0
-               Local   cfweight = FW_NORMAL
-               Local cfsize = -LogicalUnitsFromSize( _size )
-               If _style & FONT_BOLD cfweight=FW_BOLD
-               handle=CreateFontW( cfsize, 0,0,0,cfweight,..
-                       (_style & FONT_ITALIC) ,..
-                       (_style & FONT_UNDERLINE),..
-                       (_style & FONT_STRIKETHROUGH),..
-                       DEFAULT_CHARSET,..
-                       OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,..
-                       CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,..
-                       ANTIALIASED_QUALITY,..
-                       DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE,..
-                       _name.toWString())
-               'Now lets test to see whether the right font was found
-               name = NameFromHandle(handle)
-               'If the font returned has a different name to that requested, let's try the symbol character set
-               If name.ToLower() <> _name.ToLower() Then
-                       Local tmpSymbolHandle = CreateFontW( cfsize, 0,0,0,cfweight,..
-                                                       (_style & FONT_ITALIC) ,..
-                                                       (_style & FONT_UNDERLINE),..
-                                                       (_style & FONT_STRIKETHROUGH),..
-                                                       SYMBOL_CHARSET,..
-                                                       OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,..
-                                                       CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,..
-                                                       ANTIALIASED_QUALITY,..
-                                                       DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE,..
-                                                       _name.toWString())
-                       Local strSymbolName:String = NameFromHandle(tmpSymbolHandle)
-                       'If we now have a match, delete the first font returned and use the new symbol one.
-                       If strSymbolName.ToLower() = _name.ToLower() Then
-                               DeleteObject handle
-                               handle = tmpSymbolHandle
-                               name = strSymbolName
-                       Else
-                               DeleteObject tmpSymbolHandle
-                       EndIf
-               EndIf
-               size=_size
-               style=_style
-               Return Self
-       EndMethod
-       Method LoadFromLogFont:TWindowsFont( pLogFont:LOGFONTW, pStyle% = 0, pSize:Double = 0:Double )
-               If pLogFont.lfWeight>=FW_BOLD Then pStyle:| FONT_BOLD
-               If pLogFont.lfItalic Then pStyle:| FONT_ITALIC
-               If pLogFont.lfUnderline Then pStyle:| FONT_UNDERLINE
-               If pLogFont.lfStrikeOut Then pStyle:| FONT_STRIKETHROUGH
-               style = pStyle
-               If Not pSize Then pSize = SizeFromLogFont( pLogFont )
-               size = pSize
-               SetLogFontProperties( pLogFont, pStyle, pSize )
-               name = String.FromWString( Varptr pLogFont.lfFaceName00 )
-               If handle Then DeleteObject handle
-               handle = CreateFontIndirectW( pLogFont )
-               Return Self
-       EndMethod
-       Method LoadFromHandle:TWindowsFont(hfont)
-               Local tmpLogFont:LOGFONTW = New LOGFONTW
-               GetObjectW( hfont, SizeOf(LOGFONTW), tmpLogFont )
-               Return LoadFromLogFont( tmpLogFont )
-       EndMethod
-       Method CharWidth( charcode )
-               Local hdc=GetDC(0)      
-               Local tfont=SelectObject( hdc,handle )
-               Local width=8,widths[3]
-               If GetCharABCWidthsW( hdc,charcode,charcode,widths )
-                       width=widths[0]+widths[1]+widths[2]
-               Else If GetCharWidth32W( hdc,charcode,charcode,widths )
-                       width=widths[0]
-               EndIf
-               SelectObject hdc,tfont
-               ReleaseDC 0,hdc
-               Return width
-       EndMethod
-       Method GetMaxCharWidth()        
-               Local hdc=GetDC(0)
-               Local tfont=SelectObject(hdc,handle)
-               Local tm:TEXTMETRIC=New TEXTMETRIC              
-               GetTextMetricsW hdc,tm
-               SelectObject(hdc,tfont)
-               ReleaseDC(0,hdc)                
-               Return tm.tmAveCharWidth
-       EndMethod
-       Method Delete()
-               If handle Then DeleteObject handle
-       EndMethod
-       Function Request:TWindowsFont(font:TGuiFont)
-               Local   lf:LOGFONTW = New LOGFONTW
-               Local   cf:CHOOSEFONT = New CHOOSEFONT
-               cf.lStructSize=SizeOf(cf)
-               cf.hwndOwner=TWindowsGUIDriver.GetActiveHwnd()
-               cf.lpLogFont=lf
-               cf.Flags=CF_BOTH
-               If font
-                       Local p:Short Ptr = Short Ptr(Varptr lf.lfFaceName00)
-                       For Local i = 0 Until Min(, 31)
-                               p[i][i]
-                       Next
-                       SetLogFontProperties( lf,, font.size )                       
-                       cf.Flags:|CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT
-               EndIf
-               Local hwnd = GetFocus()
-               Local n = ChooseFontW(cf)
-               SetFocus(hwnd)
-               If Not n Return
-               Local style
-               If cf.nFontType&BOLD_FONTTYPE style:|FONT_BOLD
-               If cf.nFontType&ITALIC_FONTTYPE style:|FONT_ITALIC
-               Return New TWindowsFont.LoadFromLogFont( lf, style, cf.iPointSize/Double(10) )
-       EndFunction
-       Function DefaultFont:TWindowsFont( pFontSize:Double = 0, pFontStyle% = FONT_NORMAL )
-               'Attempts to get hold of the Windows themed font (typically Tahoma on XP, Segeo UI on Vista)
-               Local tmpNonClientMetrics:NONCLIENTMETRICSW = New NONCLIENTMETRICSW
-               If SystemParametersInfoW And SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, Int Byte Ptr tmpNonClientMetrics, 0 ) Then
-                       Local tmpLogFont:LOGFONTW = New LOGFONTW
-                       MemCopy tmpLogFont, Varptr tmpNonClientMetrics.lfMessageFont_lfHeight, SizeOf(tmpLogFont)
-                       Return New TWindowsFont.LoadFromLogFont( tmpLogFont, pFontStyle, pFontSize )
-               EndIf
-               'If these functions, for whatever reason, fail, then the default GUI font is used (typically MS Sans Serif).
-               'Note: A font size of '8' has has been hard-coded in as no reliable substitute can be found, however this may cause
-               'text to appear too small in some languages/lacalizations.
-               If pFontSize <= 0 Then pFontSize = 8
-               Return New TWindowsFont.Load( "MS Shell Dlg", pFontSize, pFontStyle )
-       EndFunction
-       Function NameFromHandle:String( pFntHandle:Int )
-               Local hdc = GetDC(0), buffer:Short[512]
-               Local tfont = SelectObject(hdc,pFntHandle)
-               If Not GetTextFaceW(hdc,buffer.length,buffer) buffer[0] = 0
-               SelectObject(hdc, tfont)
-               ReleaseDC(0,hdc)
-               Return String.FromWString(buffer)
-       EndFunction
-       Function LogicalUnitsFromSize( pSize:Double )
-               Local tmpDC:Int = GetDC(0)
-               Local tmpSize:Int = (pSize * GetDeviceCaps(tmpDC,LOGPIXELSY))/72 + 0.5
-               ReleaseDC( 0, tmpDC )
-               Return tmpSize
-       EndFunction
-       Function SizeFromLogFont:Double( pLogFont:LOGFONTW )
-               Local tmpDC:Int = GetDC(0)
-               Local tmpSize:Double = (Abs(pLogFont.lfHeight) * Double(72.0) )/GetDeviceCaps(tmpDC,LOGPIXELSY)
-               ReleaseDC( 0, tmpDC )
-               Return tmpSize
-       EndFunction
-       Function SetLogFontProperties( pLogFont:LOGFONTW, pFlags%, pSize:Double = 0:Double )
-               If pFlags&FONT_BOLD Then pLogFont.lfWeight=FW_BOLD Else pLogFont.lfWeight=FW_NORMAL
-               If pFlags&FONT_ITALIC Then pLogFont.lfItalic=True Else pLogFont.lfItalic=False
-               If pFlags&FONT_UNDERLINE Then pLogFont.lfUnderline=True Else pLogFont.lfUnderline=False
-               If pFlags&FONT_STRIKETHROUGH Then pLogFont.lfStrikeOut=True Else pLogFont.lfStrikeOut=False
-               If pSize > 0 Then pLogFont.lfHeight = -LogicalUnitsFromSize( pSize )
-       EndFunction
-'A collection of functions that convert between Blitz pixmaps and Windows icons/bitmaps.
-Type TWindowsGraphic Final
-       Function BitmapMaskFromPixmap:Int(pix:TPixmap)
-               Local x, pix2:TPixmap, usealpha
-               If PixmapFormat(pix) = PF_RGBA8888 Or PixmapFormat(pix) = PF_BGRA8888 Then usealpha = True
-               pix2=ConvertPixmap(pix,PF_BGR888);ClearPixels(pix2)
-               For Local y:Int = 0 Until pix.height
-                       For x = 0 Until pix.width
-                               If usealpha
-                                       If (ReadPixel(pix,x,y) Shr 24) < 128 Then WritePixel(pix2,x,y,$FFFFFF)
-                               Else
-                                       If (ReadPixel(pix,x,y) & $FFFFFF) = $FFFFFF Then WritePixel(pix2,x,y,$FFFFFF)
-                               EndIf
-                       Next
-               Next
-               Return BitmapFromPixmap(pix2,False)
-       EndFunction
-       Function PreMultipliedBitmapFromPixmap32:Int( pix:TPixmap )
-               Local argb, a
-               Local pix2:TPixmap = CreatePixmap( pix.width, pix.height, pix.format), x
-               For Local y:Int = 0 Until pix.height
-                       For x = 0 Until pix.width
-                               argb = ReadPixel(pix,x,y)
-                               a = ((argb Shr 24) & $FF)
-                               WritePixel(pix2,x,y,((((argb&$ff00ff)*a)Shr 8)&$ff00ff)|((((argb&$ff00)*a)Shr 8)&$ff00)|(a Shl 24))
-                       Next
-               Next
-               Return BitmapFromPixmap(pix2,True)
-       EndFunction
-       Function BitmapFromPixmap:Int(pix:TPixmap, alpha:Int = True)
-               Local bitCount:Int = 32, format:Int = PF_BGRA8888, bm
-               If Not alpha Then
-                       bitCount = 24
-                       format = PF_BGR888
-               EndIf
-               pix=ConvertPixmap(pix,format)
-               Local hdc = GetDC(0)
-               Local bi:BITMAPINFOHEADER = New BITMAPINFOHEADER        
-               bi.biSize=SizeOf(bi)
-               bi.biWidth=pix.width
-               bi.biHeight=-pix.height
-               bi.biPlanes=1
-               bi.biBitCount=bitCount
-               bi.biCompression=BI_RGB
-               Local bits:Byte Ptr
-               Local src:Byte Ptr = pix.pixels
-               If alpha
-                       bm = CreateDibSection(hdc,bi,DIB_RGB_COLORS,Varptr bits,0,0)
-               Else
-                       bm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc,pix.width,pix.height)
-               EndIf
-               Assert bm, "Cannot create bitmap.  The computer may be running low on resources."
-               For Local y:Int = 0 Until pix.height
-                       SetDIBits(hdc,bm,pix.height-y-1,1,src,bi,DIB_RGB_COLORS)
-                       src:+pix.pitch
-               Next
-               ReleaseDC(0,hdc)
-               Return bm
-       EndFunction
-       Function BitmapWithBackgroundFromPixmap32:Int( pix:TPixmap, pRed, pGreen, pBlue )
-               Local tmpPixel, tmpRed, tmpGreen, tmpBlue, tmpAlpha, tmpAlphaFloat#, tmpAlphaFloat2#
-               Local pix2:TPixmap = CreatePixmap( pix.width, pix.height, pix.format), x
-               For Local y:Int = 0 Until pix.height
-                       For x = 0 Until pix.width
-                               'Read pixel and alpha info
-                               tmpPixel = ReadPixel(pix,x,y)
-                               tmpAlpha = ((tmpPixel Shr 24) & $FF)
-                               tmpAlphaFloat = tmpAlpha/255.0
-                               tmpAlphaFloat2 = 1-tmpAlphaFloat
-                               'Get individual colours
-                               tmpBlue = tmpPixel & $FF;tmpGreen = (tmpPixel Shr 8) & $FF;tmpRed = (tmpPixel Shr 16)&$FF
-                               'Courtesy of Mark T
-                               tmpRed = (tmpRed * tmpAlphaFloat) + (tmpAlphaFloat2 * pRed)
-                               tmpGreen = (tmpGreen * tmpAlphaFloat) + (tmpAlphaFloat2  * pGreen)
-                               tmpBlue = (tmpBlue * tmpAlphaFloat) + (tmpAlphaFloat2  * pBlue)
-                               'Write the new pixels
-                               WritePixel(pix2,x,y,(tmpAlpha Shl 24)|(tmpRed Shl 16)|(tmpGreen Shl 8)|tmpBlue)
-                       Next
-               Next
-               Return BitmapFromPixmap(pix2,False)
-       EndFunction
-       Function IconFromPixmap32:Int(pix:TPixmap)
-               ' Convert the pixmap to a HBITMAP
-               Local bitmap = BitmapFromPixmap(pix,True)
-               ' and then copy/resize it (to the default size for icons/cusors).
-               Local hSrcBMP = CopyImage(bitmap, IMAGE_BITMAP , 0 , 0 , LR_DEFAULTSIZE)
-               ' Now we need to create a mask bitmap for the image
-               Local hMaskBMP = BitmapMaskFromPixmap( pix )
-               ' So now we have our source and mask bitmaps, we can create an ICONINFO structure
-               Local IconInf:ICONINFO = New IconInfo
-               IconInf.fIcon = True
-               IconInf.hbmMask = hMaskBMP
-               IconInf.hbmColor = hSrcBMP
-               ' Create the icon
-               Local tmpIcon = CreateIconIndirect(IconInf)
-               ' Free our temporary bitmaps
-               DeleteObject(hMaskBMP)
-               DeleteObject(hSrcBMP)
-               DeleteObject(bitmap)
-               Return tmpIcon
-       EndFunction
-Function KeyMods()
-       Local mods
-       If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&$8000 mods:|MODIFIER_SHIFT
-       If GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&$8000 mods:|MODIFIER_CONTROL
-       If GetKeyState(VK_MENU)&$8000 mods:|MODIFIER_OPTION
-       If GetKeyState(VK_LWIN)&$8000 Or GetKeyState(VK_RWIN)&$8000 mods:|MODIFIER_SYSTEM
-       Return mods
-Function FindGadgetWindowHwnd(g:TGadget)
-       Local wg:TWindowsWindow
-       While g
-               wg=TWindowsWindow(g)
-               If wg Return wg.Query(QUERY_HWND)       'handle
-               g=g.parent
-       Wend
-Type TIntWrapper Final
-       Field value:Int
-       Function Create:TIntWrapper(value:Int)
-               Local tmpWrapper:TIntWrapper = New TIntWrapper
-               tmpWrapper.value = value
-               Return tmpWrapper
-       EndFunction
-       Method Compare( o:Object )
-               Local c:TIntWrapper = TIntWrapper(o)
-               If c Then Return (value - c.value)
-               Return Super.Compare(o)
-       EndMethod
-       Method ToString$()
-               Return value
-       EndMethod
+bbdoc: MaxGUI Drivers/Win32MaxGUIEx\r
+End Rem\r
+Module MaxGUI.Win32MaxGUIEx\r
+ModuleInfo "Version: 0.75"\r
+ModuleInfo "Author: Simon Armstrong, Seb Hollington"\r
+ModuleInfo "License: zlib/libpng"\r
+Import MaxGUI.MaxGUI\r
+Import "winimports.bmx"\r
+maxgui_driver = New TWindowsGUIDriver\r
+Type TWindowsGUIDriver Extends TMaxGUIDriver\r
+       \r
+       Global GadgetMap:TMap\r
+       Global GDIDesktop:TWindowsDesktop\r
+       Global GDIFont:TWindowsFont\r
+       Global ClassAtom\r
+       Global ClassAtom2\r
+       Global KBMessageHook,MouseMessageHook\r
+       Global windowtheme:Short Ptr\r
+       Global _cursor, _commoncontrolversion[]\r
+       Global _explorerstyle = False\r
+       Global _activeWindow:TWindowsWindow = Null\r
+       \r
+       Global _customcolors[] =        [$FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, ..\r
+                                                $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF ]\r
+       \r
+       Global _hwndTooltips%\r
+       \r
+       Global intDontReleaseCapture% = False   'See WM_CAPTURECHANGED\r
+       \r
+       Method New()\r
+               \r
+               'Initialize libraries\r
+               OleInitialize(Null)\r
+               icc.dwSize = SizeOf(icc)\r
+               InitCommonControlsEx icc\r
+               \r
+               'Initialize Global Variables\r
+               GDIFont=TWindowsFont.DefaultFont()\r
+               GadgetMap=New TMap\r
+               GDIDesktop=New TWindowsDesktop\r
+               \r
+               'Set-up Message Hooks\r
+               KBMessageHook=SetWindowsHookExW(WH_KEYBOARD,KeyboardProc,GetModuleHandleW(Null),GetCurrentThreadId())\r
+               MouseMessageHook=SetWindowsHookExW(WH_MOUSE,MouseProc,GetModuleHandleW(Null),GetCurrentThreadId())\r
+               \r
+               'Gadget Tooltips\r
+               _hwndTooltips = CreateWindowExW( 0,"tooltips_class32","",WS_POPUP|TTS_ALWAYSTIP,0,0,0,0,GDIDesktop._hwnd,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null )\r
+               SendMessageW( _hwndTooltips, TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH, 0, 300 )\r
+               SetWindowPos( _hwndTooltips, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE )\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Delete()\r
+               DestroyWindow( _hwndTooltips );_hwndTooltips = 0\r
+               UnhookWindowsHookEx MouseMessageHook\r
+               UnhookWindowsHookEx KBMessageHook\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method UserName$()\r
+               Return getenv_("username")\r
+       End Method\r
+       \r
+       Method ComputerName$()\r
+               Return getenv_("userdomain")\r
+       End Method\r
+       \r
+       'Low-level Win32 interface\r
+       Function RegisterHwnd(hwnd,gadget:TWindowsGadget)\r
+               GadgetMap.Insert TIntWrapper.Create(hwnd),gadget                \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function RemoveHwnd(hwnd)\r
+               GadgetMap.Remove TIntWrapper.Create(hwnd)\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function GadgetFromHwnd:TWindowsGadget(hwnd) nodebug\r
+               Return TWindowsGadget(GadgetMap.ValueForKey(TIntWrapper.Create(hwnd)))\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function ClassWndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp) "win32"\r
+               Local owner:TWindowsGadget\r
+               Local res\r
+               Local nmhdr:Int Ptr\r
+               \r
+               '?Debug And Win32\r
+               'Print TWindowsDebug.ReverseLookupMsg(msg) + ", hwnd: " + hwnd + ", wp: " + wp + ", lp: " + lp\r
+               '?Win32\r
+               \r
+               Select msg\r
+                       \r
+                       Case WM_MENUCHAR\r
+                               \r
+                               If HotKeyEventFromWp(wp & $FF) Then\r
+                                       Return (MNC_CLOSE Shl 16)\r
+                               Else\r
+                                       Return (MNC_IGNORE Shl 16)\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       \r
+                       Case WM_SIZE\r
+                               \r
+                               owner = GadgetFromHwnd(hwnd)\r
+                               If owner And Not TWindowsWindow(owner) Then\r
+                                       If hwnd = owner.Query(QUERY_HWND) Then owner.RethinkClient()\r
+                                       If hwnd = owner.Query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT) Then owner.LayoutKids()\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       \r
+                               \r
+                               owner=GadgetFromHwnd(lp)\r
+                               \r
+                               Select True\r
+                                       \r
+                                       Case TWindowsLabel(owner) <> Null\r
+                                       \r
+                                               SetBkMode(wp, TRANSPARENT)\r
+                                               If owner.FgColor() > -1 Then SetTextColor_(wp, owner.FgColor())\r
+                                               Return owner.CreateControlBrush( owner._hwnd, wp )\r
+                               \r
+                                       Case TWindowsPanel(owner) <> Null\r
+                                               \r
+                                               If TWindowsPanel(owner)._type = TWindowsPanel.PANELGROUP Then\r
+                                                       \r
+                                                       SetBkMode(wp, TRANSPARENT)\r
+                                                       If owner.FgColor() > -1 Then SetTextColor_(wp, owner.FgColor())\r
+                                                       Return owner.CreateControlBrush( lp, wp )\r
+                                                       \r
+                                               EndIf\r
+                                               \r
+                                       Case TWindowsTextField(owner) <> Null, TWindowsComboBox(owner) <> Null\r
+                                               \r
+                                               If owner.FgColor() > -1 Then SetTextColor_(wp, owner.FgColor())\r
+                                               If owner.BgBrush() Then SetBkColor(wp, owner.BgColor());Return owner.BgBrush()\r
+                                               \r
+                                       Case TWindowsButton(owner) <> Null, TWindowsSlider(owner) <> Null\r
+                                               \r
+                                               SetBkMode(wp, TRANSPARENT)\r
+                                               If owner.FgColor() > -1 Then SetTextColor_(wp, owner.FgColor())\r
+                                               Return owner.CreateControlBrush( owner._hwnd, wp )\r
+                                       \r
+                               EndSelect\r
+                               \r
+                               owner = Null\r
+                                                               \r
+                       Case WM_COMMAND,WM_HSCROLL,WM_VSCROLL\r
+                               If lp Then\r
+                                       owner=GadgetFromHwnd(lp)\r
+                                       'Fix for tab control's up/down arrow.\r
+                                       If Not owner Then owner = GadgetFromHwnd(GetParent_(lp))\r
+                               Else\r
+                                       owner=GadgetFromHwnd(hwnd)              'Fixed for menu events\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               If Not owner Then owner = GadgetFromHwnd(hwnd)\r
+                               If owner Then\r
+                                       res=owner.OnCommand(msg,wp)\r
+                                       If Not res And owner._proc And owner._hwnd = hwnd Return CallWindowProcW(owner._proc,hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+                                       Return res\r
+                               Else\r
+                                       Return DefWindowProcW( hwnd,msg,wp,lp )\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                       Case WM_NOTIFY\r
+                               \r
+                               'Gadget tooltips\r
+                               nmhdr=Int Ptr(lp)\r
+                               owner=GadgetFromHwnd(nmhdr[0])          \r
+                               If owner Then\r
+                                       Select nmhdr[2]\r
+                                               Case TTN_GETDISPINFOW\r
+                                                       If owner._wstrTooltip Then nmhdr[3] = Int(owner._wstrTooltip)\r
+                                       EndSelect\r
+                                       Return owner.OnNotify(wp,lp)\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                       Case WM_SETCURSOR\r
+                       \r
+                               If _cursor Then\r
+                                       SetCursor(_cursor)\r
+                                       Return 1\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                       Case WM_ACTIVATEAPP, WM_ACTIVATE\r
+                       \r
+                               SystemEmitOSEvent(hwnd,msg,wp,lp,Null)\r
+                               \r
+                       Case WM_DPICHANGED\r
+                               Local g_dpi = wp Shr 16\r
+'                      UpdateDpiDependentFontsAndResources();                          \r
+                               DebugLog "DPICHANGED to "+g_dpi\r
+                       \r
+                       Case WM_DRAWITEM\r
+                               \r
+                               Local tmpDrawItemStruct:DRAWITEMSTRUCT = New DRAWITEMSTRUCT\r
+                               MemCopy tmpDrawItemStruct, Byte Ptr lp, SizeOf(tmpDrawItemStruct)\r
+                               \r
+                               owner = GadgetFromHwnd(tmpDrawItemStruct.hwndItem)\r
+                               If owner And owner.OnDrawItem( tmpDrawItemStruct ) Then Return True\r
+                               \r
+                               owner = Null\r
+                       \r
+                       'Allow BRL.System to handle mouse/key events on sensitive gadgets.\r
+                               \r
+                       Case WM_CAPTURECHANGED\r
+                               \r
+                               'For preventing problem where controls which called SetCapture() internally\r
+                               'had their capture prematurely released by the ReleaseCapture() call in BRL.System.\r
+                               intDontReleaseCapture = False\r
+                               'If SetCapture() is called again after BRL.System's call (when the new\r
+                               'capture hwnd [lp] = old hwnd [hwnd]) then we dont want to call ReleaseCapture() in BRL.System\r
+                               'when WM_MOUSEBUTTONUP is received by the system hook TWindowsGUIDriver.MouseProc().\r
+                               If (lp = hwnd) And (Not intEmitOSEvent) Then intDontReleaseCapture = True\r
+                       \r
+                       Default\r
+                               \r
+                               'Added preliminary check to avoid searching for a gadget in GadgetMap un-necessarily.\r
+                               If (msg = WM_MOUSEWHEEL) Or (msg = WM_MOUSELEAVE) Or (msg>=WM_KEYFIRST And msg<=WM_KEYLAST) Then\r
+                                       owner=GadgetFromHwnd(hwnd)\r
+                                       If owner Then\r
+                                               Select msg\r
+                                                       Case WM_MOUSELEAVE, WM_MOUSEWHEEL\r
+                                                               If (owner.sensitivity&SENSITIZE_MOUSE) Then SystemEmitOSEvent hwnd,msg,wp,lp,owner\r
+                                                       Case WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, WM_SYSKEYUP, WM_CHAR, WM_SYSCHAR\r
+                                                               If (owner.sensitivity&SENSITIZE_KEYS) And Not GadgetDisabled(owner) Then\r
+                                                                       SystemEmitOSEvent hwnd,msg,wp,lp,owner\r
+                                                               EndIf\r
+                                                               If (msg<>WM_CHAR And msg<>WM_SYSCHAR) And HotKeyEventFromWp(wp) Then Return 1\r
+                                               EndSelect\r
+                                       EndIf\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       \r
+               EndSelect\r
+               \r
+               If Not owner Then owner=GadgetFromHwnd(hwnd)\r
+               If owner Return owner.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               \r
+               Return DefWindowProcW( hwnd,msg,wp,lp )\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function KeyboardProc( code,wparam,lparam ) "win32" nodebug\r
+               Local ev:TEvent, hwnd%, tmpClassName:Short[16], mods:Int, key:Int = wparam\r
+               If code>=0 Then\r
+                       'Removed:\r
+'                      Rem\r
+                       If wparam = $D Then     '$D: VK_RETURN\r
+                               hwnd = GetFocus()\r
+                               If hwnd And GetClassNameW(hwnd,tmpClassName,tmpClassName.length) And String.FromWString(tmpClassName).ToUpper() = "EDIT" Then\r
+                                       SetFocus(GetParent_(hwnd))\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       EndIf\r
+'                      EndRem\r
+                       ev = HotkeyEventFromWp(wparam)\r
+                       If ev\r
+                               'Hot-key events shouldn't be emitted if the source gadget is disabled\r
+                               If Not(TGadget(ev.source) And GadgetDisabled(TGadget(ev.source))) Then\r
+                                       If Not (lparam & $80000000) Then\r
+                                               EmitEvent ev\r
+                                               If ev.mods Then Return 1        'Key press events never reach active panels etc. if we return 1\r
+                                       EndIf\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       EndIf           \r
+               EndIf\r
+               Return CallNextHookEx( KBMessageHook,code,wparam,lparam );\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function HotkeyEventFromWp:TEvent(wparam)\r
+               Local key = wparam, mods = KeyMods()\r
+               Select wparam\r
+                       Case VK_SHIFT, $A0, $A1\r
+                               If (wparam=VK_SHIFT) Then key = KEY_LSHIFT\r
+                               mods:&~MODIFIER_SHIFT\r
+                       Case VK_CONTROL, $A2, $A3\r
+                               If (wparam=VK_CONTROL) Then key = KEY_LCONTROL\r
+                               mods:&~MODIFIER_CONTROL\r
+                       Case VK_MENU, $A4, $A5\r
+                               If (wparam=VK_MENU) Then key = KEY_LALT\r
+                               mods:&~MODIFIER_ALT\r
+                       Case VK_LWIN, VK_RWIN\r
+                               mods:&~MODIFIER_SYSTEM\r
+               EndSelect\r
+               Return HotKeyEvent( key,mods,GetForegroundWindow() )\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Global intButtonStates%[3]\r
+       \r
+       Function MouseProc( code,wparam,lparam ) "win32" nodebug\r
+               \r
+               If code>=0 And wparam >= WM_MOUSEFIRST And wparam <= WM_MOUSELAST Then 'Not needed as MouseProc only receives mouse messages!!!\r
+                       \r
+                       Local MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT:Int Ptr = Int Ptr(lparam), wp, lp, data\r
+                       Local hwnd% = MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT[2], msg% = wparam, owner:TWindowsGadget\r
+                       Local point:Int[] = [MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT[0],MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT[1]]\r
+                       \r
+                       Select msg\r
+                               Case WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK\r
+                                       data = MOUSE_LEFT\r
+                                       msg = WM_LBUTTONDOWN\r
+                                       intButtonStates[MOUSE_LEFT] = True\r
+                               Case WM_LBUTTONUP\r
+                                       data = MOUSE_LEFT\r
+                                       intButtonStates[MOUSE_LEFT] = False\r
+                               Case WM_RBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK\r
+                                       data = MOUSE_RIGHT\r
+                                       msg = WM_RBUTTONDOWN\r
+                                       intButtonStates[MOUSE_RIGHT] = True\r
+                               Case WM_RBUTTONUP\r
+                                       data = MOUSE_RIGHT\r
+                                       intButtonStates[MOUSE_RIGHT] = False\r
+                               Case WM_MBUTTONDOWN, WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK\r
+                                       data = MOUSE_MIDDLE\r
+                                       msg = WM_MBUTTONDOWN\r
+                                       intButtonStates[MOUSE_MIDDLE] = True\r
+                               Case WM_MBUTTONUP\r
+                                       data = MOUSE_MIDDLE\r
+                                       intButtonStates[MOUSE_MIDDLE] = False\r
+                       EndSelect\r
+                       \r
+                       owner = GadgetFromHwnd(hwnd)\r
+                       If owner And ScreenToClient( hwnd, point ) Then\r
+                               \r
+                               If data And (Not intButtonStates[data]) And TGadget.dragGadget[data-1] Then\r
+                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETDROP, owner, data, KeyMods(), point[0], point[1], TGadget.dragGadget[data-1]\r
+                                       TGadget.dragGadget[data-1] = Null\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                               If (owner.sensitivity&SENSITIZE_MOUSE) Then\r
+                                       \r
+                                       'Fake wp parameter to pass onto bbSystemEmitOSEvent\r
+                                       If intButtonStates[MOUSE_LEFT] Then wp:|MK_LBUTTON\r
+                                       If intButtonStates[MOUSE_MIDDLE] Then wp:|MK_MBUTTON\r
+                                       If intButtonStates[MOUSE_RIGHT] Then wp:|MK_RBUTTON\r
+                                       If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&$8000 Then wp:|MK_SHIFT\r
+                                       If GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&$8000 Then wp:|MK_CONTROL\r
+                                       \r
+                                       lp = (Short(point[1]) Shl 16) | Short(point[0])\r
+                                       'Sort and determine whether to emit the event\r
+                                       Select msg\r
+                                               Case WM_MOUSEMOVE\r
+                                                       If (owner._oldcursorlp<>lp) Then\r
+                                                               owner._oldcursorlp=lp\r
+                                                               SystemEmitOSEvent hwnd,msg,wp,lp,owner\r
+                                                       EndIf\r
+                                               Case WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONUP, WM_MBUTTONUP\r
+                                                       If intDontReleaseCapture Then\r
+                                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_MOUSEUP, owner, data\r
+                                                       Else\r
+                                                               SystemEmitOSEvent hwnd,msg,wp,lp,owner\r
+                                                       EndIf\r
+                                               Case WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_RBUTTONDOWN, WM_MBUTTONDOWN\r
+                                                       SystemEmitOSEvent hwnd,msg,wp,lp,owner\r
+                                       EndSelect\r
+                                       \r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       EndIf\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Return CallNextHookEx( MouseMessageHook,code,wparam,lparam )\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Global intEmitOSEvent\r
+       \r
+       Function SystemEmitOSEvent( hwnd, msg, wp, lp, owner:TGadget )\r
+               intEmitOSEvent:+1\r
+               If owner Then\r
+                       While owner.source\r
+                               owner = owner.source\r
+                       Wend\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Local tmpResult% = bbSystemEmitOSEvent( hwnd, msg, wp, lp, owner )\r
+               intEmitOSEvent:-1\r
+               Return tmpResult\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function ClassName$()\r
+               Global _name$\r
+               Global _wc:WNDCLASSW\r
+               Global _icon\r
+               \r
+               If Not _name\r
+                       _name="BLITZMAX_WINDOW_CLASS"\r
+                       _icon=LoadIconW(GetModuleHandleW(Null),Short Ptr(101))\r
+                       _wc=New WNDCLASSW\r
+             |CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW\r
+                       _wc.lpfnWndProc=ClassWndProc\r
+                       _wc.hInstance=GetModuleHandleW(Null)\r
+                       _wc.hIcon=_icon\r
+                       _wc.hCursor=LoadCursorW( 0,Short Ptr( IDC_ARROW ) )\r
+                       _wc.hbrBackground=COLOR_BTNSHADOW\r
+                       _wc.lpszMenuName=Null\r
+                       _wc.lpszClassName=_name.ToWString()\r
+                       _wc.cbWndExtra=DLGWINDOWEXTRA\r
+                       ClassAtom=RegisterClassW(_wc)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Return _name\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function DialogClassName$()\r
+               Global _dname$\r
+               Global _dc:WNDCLASSW\r
+               \r
+               If Not _dname\r
+                       _dname="BLITZMAX_DIALOG_CLASS"\r
+                       _dc=New WNDCLASSW\r
+             |CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW\r
+                       _dc.lpfnWndProc=ClassWndProc\r
+                       _dc.hInstance=GetModuleHandleW(Null)\r
+                       _dc.hCursor=LoadCursorW( 0,Short Ptr( IDC_ARROW ) )\r
+                       _dc.hbrBackground=COLOR_BTNSHADOW\r
+                       _dc.lpszMenuName=Null\r
+                       _dc.lpszClassName=_dname.ToWString()\r
+                       _dc.cbWndExtra=DLGWINDOWEXTRA\r
+                       ClassAtom2=RegisterClassW(_dc)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Return _dname\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       'TMaxGuiDriver interface        \r
+       \r
+       Method CreateGadget:TGadget(class,Text$,x,y,w,h,group:TGadget,style)\r
+               \r
+               Select class\r
+                       Case GADGET_WINDOW\r
+                               If Not group group=GDIDesktop\r
+               End Select\r
+               \r
+               Local   gadget:TGadget = GadgetInstanceFromClass(class,group,style,Text)\r
+               \r
+               Select class\r
+                               Return gadget\r
+               End Select\r
+               \r
+               If LocalizationMode() & LOCALIZATION_OVERRIDE Then\r
+                       LocalizeGadget(gadget,Text,"")\r
+               Else\r
+                       gadget.SetText(Text)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               If group Then gadget._SetParent group\r
+               If class <> GADGET_TOOLBAR Then gadget.SetShape(x,y,w,h)\r
+               \r
+               'v0.51: Gadgets are now only shown when they have been sized, and the text set.\r
+               If TWindowsGadget(gadget) Then\r
+                       If Not TWindowsWindow(gadget)\r
+                               gadget.SetFont(GDIFont)\r
+                               If TWindowsGadget(group) Then\r
+                                       TWindowsGadget(gadget)._forceDisable = Not( TWindowsGadget(group)._enabled And Not TWindowsGadget(group)._forceDisable )\r
+                                       gadget.SetEnabled(Not (gadget.State()&STATE_DISABLED))\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               gadget.SetShow(True)\r
+                       ElseIf Not (style & WINDOW_HIDDEN) Then\r
+                               gadget.SetShow(True)\r
+                       EndIf\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               If TWindowsGadget(gadget) Then TWindowsGadget(gadget).Sensitize()\r
+               \r
+               Return gadget\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method GadgetInstanceFromClass:TGadget(class, group:TGadget, style = 0, Text$ = "")\r
+               \r
+               Local gadget:TGadget\r
+               \r
+               Select class\r
+                       Case GADGET_DESKTOP\r
+                               gadget=GDIDesktop\r
+                       Case GADGET_MENUITEM\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsMenu.Create(group,style,Text)\r
+                       Case GADGET_WINDOW\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsWindow.Create(group,style)\r
+                       Case GADGET_BUTTON\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsButton.Create(group,style)\r
+                       Case GADGET_TEXTFIELD\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsTextField.Create(group,style,Text)\r
+                       Case GADGET_TEXTAREA\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsTextArea.Create(group,style)\r
+                       Case GADGET_COMBOBOX\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsComboBox.Create(group,style,Text)\r
+                       Case GADGET_LISTBOX\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsListBox.Create(group,style)\r
+                       Case GADGET_TOOLBAR\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsToolBar.Create(group,style,Text)\r
+                       Case GADGET_TABBER\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsTabber.Create(group,style)\r
+                       Case GADGET_NODE        \r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsTreeNode.Create(group,style,Text)\r
+                       Case GADGET_TREEVIEW\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsTreeView.Create(group,style)\r
+                       Case GADGET_LABEL\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsLabel.Create(group,style)\r
+                       Case GADGET_SLIDER\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsSlider.Create(group,style)\r
+                       Case GADGET_PROGBAR\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsProgressBar.Create(group,style)\r
+                       Case GADGET_PANEL\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsPanel.Create(group,style)\r
+                       Case GADGET_CANVAS\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsPanel.Create(group,style|PANEL_CANVAS|PANEL_ACTIVE)\r
+                       Case GADGET_HTMLVIEW\r
+                               gadget=New TWindowsHTMLView.Create(group,style)\r
+               End Select\r
+               \r
+               Return gadget\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ActiveGadget:TGadget()\r
+               Local tmpHwnd:Int = GetFocus(), tmpGadget:TGadget\r
+               While tmpHwnd\r
+                       tmpGadget = GadgetFromHwnd( tmpHwnd )\r
+                       If tmpGadget Then Exit\r
+                       tmpHwnd = GetParent_(tmpHwnd)\r
+               Wend\r
+               Return tmpGadget\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method RequestColor(red,green,blue)\r
+               Local cc:CHOOSECOLOR = New CHOOSECOLOR\r
+               cc.lStructSize=SizeOf(cc)\r
+               cc.hwndOwner=GetActiveHwnd()\r
+               cc.rgbResult=(red)|(green Shl 8)|(blue Shl 16)\r
+               cc.lpCustColors=_customcolors\r
+               cc.Flags=CC_RGBINIT|CC_FULLOPEN|CC_ANYCOLOR\r
+               Local hwnd = GetFocus()\r
+               Local n = ChooseColorW(cc)\r
+               SetFocus(hwnd)          \r
+               If Not n Return 0       \r
+               n = ((cc.rgbResult Shr 16)&$ff) | (cc.rgbResult&$ff00) | ((cc.rgbResult Shl 16)&$ff0000)\r
+               Return n|$ff000000\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method LookupColor( colorindex:Int, red:Byte Var, green:Byte Var, blue:Byte Var )\r
+               \r
+               Select colorindex\r
+                       Case GUICOLOR_WINDOWBG\r
+                               colorindex = COLOR_BTNFACE\r
+                       Case GUICOLOR_GADGETBG\r
+                               colorindex = COLOR_WINDOW\r
+                       Case GUICOLOR_GADGETFG\r
+                               colorindex = COLOR_WINDOWTEXT\r
+                       Case GUICOLOR_LINKFG\r
+                               colorindex = COLOR_HOTLIGHT\r
+                       Case GUICOLOR_SELECTIONBG\r
+                               colorindex = COLOR_HIGHLIGHT\r
+                       Default\r
+                               Return Super.LookupColor( colorindex, red, green, blue )\r
+               EndSelect\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpColor:Int = GetSysColor( colorindex )\r
+               red = tmpColor & $FF\r
+               green = (tmpColor Shr 8) & $FF\r
+               blue = (tmpColor Shr 16) & $FF\r
+               \r
+               Return True\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method LoadFont:TGuiFont(name$,size,flags)\r
+               Return New TWindowsFont.Load(name,Double(size),flags)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method LoadFontWithDouble:TGuiFont(name$,size:Double,flags)\r
+               Return New TWindowsFont.Load(name,size,flags)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method LibraryFont:TGuiFont( pFontType% = GUIFONT_SYSTEM, pFontSize:Double = 0, pFontStyle% = FONT_NORMAL )\r
+               If pFontType = GUIFONT_SYSTEM Then Return TWindowsFont.DefaultFont( pFontSize, pFontStyle ) Else Return Super.LibraryFont( pFontType, pFontSize, pFontStyle )\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method RequestFont:TGuiFont(font:TGuiFont)\r
+               Return TWindowsFont.Request(font)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+               \r
+       Method SetPointer(shape)\r
+               Global winptrs[]=[0,32512,32513,32514,32515,32516,32642,32643,32644,32645,32646,32648,32649,32650,32651]\r
+               If shape<1 Or shape>14 Then _cursor = LoadCursorW( 0,Short Ptr( IDC_ARROW ) ) Else _cursor=LoadCursorW(0,Short Ptr(winptrs[shape]))\r
+               SetCursor(_cursor)\r
+               If TWindowsTextArea._oldCursor Then TWindowsTextArea._oldCursor = _cursor\r
+               If shape = 0 Then _cursor = 0\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method LoadIconStrip:TIconStrip(source:Object)          \r
+               Return TWindowsIconStrip.Create(source)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Function CheckCommonControlVersion()    'Returns True if supports alpha/themes etc. or False if not.\r
+               If Not _commoncontrolversion Then\r
+                       Local libComCtl = LoadLibraryW("comctl32.dll")\r
+                       Local GetCommonControlVersion( pDllVersionInfo:Byte Ptr ) "win32" = GetProcAddress(libComCtl, "DllGetVersion")\r
+                       If GetCommonControlVersion Then\r
+                               Local tmpDllVersion:DLLVERSIONINFO2 = New DLLVERSIONINFO2\r
+                               GetCommonControlVersion( tmpDllVersion )\r
+                               _commoncontrolversion = [tmpDllVersion.dwMajorVersion,tmpDllVersion.dwMinorVersion,tmpDLLVersion.dwBuildNo]\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       GetCommonControlVersion = Null\r
+                       FreeLibrary( libComCtl )\r
+               EndIf\r
+               If _commoncontrolversion And _commoncontrolversion[0] >= 6 Then\r
+                       If (_commoncontrolversion[0] > 6) Or (_commoncontrolversion[1] > 0) Then Return 2 Else Return 1\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function GetThemeHandle(hwnd, pClass$ = "WINDOW")\r
+               If OpenThemeData And CheckCommonControlVersion() Then Return OpenThemeData(hwnd, pClass)\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       Function CloseThemeHandle(hTheme)\r
+               If CloseThemeData Then Return CloseThemeData(hTheme)\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function CreateExplorerStyleGadgets( pDisable = False )\r
+               _explorerstyle = (pDisable <> True)\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function GetActiveHwnd()\r
+               If _activeWindow Then Return _activeWindow._hwnd Else Return GetActiveWindow()\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+Type TWindowsGadget Extends TGadget\r
+       \r
+       'Flag that determines whether gadgets should redraw when they are resized (see Rethink()).\r
+       Global _resizeRedraw = True\r
+       \r
+       'Generic Unicode Strings to prevent memory-leak\r
+       Global _wstrEmpty:Short Ptr = "".ToWString()\r
+       Global _wstrSpace:Short Ptr = " ".ToWString()\r
+       Global _wstrExplorer:Short Ptr = "Explorer".ToWString()\r
+       \r
+       'Important gadget fields that store OS control handles etc..\r
+       \r
+       Field _class, _hwnd, _hwndclient, _tooltips\r
+       Field _proc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp) "win32"\r
+       Field _hotkey:THotKey\r
+       Field _oldcursorlp      'Should track events\r
+       \r
+       Field _sensitive% = False       'Determines whether gadgets should generate events.\r
+                                               'Not to be confused with the sensitivity field of TGadget\r
+                                               'which specifies which type of events are fired.\r
+       \r
+       'Aesthetics\r
+       Field _bgbrush, _fgcolor = -1, _bgcolor = -1    'Background colour\r
+       Field _hbrush, _hbitmap                                 'Background colour\r
+       Field _bitmap                                                   'Background bitmap\r
+       Field _iconBitmap                                                       'Icon bitmap\r
+       Field _hTheme                                                   'Open handle to XP Theme API (for use in button's WM_DRAWITEM etc.)\r
+       Field _font:TWindowsFont                                        'Font (needs to be stored, otherwise it may be collected by GC)\r
+       Field _wstrTooltip:Short Ptr, _toolAdded = False\r
+       Field _clientX:Int, _clientY:Int, _enabled:Int = True, _forcedisable:Int = False\r
+       \r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget, style, Text$="")     Abstract\r
+       \r
+       Method SetColor(red,green,blue)\r
+               If _bgbrush Then DeleteObject _bgbrush\r
+               _bgcolor = (blue Shl 16) | (green Shl 8) | red\r
+               _bgbrush=CreateSolidBrush(_bgcolor)\r
+               RedrawGadget(Self)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method RemoveColor()\r
+               If _bgbrush Then DeleteObject _bgbrush\r
+               _bgbrush=0\r
+               RedrawGadget(Self)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method FgColor()\r
+               Return _fgcolor\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method BgColor()\r
+               Return _bgcolor\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method BgBrush()\r
+               Return _bgbrush\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetTextColor(r,g,b)\r
+               _fgcolor = (b Shl 16) | (g Shl 8) | r\r
+               RedrawGadget(Self)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method Query(queryid)\r
+               Select queryid\r
+                       Case QUERY_HWND\r
+                               Return _hwnd\r
+                       Case QUERY_HWND_CLIENT\r
+                               If _hwndclient Return _hwndclient\r
+                               Return _hwnd\r
+               End Select                              \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method Register(class,hwnd,hwndclient=0,tips=False)\r
+               _class=class\r
+               _hwnd=hwnd\r
+               _hwndclient=hwndclient\r
+               TWindowsGUIDriver.RegisterHwnd(_hwnd,Self)              \r
+               If _hwndclient TWindowsGUIDriver.RegisterHwnd(_hwndclient,Self)         \r
+               Local atom=GetClassLongW(hwnd,GCW_ATOM)\r
+               If atom<>TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassAtom And atom<>TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassAtom2 And Not _proc\r
+                       _proc=Byte Ptr(SetWindowLongW(hwnd,GWL_WNDPROC,Int Byte Ptr TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassWndProc))\r
+               EndIf\r
+               If tips Then SetupToolTips()    \r
+       EndMethod       \r
+       \r
+       Method SetupToolTips()\r
+               If _tooltips Then DestroyWindow _tooltips;TWindowsGUIDriver.RemoveHwnd(_tooltips);_tooltips = 0\r
+               _tooltips = CreateWindowExW( 0,"tooltips_class32","",TTS_ALWAYSTIP,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,_hwnd,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null )\r
+               SendMessageW _tooltips,TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,0,300\r
+               TWindowsGUIDriver.RegisterHwnd( _tooltips, Self )\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method isTabbable()\r
+               Local style:Int = GetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE)&(WS_TABSTOP|WS_CHILD)\r
+               Return (style=(WS_TABSTOP|WS_CHILD))\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method isControl()\r
+               Return (GetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE)&(WS_CHILD)=WS_CHILD)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method Activate(cmd)\r
+               Select cmd\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_FOCUS\r
+                               If isTabbable()\r
+                                       DefDlgProcW GetParent_(_hwnd),WM_NEXTDLGCTL,_hwnd,1\r
+                                       Return 1\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               Return SetFocus(_hwnd)\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_BACK\r
+                               Return SendMessageW(_hwnd,WM_NEXTDLGCTL,1,0)\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_FORWARD\r
+                               Return SendMessageW(_hwnd,WM_NEXTDLGCTL,0,0)\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_REDRAW\r
+                               RefreshLook()\r
+                               Return RedrawWindow( _hwnd, Null, Null, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_ERASE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ALLCHILDREN )\r
+               End Select\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Rethink()\r
+               QueueResize(_hwnd,xpos,ypos,width,height)\r
+       EndMethod       \r
+       \r
+       Method RethinkClient(forceRedraw:Int = False)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetArea(x,y,w,h)\r
+               SetRect(x,y,w,h)\r
+               Rethink()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method LayoutKids()\r
+               \r
+               StartResize()\r
+               \r
+               'Implemented hack to speed-up drawing considerably...\r
+               Local tmpOldState = TWindowsGadget._resizeredraw\r
+               TWindowsGadget._resizeredraw = False\r
+               \r
+               'Child windows are laid-out like normal...\r
+               Super.LayoutKids()\r
+               \r
+               'Reposition all child gadgets together.\r
+               EndResize()\r
+               \r
+               'If this control is the first parent who started the resizing, then redraw parent and all controls now.\r
+               If tmpOldState Then\r
+                       If (Not kids.IsEmpty()) Then Activate(ACTIVATE_REDRAW)\r
+                       TWindowsGadget._resizeredraw = True\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ClientWidth()\r
+               Local Rect[] = [xpos,ypos,xpos+width,ypos+height]\r
+               SendMessageW Query(QUERY_HWND), WM_NCCALCSIZE, False, Int Byte Ptr Rect\r
+               Return Rect[2]-Rect[0]-_clientX\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method ClientHeight()\r
+               Local Rect[] = [xpos,ypos,xpos+width,ypos+height]\r
+               SendMessageW Query(QUERY_HWND), WM_NCCALCSIZE, False, Int Byte Ptr Rect\r
+               Return Rect[3]-Rect[1]-_clientY\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetText(Text$)\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SetWindowTextW _hwnd, Text\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+       EndMethod       \r
+       \r
+       Method GetText$()\r
+               Local strText:Short[GetWindowTextLengthW(_hwnd)+1]              'Must include NULL terminator.\r
+               GetWindowTextW _hwnd, strText, strText.length\r
+               Return String.FromWString( strText )\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetFont(font:TGuiFont)\r
+               If TWindowsFont(font) Then _font = TWindowsFont(font) Else _font = TWindowsGUIDriver.GDIFont\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_SETFONT,font.handle,1\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetShow(show)\r
+               If show\r
+                       ShowWindow _hwnd,SW_SHOW\r
+               Else\r
+                       'Requester fix - ShowWindow activates the last activated window when an active window is hidden, so if\r
+                       'a file requester/child gadget was the last window to be activated, then the program will lose focus as it is\r
+                       'trying to activate a non-existent window.\r
+                       If parent And HasDescendant(ActiveGadget()) Then ActivateGadget(parent)\r
+                       ShowWindow _hwnd,SW_HIDE\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetEnabled(enable)\r
+               _enabled = enable\r
+               enable = enable And Not _forceDisable\r
+               If Not((EnableWindow(_hwnd,enable)<>0) ~ enable) Then\r
+                       For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids\r
+                               tmpGadget._forceDisable = Not enable\r
+                               If tmpGadget.isControl() Then tmpGadget.SetEnabled(tmpGadget._enabled)\r
+                       Next\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )\r
+               \r
+               If _wstrTooltip Then MemFree _wstrTooltip;_wstrTooltip = Null\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpToolInfo:TOOLINFOW = New TOOLINFOW\r
+               tmpToolInfo.cbSize = SizeOf(tmpToolInfo)\r
+               tmpToolInfo.hwnd = GetParent_(_hwnd)\r
+               tmpToolInfo.hinst = GetModuleHandleW(Null)\r
+               tmpToolInfo.uID = _hwnd\r
+               \r
+               If pTooltip Then\r
+                       _wstrTooltip = pTooltip.Replace("~r","").Replace("~n","~r~n").ToWString()\r
+                       \r
+                       tmpToolInfo.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND|TTF_TRANSPARENT|TTF_SUBCLASS\r
+                       tmpToolInfo.lpszText = _wstrTooltip\r
+                       \r
+                       If Not _toolAdded Then\r
+                               _toolAdded = SendMessageW(TWindowsGUIDriver._hwndTooltips, TTM_ADDTOOLW, 0, Int Byte Ptr tmpToolInfo)\r
+                       Else\r
+                               SendMessageW(TWindowsGUIDriver._hwndTooltips, TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTW, 0, Int Byte Ptr tmpToolInfo)\r
+                       EndIf\r
+               ElseIf _tooladded Then\r
+                       SendMessageW(TWindowsGUIDriver._hwndTooltips, TTM_DELTOOLW, 0, Int Byte Ptr tmpToolInfo )\r
+                       _toolAdded = 0\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method GetTooltip$()\r
+               If _wstrTooltip Then Return String.FromWString(_wstrTooltip)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method State()\r
+               Local t, style = GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_STYLE)\r
+               If Not (style&WS_VISIBLE) Then t:|STATE_HIDDEN\r
+               If Not _enabled Then t:|STATE_DISABLED\r
+               Return t\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method Free()\r
+               If _tooltips Then DestroyWindow _tooltips;_tooltips=0\r
+               SetTooltip("")  'Free any tooltip memory allocations\r
+               If _hwnd Then DestroyWindow _hwnd;TWindowsGUIDriver.RemoveHwnd(_hwnd);_hwnd=0\r
+               If _hwndclient Then TWindowsGUIDriver.RemoveHwnd(_hwndclient);_hwndclient=0\r
+               FlushBrushes(False)\r
+               If _hotKey Then RemoveHotKey(_hotKey);_hotKey = Null\r
+               If _iconBitmap Then DeleteObject(_iconBitmap);_iconBitmap = 0\r
+               If _bitmap Then DeleteObject(_bitmap);_bitmap = 0\r
+               If _bgbrush Then DeleteObject(_bgbrush);_bgbrush = 0\r
+               If _htheme Then TWindowsGUIDriver.CloseThemeHandle(_hTheme);_hTheme = 0\r
+               _font = Null\r
+               _SetParent Null\r
+       EndMethod       \r
+       \r
+       Method OnNotify(wp,lp)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               Select msg\r
+                       Case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING\r
+                               FlushBrushes()\r
+               EndSelect\r
+               If _proc And _hwnd = hwnd Then\r
+                       Return CallWindowProcW(_proc,hwnd,msg,wp,lp)     'fixed auto scrollbars\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Return DefWindowProcW( hwnd,msg,wp,lp )\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method OnDrawItem( pDrawItemStruct:DRAWITEMSTRUCT )\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetHotKey(key,modifier)\r
+               Local ev:TEvent = CreateEvent( EVENT_GADGETACTION,Self )\r
+               If _hotKey Then RemoveHotKey(_hotKey);_hotKey = Null\r
+               If key Then _hotkey=SetHotKeyEvent(key,modifier,ev,FindGadgetWindowHwnd(Self))\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       'Slow back-up code for mimicking transparency for PANEL_GROUPs and when\r
+       'DrawThemeParentBackground() is not available (i.e. on Windows 9x/2000).\r
+       Method CreateControlBrush( hWndControl, hdc = 0 )\r
+               \r
+               Local xOffset, yOffset\r
+               Local hwndWindow = GetParent_(hwndControl)\r
+               Local rectWindow[4], rectControl[4], rectClient[4]\r
+               \r
+               If _hbrush Then Return _hbrush\r
+               \r
+               If BgBrush() Then\r
+                       If hdc Then SetBkColor(hdc, BgColor())\r
+                       Return BgBrush()\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpDC = GetDC( hwndWindow )\r
+               \r
+               'Fix required to offset background when controls are drawn with WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE (e.g. panel with PANEL_SUNKEN/PANEL_RAISED set)\r
+               If GetWindowLongW(hwndWindow,GWL_EXSTYLE)&(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE|WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE) Then\r
+                       xOffset = -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE)\r
+                       yOffset = -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               GetClientRect( hwndControl, rectClient )\r
+               GetWindowRect( hwndWindow, rectWindow )\r
+               GetWindowRect( hwndControl, rectControl )\r
+               \r
+               Local x = rectControl[0]-rectWindow[0]\r
+               Local y = rectControl[1]-rectWindow[1]\r
+               Local w = rectControl[2]-rectControl[0]\r
+               Local h = rectControl[3]-rectControl[1]\r
+               \r
+               Local dcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC( tmpDC )\r
+               Local bkgndBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( tmpDC, rectWindow[2]-rectWindow[0], rectWindow[3]-rectWindow[1] )\r
+               SelectObject( dcBitmap, bkgndBitmap )\r
+               \r
+               'InvalidateRect( hwndWindow, Null, False )\r
+               SendMessageW hwndWindow, WM_ERASEBKGND, dcBitmap, 0\r
+               \r
+               Local bkgndClientBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( tmpDC, w, h )\r
+               Local dcClientBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC( tmpDC )\r
+               SelectObject( dcClientBitmap, bkgndClientBitmap )\r
+               \r
+               BitBlt( dcClientBitmap, 0,0 , w, h, dcBitmap, x+xOffset, y+yOffset, ROP_SRCCOPY )\r
+               \r
+               DeleteObject( bkgndBitmap )\r
+               DeleteDC( dcBitmap )\r
+               DeleteDC( dcClientBitmap )\r
+               \r
+               _hbrush = CreatePatternBrush( bkgndClientBitmap )\r
+               _hbitmap = bkgndClientBitmap\r
+               \r
+               ReleaseDC( hwndWindow, tmpDC )\r
+               \r
+               Return _hbrush\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       'Clears the parent background brushes.\r
+       Method FlushBrushes(pRecurse:Int = True)\r
+               Local tmpChanges:Int = 0\r
+               If _hbrush Then\r
+                       DeleteObject( _hbrush )\r
+                       _hbrush = 0\r
+                       tmpChanges:|True\r
+               EndIf\r
+               If _hBitmap Then\r
+                       DeleteObject( _hBitmap )\r
+                       _hBitmap = 0\r
+                       tmpChanges:|True\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Return tmpChanges\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       'Method that returns a brush for drawing backgrounds.\r
+       Method DrawBackground( hdc, hwnd )\r
+               \r
+               If BgBrush() Then SetBkColor(hdc, BgColor());Return BgBrush()\r
+               \r
+               Return DrawParentBackground( hdc, hwnd )\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       'Another method which mimics transparency on Windows Controls.\r
+       Function DrawParentBackground( hdc, hwndControl, pForceHack = False )\r
+       \r
+               Local rectWindow[4], rectControl[4], rectClient[4]\r
+               Local hwndWindow = GetParent_(hwndControl)\r
+               GetClientRect( hwndControl, rectClient )\r
+               GetClientRect( hwndWindow, rectWindow )\r
+               GetWindowRect( hwndControl, rectControl )\r
+               \r
+               'Ensures that the the drawing context is returned in exactly the same state that it was passed.\r
+               Local tmpSaveState = SaveDC( hdc )\r
+               \r
+               If DrawThemeParentBackground And Not pForceHack Then\r
+                       \r
+                       DrawThemeParentBackground(hwndControl,hdc,rectClient)\r
+                       \r
+               Else 'Again, slow back-up code in case DrawThemeParentBackground() is not available.\r
+                       \r
+                       Local tmpDC, xOffset, yOffset\r
+                       \r
+                       'Fix required to offset background when controls are drawn with WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE (e.g. panel with PANEL_BORDER set)\r
+                       If GetWindowLongW(hwndWindow,GWL_EXSTYLE)&WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE Then\r
+                               xOffset = -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE)\r
+                               yOffset = -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE)\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       \r
+                       tmpDC = GetDC( hwndWindow )\r
+                       \r
+                       ScreenToClient( hwndWindow, rectControl )\r
+                       ScreenToClient( hwndWindow, Int Ptr (rectControl)+2 )\r
+                       \r
+                       Local x = rectControl[0]+rectClient[0]\r
+                       Local y = rectControl[1]+rectClient[1]\r
+                       Local w = rectClient[2]-rectClient[0]\r
+                       Local h = rectClient[3]-rectClient[1]\r
+                       \r
+                       Local bkgndBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap( tmpDC, rectWindow[2]-rectWindow[0], rectWindow[3]-rectWindow[1] )\r
+                       Local dcBitmap = CreateCompatibleDC( tmpDC )\r
+                       SelectObject( dcBitmap, bkgndBitmap )\r
+                       \r
+                       InvalidateRect( hwndWindow, Null, False )\r
+                       SendMessageW hwndWindow, WM_ERASEBKGND, dcBitmap, 0\r
+                       \r
+                       BitBlt( hdc, 0,0 , w, h, dcBitmap, x+xOffset, y+yOffset, ROP_SRCCOPY )\r
+                       \r
+                       DeleteObject( bkgndBitmap )\r
+                       DeleteDC( dcBitmap )\r
+                       ReleaseDC( hwndWindow, tmpDC )\r
+                       \r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               'Ensures that the the drawing context is returned in exactly the same state that it was passed.\r
+               RestoreDC( hdc, tmpSaveState )\r
+               \r
+               Return GetStockObject( NULL_BRUSH )\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Method Sensitize()\r
+               _sensitive = True\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method DeSensitize()\r
+               _sensitive = False\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method PostGuiEvent( pID%, pData%=0, pMods%=0, pX%=0, pY%=0, pExtra:Object = Null)\r
+               \r
+               Select True\r
+                       Case TWindowsListBox(Self) <> Null, TWindowsTabber(Self) <> Null, TWindowsToolbar(Self) <> Null, TWindowsCombobox(Self) <> Null\r
+                               If pData>-1 Then\r
+                                       If (ItemFlags(pData) & GADGETITEM_TOGGLE) Then SelectItem(pData,2)\r
+                               EndIf\r
+               End Select\r
+               \r
+               If _sensitive Then MaxGUI.MaxGUI.PostGuiEvent( pID, Self, pData, pMods, pX, pY, pExtra )\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       'Resize Methods\r
+       \r
+       Field hdwpStruct\r
+       \r
+       Method StartResize()\r
+               If Not hdwpStruct Then\r
+                       Local tmpCount = kids.Count()\r
+                       If tmpCount Then hdwpStruct = BeginDeferWindowPos( tmpCount )\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method QueueResize( hwnd, xpos, ypos, width, height )\r
+               If parent And GetParent_(hwnd) = parent.Query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT) And TWindowsGadget(parent).hdwpStruct Then\r
+                       Local tmpFlags = SWP_NOOWNERZORDER | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE' | SWP_NOCOPYBITS\r
+                       If Not _resizeRedraw Then tmpFlags:| SWP_NOREDRAW\r
+                       TWindowsGadget(parent).hdwpStruct = DeferWindowPos( TWindowsGadget(parent).hdwpStruct, hwnd, Null, xpos, ypos, width, height, tmpFlags )\r
+               Else\r
+                       MoveWindow( hwnd, xpos, ypos, width, height, _resizeRedraw )\r
+                       HasResized()\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method EndResize()\r
+               If hdwpStruct Then\r
+                       EndDeferWindowPos( hdwpStruct );hdwpStruct = 0\r
+                       For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids\r
+                               Sensitize()\r
+                               tmpGadget.HasResized()\r
+                       Next\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       'Required for resizing columns in listboxes (has to be done outside WM_SIZE)\r
+       Method HasResized()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       'Required to ensure problematic controls are updated when parent aesthetics are changed:\r
+       Method RefreshLook()\r
+               FlushBrushes(False)\r
+               For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids\r
+                       tmpGadget.RefreshLook()\r
+               Next\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+Rem    \r
+       Method StartDoubleBuffer()\r
+               For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids\r
+                       tmpGadget.StartDoubleBuffer()\r
+               Next\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method EndDoubleBuffer()\r
+               For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids\r
+                       tmpGadget.EndDoubleBuffer()\r
+               Next\r
+       EndMethod\r
+EndRem \r
+Type TWindowsDesktop Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       Method New()\r
+               Local Rect[4]\r
+               Local hwnd = GetDesktopWindow()\r
+               Register(GADGET_DESKTOP,hwnd,0,False)\r
+               GetClientRect hwnd,Rect\r
+               SetShape 0,0,Rect[2]-Rect[0],Rect[3]-Rect[1]\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")\r
+               Return Self\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )\r
+               'Shouldn't have tool-tips.\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Free()\r
+               'Can't be free'd.\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_DESKTOP\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ClientHeight()\r
+               Local Rect[4]\r
+               If Super.ClientHeight() = height And SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, Int Byte Ptr Rect, 0 ) \r
+                       Return Rect[3]-Rect[1]\r
+               Else\r
+                       Return Super.ClientHeight()\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ClientWidth()\r
+               Local Rect[4]\r
+               If Super.ClientWidth() = width And SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, Int Byte Ptr Rect, 0 ) \r
+                       Return Rect[2]-Rect[0]\r
+               Else\r
+                       Return Super.ClientWidth()\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+Type TWindowsWindow Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+               \r
+       Field   _wstyle, _xstyle\r
+       Field   _minwidth,_minheight,_maxwidth = -1,_maxheight = -1\r
+       Field   _menu:TWindowsMenu\r
+       Field   _hmenu\r
+       Field   _status\r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")\r
+               Local   hwnd, parent, client\r
+               Local classname$ = TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassName()\r
+               \r
+      = style\r
+               _wstyle=WS_CLIPSIBLINGS|WS_CLIPCHILDREN\r
+               If group Then parent = group.Query(QUERY_HWND)\r
+               \r
+               If (style&WINDOW_TITLEBAR)\r
+                       _wstyle:|WS_OVERLAPPED|WS_SYSMENU\r
+                       If style&WINDOW_RESIZABLE _wstyle:|WS_MINIMIZEBOX|WS_MAXIMIZEBOX\r
+                       If group <> TWindowsGUIDriver.GDIDesktop And Not (style&WINDOW_TOOL) Then\r
+                               classname$ = TWindowsGUIDriver.DialogClassName()\r
+                               _xstyle:|WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME\r
+                       EndIf\r
+               Else\r
+                       _wstyle:|WS_POPUP               \r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               If style&WINDOW_RESIZABLE Then _wstyle:|WS_SIZEBOX      \r
+               If style&WINDOW_MENU Then _hmenu=CreateMenu_();AppendMenuW( _hmenu,MF_STRING,Null,_wstrEmpty )\r
+               If style&WINDOW_TOOL Then _xstyle:|WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW\r
+               \r
+               ' Note: No WINDOW_HIDDEN case as gadgets are always created hidden to hide initial resize flicker.\r
+               ' TWindowsGUIDriver.CreateGadget() will later show window if WINDOW_HIDDEN is not specified.\r
+               \r
+               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(_xstyle,classname,"",_wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,_hmenu,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               \r
+               If style&WINDOW_STATUS\r
+                       _status=CreateWindowExW(0,"msctls_statusbar32","",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE,0,0,0,0,hwnd,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+                       SetWindowPos( _status, HWND_TOPMOST,0,0,0,0,SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOOWNERZORDER|SWP_NOSIZE)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               client=CreateWindowExW(0,TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassName(),"",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CLIPCHILDREN|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS,0,0,0,0,hwnd,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               \r
+               Register GADGET_WINDOW,hwnd,client,False\r
+               If style&WINDOW_ACCEPTFILES Then DragAcceptFiles _hwnd,True\r
+               _wstyle = GetWindowLongW( hwnd, GWL_STYLE )\r
+                       \r
+               Return Self\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetAlpha( alpha# )\r
+               If SetLayeredWindowAttributes Then\r
+                       Local tmpStyle% = GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE)\r
+                       If alpha = 1.0 Then\r
+                               SetLayeredWindowAttributes( _hwnd, 0, Byte(alpha*255), LWA_ALPHA)\r
+                               If (tmpStyle & WS_EX_LAYERED) Then SetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, tmpStyle&~WS_EX_LAYERED)\r
+                       Else\r
+                               If Not (tmpStyle & WS_EX_LAYERED) Then SetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, tmpStyle|WS_EX_LAYERED)\r
+                               SetLayeredWindowAttributes( _hwnd, 0, Byte(alpha*255), LWA_ALPHA)\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       RedrawGadget(Self)\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Rethink()\r
+               Local dimensions[] = [xpos,ypos,width,height]\r
+               ConvertToContainerDimensions( dimensions[0], dimensions[1], dimensions[2], dimensions[3] )\r
+               MoveWindow _hwnd, dimensions[0], dimensions[1], dimensions[2], dimensions[3], True\r
+               RethinkClient(True)\r
+       EndMethod       \r
+       \r
+       Method RethinkClient(forceRedraw:Int = False)\r
+               If _hwndClient Then\r
+                       MoveWindow _hwndClient, _clientx,_clienty,ClientWidth(),ClientHeight(),forceRedraw\r
+               EndIf\r
+               LayoutKids()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       \r
+       Method ClientWidth()\r
+               If (style & WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS) Then Return width\r
+               Local Rect:Int[4]\r
+               GetClientRect _hwnd, Rect\r
+               Return Max(Rect[2]-Rect[0]-_clientX,0)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ClientHeight()\r
+               If (style & WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS) Then Return height\r
+               Local h:Int = height, Rect:Int[] = [0,0,width,height]\r
+               AdjustWindowRectEx(Rect,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_STYLE),_hmenu,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE))\r
+               h:-(Rect[3]-Rect[1]+_clientY-height)\r
+               If _status Then GetWindowRect _status,Rect;h:-(Rect[3]-Rect[1])\r
+               Return Max(h,0)\r
+       End Method\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_WINDOW\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method State()\r
+               Local t = Super.State()\r
+               If IsIconic(_hwnd) t:|STATE_MINIMIZED\r
+               If IsZoomed(_hwnd) t:|STATE_MAXIMIZED\r
+               Return t\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetEnabled(enable)\r
+               _enabled = enable\r
+               EnableWindow(_hwnd,enable)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetMinimumSize(w,h)\r
+               'Set minimum size for current window style\r
+               _minwidth=w;_minheight=h\r
+               'Get window style\r
+               Local tmpWStyle% = GetWindowLongW( _hwnd, GWL_STYLE )\r
+               'Update size border\r
+               If (_maxwidth = _minwidth And _maxheight = _minheight) Then tmpWStyle:&~WS_SIZEBOX ElseIf (style&WINDOW_RESIZABLE) Then tmpWStyle:|WS_SIZEBOX\r
+               'Set new window style if necessary\r
+               If tmpWStyle <> GetWindowLongW( _hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) Then\r
+                       SetWindowLongW( _hwnd, GWL_STYLE, tmpWStyle )\r
+                       Rethink()\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetMaximumSize(w,h)\r
+               'Set maximum size for current window style\r
+               _maxwidth=w;_maxheight=h\r
+               'Get window style\r
+               Local tmpWStyle% = GetWindowLongW( _hwnd, GWL_STYLE )&~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX\r
+               'Update size border\r
+               If (_maxwidth = _minwidth And _maxheight = _minheight) Then tmpWStyle:&~WS_SIZEBOX ElseIf (style&WINDOW_RESIZABLE) Then tmpWStyle:|WS_SIZEBOX\r
+               'Set new window style if necessary\r
+               If tmpWStyle <> GetWindowLongW( _hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) Then\r
+                       SetWindowLongW( _hwnd, GWL_STYLE, tmpWStyle )\r
+                       Rethink()\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method GetMenu:TGadget()\r
+               If Not _menu Then\r
+                       _menu = New TWindowsMenu.Create(Null,0,"")\r
+                       _menu._setParent Self\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Return _menu\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method UpdateMenu()\r
+       \r
+               Local hmenu, oldMenu\r
+               If _menu\r
+                       _menu.FreeKids\r
+                       _menu.Open\r
+                       hmenu=_menu._hmenu\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               oldMenu = GetMenu_( _hwnd )\r
+               SetMenu _hwnd,hmenu\r
+               DrawMenuBar _hwnd\r
+               DestroyMenu oldMenu\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Field _statustext$\r
+       \r
+       Method GetStatusText$()\r
+               If _status\r
+                       Return _statustext\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetStatusText(Text$)\r
+               If _status\r
+                       _statustext = Text\r
+                       If (style&WINDOW_RESIZABLE) Then Text:+"     "  'Cludge for size handle obfuscation\r
+                       Local tmpWString:Short Ptr = Text.ToWString()\r
+                       SendMessageW _status,WM_SETTEXT,0,Int(tmpWString)\r
+                       MemFree tmpWString\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Field popupextra:Object\r
+               \r
+       Method PopupMenu(menu:TGadget,extra:Object)\r
+               Local pt[2], wmenu:TWindowsMenu = TWindowsMenu(menu), tmpLink:TLink\r
+               If wmenu\r
+                       \r
+                       GetCursorPos_ pt\r
+                       popupextra = extra\r
+                       wmenu.Open(True)\r
+                       \r
+                       Local hmenu:Int = TrackPopupMenu( wmenu._hmenu,TPM_LEFTALIGN|TPM_TOPALIGN|TPM_RETURNCMD|TPM_NONOTIFY,pt[0],pt[1],0,_hwnd,0 )\r
+                       If hmenu Then HandleMenuEvent( WM_COMMAND, hmenu )\r
+                       \r
+                       wmenu.Close()\r
+                       popupextra = Null\r
+                       \r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Function EnumChildProc(hwnd,lp) "win32"\r
+               Local winfo:WINDOWINFO = New WINDOWINFO\r
+               winfo.cbSize=SizeOf winfo\r
+               GetWindowInfo hwnd,winfo\r
+               If winfo.dwStyle&WS_TABSTOP\r
+                       _firsttab=hwnd\r
+               Else\r
+                       EnumChildWindows hwnd,EnumChildProc,0\r
+               EndIf           \r
+               If _firsttab Return 0\r
+               Return 1\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       Global _firsttab\r
+       Method Activate(cmd)\r
+               Select cmd\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_FOCUS\r
+                               _firsttab=0\r
+                               EnumChildWindows _hwnd,EnumChildProc,0\r
+                               If Not _firsttab _firsttab=_hwnd\r
+                               SetFocus _firsttab\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_MINIMIZE\r
+                               ShowWindow _hwnd,SW_MINIMIZE\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_MAXIMIZE\r
+                               ShowWindow _hwnd,SW_MAXIMIZE\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_RESTORE\r
+                               ShowWindow _hwnd,SW_RESTORE\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_REDRAW\r
+                               RefreshLook()\r
+                               Return RedrawWindow( _hwnd, Null, Null, RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_UPDATENOW | RDW_ERASE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ALLCHILDREN )\r
+               End Select\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)\r
+               If wp>100 Then HandleMenuEvent(msg,wp)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method HandleMenuEvent( msg, wp )\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpMenuSource:TWindowsMenu = TWindowsMenu.GetMenuFromKey(wp), tmpMenuID\r
+               If tmpMenuSource Then tmpMenuID = tmpMenuSource._tag\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpPopupExtra:Object = popupextra\r
+               popupextra = Null\r
+               \r
+               MaxGUI.MaxGUI.PostGuiEvent EVENT_MENUACTION,tmpMenuSource,tmpMenuID,0,0,0,tmpPopupExtra\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               Local x,y,w,h\r
+               Local move,size\r
+               Local Rect[4]\r
+               Local winrect[4]\r
+               \r
+               Select msg\r
+               \r
+                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND\r
+                               If BgBrush() Then\r
+                                       Local Rect[4]\r
+                                       If Not GetUpdateRect( hwnd, Rect, False ) Then GetClipBox( wp, Rect )\r
+                                       FillRect( wp, Rect, BgBrush() )\r
+                                       Return 1\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       \r
+                       Case WM_SIZE\r
+                               \r
+                               If (hwnd = _hwnd) And (wp <> SIZE_MINIMIZED) Then\r
+                               \r
+                                       If _status Then SendMessageW _status,WM_SIZE,0,0\r
+                                       \r
+                                       If (style & WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS) Then\r
+                                               GetClientRect _hwnd,Rect\r
+                                               w=Rect[2]\r
+                                               h=Rect[3]\r
+                                               AdjustWindowRectEx(Rect,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_STYLE),_hmenu,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE))\r
+                                               x=-Rect[0]\r
+                                               y=-Rect[1]\r
+                                               GetWindowRect _hwnd,Rect\r
+                                               x:+Rect[0]\r
+                                               y:+Rect[1]\r
+                                               If _status Then\r
+                                                       GetWindowRect _status,Rect\r
+                                                       h:-(Rect[3]-Rect[1])\r
+                                               EndIf\r
+                                               x:+_clientX;y:+_clientY\r
+                                               w:-_clientX;h:-_clientY\r
+                                       Else\r
+                                               GetWindowRect(_hwnd,Rect)\r
+                                               x=Rect[0];y=Rect[1]\r
+                                               w=Rect[2]-Rect[0]\r
+                                               h=Rect[3]-Rect[1]       \r
+                                       EndIf   \r
+                                       \r
+                                       If x<>xpos Or y<>ypos Then move = True\r
+                                       If w<>width Or h<>height Then size = True\r
+                                       \r
+                                       SetRect x,y,w,h\r
+                                       \r
+                                       If size Then RethinkClient()\r
+                                       \r
+                                       If move PostGuiEvent EVENT_WINDOWMOVE,0,0,x,y\r
+                                       If size PostGuiEvent EVENT_WINDOWSIZE,0,0,w,h\r
+                                       \r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                       Case WM_MOVE\r
+                               If (hwnd = _hwnd) And Not (IsZoomed(hwnd) Or IsIconic(hwnd)) Then\r
+                                       \r
+                                       If (style & WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS) Then\r
+                                               GetClientRect _hwnd,Rect\r
+                                               w=Rect[2]\r
+                                               h=Rect[3]\r
+                                               AdjustWindowRectEx(Rect,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_STYLE),_hmenu,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE))\r
+                                               x=-Rect[0]\r
+                                               y=-Rect[1]\r
+                                               GetWindowRect _hwnd,Rect\r
+                                               x:+Rect[0]+_clientX\r
+                                               y:+Rect[1]+_clientY\r
+                                       Else\r
+                                               GetWindowRect(_hwnd,Rect)\r
+                                               x=Rect[0];y=Rect[1]\r
+                                               w=Rect[2]-Rect[0]\r
+                                               h=Rect[3]-Rect[1]                       \r
+                                       EndIf   \r
+                                       \r
+                                       If x<>xpos Or y<>ypos Then\r
+                                               SetRect x,y,width,height\r
+                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_WINDOWMOVE,0,0,x,y\r
+                                       EndIf\r
+                                       \r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                       Case WM_GETMINMAXINFO\r
+                               If hwnd = _hwnd And lp Then\r
+                                       Local minmax:Int Ptr = Int Ptr(lp), tmpZero% = 0\r
+                                       \r
+                                       minmax[6]=_minwidth\r
+                                       minmax[7]=_minheight\r
+                                       ConvertToContainerDimensions(tmpZero,tmpZero,minmax[6],minmax[7])\r
+                                       \r
+                                       If (_maxwidth >= _minwidth) And (_maxheight >= _minheight) Then\r
+                                               minmax[8]=_maxwidth\r
+                                               minmax[9]=_maxheight\r
+                                               ConvertToContainerDimensions(tmpZero,tmpZero,minmax[8],minmax[9])\r
+                                       EndIf\r
+                                       \r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                       Case WM_ACTIVATE\r
+                               If (wp = WA_ACTIVE) Or (wp = WA_CLICKACTIVE) Then\r
+                                       TWindowsGUIDriver._ActiveWindow = Self\r
+                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_WINDOWACTIVATE\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                       Case WM_COMMAND\r
+                               If wp>100 Then HandleMenuEvent(wp,msg)\r
+                       Case WM_CLOSE\r
+                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_WINDOWCLOSE\r
+                               Return 1\r
+                               \r
+                       Case WM_DROPFILES\r
+                               Local hdrop,pt[2],path$\r
+                               Local pbuffer:Short[MAX_PATH]\r
+                               Local i,n,l\r
+                               DragQueryPoint wp,pt\r
+                               n=DragQueryFileW(wp,$ffffffff,Null,0);\r
+                               For i=0 Until n\r
+                                       l=DragQueryFileW(wp,i,pbuffer,MAX_PATH)\r
+                                       path=String.FromShorts(pbuffer,l)\r
+                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_WINDOWACCEPT,0,0,pt[0],pt[1],path\r
+                               Next\r
+                               DragFinish wp\r
+               End Select\r
+               \r
+               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method DoLayout()\r
+               'Don't do anything!\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )\r
+               'Windows shouldn't have tool-tips!\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetSensitivity(flags)\r
+               'Problems with resizing/moving sensitive windows.\r
+               Super.SetSensitivity(flags&~SENSITIZE_MOUSE)\r
+               'Easy to create an active panel in client area as a work around.\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetPixmap(pPixmap:TPixmap, pFlags)\r
+               If Not (pFlags & GADGETPIXMAP_ICON) Then Return False\r
+               If _iconBitmap Then DestroyIcon(_iconBitmap);_iconBitmap = 0\r
+               If pPixmap Then _iconBitmap = TWindowsGraphic.IconFromPixmap32( pPixmap )               \r
+               SendMessageW (_hwnd, WM_SETICON, 0, _iconBitmap)\r
+               SendMessageW (_hwnd, WM_SETICON, 1, _iconBitmap)\r
+               Return True\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       ' Needed otherwise SetEnabled() locks if modal child window is opened and parent is disabled.\r
+       Method isControl()\r
+               Return False\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ConvertToContainerDimensions%( pX Var, pY Var, pW Var , pH Var )\r
+               \r
+               If Not (style & WINDOW_CLIENTCOORDS) Then Return 0\r
+               \r
+               Local Rect[4], menu = GetMenu_(_hwnd)\r
+               \r
+               If menu Then menu = True\r
+               If _status Then GetWindowRect _status,Rect;pH:+(Rect[3]-Rect[1])\r
+               pW:+_clientX;pH:+_clientY;pX:-_clientX;pY:-_clientY\r
+               \r
+               Rect = [pX,pY,pX+pW,pY+pH]\r
+               AdjustWindowRectEx Rect,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_STYLE),menu,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE)\r
+               \r
+               pX = Rect[0];pY = Rect[1];pW = Rect[2]-Rect[0];pH = Rect[3]-Rect[1]\r
+               \r
+               Return 1\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method FlushBrushes(pRecurse:Int = True)\r
+               Super.FlushBrushes()\r
+               If Not pRecurse Then Return\r
+               For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids\r
+                       tmpGadget.FlushBrushes()\r
+               Next\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+Type TWindowsButton Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       \r
+       Field _buttonImageList[] = [-1,0,0,0,0,0], _strButtonText$, _mouseoverbutton\r
+       \r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")\r
+               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey\r
+               Local   hwnd,parent\r
+      = style\r
+               wstyle=WS_CHILD|WS_TABSTOP|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS|BS_MULTILINE         \r
+               Select style&7\r
+                       Case 0 wstyle:|BS_PUSHBUTTON;style = BUTTON_PUSH\r
+                       Case BUTTON_CHECKBOX wstyle:|BS_3STATE;If (style&BUTTON_PUSH) Then wstyle:|BS_PUSHLIKE\r
+                       Case BUTTON_RADIO wstyle:|BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON;If (style&BUTTON_PUSH) Then wstyle:|BS_PUSHLIKE\r
+                       Case BUTTON_OK wstyle:|BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON;hotkey=IDOK\r
+                       Case BUTTON_CANCEL wstyle:|BS_PUSHBUTTON;hotkey=IDCANCEL\r
+               End Select\r
+               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)\r
+               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"BUTTON","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)                               \r
+               Register GADGET_BUTTON,hwnd\r
+               Return Self             \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetTextColor(r,g,b)\r
+               If Not (style&7) Then\r
+                       SetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE)|BS_OWNERDRAW)\r
+                       If Not _hTheme Then _hTheme = TWindowsGUIDriver.GetThemeHandle( _hwnd, "Button" )\r
+               ElseIf Not (style&BUTTON_PUSH) And ((style&7=BUTTON_CHECKBOX) Or (style&7=BUTTON_RADIO))\r
+                       If SetWindowThemeW Then SetWindowThemeW(_hwnd,_wstrSpace,_wstrSpace)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Super.SetTextColor(r,g,b)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetColor(r,g,b)\r
+               If Not (style&7) Then\r
+                       SetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE)|BS_OWNERDRAW)\r
+                       If Not _hTheme Then _hTheme = TWindowsGUIDriver.GetThemeHandle( _hwnd, "Button" )\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Super.SetColor(r,g,b)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method RemoveColor()\r
+               If Not (style&7) Then\r
+                       SetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE,GetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE)&~BS_OWNERDRAW)\r
+                       _hTheme=0\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Super.RemoveColor()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method State()\r
+               Local t=Super.State()\r
+               Select SendMessageW( _hwnd,BM_GETCHECK,0,0 )\r
+                       Case BST_CHECKED;t:|STATE_SELECTED\r
+                       Case BST_INDETERMINATE;t:|STATE_INDETERMINATE\r
+               EndSelect\r
+               Return t\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetSelected(bool)\r
+               Local state = BST_UNCHECKED\r
+               If bool Then\r
+                       If (style&7 = BUTTON_CHECKBOX) And (bool = CHECK_INDETERMINATE) Then\r
+                               state = BST_INDETERMINATE\r
+                       Else\r
+                               state = BST_CHECKED\r
+                       EndIf\r
+               EndIf\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,BM_SETCHECK,state,0\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               Select msg\r
+                       Case WM_THEMECHANGED\r
+                               If _hTheme Then\r
+                                       TWindowsGUIDriver.CloseThemeHandle(_hTheme)\r
+                                       _hTheme = TWindowsGUIDriver.GetThemeHandle(_hwnd,"BUTTON")\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK\r
+                               PostMessageW(_hwnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, wp, lp)\r
+                       Case WM_MOUSEMOVE\r
+                               If Not _mouseoverbutton Then\r
+                                       _mouseoverbutton = True\r
+                                       InvalidateRect(_hwnd,Null,False)\r
+                                       Local tmpTrackMouseEvent:Int[] = [ 16, $2, hwnd, 0 ]    'TME_LEAVE: $2\r
+                                       _TrackMouseEvent( tmpTrackMouseEvent )\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Case WM_MOUSELEAVE\r
+                               If _mouseoverbutton Then\r
+                                       _mouseoverbutton = False\r
+                                       InvalidateRect(_hwnd,Null,False)\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND\r
+                               Return 1\r
+               EndSelect\r
+               \r
+               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method OnDrawItem(pDrawItemStruct:DRAWITEMSTRUCT)\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpDc = pDrawItemStruct.hDc, txtWidth%, txtHeight%\r
+               Local tmpDcState = SaveDC(tmpDC)\r
+               \r
+               ' button state\r
+               Local tmpIsPressed = (pDrawItemStruct.ItemState & ODS_SELECTED)\r
+               Local tmpIsFocused  = (pDrawItemStruct.ItemState & ODS_FOCUS)\r
+               Local tmpIsDisabled = (pDrawItemStruct.ItemState & ODS_DISABLED)\r
+               Local tmpDrawFocusRect = Not (pDrawItemStruct.ItemState & ODS_NOFOCUSRECT)\r
+               \r
+               Local itemRect:Int Ptr = Int Ptr Varptr pDrawItemStruct.rcItem_left, txtRect:Int[4], clientRect:Int[4]\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpBgMode = SetBkMode(tmpDc, TRANSPARENT)\r
+               \r
+               ' Prepare draw... paint button background\r
+               \r
+               If _hTheme Then\r
+                       \r
+                       Local tmpState = PBS_NORMAL\r
+                       If tmpIsDisabled Then\r
+                               tmpState = PBS_DISABLED\r
+                       ElseIf tmpIsPressed Then\r
+                               tmpState = PBS_PRESSED\r
+                       ElseIf _mouseoverbutton Then\r
+                               tmpState = PBS_HOT\r
+                       ElseIf tmpIsFocused Then\r
+                               tmpState = PBS_DEFAULTED\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       \r
+                       If IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(_hTheme, BP_PUSHBUTTON, tmpState) Then\r
+                               DrawThemeParentBackground( _hwnd, tmpDc, itemRect )\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       DrawThemeBackground(_hTheme, tmpDc, BP_PUSHBUTTON, tmpState, itemRect, Null)\r
+                       GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(_hTheme, tmpDc, BP_PUSHBUTTON, tmpState, itemRect, clientRect)\r
+                       \r
+               Else\r
+                       \r
+                       clientRect = [itemRect[0], itemRect[1], itemRect[2], itemRect[3]]\r
+                       InflateRect(clientRect, -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE), -GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE))\r
+                       \r
+                       If tmpIsFocused Then\r
+                               \r
+                               Local tmpBr = CreateSolidBrush($000000)\r
+                               FrameRect(tmpDc, itemRect , tmpBr)\r
+                               InflateRect(itemRect, -1, -1)\r
+                               DeleteObject(tmpBr)\r
+                               \r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       \r
+                       Local crColor\r
+                       If BgColor() < 0 Then crColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE) Else crColor = BgColor()\r
+                       \r
+                       Local brBackground = CreateSolidBrush(crColor)\r
+                       \r
+                       FillRect(tmpDc, itemRect, brBackground)\r
+                       \r
+                       DeleteObject(brBackground)\r
+                       \r
+                       ' Draw pressed button\r
+                       If tmpIsPressed\r
+                               \r
+                               Local brBtnShadow = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW))\r
+                               FrameRect(tmpDc, itemRect, brBtnShadow)\r
+                               DeleteObject(brBtnShadow)\r
+                               \r
+                               OffsetRect( clientRect, 1, 1 )\r
+                               \r
+                       Else ' ...Else draw non pressed button\r
+                               \r
+                               Local tmpUState = DFCS_BUTTONPUSH\r
+                               If _mouseoverbutton Then tmpUState :| DFCS_HOT\r
+                               If tmpIsPressed Then tmpUState :| DFCS_PUSHED\r
+                               \r
+                               DrawFrameControl(tmpDc, itemRect, DFC_BUTTON, tmpUState)\r
+                               \r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       \r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               If BgColor() > -1 Then\r
+                       Local brBackground = CreateSolidBrush(BgColor())\r
+                       FillRect(tmpDc, clientRect, brBackground)\r
+                       DeleteObject(brBackground)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               txtRect = clientRect[..]\r
+               \r
+               clientRect[RECT_RIGHT]:-clientRect[RECT_LEFT]\r
+               clientRect[RECT_BOTTOM]:-clientRect[RECT_TOP]\r
+               \r
+               ' Read the button's title\r
+               Local tmpText$ = Super.GetText()\r
+               \r
+               ' Draw the icon\r
+               'DrawTheIcon(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_OWNERDRAW_BTN), &dc, bHasTitle, &lpDIS.rcItem, &captionRect, bIsPressed, bIsDisabled)\r
+               \r
+               ' Write the button title (if any)\r
+               If tmpText Then\r
+                       \r
+                       Local tmpFlags = DT_CENTER|DT_WORDBREAK\r
+                       \r
+                       DrawTextW( tmpDc, tmpText, -1, txtRect, DT_CALCRECT|tmpFlags )\r
+                       \r
+                       txtWidth = txtRect[RECT_RIGHT]-txtRect[RECT_LEFT]\r
+                       txtHeight = txtRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-txtRect[RECT_TOP]\r
+                       \r
+                       txtRect[RECT_LEFT] = clientRect[RECT_LEFT] + (clientRect[RECT_RIGHT] - txtWidth)/2\r
+                       txtRect[RECT_TOP] = clientRect[RECT_TOP] + (clientRect[RECT_BOTTOM] - txtHeight)/2\r
+                       txtRect[RECT_RIGHT] = txtRect[RECT_LEFT] + txtWidth\r
+                       txtRect[RECT_BOTTOM] = txtRect[RECT_TOP] + txtHeight\r
+                       \r
+                       Local tmpTextColor\r
+                       If tmpIsDisabled Then\r
+                               tmpTextColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT)\r
+                       Else\r
+                               If FgColor() < 0 Then tmpTextColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT) Else tmpTextColor = FgColor()\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       tmpTextColor = SetTextColor_(tmpDc,tmpTextColor)\r
+                       \r
+                       DrawTextW( tmpDc, tmpText, -1, txtRect, tmpFlags )\r
+                       \r
+                       SetTextColor_(tmpDc,tmpTextColor)\r
+                       \r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               RestoreDC(tmpDc,tmpDcState)\r
+               \r
+               ' Draw the focus rect\r
+               If tmpIsFocused And tmpDrawFocusRect Then\r
+                       Local focusRect:Int[4]\r
+                       CopyRect(focusRect, itemRect)\r
+                       InflateRect(focusRect, -3, -3)\r
+                       SetMapMode(tmpDc, MM_TEXT)\r
+                       DrawFocusRect(tmpDc, focusRect)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               Return True\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)\r
+               Select wp Shr 16\r
+                       Case BN_CLICKED\r
+                               Select (style&7)\r
+                                       Case BUTTON_CHECKBOX\r
+                                               Select State()&STATE_INDETERMINATE\r
+                                                       Case 0, STATE_INDETERMINATE\r
+                                                               SetSelected(True)\r
+                                                       Case STATE_SELECTED\r
+                                                               SetSelected(False)\r
+                                               EndSelect\r
+                               EndSelect\r
+                               \r
+                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,ButtonState(Self)\r
+                               \r
+                               'Fix so that tooltips reappear on Windows XP\r
+                               Local tmpTooltip$ = GetTooltip()\r
+                               If tmpTooltip Then SetTooltip("");SetTooltip(tmpTooltip)\r
+                               \r
+               EndSelect\r
+       EndMethod                                                       \r
+       \r
+       Method SetPixmap(pixmap:TPixmap,pFlags)\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpWindowStyle = GetWindowLongW(_hwnd,GWL_STYLE)\r
+               \r
+               If (pFlags & GADGETPIXMAP_ICON) And (((style&BUTTON_PUSH)=BUTTON_PUSH) Or (style = BUTTON_CANCEL)) Then\r
+                       \r
+                       'To remove an image from a button, a handle-list of -1 should be passed.\r
+                       If _buttonImageList[0] >= 0 Then ImageList_Destroy(_buttonImageList[0]);_buttonImageList[0] = -1\r
+                       If pixmap Then _buttonImageList[0] = BuildImageList( pixmap )\r
+                       \r
+                       If (pFlags & GADGETPIXMAP_NOTEXT) Then\r
+                               _buttonImageList[5] = BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_CENTER\r
+                       Else\r
+                               _buttonImageList[5] = BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_LEFT\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       \r
+                       'If running Windows XP/Vista, let's use BCM_SETIMAGELIST\r
+                       If Not SendMessageW (_hwnd, BCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, Int Byte Ptr _buttonImageList) Then\r
+                       'Otherwise, if this fails we should use BM_SETIMAGE.\r
+                               \r
+                               If _buttonImageList[0] >= 0 Then ImageList_Destroy(_buttonImageList[0]);_buttonImageList[0] = -1\r
+                               \r
+                               If _iconBitmap Then DeleteObject(_iconBitmap);_iconBitmap = 0\r
+                               If pixmap Then _iconBitmap = TWindowsGraphic.BitmapFromPixmap( pixmap, True )\r
+                               \r
+                               SendMessageW (_hwnd, BM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, _iconBitmap)\r
+                               \r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       \r
+                       'Show the text if there isn't a pixmap or if we haven't specified GADGETPIXMAP_NOTEXT.\r
+                       If (Not pixmap) Or Not(pFlags & GADGETPIXMAP_NOTEXT) Then\r
+                               tmpWindowStyle:&(~BS_BITMAP)\r
+                               \r
+                               'Text isn't hidden on XP image buttons regardless of whether BS_BITMAP is set\r
+                               'so we have to hack this in - they must have fixed it on Vista though as it works fine there.\r
+                               \r
+                               Super.SetText( GetText() )\r
+                       Else\r
+                               tmpWindowStyle:|BS_BITMAP\r
+                               \r
+                               'Text isn't hidden on XP image buttons regardless of whether BS_BITMAP is set\r
+                               'so we have to hack this in - they must have fixed it on Vista though as it works fine there.\r
+                               \r
+                               Super.SetText( "" )\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       \r
+                       SetWindowLongW _hwnd,GWL_STYLE,tmpWindowStyle\r
+                       \r
+                       InvalidateRect _hwnd, Null, False\r
+                       \r
+                       Return True\r
+                       \r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetText(pText$)\r
+               Local oldText$ = _strButtonText\r
+               _strButtonText = pText\r
+               If (_buttonImageList[0] < 0  And Not _iconBitmap) Or (oldText = Super.GetText()) Then Super.SetText(pText)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method GetText$()\r
+               Return _strButtonText\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Free()\r
+               If _buttonImageList[0] >= 0 Then ImageList_Destroy(_buttonImageList[0])\r
+               If _iconBitmap Then DestroyIcon( _iconBitmap );_iconBitmap = 0\r
+               _buttonImageList = Null\r
+               Super.Free()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Function BuildImageList(pixmap:TPixmap)\r
+               Local bitmap,imagelist,mask\r
+               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() And (Pixmap.format=PF_RGBA8888 Or pixmap.format=PF_BGRA8888)\r
+                       imagelist=ImageList_Create(pixmap.width,pixmap.height,ILC_COLOR32,0,1)\r
+                       If imagelist\r
+                               bitmap=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapFromPixmap(pixmap, True)\r
+                               ImageList_Add(imagelist,bitmap,0)\r
+                       EndIf\r
+               EndIf\r
+               If imagelist=0\r
+                       bitmap=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapFromPixmap(pixmap, False)\r
+                       mask=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapMaskFromPixmap(pixmap)\r
+                       imagelist=ImageList_Create(pixmap.width,pixmap.height,ILC_COLOR24|ILC_MASK,0,1)\r
+                       ImageList_Add(imagelist,bitmap,mask)\r
+                       DeleteObject(mask)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               DeleteObject(bitmap)\r
+               Return imagelist\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_BUTTON\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+Type TWindowsTextField Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       Field _busy\r
+       \r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      \r
+               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey\r
+               Local   hwnd,parent\r
+      = style\r
+               xstyle=WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE\r
+               If style&TEXTFIELD_PASSWORD Then wstyle:|ES_PASSWORD            \r
+               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)\r
+               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"EDIT","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               'SendMessageW hwnd,WM_SETFONT,TWindowsGUIDriver.GDIFont.handle,1\r
+               Register GADGET_TEXTFIELD,hwnd\r
+               SetColor(255,255,255)\r
+               Return Self             \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetText(Text$)\r
+               Local p0,p1\r
+               _busy:+1\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_GETSEL,Int Byte Ptr Varptr p0,Int Byte Ptr Varptr p1\r
+               Super.SetText(Text)\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETSEL,p0,p1\r
+               _busy:-1\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Activate(cmd)\r
+               Select cmd\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_CUT       \r
+                               SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_CUT,0,0\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_COPY      \r
+                               SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_COPY,0,0\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_PASTE\r
+                               SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_PASTE,0,0\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_FOCUS\r
+                               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETSEL,0,-1\r
+               End Select\r
+               Return Super.Activate(cmd)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)\r
+               If Not _busy\r
+                       Select (wp Shr 16)\r
+                               Case EN_UPDATE\r
+                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION\r
+                               Case EN_KILLFOCUS\r
+                                       SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETSEL,0,0\r
+                       End Select\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               Local event:TEvent\r
+               Select msg\r
+                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND\r
+                               Return 1\r
+                       Case WM_KEYDOWN\r
+                               If eventfilter<>Null\r
+                                       event=CreateEvent(EVENT_KEYDOWN,Self,wp,keymods())\r
+                                       If Not eventfilter(event,context) Return True\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Case WM_CHAR\r
+                               If eventfilter<>Null\r
+                                       event=CreateEvent(EVENT_KEYCHAR,Self,wp,keymods())\r
+                                       If Not eventfilter(event,context) Return True\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Case WM_KILLFOCUS\r
+                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETLOSTFOCUS\r
+               End Select\r
+               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_TEXTFIELD\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+Type TWindowsTextArea Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       \r
+       Global _ClassName:String = Null 'See InitializeLibrary().\r
+       \r
+       Global _pagemargin# = 0.5               'Page margin for print-out in inches\r
+       \r
+       Field _locked\r
+       Field cr1:CHARRANGE=New CHARRANGE\r
+       Field cr2:CHARRANGE=New CHARRANGE\r
+       Field ole:IRichEditOLE\r
+       Field idoc:ITextDocument\r
+       Field busy,readonly\r
+       \r
+       Field   IID_ITextDocument:GUID = New GUID\r
+       \r
+       Function _InitializeLibrary()\r
+               \r
+               If Not _ClassName Then\r
+                       \r
+                       'Load RichEdit DLL\r
+                       If Not LoadLibraryW("msftedit.dll") Then\r
+                               If LoadLibraryW("riched20.dll") _ClassName = "RichEdit20W"\r
+                       Else\r
+                               _ClassName = "RICHEDIT50W"\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       \r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Method New()\r
+               _InitializeLibrary()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      \r
+               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey\r
+               Local   hwnd,parent\r
+               Local res\r
+               \r
+               xstyle=WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE\r
+               wstyle=WS_CHILD|WS_VSCROLL|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS\r
+               If Not (style&TEXTAREA_WORDWRAP) wstyle:|WS_HSCROLL|ES_AUTOHSCROLL\r
+'              If (style&TEXTAREA_READONLY) wstyle:|ES_READONLY                                                \r
+               If (style&TEXTAREA_READONLY) readonly=True\r
+               \r
+      = style\r
+               \r
+               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)\r
+               \r
+               'RichText control should be made have dimensions of 1x1 pixels to fix Windows XP vertical scrollbar drawing bug.\r
+               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,_ClassName,"",wstyle,0,0,1,1,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               SendMessageW hwnd,EM_SETLIMITTEXT,4*1024*1024,0\r
+               SendMessageW hwnd,EM_SETUNDOLIMIT,0,0\r
+               \r
+               SendMessageW hwnd,EM_GETOLEINTERFACE,0,Int Byte Ptr Varptr ole\r
+               res=IIDFromString(ITextDocument_UUID,IID_ITextDocument)\r
+               \r
+               res=ole.QueryInterface(IID_ITextDocument,Varptr idoc)           \r
+               Register GADGET_TEXTAREA,hwnd                   \r
+               Return Self             \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Free()\r
+               If ole Then ole.Release_\r
+               If idoc Then idoc.Release_\r
+               Super.Free()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Activate(cmd)\r
+               Select cmd\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_CUT       \r
+                               SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_CUT,0,0\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_COPY      \r
+                               SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_COPY,0,0\r
+                               SetFocus _hwnd\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_PASTE\r
+                               DoPaste \r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_PRINT\r
+                               DoPrint\r
+                       Default\r
+                               Return Super.Activate(cmd)\r
+               End Select\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method DoPaste()\r
+               Local h,handle,n\r
+               Local w:Short Ptr,cp:Short Ptr\r
+               Local tp:Byte Ptr,bp:Byte Ptr\r
+               \r
+               If OpenClipboard(_hwnd)\r
+                       If IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)\r
+                               handle=GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT)\r
+                               n=GlobalSize(handle)\r
+                               w=Short Ptr GlobalLock(handle)\r
+                               h=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,n)\r
+                               cp=Short Ptr GlobalLock(h)\r
+                               memcpy_(cp,w,n)\r
+                               If cp[n/2-2]=10 Then cp[n/2-2]=13\r
+                               GlobalUnlock h  \r
+                               GlobalUnlock handle\r
+                               If h\r
+                                       EmptyClipboard\r
+                                       SetClipboardData CF_UNICODETEXT,h\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       ElseIf IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_OEMTEXT)\r
+                               handle=GetClipboardData(CF_OEMTEXT)\r
+                               n=GlobalSize(handle)            \r
+                               tp=Byte Ptr GlobalLock(handle)                          \r
+                               h=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,n)\r
+                               bp=Byte Ptr GlobalLock(h)\r
+                               memcpy_(bp,tp,n)\r
+                               If bp[n-2]=10 Then bp[n-2]=13\r
+                               GlobalUnlock h\r
+                               GlobalUnlock handle\r
+                               If h\r
+                                       EmptyClipboard\r
+                                       SetClipboardData CF_OEMTEXT,h\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       CloseClipboard\r
+                       SendMessageW _hwnd,WM_PASTE,0,0\r
+                       SetFocus _hwnd\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method DoPrint()\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpTextSelLen = TextAreaSelLen(Self)\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpPrintDialog:PRINTDLGW = New PRINTDLGW\r
+               \r
+               tmpPrintDialog.flags = PD_RETURNDC | PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE | PD_NOPAGENUMS\r
+               If Not tmpTextSelLen Then tmpPrintDialog.flags:|PD_NOSELECTION\r
+               \r
+               tmpPrintDialog.hwndOwner = _hwnd\r
+               \r
+               If Not PrintDlg( Byte Ptr tmpPrintDialog ) Then Return 0\r
+               \r
+               Local hdcPrinter = tmpPrintDialog.hdc   \r
+               \r
+               Local tmpDoc:DOCINFOW = New DOCINFOW\r
+               Local tmpDocTitle:Short Ptr = AppTitle.ToWString()\r
+               tmpDoc.lpszDocName = tmpDocTitle\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpSuccess = (StartDocW( hdcPrinter, Byte Ptr tmpDoc ) > 0)\r
+               \r
+               If tmpSuccess Then\r
+                       \r
+                       Local _cursor = TWindowsGUIDriver._cursor\r
+                       \r
+                       SetPointer( POINTER_WAIT )\r
+                       \r
+                       SetMapMode( hdcPrinter, MM_TEXT )\r
+                       \r
+                       Local wPage = GetDeviceCaps( hdcPrinter, PHYSICALWIDTH )\r
+                       Local hPage = GetDeviceCaps( hdcPrinter, PHYSICALHEIGHT )\r
+                       Local xPPI = GetDeviceCaps( hdcPrinter, LOGPIXELSX )\r
+                       Local yPPI = GetDeviceCaps( hdcPrinter, LOGPIXELSY )\r
+                       \r
+                       Local tmpTextLengthStruct[] = [GTL_DEFAULT,1200]\r
+                       Local tmpTextLength = SendMessageW (_hwnd, EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, Int Byte Ptr tmpTextLengthStruct, 0)\r
+                       \r
+                       Local tmpTextPrinted, tmpFormatRange:FORMATRANGE = New FORMATRANGE\r
+                       \r
+                       tmpFormatRange.hdc = hdcPrinter\r
+                       tmpFormatRange.hdcTarget = hdcPrinter\r
+                       \r
+                       tmpFormatRange.rcPageRight = (wPage*1440:Long)/xPPI\r
+                       tmpFormatRange.rcPageBottom = (hPage*1440:Long)/yPPI\r
+                       \r
+                       tmpFormatRange.rcLeft = (1440*_pagemargin);tmpFormatRange.rcTop = (1440*_pagemargin)\r
+                       tmpFormatRange.rcRight = tmpFormatRange.rcPageRight - (2880*_pagemargin)\r
+                       tmpFormatRange.rcBottom = tmpFormatRange.rcPageBottom - (2880*_pagemargin)\r
+                       \r
+                       If tmpPrintDialog.flags & PD_SELECTION Then\r
+                               tmpTextPrinted = TextAreaCursor(Self)\r
+                               tmpFormatRange.CHARRANGE_cpMax = tmpTextPrinted+tmpTextSelLen\r
+                       Else\r
+                               tmpFormatRange.CHARRANGE_cpMax = tmpTextLength\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       \r
+                       SendMessageW (_hwnd, EM_FORMATRANGE, False, 0)\r
+                       \r
+                       While tmpSuccess And ( tmpTextPrinted < tmpFormatRange.CHARRANGE_cpMax )\r
+                               \r
+                               tmpFormatRange.CHARRANGE_cpMin = tmpTextPrinted\r
+                               \r
+                               tmpSuccess = (StartPage(hdcPrinter) > 0)\r
+                               If Not tmpSuccess Then Exit\r
+                               \r
+                               tmpTextPrinted = SendMessageW( _hwnd, EM_FORMATRANGE, True, Int Byte Ptr tmpFormatRange )\r
+                               \r
+                               tmpSuccess = (EndPage(hdcPrinter) > 0)\r
+                               \r
+                       Wend\r
+                       \r
+                       If tmpSuccess Then EndDoc( hdcPrinter ) Else AbortDoc( hdcPrinter )\r
+                       \r
+                       SendMessageW (_hwnd, EM_FORMATRANGE, False, 0)\r
+                       \r
+                       TWindowsGUIDriver._cursor = _cursor\r
+                       SetCursor _cursor\r
+                       \r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               GlobalFree( tmpPrintDialog.hDevMode )\r
+               GlobalFree( tmpPrintDialog.hDevNames )\r
+               DeleteDC( hdcPrinter )\r
+               \r
+               MemFree tmpDocTitle\r
+               \r
+               Return tmpSuccess\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Global gt[] = [GTL_DEFAULT, CP_ACP]\r
+       \r
+       Method CharCount()\r
+               Return SendMessageW(_hwnd,EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX,Int Byte Ptr gt,0)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetStyle(r,g,b,flags,pos,length,units)\r
+               Local iifont:ITextFont\r
+               Local iirange:ITextRange\r
+               Local res, tmpOutput\r
+               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES\r
+                       Local n=pos\r
+                       pos=CharAt(pos)\r
+                       If length>=0 length=CharAt(n+length)-pos\r
+               EndIf                   \r
+               If length<0 length=charcount()-pos      \r
+               busy:+1         \r
+               res=idoc.Range(pos,pos+length,iirange)\r
+               res=iirange.GetFont(iifont)\r
+               res=iifont.SetForeColor(((b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r))\r
+               If (flags&TEXTFORMAT_BOLD) Then iifont.SetBold(TOMTRUE) Else iifont.SetBold(TOMFALSE)\r
+               If (flags&TEXTFORMAT_ITALIC) Then iifont.SetItalic(TOMTRUE) Else iifont.SetItalic(TOMFALSE)\r
+               If (flags&TEXTFORMAT_UNDERLINE) Then iifont.SetUnderline(TOMSINGLE) Else iifont.SetUnderline(TOMFALSE)\r
+               If (flags&TEXTFORMAT_STRIKETHROUGH) Then iifont.SetStrikeThrough(TOMTRUE) Else iifont.SetStrikeThrough(TOMNONE)\r
+               iifont.Release_\r
+               iirange.Release_\r
+               busy:-1\r
+       EndMethod       \r
+               \r
+       Method InsertText(Text$,pos,count)\r
+               Local iirange:ITextRange\r
+               Local bstr:Short Ptr, tmpWString:Short Ptr = Text.toWString()\r
+               Local res, bool\r
+               busy:+1\r
+               res=idoc.Range(pos,pos+count,iirange)           \r
+               bstr=SysAllocStringLen(tmpWString,Text.length);MemFree tmpWString\r
+               LockText()\r
+               res=iirange.SetText(bstr)\r
+               UnlockText()\r
+               SysFreeString bstr\r
+               iirange.Release_\r
+               busy:-1\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ReplaceText(pos,length,Text$,units)\r
+               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES\r
+                       Local n=pos\r
+                       pos=CharAt(pos)\r
+                       If length>=0 length=CharAt(n+length)-pos\r
+               EndIf                   \r
+               If length<0 Then length=charcount()-pos \r
+               InsertText Text,pos,length\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method AreaText$(pos,length,units)\r
+               Local iirange:ITextRange\r
+               Local bstr:Short Ptr\r
+               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES\r
+                       Local n=pos\r
+                       pos=CharAt(pos)\r
+                       If length>=0 length=CharAt(n+length)-pos\r
+               EndIf                   \r
+               If length<0 length=charcount()-pos      \r
+               idoc.Range(pos,pos+length,iirange)              \r
+               iirange.GetText(Varptr bstr)\r
+               Local Text$=String.FromWString(bstr)\r
+               SysFreeString bstr\r
+               iirange.Release_\r
+               Text=Text.Replace(Chr(13),Chr(10))\r
+               Return Text\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetSelection(pos,length,units)\r
+               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES\r
+                       Local n=pos\r
+                       pos=CharAt(pos)\r
+                       If length>0\r
+                               length=CharAt(n+length)\r
+                               length=length-pos\r
+                       EndIf\r
+               EndIf                   \r
+               If length<0 length=charcount()-pos      \r
+               Local cr:CHARRANGE = New CHARRANGE\r
+               cr.cpMin=pos\r
+               cr.cpMax=pos+length\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_EXSETSEL,0,Int Byte Ptr(cr)\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetMargins(leftmargin)\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETMARGINS,EC_LEFTMARGIN,leftmargin\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       ' 72 points per inch\r
+       \r
+       Method SetTabs(tabs)\r
+               Local hdc=GetDC( 0 )\r
+               idoc.SetDefaultTabStop tabs * 72.0 / GetDeviceCaps( hdc,LOGPIXELSX )\r
+               ReleaseDC 0,hdc\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetTextColor(r,g,b)\r
+               cf.cbSize=SizeOf(CHARFORMATW)                           \r
+               cf.dwMask=CFM_COLOR|CFM_BOLD|CFM_ITALIC\r
+               cf.crTextColor=(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r   \r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETCHARFORMAT,SCF_DEFAULT,Int Byte Ptr cf\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETCHARFORMAT,SCF_ALL,Int Byte Ptr cf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetColor(r,g,b)\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,0,((b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method RemoveColor()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_SETBKGNDCOLOR,1,0\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method GetCursorPos(units)\r
+               Local cr:CHARRANGE = New CHARRANGE\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_EXGETSEL,0,Int Byte Ptr(cr)\r
+               Local pos=cr.cpMin\r
+               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES pos=LineAt(pos)\r
+               Return pos\r
+       EndMethod       \r
+       \r
+       Method GetSelectionLength(units)\r
+               Local cr:CHARRANGE = New CHARRANGE\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_EXGETSEL,0,Int Byte Ptr(cr)\r
+               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES\r
+                       Return LineAt(cr.cpMax-1)-LineAt(cr.cpMin)+1\r
+               Else\r
+                       Return cr.cpMax-cr.cpMin\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method CharAt(Line)\r
+               If Line<0 Return\r
+               If Line>AreaLen(TEXTAREA_LINES) Return charcount()\r
+               Return SendMessageW(_hwnd,EM_LINEINDEX,Line,0)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method LineAt(pos)\r
+               If pos<0 Return\r
+               If pos>charcount() Return AreaLen(TEXTAREA_LINES)\r
+               Return SendMessageW(_hwnd,EM_EXLINEFROMCHAR,0,pos)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method AreaLen(units)\r
+               If units=TEXTAREA_LINES Return LineAt(charcount())\r
+               Return charcount()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method CharX( char )\r
+               Local tmpPoint[2]\r
+               SendMessageW(_hwnd, EM_POSFROMCHAR, Int Byte Ptr tmpPoint, char )\r
+               Return tmpPoint[0]\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method CharY( char )\r
+               Local tmpPoint[2]\r
+               SendMessageW(_hwnd, EM_POSFROMCHAR, Int Byte Ptr tmpPoint, char )\r
+               Return tmpPoint[1]\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetText(Text$)\r
+               InsertText Text,0,charcount()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method AddText(Text$)\r
+               InsertText Text,charcount(),0\r
+               Local cr:CHARRANGE = New CHARRANGE\r
+               Local p = charcount()\r
+               cr.cpMin=p\r
+               cr.cpMax=p\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,EM_EXSETSEL,0,Int Byte Ptr(cr)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method GetText$()\r
+               Return AreaText(0,charcount(),TEXTAREA_CHARS)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Global _oldCursor = 0\r
+       Field _oldSelPos%, _oldSelLen% = 0\r
+       \r
+       Method LockText()\r
+               \r
+               If Not idoc.Freeze(_locked)\r
+                       _oldSelPos = GetCursorPos(TEXTAREA_CHARS)\r
+                       _oldSelLen = GetSelectionLength(TEXTAREA_CHARS)\r
+                       If Not _oldCursor Then _oldCursor = GetCursor()\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method UnlockText()\r
+               \r
+               If idoc.Unfreeze(_locked) = S_OK Then\r
+                       SetSelection( _oldSelPos, _oldSelLen, TEXTAREA_CHARS )\r
+                       If _oldCursor And (_oldCursor <> GetCursor()) Then\r
+                               SetCursor(_oldCursor)\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       _oldCursor = 0\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)\r
+               If busy Then Return\r
+               Select wp Shr 16\r
+                       Case EN_CHANGE\r
+                               If Not _locked Then PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION\r
+               End Select\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method OnNotify(wp,lp)\r
+               Local nmhdr:Int Ptr\r
+               Local event:TEvent\r
+               \r
+               Super.OnNotify(wp,lp)   'Tooltip\r
+               \r
+               nmhdr=Int Ptr(lp)\r
+               Select nmhdr[2]\r
+'                      Case EN_PROTECTED\r
+'                              DebugStop\r
+                       Case EN_SELCHANGE\r
+                               If Not (busy Or _locked)\r
+                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETSELECT\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Case EN_MSGFILTER\r
+                               Select nmhdr[3]\r
+                                       Case WM_RBUTTONDOWN\r
+                                               If GetSelectionLength(TEXTAREA_CHARS)=0 nmhdr[3]=WM_LBUTTONDOWN\r
+                                       Case WM_RBUTTONUP\r
+                                               Local mx=nmhdr[5] & $ffff\r
+                                               Local my=nmhdr[5] Shr 16\r
+                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETMENU,0,0,mx,my\r
+                                       Case WM_KEYDOWN\r
+                                               \r
+                                               Local k=nmhdr[4]\r
+                                               \r
+                                               'Filtering out special shortcut combinations\r
+                                               If (keymods()&MODIFIER_CONTROL) Then\r
+                                                       Select k\r
+                                                               Case 76,69,82   'ctrl+l, ctrl+e, ctrl+r\r
+                                                                       Return 1        'Alignment shortcuts\r
+                                                                       \r
+                                                               Case 188,190    'ctrl+<, ctrl+>\r
+                                                                                       'Font size shortcuts\r
+                                                                       If (keymods()&MODIFIER_SHIFT) Then Return 1\r
+                                                       EndSelect\r
+                                               EndIf\r
+                                               \r
+                                               'Read-only\r
+                                               If readonly\r
+                                                       If k>=33 And k<=40 Return 0 'selection keys\r
+                                                       If (keymods()&MODIFIER_CONTROL) Then\r
+                                                               Select k\r
+                                                                       Case 65, 67;Return 0 'ctrl-a, ctrl+c\r
+                                                               EndSelect\r
+                                                       EndIf\r
+                                                       Return 1                                                \r
+                                               EndIf\r
+                                               \r
+                                               'Event Filter\r
+                                               If eventfilter<>Null\r
+                                                       event=CreateEvent(EVENT_KEYDOWN,Self,k,keymods())\r
+                                                       Return Not eventfilter(event,context)\r
+                                               EndIf\r
+                                               \r
+                                       Case WM_CHAR\r
+                                               If readonly Return 1\r
+                                               If eventfilter<>Null\r
+                                                       event=CreateEvent(EVENT_KEYCHAR,Self,nmhdr[4],keymods())\r
+                                                       Return Not eventfilter(event,context)\r
+                                               EndIf\r
+                               End Select\r
+               End Select\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               Select msg\r
+                       \r
+                       Case WM_MOUSEWHEEL\r
+                               If (wp&MK_CONTROL) Then SendMessageW _hwnd, EM_SETZOOM, 0, 0\r
+                               \r
+                       Case WM_KILLFOCUS\r
+                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETLOSTFOCUS\r
+                       \r
+               End Select\r
+               \r
+               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_TEXTAREA\r
+       EndMethod\r
+               \r
+Type TWindowsListBox Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       Field _icons:TWindowsIconStrip\r
+       Field _selected = -1\r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")              \r
+               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey\r
+               Local   hwnd,parent\r
+               \r
+      = style\r
+               \r
+               xstyle=WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE\r
+               wstyle:|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS\r
+               \r
+               \r
+               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)\r
+               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"SysListView32","",wstyle,0,0,20,20,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               \r
+               Local column:LVCOLUMNW\r
+               column=New LVCOLUMNW\r
+               SendMessageW hwnd,LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW,0,Int Byte Ptr(column)\r
+               \r
+               \r
+               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() Then SendMessageW hwnd,LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE,LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER,LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER\r
+               \r
+               Register GADGET_LISTBOX,hwnd,0,False    'Set to True for normal Tooltips\r
+               \r
+               If TWindowsGUIDriver._explorerstyle Then UseExplorerTheme()\r
+               \r
+               Return Self             \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetColor(r,g,b)\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETBKCOLOR ,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR ,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method RemoveColor()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETBKCOLOR ,1,0\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR ,1,0\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetTextColor(r,g,b)\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       'Hack: When image lists are removed from listviews, the items don't\r
+       'reposition themselves automatically. Hack involves first setting a tiny\r
+       'blank image-list to update item size, before attempting to remove it.\r
+       Method SetIconStrip(iconstrip:TIconStrip)\r
+               Local imagelist\r
+               If Not iconstrip Then\r
+                       _icons = TWindowsIconStrip.CreateBlank()\r
+               Else\r
+                       _icons = TWindowsIconStrip(iconstrip)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               If _icons Then imagelist = _icons._imagelist\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETIMAGELIST,LVSIL_SMALL,imagelist\r
+               If Not iconstrip Then\r
+                       SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETIMAGELIST,LVSIL_SMALL,0\r
+                       _icons = Null\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method ClearListItems()\r
+               _selected=-1\r
+               DeSensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_DELETEALLITEMS,0,0\r
+               If Not IsSingleSelect() Then SelectionChanged()\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method InsertListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)\r
+               \r
+               Local it:LVITEMW\r
+               it=New LVITEMW\r
+               it.mask=LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_DI_SETITEM\r
+               it.iItem=index\r
+               it.pszText=Text.toWString()\r
+               \r
+               'If icon>=0 Then\r
+                       it.mask:|LVIF_IMAGE\r
+                       it.iImage=icon\r
+               'EndIf\r
+               \r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_INSERTITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr(it)\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH,0,-2\r
+               If Not IsSingleSelect() Then SelectionChanged()\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+               MemFree it.pszText\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)\r
+               Local tmpReselect\r
+               If ListItemState(index) & STATE_SELECTED Then tmpReselect = True\r
+               RemoveListItem index\r
+               InsertListItem index,Text,tip,icon,tag\r
+               If tmpReselect Then SetItemState(index,STATE_SELECTED)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method RemoveListItem(index)\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               If ListItemState(index) & STATE_SELECTED Then _selected = -1\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_DELETEITEM,index,0\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH,0,-2\r
+               If Not IsSingleSelect() Then SelectionChanged()\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetListItemState(index,state)\r
+               Local it:LVITEMW = New LVITEMW\r
+               it.mask=LVIF_STATE\r
+               it.iItem=index\r
+               If state&STATE_SELECTED\r
+                       it.state=LVIS_SELECTED\r
+                       If IsSingleSelect() Then _selected=index\r
+               ElseIf _selected=index\r
+                       _selected=-1\r
+               EndIf\r
+               it.stateMask=LVIS_SELECTED\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETITEMSTATE,index,Int Byte Ptr(it)\r
+               If it.state Then SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE,index,False\r
+               If Not IsSingleSelect() Then SelectionChanged()\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ListItemState(index)\r
+               Local state = SendMessageW(_hwnd,LVM_GETITEMSTATE,index,LVIS_SELECTED)\r
+               If state&LVIS_SELECTED Return STATE_SELECTED\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )\r
+               'ToolTips should be set on an item-by-item basis instead.\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               Select msg\r
+                       Case WM_MAXGUILISTREFRESH\r
+                               Local index\r
+                               \r
+                               If IsSingleSelect() Then\r
+                                       index=SendMessageW(_hwnd,LVM_GETNEXTITEM,-1,LVNI_SELECTED)\r
+                               Else\r
+                                       index = SelectionChanged()\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               If index <> _selected Then\r
+                                       If IsSingleSelect() Then _selected = index\r
+                                       Local item:TGadgetItem = New TGadgetItem\r
+                                       If index>=0 And index<items.length item=items[index]\r
+                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETSELECT,index,0,0,0,item.extra\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                       'If we are using XP Common Controls or higher, then the listbox will be double-buffered\r
+                       'and so we don't need to clear the background (performance tweak).\r
+                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND\r
+                               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() Then Return 1\r
+               EndSelect\r
+               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method OnNotify(wp,lp)\r
+               Local nmhdr:Int Ptr = Int Ptr(lp)\r
+               Local index, code = nmhdr[2]\r
+               Select code\r
+               \r
+                       Case LVN_GETINFOTIPW\r
+                               Local tmpItemIndex = nmhdr[6]\r
+                               Local tmpMaxCharCount = nmhdr[5]-1\r
+                               Local tmpTipOutput:Short Ptr = Short Ptr(nmhdr[4])\r
+                               \r
+                               If tmpItemIndex < items.length Then\r
+                                       \r
+                                       Local tmpTipString$ = items[tmpItemIndex].tip\r
+                                       If (items[tmpItemIndex].flags&GADGETITEM_LOCALIZED) Then tmpTipString = LocalizeString(tmpTipString)\r
+                                       \r
+                                       tmpTipString = tmpTipString[..Min(tmpTipString.length,tmpMaxCharCount)]\r
+                                       \r
+                                       Local tmpBufferMem:Short Ptr = tmpTipString.ToWString()\r
+                                       MemCopy tmpTipOutput, tmpBufferMem, (tmpTipString.length+1) * 2\r
+                                       MemFree tmpBufferMem\r
+                                       \r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Case LVN_ITEMCHANGED\r
+                               'We need to postpone processing until after *all* item states have been updated by the OS.\r
+                               If Not(nmhdr[7]&LVIF_STATE) Then Return\r
+                               PostMessageW( _hwnd, WM_MAXGUILISTREFRESH, 0, 0 )\r
+                       Case NM_DBLCLK\r
+                               index=nmhdr[3]\r
+                               Local item:TGadgetItem\r
+                               If index>=0 And index<items.length\r
+                                       item=items[index]\r
+                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,index,0,0,0,item.extra\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Case NM_CLICK\r
+                               index=nmhdr[3]\r
+                               If index=-1 And _selected<>-1\r
+                                       _selected=-1\r
+                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETSELECT,-1\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Case NM_RCLICK\r
+                               index=nmhdr[3]\r
+                               Local item:TGadgetItem\r
+                               If index>=0 And index<items.length\r
+                                       item=items[index]\r
+                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETMENU,index,0,0,0,item.extra\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       'Return true to tell the OS not to send individual LVN_DELETEITEM notifications for each and every item when clearing list.\r
+                       Case LVN_DELETEALLITEMS\r
+                               Return True\r
+               End Select\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method IsSingleSelect()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_LISTBOX\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method HasResized()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH,0,-2\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method UseExplorerTheme()\r
+               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() And SetWindowThemeW Then SetWindowThemeW( _hwnd, _wstrExplorer, Null )\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+Type TWindowsComboBox Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       Field _icons:TWindowsIconStrip\r
+       Field _editHwnd, _comboHwnd\r
+       Field _selected = -1\r
+       \r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")\r
+               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey,hwnd\r
+               Local   parent,editstyle,combostyle\r
+               \r
+      = style\r
+               If (style & COMBOBOX_EDITABLE) Then wstyle:|CBS_DROPDOWN Else wstyle:|CBS_DROPDOWNLIST\r
+               \r
+               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)\r
+               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"ComboBoxEx32","",wstyle,0,0,0,180,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               \r
+               If (style & COMBOBOX_EDITABLE) Then\r
+                       _editHwnd=SendMessageW(hwnd,CBEM_GETEDITCONTROL,0,0)\r
+                       If _editHwnd Then\r
+                               editstyle=GetWindowLongW(_editHwnd,GWL_STYLE)\r
+                               SetWindowLongW _editHwnd,GWL_STYLE,editstyle|WS_TABSTOP\r
+                       EndIf\r
+               EndIf\r
+               _comboHwnd=SendMessageW(hwnd,CBEM_GETCOMBOCONTROL,0,0)\r
+               comboStyle=GetWindowLongW(_comboHwnd,GWL_STYLE)\r
+               SetWindowLongW _comboHwnd,GWL_STYLE,comboStyle|WS_TABSTOP\r
+               \r
+               Register GADGET_COMBOBOX,hwnd\r
+               \r
+               TWindowsGUIDriver.RegisterHwnd(_combohwnd,Self)\r
+               If _edithwnd Then TWindowsGUIDriver.RegisterHwnd(_edithwnd,Self)\r
+               \r
+               SetColor(255,255,255)\r
+               \r
+               Return Self     \r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetText(Text$)\r
+               If Not _editHwnd Then\r
+                       Local tmpWString:Short Ptr = Text.ToWString()\r
+                       Local tmpResult = SendMessageW(_comboHwnd, CB_SETCUEBANNER, 0, Int(tmpWString))\r
+                       MemFree tmpWString;Return tmpResult\r
+               Else\r
+                       Return Super.SetText(Text)\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method GetText$()\r
+               If Not _editHwnd Then\r
+                       If _selected > -1 Then Return items[_selected].Text Else Return ""\r
+               Else\r
+                       Return Super.GetText()\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Activate(cmd)\r
+               If _editHwnd Then\r
+                       Select cmd\r
+                               Case ACTIVATE_CUT       \r
+                                       SendMessageW _editHwnd,WM_CUT,0,0\r
+                               Case ACTIVATE_COPY      \r
+                                       SendMessageW _editHwnd,WM_COPY,0,0\r
+                                       SetFocus _hwnd\r
+                               Case ACTIVATE_PASTE\r
+                                       SendMessageW _editHwnd,WM_PASTE,0,0\r
+                               Case ACTIVATE_FOCUS\r
+                                       SendMessageW _editHwnd,EM_SETSEL,0,-1\r
+                       End Select\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Return Super.Activate(cmd)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetIconStrip(iconstrip:TIconStrip)\r
+               Local imagelist\r
+               _icons=TWindowsIconStrip(iconstrip)\r
+               If _icons Then imagelist = _icons._imagelist\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,CBEM_SETIMAGELIST,LVSIL_SMALL,imagelist\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method ClearListItems()\r
+               _selected=-1\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,CB_RESETCONTENT,0,0\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method InsertListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)\r
+               Local it:COMBOBOXEXITEMW = New COMBOBOXEXITEMW\r
+               it.mask=CBEIF_TEXT\r
+               it.iItem=index\r
+               it.pszText=Text.toWString()\r
+               If icon>=0\r
+                       it.mask:|CBEIF_IMAGE|CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE\r
+                       it.iImage=icon\r
+                       it.iSelectedImage=icon\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW(_hwnd,CBEM_INSERTITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr(it))\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+               MemFree it.pszText\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)\r
+               Local it:COMBOBOXEXITEMW = New COMBOBOXEXITEMW\r
+               it.mask=CBEIF_TEXT\r
+               it.iItem=index\r
+               it.pszText=Text.toWString()\r
+               If _icons And icon>-1\r
+                       it.mask:|CBEIF_IMAGE|CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE\r
+                       it.iImage=icon\r
+                       it.iSelectedImage=icon\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW(_hwnd,CBEM_SETITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr(it))\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+               MemFree it.pszText\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method RemoveListItem(index)\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,CBEM_DELETEITEM,index,0\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetListItemState(index,state)\r
+               If state&STATE_SELECTED\r
+                       _selected=index\r
+               Else\r
+                       If _selected=index _selected=-1\r
+                       index=-1\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,CB_SETCURSEL,index,0\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ListItemState(index)\r
+               Local Current,state\r
+               Current=SendMessageW(_hwnd,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0)\r
+               If Current=CB_ERR Current=-1\r
+               If Current=index state=STATE_SELECTED\r
+               Return state\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)\r
+               Local index\r
+               Select wp Shr 16\r
+                       Case CBN_SELCHANGE\r
+                               index=SendMessageW(_hwnd,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0)\r
+                               If index=CB_ERR\r
+                                       index=-1\r
+                               Else\r
+                                       If _selected<>index     'user generated event\r
+                                               _selected=index\r
+                                               Local extra:Object\r
+                                               If index>=0 And index<items.length extra=items[index].extra\r
+                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,index,0,0,0,extra\r
+                                       EndIf\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Case CBN_EDITCHANGE\r
+                               _selected=-1\r
+                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,-1\r
+               End Select\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_COMBOBOX\r
+       EndMethod\r
+Type TWindowsToolbar Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       Field _icons:TWindowsIconStrip\r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      \r
+               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey\r
+               Local   hwnd,parent\r
+      = style\r
+               Self.parent = group\r
+               parent=Self.parent.query(QUERY_HWND)\r
+               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"ToolbarWindow32","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               DragAcceptFiles(hwnd,False)     'For some reason, toolbars may accept files by default!\r
+               Register GADGET_TOOLBAR,hwnd,0,True\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_SETTOOLTIPS,_tooltips,0\r
+               Rethink()\r
+               Return Self             \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetIconStrip(iconstrip:TIconStrip)       \r
+               _icons=TWindowsIconStrip(iconstrip)\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_SETIMAGELIST,0,_icons._imagelist  \r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_AUTOSIZE,0,0\r
+               Rethink\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetShow(truefalse)\r
+               Super.SetShow(truefalse)\r
+               UpdateWindowClient()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Free()\r
+               SetShow(False)\r
+               Super.Free()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Rethink()\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpRect[4]\r
+               GetWindowRect _hwnd,tmpRect\r
+               SetRect(0,0,parent.ClientWidth(),(tmpRect[3]-tmpRect[1]))\r
+               QueueResize _hwnd,xpos,ypos,width,height\r
+               UpdateWindowClient()\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method UpdateWindowClient()\r
+               Local tmpHeight:Int = height\r
+               If (State()&STATE_HIDDEN) Then tmpHeight = 0\r
+               If TWindowsGadget(parent)._clientY <> tmpHeight Then\r
+                       TWindowsGadget(parent)._clientY = tmpHeight\r
+                       parent.Rethink()\r
+                       TWindowsGadget(parent).RethinkClient()\r
+                       parent.LayoutKids()\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method DoLayout()\r
+               Rethink()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )\r
+               'ToolTips should be set on an item-by-item basis instead.\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ClearListItems()\r
+               While SendMessageW(_hwnd,TB_BUTTONCOUNT,0,0)\r
+                       RemoveListItem(0)\r
+               Wend\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method InsertListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)\r
+               Local   but:TBBUTTON\r
+               but=New TBBUTTON\r
+               but.fsState=TBSTATE_ENABLED\r
+               If icon = -2 Or (icon>-1 And _icons.IsBlankIcon(icon))\r
+                       but.idCommand=0\r
+                       but.fsStyle=TBSTYLE_SEP\r
+               Else\r
+                       but.iBitmap=icon\r
+                       but.idCommand=index+1\r
+                       but.fsStyle=TBSTYLE_BUTTON\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_INSERTBUTTON,index,Int Byte Ptr(but)\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+               If tip\r
+                       Local ti:TOOLINFOW=New TOOLINFOW\r
+                       ti.cbSize=SizeOf(ti)\r
+                       ti.uFlags=TTF_SUBCLASS\r
+                       ti.hwnd=_hwnd\r
+                       ti.lpszText=tip.towstring()\r
+                       ti.uId=index+1\r
+                       SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_GETITEMRECT,index,Int(Varptr ti.rect_left)\r
+                       SendMessageW _tooltips,TTM_ADDTOOLW,0,Int Byte Ptr(ti)\r
+                       MemFree ti.lpszText\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)\r
+               Local tmpState:Int = ListItemState(index)\r
+               RemoveListItem index\r
+               InsertListItem index,Text,tip,icon,tag\r
+               SetListItemState(index,tmpState)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method RemoveListItem(index)\r
+               Local ti:TOOLINFOW=New TOOLINFOW\r
+               ti.cbSize=SizeOf(ti)\r
+               ti.hwnd=_hwnd\r
+               ti.uId=index+1\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _tooltips,TTM_DELTOOLW,0,Int(Varptr ti)\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_DELETEBUTTON,index,0\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetListItemState(index,state)\r
+               Local enable,pressed\r
+               If state&STATE_DISABLED=0 enable=$1\r
+               If state&STATE_SELECTED pressed=$1\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_ENABLEBUTTON,index+1,enable\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TB_CHECKBUTTON,index+1,pressed\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ListItemState(index)\r
+               Local state,flags\r
+               state=SendMessageW(_hwnd,TB_GETSTATE,index+1,0)\r
+               If state=-1 Return 0\r
+               If Not (state&TBSTATE_ENABLED) flags:|STATE_DISABLED\r
+               If state&TBSTATE_CHECKED flags:|STATE_SELECTED\r
+               Return flags    \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)\r
+               Local index=wp-1\r
+               Local extra:Object\r
+               If index>=0 And index<items.length extra=items[index].extra\r
+               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,index,0,0,0,extra\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_TOOLBAR\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+Type TWindowsTabber Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       Field _icons:TWindowsIconStrip\r
+       Field _tabcount\r
+       Field _blank:Short Ptr\r
+       Field _selected = -1\r
+       Field _tipbuffer:Short Ptr\r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")              \r
+               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey\r
+               Local   hwnd,parent,client\r
+      = style\r
+               xstyle=WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT\r
+               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)\r
+               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"SysTabControl32","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               client=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassName(),"",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS|WS_CLIPCHILDREN,0,0,0,0,hwnd,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null )\r
+               SendMessageW hwnd,TCM_INSERTITEMW,0,Int(_wstrSpace)\r
+               Register GADGET_TABBER,hwnd,client,True\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_SETTOOLTIPS,_tooltips,0\r
+               Return Self             \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetIconStrip(iconstrip:TIconStrip)\r
+               Local imagelist\r
+               _icons=TWindowsIconStrip(iconstrip)\r
+               If _icons Then imagelist = _icons._imagelist\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_SETIMAGELIST,0,imagelist\r
+               RethinkClient()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ClientWidth()\r
+               Local Rect[] = [0,0,width,height]\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_ADJUSTRECT,False,Int Byte Ptr(Rect)              \r
+               If Rect[2]>Rect[0] Then Return Rect[2]-Rect[0]\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method ClientHeight()\r
+               Local Rect[] = [0,0,width,height]\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_ADJUSTRECT,False,Int Byte Ptr(Rect)              \r
+               If Rect[3]>Rect[1] Then Return Rect[3]-Rect[1]\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method ClearListItems()\r
+               _tabcount=0\r
+               _selected=-1\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+               RethinkClient()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method InsertListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)\r
+               If _tabcount=0 SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_DELETEALLITEMS,0,0\r
+               Local t:TCITEMW=New TCITEMW             \r
+               t.mask=TCIF_TEXT|TCIF_IMAGE\r
+               t.pszText=Text.toWString()\r
+               t.iImage=icon\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_INSERTITEMW,index,Int Byte Ptr(t)\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+               MemFree t.pszText       \r
+               _tabcount:+1\r
+               RethinkClient()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetListItem(index,Text$,tip$,icon,tag:Object)\r
+               Local t:TCITEMW=New TCITEMW             \r
+               t.mask=TCIF_TEXT|TCIF_IMAGE\r
+               t.pszText=Text.toWString()\r
+               t.iImage=icon\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_SETITEMW,index,Int Byte Ptr(t)\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+               MemFree t.pszText\r
+               RethinkClient()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method RemoveListItem(index)\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_DELETEITEM,index,0\r
+               _tabcount:-1\r
+               _selected=SendMessageW(_hwnd,TCM_GETCURSEL,0,0)\r
+               If _tabcount=0 SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_INSERTITEMW,0,Int(_blank)\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+               RethinkClient()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetListItemState(index,state)\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               If state&STATE_SELECTED\r
+                       _selected=index\r
+                       SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_SETCURSEL,index,0\r
+               ElseIf _selected=index\r
+                       _selected=-1\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Sensitize()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ListItemState(index)\r
+               Local state,Current\r
+               Current=-1\r
+               If _tabcount Current=SendMessageW(_hwnd,TCM_GETCURSEL,0,0)\r
+               If Current=index state:|STATE_SELECTED\r
+               Return state\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method OnNotify(wp,lp)\r
+               Local nmhdr:Int Ptr     'hwnd,id,code\r
+               Local index\r
+               nmhdr=Int Ptr(lp)\r
+               Select nmhdr[2]\r
+               \r
+                       Case TTN_GETDISPINFOW\r
+                               \r
+                               Local TCHITTESTINFO[3], Rect[4]\r
+                               \r
+                               GetCursorPos_( TCHITTESTINFO );GetWindowRect( _hwnd, Rect )\r
+                               TCHITTESTINFO = [TCHITTESTINFO[0]-Rect[0],TCHITTESTINFO[1]-Rect[1],0]\r
+                               \r
+                               Local tmpItem = SendMessageW( _hwnd, TCM_HITTEST, 0, Int Byte Ptr TCHITTESTINFO )\r
+                               \r
+                               If (tmpItem > -1) And (tmpItem < items.length) Then\r
+                                       Local tmpTooltip$ = items[tmpItem].tip\r
+                                       If (items[tmpItem].flags&GADGETITEM_LOCALIZED) Then tmpTooltip = LocalizeString(tmpTooltip)\r
+                                       SetTipBuffer( tmpTooltip )\r
+                                       If tmpTooltip Then nmhdr[3] = Int(_tipbuffer)\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                       Case TCN_SELCHANGE\r
+                               If _tabcount\r
+                                       index=SendMessageW(_hwnd,TCM_GETCURSEL,0,0)\r
+                                       If index<>_selected\r
+                                               Local extra:Object\r
+                                               If index>=0 And index<items.length\r
+                                                       extra=items[index].extra\r
+                                               Else\r
+                                                       index=-1\r
+                                               EndIf\r
+                                               _selected=index\r
+                                               \r
+                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,index,0,0,0,extra\r
+                                       EndIf\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                       Case NM_RCLICK\r
+                               \r
+                               Local TCHITTESTINFO[3], Rect[4], extra:Object\r
+                               \r
+                               GetCursorPos_( TCHITTESTINFO );GetWindowRect( _hwnd, Rect )\r
+                               TCHITTESTINFO = [TCHITTESTINFO[0]-Rect[0],TCHITTESTINFO[1]-Rect[1],0]\r
+                               \r
+                               Local index = SendMessageW( _hwnd, TCM_HITTEST, 0, Int Byte Ptr TCHITTESTINFO )\r
+                               If (index < 0) Or (index >= items.length) Then index = -1 Else extra = items[index].extra\r
+                               \r
+                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETMENU,index,0,TCHITTESTINFO[0],TCHITTESTINFO[1],extra\r
+                               \r
+               EndSelect\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               Select msg\r
+                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND\r
+                               Select hwnd\r
+                                       Case _hwndclient\r
+                                               If DrawThemeParentBackground Then\r
+                                                       DrawParentBackground(wp,hwnd)\r
+                                                       Return 1\r
+                                               EndIf\r
+                               EndSelect\r
+               End Select\r
+               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method RethinkClient(forceRedraw:Int = False)\r
+               Local Rect[] = [0,0,width,height]\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TCM_ADJUSTRECT,False, Int Byte Ptr(Rect)\r
+               MoveWindow _hwndclient,Rect[RECT_LEFT],Rect[RECT_TOP],Rect[RECT_RIGHT]-Rect[RECT_LEFT],Rect[RECT_BOTTOM]-Rect[RECT_TOP],forceRedraw\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetTipBuffer( pTip$ )\r
+               If _tipbuffer Then MemFree _tipbuffer\r
+               If pTip Then _tipbuffer = pTip.ToWString()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )\r
+               'ToolTips should be set on an item-by-item basis instead.\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_TABBER\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+Type TWindowsTreeNode Extends TGadget\r
+       Field   _parent:TWindowsTreeNode\r
+       Field   _tree           'HWND\r
+       Field   _item           'HTREEITEM\r
+       Field   _expanded\r
+       Field   _icon\r
+       Field _handle\r
+       \r
+       Method Activate(cmd)\r
+               Local tmpTree:TWindowsTreeView = TWindowsTreeView(TWindowsGUIDriver.GadgetFromHwnd(_tree))\r
+               If tmpTree Then tmpTree.Desensitize()\r
+               Select cmd\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_SELECT\r
+                               If _item <> TVI_ROOT Then\r
+                                       SendMessageW _tree,TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_CARET,_item\r
+                               Else\r
+                                       SendMessageW _tree,TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_CARET,0\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_EXPAND\r
+                               SendMessageW _tree,TVM_EXPAND,TVE_EXPAND,_item\r
+                               _expanded=True\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_COLLAPSE\r
+                               SendMessageW _tree,TVM_EXPAND,TVE_COLLAPSE,_item\r
+                               _expanded=False\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_REDRAW\r
+                               RedrawNode()\r
+               End Select\r
+               If tmpTree Then tmpTree.Sensitize()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method CreateRoot:TWindowsTreeNode(owner:TWindowsTreeView)\r
+               _tree=owner._hwnd\r
+               _item=TVI_ROOT          \r
+               Return Self\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method CountKids()\r
+               Return kids.count()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method Create:TWindowsTreeNode(group:TGadget,style,Text$="",index=-1,icon = -1)\r
+               _parent=TWindowsTreeNode(group)\r
+               If Not _parent Throw "Parent isn't a treeview node. Use TreeViewRoot() when creating a root node."\r
+      = style\r
+               _tree=_parent._tree\r
+               _icon = icon\r
+               Spawn(Text,index)\r
+               _SetParent group,index\r
+               If (LocalizationMode()&LOCALIZATION_OVERRIDE) Then\r
+                       LocalizeGadget(Self, Text, "")\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Return Self\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method GetText$()\r
+               Local item[10]\r
+               Local buffer:Short[260]\r
+               item[0]=TVIF_TEXT\r
+               item[1]=_item\r
+               item[4]=Int Byte Ptr buffer\r
+               item[5]=256\r
+               SendMessageW _tree,TVM_GETITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr(item)\r
+               Return String.FromWString(buffer)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetText(Text$)\r
+               Local tv:TVITEMW=New TVITEMW\r
+               tv.mask=TVIF_HANDLE|TVIF_TEXT\r
+               tv.hItem = _item\r
+               If _icon > -1 Then\r
+                       tv.mask:|TVIF_IMAGE|TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE\r
+                       tv.iImage=_icon\r
+                       tv.iSelectedImage=tv.iImage\r
+               EndIf\r
+               tv.pszText=Text.ToWString()\r
+               SendMessageW(_tree,TVM_SETITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr tv)\r
+               MemFree tv.pszText\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method DoLayout()\r
+               'Don't do anything!\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Free()\r
+               'If we don't have a parent then the node must have previously been freed.\r
+               If Not _parent Then Return\r
+               'Avoid firing events when freeing a treenode that is selected.\r
+               If SendMessageW(_tree,TVM_GETNEXTITEM,TVGN_CARET,0) Then DeSelect()\r
+               'Free treenode\r
+               If _item Then SendMessageW(_tree,TVM_DELETEITEM,0,_item);_item=0\r
+               'Redraw parent if we were its last child node\r
+               If Not SendMessageW(_tree, TVM_GETNEXTITEM, TVGN_CHILD, _parent._item) Then _parent.RedrawNode()\r
+               'Cleanup variables that could be circular references\r
+               _parent = Null;_tree = 0;_SetParent Null\r
+               'Release any handle we created using HandleFromObject() in Spawn()\r
+               If _handle Then Release _handle\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method DeSelect()\r
+               SendMessageW _tree,TVM_SELECTITEM,TVGN_CARET,0\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method InsertNode:TGadget(index,Text$,icon)\r
+               Return New TWindowsTreeNode.Create(Self,0,Text,index,icon)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method ModifyNode(Text$,icon)\r
+               _icon = icon\r
+               SetText Text\r
+       EndMethod\r
+               \r
+       Method tviatindex(index)\r
+               If kids.IsEmpty() Then Return TVI_FIRST\r
+               If index<0 Or index>=kids.count() Return TVI_LAST               \r
+               Local child:TWindowsTreeNode\r
+               child=TWindowsTreeNode(kids.valueatindex(index))\r
+               Return child._item\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Spawn(name$,index=-1)\r
+               \r
+               Local it:TVINSERTSTRUCTW\r
+               Local hitem                             \r
+               it=New TVINSERTSTRUCTW\r
+               it.hParent=_parent._item\r
+               If index = 0 Then\r
+                       it.hInsertAfter = TVI_FIRST\r
+               Else\r
+                       it.hInsertAfter=_parent.tviatindex(index-1)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               it.item_mask=TVIF_TEXT|TVIF_PARAM\r
+               \r
+               If _icon > -1 Then\r
+                       it.item_mask:|TVIF_IMAGE|TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE\r
+                       it.item_iImage=_icon\r
+                       it.item_iSelectedImage=it.item_iImage\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpParentHadKids = SendMessageW(_tree, TVM_GETNEXTITEM, TVGN_CHILD, _parent._item)\r
+               \r
+               it.item_pszText=name.ToWString()\r
+               it.item_lparam=HandleFromObject(Self)\r
+               \r
+               'Make sure that we store handle so we can release it later.\r
+               If _handle Then Release _handle\r
+               _handle = it.item_lparam\r
+               \r
+               _item=SendMessageW(_tree,TVM_INSERTITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr it)\r
+               \r
+               MemFree it.item_pszText\r
+               \r
+               'Fix for tree-view parent status update problem.\r
+               If Not tmpParentHadKids Then _parent.RedrawNode()\r
+               \r
+               Return _item\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method RedrawNode()\r
+               If _item = TVI_ROOT Then\r
+                       InvalidateRect _tree, Null, True\r
+               Else\r
+                       Local Rect[] = [_item,0,0,0]\r
+                       If SendMessageW(_tree, TVM_GETITEMRECT, False, Int Byte Ptr Rect) Then\r
+                               InvalidateRect _tree, Rect, True\r
+                       EndIf\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )\r
+               'At the moment, nodes don't support tooltips.\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_NODE\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+Type TWindowsTreeView Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       Field   _root:TWindowsTreeNode\r
+       Field   _selected:TWindowsTreeNode\r
+       Field   _icons:TWindowsIconStrip\r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")\r
+               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey\r
+               Local   hwnd,parent\r
+               \r
+      = style\r
+               xstyle=WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE\r
+               If Not(style&TREEVIEW_DRAGNDROP) wstyle:|TVS_DISABLEDRAGDROP\r
+               \r
+               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)\r
+               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"SysTreeView32","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() Then SendMessageW hwnd, TVM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE, TVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER, TVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER\r
+               Register GADGET_TREEVIEW,hwnd                   \r
+               _root=New TWindowsTreeNode.CreateRoot(Self)     \r
+               \r
+               If TWindowsGUIDriver._explorerstyle Then UseExplorerTheme()\r
+               \r
+               Return Self\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetIconStrip(iconstrip:TIconStrip)       \r
+               _icons=TWindowsIconStrip(iconstrip)\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TVM_SETIMAGELIST,TVSIL_NORMAL,_icons._imagelist\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetColor(r,g,b)\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TVM_SETBKCOLOR,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method RemoveColor()\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TVM_SETBKCOLOR,1,0\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetTextColor(r,g,b)\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,TVM_SETTEXTCOLOR,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method RootNode:TGadget()\r
+               Return _root\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SelectedNode:TGadget()\r
+               Return _selected\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method CountKids()\r
+               Return _root.CountKids()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method OnNotify(wp,lp)\r
+               Local nmhdr:Int Ptr\r
+               Local itemnew:Int Ptr\r
+               Local node:TWindowsTreeNode\r
+               \r
+               Super.OnNotify(wp,lp)   'Tool-tips\r
+               \r
+               nmhdr=Int Ptr(lp)\r
+               Select nmhdr[2] 'code\r
+                       \r
+                       'MSLU glitch requires handling of ANSI equivalent\r
+                       Case TVN_SELCHANGEDW, TVN_SELCHANGEDA\r
+                               itemnew=nmhdr+14                'Int Ptr(nmhdr[5])      'itemNew\r
+                               If itemnew[1]=TVI_ROOT  'hItem\r
+                                       _selected=_root\r
+                               Else\r
+                                       _selected=TWindowsTreeNode(HandleToObject(itemnew[9]))  'lParaM\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETSELECT,0,0,0,0,_selected\r
+                               \r
+                       Case TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDW, TVN_ITEMEXPANDEDA\r
+                               itemnew=nmhdr+14                'Int Ptr(nmhdr[5])      'itemNew.TVITEM\r
+                               If itemnew[1]=TVI_ROOT          'hItem\r
+                                       node=_root\r
+                               Else\r
+                                       node=TWindowsTreeNode(HandleToObject(itemnew[9] ))      'lParaM\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               Select nmhdr[3] 'action itemnew[2]&TVIS_EXPANDED        'state\r
+                                       Case 1\r
+                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETCLOSE,0,0,0,0,node\r
+                                               node._expanded=False\r
+                                       Case 2\r
+                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETOPEN,0,0,0,0,node\r
+                                               node._expanded=True\r
+                               End Select\r
+                               Return True\r
+                               \r
+                               \r
+                               If (style&TREEVIEW_DRAGNDROP) Then\r
+                                       \r
+                                       Local data% = 1\r
+                                       If (nmhdr[2] = TVN_BEGINRDRAGW) Or (nmhdr[2] = TVN_BEGINRDRAGA) Then data = 2\r
+                                       \r
+                                       itemnew=nmhdr+14                'Int Ptr(nmhdr[5])      'itemNew\r
+                                       \r
+                                       If itemnew[1]<>TVI_ROOT Then\r
+                                               TGadget.dragGadget[data-1]=TWindowsTreeNode(HandleToObject(itemnew[9]))\r
+                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETDRAG, data, KeyMods(), itemnew[10], itemnew[11], TGadget.dragGadget[data-1]\r
+                                       Else\r
+                                               TGadget.dragGadget[data-1]=Null\r
+                                       EndIf\r
+                                       \r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                       Case NM_DBLCLK, NM_RETURN\r
+                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,0,0,0,0,_selected\r
+                               \r
+                       Case NM_RCLICK\r
+                               Local Rect[4]\r
+                               Local pt[2]\r
+                               Local hittest[4]\r
+                               Local item[10]\r
+                               GetWindowRect _hwnd,Rect\r
+                               GetCursorPos_ pt\r
+                               hittest[0]=pt[0]-Rect[0]\r
+                               hittest[1]=pt[1]-Rect[1]\r
+                               If SendMessageW(_hwnd,TVM_HITTEST,0,Int Byte Ptr(hittest))\r
+                                       If hittest[3]=TVI_ROOT\r
+                                               node=_root\r
+                                       Else\r
+                                               item[0]=TVIF_PARAM\r
+                                               item[1]=hittest[3]\r
+                                               SendMessageW _hwnd,TVM_GETITEMW,0,Int Byte Ptr(item)\r
+                                               node=TWindowsTreeNode(HandleToObject(item[9]))\r
+                                       EndIf\r
+                                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETMENU,0,hittest[0],hittest[1],0,node\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               Return True\r
+                               \r
+               EndSelect\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               Select msg\r
+                       'If we are using Vista's common controls, then the treeview will be double-buffered and so\r
+                       'we don't need to clear the background when redrawing (performance tweak).\r
+                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND\r
+                               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() >= 2 Then Return 1\r
+               EndSelect\r
+               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method UseExplorerTheme()\r
+       \r
+               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() And SetWindowThemeW Then\r
+                       SetWindowThemeW( _hwnd, _wstrExplorer, Null )\r
+               EndIf\r
+       \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_TREEVIEW\r
+       EndMethod\r
+Type TWindowsLabel Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       \r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      \r
+               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey\r
+               Local   hwnd,parent\r
+               \r
+      = style\r
+               \r
+               Select style&24\r
+                       Case LABEL_LEFT wstyle:|SS_LEFT\r
+                       Case LABEL_RIGHT wstyle:|SS_RIGHT\r
+                       Case LABEL_CENTER wstyle:|SS_CENTER\r
+               End Select\r
+               Select style&7\r
+                       Case LABEL_FRAME wstyle:|WS_BORDER\r
+                       Case LABEL_SUNKENFRAME wstyle:|SS_SUNKEN\r
+                       Case LABEL_SEPARATOR wstyle:|SS_SUNKEN|SS_GRAYRECT\r
+               End Select\r
+               \r
+               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)\r
+               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"STATIC","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               Register GADGET_LABEL,hwnd\r
+               \r
+               Return Self\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetArea(x,y,w,h)\r
+               If ((style & 7) = LABEL_SEPARATOR) Then\r
+                       If (w > h) Then h = 2 Else w = 2\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Return Super.SetArea(x,y,w,h)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetText(Text$)\r
+               If ((style & 7) <> LABEL_SEPARATOR) Then Return Super.SetText(Text)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               Select msg\r
+                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND\r
+                               Return 1\r
+               EndSelect\r
+               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_LABEL\r
+       EndMethod\r
+                                       \r
+Type TWindowsSlider Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       Field   _slidertype,_ishorizontal,_visible = 5,_total = 10,_value\r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      \r
+               Local   xstyle,wstyle,class$\r
+               Local   hwnd,parent,hotkey\r
+                                                               \r
+               _slidertype=style&$fffc\r
+               _ishorizontal=style&SLIDER_HORIZONTAL\r
+               \r
+      = style\r
+               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)           \r
+               Select _slidertype\r
+                       Case SLIDER_SCROLLBAR\r
+                               If _ishorizontal wstyle:|SBS_HORZ;Else wstyle:|SBS_VERT\r
+                               class$="SCROLLBAR"\r
+                       Case SLIDER_TRACKBAR\r
+                               wstyle:|TBS_AUTOTICKS|WS_TABSTOP\r
+                               xstyle:|WS_EX_COMPOSITED        'Reduces flicker when resizing (doesn't like scrollbars/up-down controls)\r
+                               If _ishorizontal wstyle:|TBS_HORZ Else wstyle:|TBS_VERT\r
+                               class$=TRACKBAR_CLASS\r
+                       Case SLIDER_STEPPER\r
+                               If _ishorizontal wstyle:|UDS_HORZ\r
+                               class$="msctls_updown32"\r
+                       Default\r
+                               Return Null\r
+               End Select\r
+               \r
+               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,class,"",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               Register GADGET_SLIDER,hwnd\r
+               RefreshLook()\r
+               \r
+               Return Self             \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetRange(visible,total)\r
+               _visible = visible\r
+               _total = total\r
+               Local tmpEnabled:Int = Not( State() & STATE_DISABLED )\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               Select _slidertype\r
+                       Case SLIDER_SCROLLBAR\r
+                               Local info:SCROLLINFO=New SCROLLINFO\r
+                               info.cbSize=SizeOf(SCROLLINFO)\r
+                               info.fMask=SIF_PAGE|SIF_RANGE\r
+                               info.nMax=total-1\r
+                               info.nPage=visible                      \r
+                               SendMessageW _hwnd,SBM_SETSCROLLINFO,True,Int Byte Ptr info\r
+                       Case SLIDER_TRACKBAR\r
+                               \r
+                               SendMessageW _hwnd,TBM_SETRANGEMIN,False,visible\r
+                               SendMessageW _hwnd,TBM_SETRANGEMAX,True,total\r
+                               \r
+                               ' Aesthetic tweak that should stop black tick bands forming when\r
+                               ' large ranges are used on small trackbars.\r
+                               \r
+                               Local tmpFirstTick% = SendMessageW( _hwnd, TBM_GETTICPOS, 0, 0 )\r
+                               Local tmpNumTicks% = SendMessageW( _hwnd, TBM_GETNUMTICS, 0, 0)\r
+                               Local tmpLastTick% = SendMessageW( _hwnd, TBM_GETTICPOS, tmpNumTicks-3, 0 )\r
+                               If Not( tmpLastTick < 0 Or tmpFirstTick < 0 Or (total-visible-2) < 1) Then\r
+                                       If (tmpLastTick-tmpFirstTick)/(total-visible-2) < 4 Then\r
+                                               SendMessageW( _hwnd, TBM_CLEARTICS, True, 0 )\r
+                                       EndIf\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                       Case SLIDER_STEPPER\r
+                               SendMessageW _hwnd,UDM_SETRANGE32,visible,total\r
+               End Select\r
+               _value = GetProp()\r
+               SetEnabled(tmpEnabled)\r
+               Sensitize()     \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetProp(value)\r
+               Desensitize()\r
+               Select _slidertype\r
+                       Case SLIDER_SCROLLBAR\r
+                               Local info:SCROLLINFO=New SCROLLINFO\r
+                               info.cbSize=SizeOf(SCROLLINFO)\r
+                               info.fMask=SIF_POS\r
+                               info.nPos=value\r
+                               SendMessageW _hwnd,SBM_SETSCROLLINFO,True,Int Byte Ptr info\r
+                       Case SLIDER_TRACKBAR\r
+                               If _ishorizontal Then\r
+                                       SendMessageW _hwnd,TBM_SETPOS,True,value\r
+                               Else\r
+                                       'Flip the value so that the scale starts from the bottom\r
+                                       SendMessageW _hwnd,TBM_SETPOS,True,_visible + _total - value\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Case SLIDER_STEPPER\r
+                               SendMessageW _hwnd,UDM_SETPOS,True,value\r
+               End Select\r
+               _value = value\r
+               Sensitize()     \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method GetProp()\r
+               Local value\r
+               Select _slidertype\r
+                       Case SLIDER_SCROLLBAR\r
+                               value=GetScrollPos(_hwnd,SB_CTL)\r
+                       Case SLIDER_TRACKBAR\r
+                               value=SendMessageW(_hwnd,TBM_GETPOS,0,0)\r
+                               'Flip the value so that the scale starts from the bottom\r
+                               If Not _ishorizontal Then value = _visible + _total - value\r
+                       Case SLIDER_STEPPER\r
+                               value=SendMessageW(_hwnd,UDM_GETPOS32,0,Null)\r
+               End Select              \r
+               Return value\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method OnCommand(msg,wp)\r
+               If _slidertype=SLIDER_SCROLLBAR\r
+                       If msg=WM_COMMAND Return\r
+                       Local info:SCROLLINFO=New SCROLLINFO\r
+                       info.cbSize=SizeOf(SCROLLINFO)\r
+                       Select wp&$ffff\r
+                               Case SB_THUMBTRACK,SB_THUMBPOSITION\r
+                                       info.fMask=SIF_TRACKPOS\r
+                                       SendMessageW _hwnd,SBM_GETSCROLLINFO,0,Int Byte Ptr info\r
+                                       SetScrollPos _hwnd,SB_CTL,info.nTrackPos,True\r
+                               Default\r
+                                       info.fMask=SIF_POS|SIF_PAGE|SIF_RANGE\r
+                                       SendMessageW _hwnd,SBM_GETSCROLLINFO,0,Int Byte Ptr info\r
+                                       Local pos=info.nPos\r
+                                       Local vis=info.nPage\r
+                                       Select wp&$ffff\r
+                                               Case SB_LINEUP pos:-1\r
+                                               Case SB_LINEDOWN pos:+1\r
+                                               Case SB_PAGEUP pos:-vis\r
+                                               Case SB_PAGEDOWN pos:+vis\r
+                                               Default Return 0\r
+                                       End Select\r
+                                       SetScrollPos _hwnd,SB_CTL,pos,True\r
+                       End Select\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Local index=GetProp()\r
+               If (index <> _value) Then\r
+                       PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETACTION,index\r
+                       _value = index\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Return 1\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               Select msg\r
+                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND\r
+                               Return 1\r
+               EndSelect\r
+               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method RefreshLook()\r
+               Super.RefreshLook()\r
+               SetRange(_visible,_total)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_SLIDER\r
+       EndMethod\r
+               \r
+Type TWindowsProgressBar Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")              \r
+               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey\r
+               Local   hwnd,parent\r
+      = style\r
+               wstyle=WS_CHILD|PBS_SMOOTH|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS\r
+               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)\r
+               hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,"msctls_progress32","",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               Register GADGET_PROGBAR,hwnd\r
+               Return Self             \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetValue(value#)\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,PBM_SETPOS,value*100,0\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetColor(r,g,b)\r
+               'Only works in Classic mode, but it's better than nothing.\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,PBM_SETBKCOLOR ,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method RemoveColor()\r
+               'Only works in Classic mode, but it's better than nothing.\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,PBM_SETBKCOLOR ,1,0\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetTextColor(r,g,b)\r
+               'Only works in Classic mode, but it's better than nothing.\r
+               SendMessageW _hwnd,PBM_SETBARCOLOR ,0,(b Shl 16)|(g Shl 8)|r\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_PROGBAR\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+Type TWindowsPanel Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       Const PANELPANEL=0\r
+       Const PANELGROUP=1\r
+       Const PANELCANVAS=2\r
+       Field _type\r
+       Field _alpha#=1.0\r
+       Field _bitmapwidth,_bitmapheight,_bitmapflags\r
+       Field _canvas:TGraphics\r
+       Field _hasalpha\r
+       \r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      \r
+               Local   xstyle,wstyle,hotkey\r
+               Local   hwnd,client,parent\r
+      = style\r
+               \r
+               parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)\r
+               If (style&3=PANEL_GROUP) Then\r
+                       _type=PANELGROUP\r
+                       hwnd=CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT,"BUTTON","",BS_GROUPBOX|WS_CHILD|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS|WS_CLIPCHILDREN,0,0,0,0,parent,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null )\r
+                       client=CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT,TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassName(),"",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CLIPCHILDREN|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS,0,0,0,0,hwnd,0,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               Else\r
+                       _type=PANELPANEL\r
+                       xstyle=WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT\r
+                       wstyle=WS_CHILD|WS_CLIPCHILDREN|WS_CLIPSIBLINGS\r
+                       Select (style&3)\r
+                               Case PANEL_SUNKEN xstyle:|WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE\r
+                               Case PANEL_RAISED xstyle:|WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE ; wstyle:|WS_DLGFRAME\r
+                       EndSelect\r
+                       If (style&PANEL_CANVAS) Then _type=PANELCANVAS                                                                                                                                                          \r
+                       hwnd=CreateWindowExW(xstyle,TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassName(),"",wstyle,0,0,0,0,parent,hotkey,GetModuleHandleW(Null),Null)\r
+               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+               Register GADGET_PANEL,hwnd,client\r
+               If (style & PANEL_ACTIVE) Then sensitivity = SENSITIZE_ALL\r
+               \r
+               Return Self     \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetAlpha( alpha# )\r
+               _alpha=alpha\r
+               RedrawGadget(Self)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Activate( cmd )\r
+               Select cmd\r
+                       Case ACTIVATE_REDRAW\r
+                               If (_type = PANELCANVAS) Then\r
+                                       InvalidateRect _hwnd, Null, False\r
+                                       Return True\r
+                               EndIf\r
+               EndSelect\r
+               Return Super.Activate(cmd)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetPixmap(pixmap:TPixmap,flags)\r
+               If _bitmap Then DeleteObject _bitmap;_bitmap = 0\r
+               If pixmap Then\r
+                       If pixmap.format=PF_RGBA8888 Or pixmap.format=PF_BGRA8888\r
+                               _bitmap=TWindowsGraphic.PreMultipliedBitmapFromPixmap32( pixmap )\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       If _bitmap\r
+                               _hasalpha=True\r
+                       Else\r
+                               _bitmap=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapFromPixmap( pixmap, False )\r
+                               _hasalpha=False\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       _bitmapflags=flags\r
+                       _bitmapwidth=pixmap.width\r
+                       _bitmapheight=pixmap.height\r
+               EndIf\r
+               RedrawGadget(Self)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+                       \r
+       Method AttachGraphics:TGraphics( flags )\r
+               _canvas=brl.Graphics.AttachGraphics( _hwnd,flags )\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method CanvasGraphics:TGraphics()\r
+               Return _canvas\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Free()\r
+               If _canvas Then CloseGraphics(_canvas);_canvas = Null\r
+               Super.Free()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+                       \r
+       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               Select msg\r
+                               \r
+                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND\r
+                               \r
+                               If _type = PANELCANVAS Then Return 1\r
+                               \r
+                               Local hdc=wp,hdcCanvas,hdcBitmap,srcw,srch,x,y,xoffset,yoffset\r
+                               Local clientRect[4], updateRect[4], clipRect[4], windowRect[4]\r
+                               \r
+                               GetClipBox( hdc, clipRect )\r
+                               GetWindowRect( hwnd, windowRect)\r
+                               GetClientRect( hwnd, clientRect )\r
+                               \r
+                               If Not GetUpdateRect( hwnd, updateRect, False) Then updateRect = clipRect\r
+                               If IsRectEmpty(updateRect) Then updateRect = [0,0,windowRect[2]-windowRect[0],windowRect[3]-windowRect[1]]\r
+                               \r
+                               'If we are drawing a bitmap or using alpha then let's do some double-buffering stuff\r
+                               \r
+                               If (hwnd <> _hwndclient) And ((_bitmap And _bitmapwidth And _bitmapheight) Or _alpha<1.0) Then\r
+                               \r
+                                       hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(wp)\r
+                                       hdcCanvas = CreateCompatibleBitmap(wp,windowRect[2]-windowRect[0],windowRect[3]-windowRect[1])\r
+                                       SelectObject( hdc, hdcCanvas )\r
+                               \r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                               'Fill the drawing context with the background colour, or the background of the parent\r
+                               \r
+                               If BgBrush() And (hwnd <> _hwndclient) Then FillRect(hdc,updateRect,BgBrush()) Else DrawParentBackground(hdc,hwnd)\r
+                               \r
+                               'If we aren't drawing to a bitmap or using alpha, then we can return now.\r
+                               \r
+                               If Not ((hwnd <> _hwndclient) And ((_bitmap And _bitmapwidth And _bitmapheight) Or _alpha<1.0)) Then Return 1\r
+                               \r
+                               If _bitmap And _bitmapwidth And _bitmapheight\r
+                                       hdcBitmap=CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)\r
+                                       SelectObject(hdcBitmap,_bitmap)\r
+                                       srcw=_bitmapwidth\r
+                                       srch=_bitmapheight\r
+                                       Select (_bitmapflags & (GADGETPIXMAP_ICON-1))\r
+                                               Case PANELPIXMAP_TILE\r
+                                                       While y<windowRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-windowRect[RECT_TOP]\r
+                                                               x=0\r
+                                                               While x<windowRect[RECT_RIGHT]-windowRect[RECT_LEFT]\r
+                                                                       If _hasalpha\r
+                                                                               AlphaBlend_ hdc,x,y,srcw,srch,hdcBitmap,0,0,srcw,srch,$01ff0000\r
+                                                                       Else\r
+                                                                               BitBlt hdc,x,y,srcw,srch,hdcBitmap,0,0,ROP_SRCCOPY\r
+                                                                       EndIf\r
+                                                                       x:+srcw\r
+                                                               Wend\r
+                                                               y:+srch\r
+                                                       Wend\r
+                                               Case PANELPIXMAP_CENTER\r
+                                                       x=(windowRect[RECT_RIGHT]-windowRect[RECT_LEFT]-srcw)/2\r
+                                                       y=(windowRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-windowRect[RECT_TOP]-srch)/2\r
+                                                       If _hasalpha\r
+                                                               AlphaBlend_ hdc,x,y,srcw,srch,hdcBitmap,0,0,srcw,srch,$01ff0000\r
+                                                       Else\r
+                                                               BitBlt hdc,x,y,srcw,srch,hdcBitmap,0,0,ROP_SRCCOPY\r
+                                                       EndIf\r
+                                               \r
+                                               Case PANELPIXMAP_FIT, PANELPIXMAP_FIT2\r
+                                               \r
+                                                       Local mx# = Float(windowRect[RECT_RIGHT]-windowRect[RECT_LEFT])/srcw\r
+                                                       Local my# = Float(windowRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-windowRect[RECT_TOP])/srch\r
+                                                       \r
+                                                       If mx>my Then\r
+                                                               If (_bitmapflags&(GADGETPIXMAP_ICON-1)) = PANELPIXMAP_FIT Then mx=my Else my=mx\r
+                                                       EndIf\r
+                                                       Local w=mx*srcw\r
+                                                       Local h=mx*srch\r
+                                                       x=(windowRect[RECT_RIGHT]-windowRect[RECT_LEFT]-w)/2\r
+                                                       y=(windowRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-windowRect[RECT_TOP]-h)/2\r
+                                                       SetStretchBltMode hdc,COLORONCOLOR\r
+                                                       If _hasalpha\r
+                                                               AlphaBlend_ hdc,x,y,w,h,hdcBitmap,0,0,srcw,srch,$01ff0000\r
+                                                       Else\r
+                                                               StretchBlt hdc,x,y,w,h,hdcBitmap,0,0,srcw,srch,ROP_SRCCOPY\r
+                                                       EndIf\r
+                                               Case PANELPIXMAP_STRETCH\r
+                                                       SetStretchBltMode hdc,COLORONCOLOR\r
+                                                       If _hasalpha\r
+                                                               AlphaBlend_ hdc,0,0,windowRect[RECT_RIGHT]-windowRect[RECT_LEFT],windowRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-windowRect[RECT_TOP],hdcBitmap,0,0,srcw,srch,$01ff0000\r
+                                                       Else\r
+                                                               StretchBlt hdc,0,0,windowRect[RECT_RIGHT]-windowRect[RECT_LEFT],windowRect[RECT_BOTTOM]-windowRect[RECT_TOP],hdcBitmap,0,0,srcw,srch,ROP_SRCCOPY\r
+                                                       EndIf\r
+                                               \r
+                                       EndSelect                               \r
+                                       \r
+                                       DeleteDC(hdcBitmap)\r
+                                       \r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                               If _alpha < 1.0 Then\r
+                                       \r
+                                       DrawParentBackground( wp, hwnd )\r
+                                       Local blendfunction = ((Int(_alpha*255)&$FF) Shl 16)\r
+                                       AlphaBlend_(wp,updateRect[0],updateRect[1],updateRect[2]-updateRect[0],updateRect[3]-updateRect[1],hdc,updateRect[0],updateRect[1],updateRect[2]-updateRect[0],updateRect[3]-updateRect[1],blendfunction)\r
+                               \r
+                               Else\r
+                                       \r
+                                       BitBlt(wp,0,0,windowRect[2]-windowRect[0],WindowRect[3]-windowRect[1],hdc,0,0,ROP_SRCCOPY)\r
+                               \r
+                               EndIf\r
+                               \r
+                               Assert hdc <> wp, "hdc == wp! Please post a MaxGUI bug report."\r
+                               \r
+                               DeleteObject( hdcCanvas )\r
+                               DeleteDC( hdc )\r
+                               \r
+                               Return 1\r
+                       \r
+                       Case WM_PAINT\r
+                               \r
+                               Select _type\r
+                                       Case PANELCANVAS\r
+                                               PostGuiEvent EVENT_GADGETPAINT\r
+                                               ValidateRect _hwnd, Null\r
+                                               Return 1\r
+                               EndSelect\r
+                       \r
+                       Case WM_LBUTTONDOWN\r
+                               \r
+                               SetFocus Query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)\r
+                               \r
+               End Select\r
+               \r
+               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method FlushBrushes(pRecurse:Int = True)\r
+               Super.FlushBrushes()\r
+               If Not pRecurse Then Return\r
+               For Local tmpGadget:TWindowsGadget = EachIn kids\r
+                       tmpGadget.FlushBrushes()\r
+               Next\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ClientWidth()\r
+               If _hwndClient Then Return (Super.ClientWidth()-8) Else Return Super.ClientWidth()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method ClientHeight()\r
+               If _hwndClient Then Return (Super.ClientHeight()-20) Else Return Super.ClientHeight()\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method RethinkClient(forceRedraw:Int = False)\r
+               If _hwndClient Then\r
+                       MoveWindow( _hwndClient, 4+_clientX,16+_clientY,ClientWidth(),ClientHeight(),forceRedraw)\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               If _type = PANELCANVAS Then Return GADGET_CANVAS Else Return GADGET_PANEL\r
+       EndMethod\r
+                       \r
+Type TWindowsHTMLView Extends TWindowsGadget\r
+       Field mshtml\r
+       Field browser:IWebBrowser2\r
+       Field IID_IHTMLDocument2:GUID=New GUID\r
+       \r
+       Method Create:TWindowsGadget(group:TGadget,style,Text$="")      \r
+      = style\r
+               Local parent=group.query(QUERY_HWND_CLIENT)\r
+               mshtml=msHtmlCreate(Self,TWindowsGUIDriver.ClassName(),parent,style)    \r
+               browser=msHTMLBrowser(mshtml)\r
+               Register GADGET_HTMLVIEW,msHtmlHwnd(mshtml)\r
+               \r
+               Local res = IIDFromString(IHTMLDocument2_UUID,IID_IHTMLDocument2)               \r
+               \r
+               Return Self\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Rethink()\r
+               msHtmlSetShape mshtml,xpos,ypos,width,height\r
+       EndMethod       \r
+       Method SetText(Text$)   'sets document url\r
+               If Text Then msHtmlGo mshtml,Text\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method GetText$()\r
+               Local bstr:Short Ptr\r
+               browser.lfget_LocationURL(Varptr bstr)\r
+               Local result$ = String.FromWString(bstr)\r
+               SysFreeString(bstr)\r
+               Return result\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method GetTitleText$()  'returns document title\r
+               \r
+               Local bstr:Short Ptr\r
+               Local res\r
+               \r
+               Local disp:IDispatch\r
+               Local doc:IHTMLDOCUMENT2\r
+               \r
+               res=browser.lfget_Document(Varptr disp)\r
+               If res RuntimeError "no document"               \r
+               \r
+               res=disp.QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2,Varptr doc)\r
+               If res RuntimeError "no document2 interface"\r
+               \r
+               If doc\r
+                       doc.get_Title(Varptr bstr)\r
+               Else    \r
+                       browser.lfget_LocationName(Varptr bstr)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               Local result$ = String.FromWString(bstr)\r
+               SysFreeString(bstr)\r
+               Return result\r
+               \r
+       End Method\r
+       Method Run$(script$)\r
+               Local res\r
+               Local disp:IDispatch\r
+               Local doc:IHTMLDOCUMENT2\r
+               Local win:IHTMLWindow2\r
+               Local result:VARIANT            \r
+               res=browser.lfget_Document(Varptr disp)\r
+               If res RuntimeError "no document"               \r
+               res=disp.QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2,Varptr doc)\r
+               If res RuntimeError "no document2 interface"\r
+               res=doc.get_parentWindow(Varptr win)\r
+               If res RuntimeError "no parent window"\r
+               result=New VARIANT\r
+               result.vt=VT_EMPTY\r
+               Local bstr:Short Ptr\r
+               bstr=SysAllocStringLen(script.toWString(),script.length)\r
+               res=win.execScript(bstr,Null,result)\r
+               SysFreeString bstr\r
+               Return res\r
+       End Method\r
+       Method Activate(cmd)\r
+               Return msHtmlActivate(mshtml,cmd)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method State()\r
+               Return msHtmlStatus(mshtml)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Run$(script$)\r
+               msHtmlRun(mshtml,script)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+               Select msg\r
+                       'Reduces flicker on HTMLViews\r
+                       Case WM_ERASEBKGND\r
+                               Return 1\r
+               EndSelect\r
+               Return Super.WndProc(hwnd,msg,wp,lp)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_HTMLVIEW\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+Type TWindowsMenu Extends TGadget\r
+       Field   _hmenu\r
+       Field   _pmenu\r
+       Field   _item\r
+       Field   _state\r
+       Field   _tag\r
+       Field   _hotkeycode\r
+       Field   _modifier\r
+       Field   _shortcut$\r
+       Field   _hotkey:THotKey\r
+       Field   _key = SetNewKey()\r
+       Field _iconBitmap\r
+       \r
+       Global iteminfo:MENUITEMINFOW\r
+       \r
+       Global keymap:TMap=New TMap 'key,gadget\r
+       Global keycount=100\r
+       \r
+       Method SetNewKey%()\r
+               keycount:+1\r
+               keymap.Insert( TIntWrapper.Create(keycount), Self )\r
+               Return keycount\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Function GetMenuFromKey:TWindowsMenu(pKey%)\r
+               Return TWindowsMenu(keymap.ValueForKey(TIntWrapper.Create(pKey)))\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Method SetText(pText$)\r
+               name = pText\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method GetText$()\r
+               Return name\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Free()\r
+               Close\r
+               _setparent Null\r
+               keymap.Remove(TIntWrapper.Create(_key))\r
+               If _iconBitmap Then DeleteObject(_iconBitmap)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method DoLayout()\r
+               'Don't do anything!\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method State()\r
+               Return _state\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetEnabled(enable)\r
+               If enable\r
+                       If _pmenu EnableMenuItem(_pmenu,_item,MF_BYPOSITION|MF_ENABLED)\r
+                       _state:&~STATE_DISABLED\r
+               Else\r
+                       If _pmenu EnableMenuItem(_pmenu,_item,MF_BYPOSITION|MF_GRAYED)\r
+                       _state:|STATE_DISABLED\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method SetSelected(bool)\r
+               If bool\r
+                       If _pmenu CheckMenuItem(_pmenu,_item,MF_BYPOSITION|MF_CHECKED)\r
+                       _state:|STATE_SELECTED\r
+               Else\r
+                       If _pmenu CheckMenuItem(_pmenu,_item,MF_BYPOSITION|MF_UNCHECKED)\r
+                       _state:&~STATE_SELECTED\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetHotKey(keycode,modifier)\r
+               _hotkeycode=keycode\r
+               _modifier=modifier\r
+               \r
+               Local   pre$, suf$, m$\r
+               \r
+               If LocalizationMode()&LOCALIZATION_ON Then\r
+                       pre="{{"\r
+                       suf="}}"\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               If keycode>=KEY_0 And keycode<=KEY_9\r
+                       m$=Chr(keycode)\r
+               ElseIf keycode>=KEY_A And keycode<=KEY_Z\r
+                       m$=Chr(keycode)\r
+               ElseIf keycode>=KEY_F1 And keycode<=KEY_F12\r
+                       m$="F"+(keycode+1-KEY_F1)\r
+               ElseIf keycode>=KEY_NUM0 And keycode<=KEY_NUM9\r
+                       m$="Num "+(keycode+1-KEY_NUM0)\r
+               Else\r
+                       Select keycode\r
+                               Case KEY_BACKSPACE;m = pre+"Backspace"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_TAB;m = pre+"Tab"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_ESCAPE;m = pre+"Esc"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_SPACE;m = pre+"Space"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_ENTER;m = pre+"Enter"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_PAGEUP;m = pre+"PageUp"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_PAGEDOWN;m = pre+"PageDown"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_END;m = pre+"End"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_HOME;m = pre+"Home"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_LEFT;m = pre+"Left"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_RIGHT;m = pre+"Right"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_UP;m = pre+"Up"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_DOWN;m = pre+"Down"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_INSERT;m = pre+"Insert"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_DELETE;m = pre+"Delete"+suf\r
+                               Case KEY_TILDE;m = "~~"\r
+                               Case KEY_MINUS;m = "-"\r
+                               Case KEY_EQUALS;m = "="\r
+                               Case KEY_OPENBRACKET;m = "["\r
+                               Case KEY_CLOSEBRACKET;m = "]"\r
+                               Case KEY_BACKSLASH;m = "\"\r
+                               Case KEY_SEMICOLON;m = ";"\r
+                               Case KEY_QUOTES;m = "'"\r
+                               Case KEY_COMMA;m = ","\r
+                               Case KEY_PERIOD;m = "."\r
+                               Case KEY_SLASH;m = "/"\r
+                               Case KEY_NUMMULTIPLY;m = "Num *"\r
+                               Case KEY_NUMADD;m = "Num +"\r
+                               Case KEY_NUMSUBTRACT;m = "Num -"\r
+                               Case KEY_NUMDECIMAL;m = "Num ."\r
+                               Case KEY_NUMDIVIDE;m = "Num /"\r
+                       EndSelect\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               If m\r
+                       If modifier&MODIFIER_SHIFT m$=pre+"Shift"+suf+"+"+m$\r
+                       If modifier&MODIFIER_CONTROL m$=pre+"Ctrl"+suf+"+"+m$\r
+                       If modifier&MODIFIER_ALT m$=pre+"Alt"+suf+"+"+m$\r
+                       m="~t"+m\r
+               EndIf\r
+               _shortcut$=LocalizeString(m)\r
+               \r
+               If Not iteminfo\r
+                       iteminfo=New MENUITEMINFOW\r
+                       iteminfo.cbSize=SizeOf(iteminfo)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               iteminfo.fMask=MIIM_TYPE\r
+               iteminfo.dwTypeData=(name+_shortcut).toWString()                                        \r
+               SetMenuItemInfoW _pmenu,_item,True,iteminfo\r
+               \r
+               MemFree iteminfo.dwTypeData\r
+               \r
+               Local ev:TEvent=CreateEvent( EVENT_MENUACTION, Self,_tag )\r
+               If _hotKey RemoveHotKey(_hotKey);_hotKey = Null\r
+               If keycode Then _hotkey=SetHotKeyEvent(keycode,modifier,ev,FindGadgetWindowHwnd(Self))\r
+       EndMethod\r
+                               \r
+       Method Create:TWindowsMenu(group:TGadget,tag,Text$="")\r
+               If Not iteminfo Then\r
+                       iteminfo=New MENUITEMINFOW\r
+                       iteminfo.cbSize=SizeOf(iteminfo)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               name=Text\r
+               _tag=tag\r
+               Local window:TWindowsWindow = TWindowsWindow(group)\r
+               If window group=window.GetMenu()\r
+               _SetParent(group)\r
+               If (LocalizationMode()&LOCALIZATION_OVERRIDE) Then\r
+                       LocalizeGadget(Self, name, "")\r
+               EndIf\r
+               Return Self     \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Open(popup=False)\r
+       \r
+               Local dad:TWindowsMenu  = TWindowsMenu(parent)                          \r
+               \r
+               If dad\r
+                       _pmenu=dad._hmenu\r
+                       If Not _pmenu Throw "Parent doesn't have a handle - the desktop heap may have run out of memory!"\r
+                       _item=GetMenuItemCount(_pmenu)\r
+                       If name\r
+                               Local tmpWString:Short Ptr = (LocalizeString(name)+_shortcut).ToWString()\r
+                               AppendMenuW _pmenu,MF_STRING,_key,tmpWString\r
+                               MemFree tmpWString\r
+                       Else\r
+                               AppendMenuW _pmenu,MF_SEPARATOR,_key,Null\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       If kids.count()\r
+                               _hmenu=CreateMenu_()\r
+                               Local tmpMenuInfo:MENUINFO = New MENUINFO\r
+                               \r
+                               tmpMenuInfo.fMask = MIM_APPLYTOSUBMENUS|MIM_STYLE\r
+                               tmpMenuInfo.dwStyle = MNS_CHECKORBMP|MNS_MODELESS\r
+                               SetMenuInfo(_hmenu, tmpMenuInfo)\r
+                               \r
+                               iteminfo.fMask=MIIM_SUBMENU\r
+                               iteminfo.hSubMenu=_hmenu                                        \r
+                               SetMenuItemInfoW _pmenu,_item,True,iteminfo\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       \r
+                       If _state&STATE_DISABLED SetEnabled(False)\r
+                       If _state&STATE_SELECTED SetSelected(True)\r
+                       \r
+                       If _iconBitmap Then SetMenuItemBitmaps(_pMenu,_key,MF_BYCOMMAND,_iconBitmap,Null)\r
+               Else\r
+                       If popup\r
+                               _hmenu=CreatePopupMenu()\r
+                       Else\r
+                               If kids _hmenu=CreateMenu_()\r
+                       EndIf\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               For Local kid:TWindowsMenu = EachIn kids\r
+                       kid.Open\r
+               Next\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method FreeKids()\r
+               For Local kid:TWindowsMenu = EachIn kids\r
+                       kid.Close\r
+               Next\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Close()\r
+               FreeKids()\r
+               If _hmenu\r
+                       DestroyMenu _hmenu\r
+                       _hmenu=0\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetPixmap(pixmap:TPixmap,pFlags)\r
+               If Not (pFlags & GADGETPIXMAP_ICON) Then Return\r
+               If _iconBitmap Then DeleteObject(_iconBitmap);_iconBitmap = 0\r
+               If pixmap Then\r
+                       pixmap = PixmapWindow(pixmap,0,0,Min(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK),PixmapWidth(pixmap)),Min(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENUCHECK),PixmapHeight(pixmap)))\r
+                       If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() >= 2 Then\r
+                               _iconBitmap = TWindowsGraphic.PreMultipliedBitmapFromPixmap32( pixmap )\r
+                       Else\r
+                               Local tmpRGB = GetSysColor(COLOR_MENU)\r
+                               _iconBitmap = TWindowsGraphic.BitmapWithBackgroundFromPixmap32( pixmap, tmpRGB&$FF, (tmpRGB Shr 8) & $FF, (tmpRGB Shr 16) & $FF )\r
+                       EndIf\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method SetTooltip( pTooltip$ )\r
+               'Menus shouldn't have tool-tips.\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Class()\r
+               Return GADGET_MENUITEM\r
+       EndMethod\r
+Type TWindowsIconStrip Extends TIconStrip\r
+       \r
+       Field   _blanks[]\r
+       Field   _imagelist\r
+       Function DetectNotBlank(pixmap:TPixmap,xx,n)\r
+               Local c = pixmap.ReadPixel(xx,0), y\r
+               For Local x=0 Until n\r
+                       For y=0 Until n\r
+                               If pixmap.ReadPixel(xx+x,y)<>c Return True\r
+                       Next\r
+               Next\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Method IsBlankIcon(n)\r
+               Return _blanks[n]\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Function RemoveMask(pixmap:TPixmap)\r
+               If pixmap.format<>( PF_RGBA8888 ) And pixmap.format<>( PF_BGRA8888 ) Return\r
+               Local w = pixmap.width, h = pixmap.height, y, c\r
+               For Local x=0 Until w\r
+                       For y=0 Until h\r
+                               c=pixmap.ReadPixel(x,y)                         \r
+                               If c>=0 pixmap.WritePixel x,y,-1\r
+                       Next\r
+               Next\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function BuildImageList(pixmap:TPixmap)\r
+               Local bitmap,imagelist,sz,mask\r
+               sz=pixmap.height\r
+               If TWindowsGUIDriver.CheckCommonControlVersion() And (Pixmap.format=PF_RGBA8888 Or pixmap.format=PF_BGRA8888)\r
+                       imagelist=ImageList_Create(sz,sz,ILC_COLOR32,0,1)\r
+                       If imagelist\r
+                               bitmap=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapFromPixmap(pixmap, True)\r
+                               ImageList_Add(imagelist,bitmap,0)\r
+                       EndIf\r
+               EndIf\r
+               If imagelist=0\r
+                       bitmap=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapFromPixmap(pixmap, False)\r
+                       mask=TWindowsGraphic.BitmapMaskFromPixmap(pixmap)\r
+                       imagelist=ImageList_Create(sz,sz,ILC_COLOR24|ILC_MASK,0,1)\r
+                       ImageList_Add(imagelist,bitmap,mask)\r
+                       DeleteObject(mask)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               DeleteObject(bitmap)\r
+               Return imagelist\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       Function Create:TWindowsIconStrip(source:Object)\r
+               Local   icons:TWindowsIconStrip\r
+               Local   imagelist\r
+               Local   n,i,sz\r
+               Local   blanks[]\r
+               \r
+               'Get a 24-bit pixmap from source                                \r
+               Local pix:TPixmap = TPixmap(source)\r
+               If Not pix pix = LoadPixmap(source)\r
+               If Not pix Return\r
+               \r
+               'Detect blank icons in the set          \r
+               sz=pix.height;If sz n=pix.width/sz\r
+               If n=0 Return   \r
+               blanks=New Int[n]\r
+               For i=0 Until n\r
+                       blanks[i]=Not DetectNotBlank(pix,i*sz,sz)\r
+               Next\r
+               \r
+               'Build a Win32 Image-List\r
+               imagelist=BuildImageList(pix)           \r
+               icons = New TWindowsIconStrip\r
+               icons.pixmap = pix\r
+               icons.count=n\r
+               icons._blanks=blanks\r
+               icons._imagelist=imagelist\r
+                               \r
+               Return icons\r
+       EndFunction     \r
+       \r
+       Function CreateBlank:TWindowsIconStrip()\r
+               Return Create(CreatePixmap(1,1,PF_BGR888))\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Method Delete()\r
+               If _imagelist Then\r
+                       ImageList_Destroy(_imagelist)\r
+                       _imagelist = 0\r
+               EndIf\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+Type TWindowsFont Extends TGuiFont\r
+               \r
+       Method Load:TWindowsFont(_name$,_size:Double,_style)\r
+               \r
+               If handle Then DeleteObject handle;handle = 0\r
+               \r
+               Local   cfweight = FW_NORMAL\r
+               Local cfsize = -LogicalUnitsFromSize( _size )\r
+               \r
+               If _style & FONT_BOLD cfweight=FW_BOLD\r
+               handle=CreateFontW( cfsize, 0,0,0,cfweight,..\r
+                       (_style & FONT_ITALIC) ,..\r
+                       (_style & FONT_UNDERLINE),..\r
+                       (_style & FONT_STRIKETHROUGH),..\r
+                       DEFAULT_CHARSET,..\r
+                       OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,..\r
+                       CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,..\r
+                       ANTIALIASED_QUALITY,..\r
+                       DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE,..\r
+                       _name.toWString())\r
+               \r
+               'Now lets test to see whether the right font was found\r
+               \r
+               name = NameFromHandle(handle)\r
+               \r
+               'If the font returned has a different name to that requested, let's try the symbol character set\r
+               \r
+               If name.ToLower() <> _name.ToLower() Then\r
+                       Local tmpSymbolHandle = CreateFontW( cfsize, 0,0,0,cfweight,..\r
+                                                       (_style & FONT_ITALIC) ,..\r
+                                                       (_style & FONT_UNDERLINE),..\r
+                                                       (_style & FONT_STRIKETHROUGH),..\r
+                                                       SYMBOL_CHARSET,..\r
+                                                       OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,..\r
+                                                       CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,..\r
+                                                       ANTIALIASED_QUALITY,..\r
+                                                       DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE,..\r
+                                                       _name.toWString())\r
+                       \r
+                       Local strSymbolName:String = NameFromHandle(tmpSymbolHandle)\r
+                       \r
+                       'If we now have a match, delete the first font returned and use the new symbol one.\r
+                       \r
+                       If strSymbolName.ToLower() = _name.ToLower() Then\r
+                               DeleteObject handle\r
+                               handle = tmpSymbolHandle\r
+                               name = strSymbolName\r
+                       Else\r
+                               DeleteObject tmpSymbolHandle\r
+                       EndIf\r
+                       \r
+               EndIf\r
+                       \r
+               size=_size\r
+               style=_style\r
+               \r
+               Return Self\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method LoadFromLogFont:TWindowsFont( pLogFont:LOGFONTW, pStyle% = 0, pSize:Double = 0:Double )\r
+               \r
+               If pLogFont.lfWeight>=FW_BOLD Then pStyle:| FONT_BOLD\r
+               If pLogFont.lfItalic Then pStyle:| FONT_ITALIC\r
+               If pLogFont.lfUnderline Then pStyle:| FONT_UNDERLINE\r
+               If pLogFont.lfStrikeOut Then pStyle:| FONT_STRIKETHROUGH\r
+               \r
+               style = pStyle\r
+               \r
+               If Not pSize Then pSize = SizeFromLogFont( pLogFont )\r
+               \r
+               size = pSize\r
+               \r
+               SetLogFontProperties( pLogFont, pStyle, pSize )\r
+               \r
+               name = String.FromWString( Varptr pLogFont.lfFaceName00 )\r
+               \r
+               If handle Then DeleteObject handle\r
+               handle = CreateFontIndirectW( pLogFont )\r
+               \r
+               Return Self\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method LoadFromHandle:TWindowsFont(hfont)\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpLogFont:LOGFONTW = New LOGFONTW\r
+               GetObjectW( hfont, SizeOf(LOGFONTW), tmpLogFont )\r
+               Return LoadFromLogFont( tmpLogFont )\r
+               \r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method CharWidth( charcode )\r
+               Local hdc=GetDC(0)      \r
+               Local tfont=SelectObject( hdc,handle )\r
+               \r
+               Local width=8,widths[3]\r
+               \r
+               If GetCharABCWidthsW( hdc,charcode,charcode,widths )\r
+                       width=widths[0]+widths[1]+widths[2]\r
+               Else If GetCharWidth32W( hdc,charcode,charcode,widths )\r
+                       width=widths[0]\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               SelectObject hdc,tfont\r
+               ReleaseDC 0,hdc\r
+               \r
+               Return width\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method GetMaxCharWidth()        \r
+               Local hdc=GetDC(0)\r
+               Local tfont=SelectObject(hdc,handle)\r
+               Local tm:TEXTMETRIC=New TEXTMETRIC              \r
+               GetTextMetricsW hdc,tm\r
+               SelectObject(hdc,tfont)\r
+               ReleaseDC(0,hdc)                \r
+               Return tm.tmAveCharWidth\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Method Delete()\r
+               If handle Then DeleteObject handle\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       \r
+       Function Request:TWindowsFont(font:TGuiFont)\r
+               \r
+               Local   lf:LOGFONTW = New LOGFONTW\r
+               Local   cf:CHOOSEFONT = New CHOOSEFONT\r
+               \r
+               cf.lStructSize=SizeOf(cf)\r
+               cf.hwndOwner=TWindowsGUIDriver.GetActiveHwnd()\r
+               cf.lpLogFont=lf\r
+               cf.Flags=CF_BOTH\r
+               \r
+               If font\r
+                       Local p:Short Ptr = Short Ptr(Varptr lf.lfFaceName00)\r
+                       For Local i = 0 Until Min(, 31)\r
+                               p[i][i]\r
+                       Next\r
+                       SetLogFontProperties( lf,, font.size )                       \r
+                       cf.Flags:|CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               Local hwnd = GetFocus()\r
+               Local n = ChooseFontW(cf)\r
+               SetFocus(hwnd)\r
+               If Not n Return\r
+               \r
+               Local style\r
+               If cf.nFontType&BOLD_FONTTYPE style:|FONT_BOLD\r
+               If cf.nFontType&ITALIC_FONTTYPE style:|FONT_ITALIC\r
+               Return New TWindowsFont.LoadFromLogFont( lf, style, cf.iPointSize/Double(10) )\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function DefaultFont:TWindowsFont( pFontSize:Double = 0, pFontStyle% = FONT_NORMAL )\r
+               \r
+               'Attempts to get hold of the Windows themed font (typically Tahoma on XP, Segeo UI on Vista)\r
+               Local tmpNonClientMetrics:NONCLIENTMETRICSW = New NONCLIENTMETRICSW\r
+               \r
+               If SystemParametersInfoW And SystemParametersInfoW( SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, Int Byte Ptr tmpNonClientMetrics, 0 ) Then\r
+                       Local tmpLogFont:LOGFONTW = New LOGFONTW\r
+                       MemCopy tmpLogFont, Varptr tmpNonClientMetrics.lfMessageFont_lfHeight, SizeOf(tmpLogFont)\r
+                       Return New TWindowsFont.LoadFromLogFont( tmpLogFont, pFontStyle, pFontSize )\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               'If these functions, for whatever reason, fail, then the default GUI font is used (typically MS Sans Serif).\r
+               'Note: A font size of '8' has has been hard-coded in as no reliable substitute can be found, however this may cause\r
+               'text to appear too small in some languages/lacalizations.\r
+               If pFontSize <= 0 Then pFontSize = 8\r
+               Return New TWindowsFont.Load( "MS Shell Dlg", pFontSize, pFontStyle )\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function NameFromHandle:String( pFntHandle:Int )\r
+               \r
+               Local hdc = GetDC(0), buffer:Short[512]\r
+               Local tfont = SelectObject(hdc,pFntHandle)\r
+               \r
+               If Not GetTextFaceW(hdc,buffer.length,buffer) buffer[0] = 0\r
+               \r
+               SelectObject(hdc, tfont)\r
+               ReleaseDC(0,hdc)\r
+               \r
+               Return String.FromWString(buffer)\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function LogicalUnitsFromSize( pSize:Double )\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpDC:Int = GetDC(0)\r
+               Local tmpSize:Int = (pSize * GetDeviceCaps(tmpDC,LOGPIXELSY))/72 + 0.5\r
+               ReleaseDC( 0, tmpDC )\r
+               Return tmpSize\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function SizeFromLogFont:Double( pLogFont:LOGFONTW )\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpDC:Int = GetDC(0)\r
+               Local tmpSize:Double = (Abs(pLogFont.lfHeight) * Double(72.0) )/GetDeviceCaps(tmpDC,LOGPIXELSY)\r
+               ReleaseDC( 0, tmpDC )\r
+               Return tmpSize\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function SetLogFontProperties( pLogFont:LOGFONTW, pFlags%, pSize:Double = 0:Double )\r
+               \r
+               If pFlags&FONT_BOLD Then pLogFont.lfWeight=FW_BOLD Else pLogFont.lfWeight=FW_NORMAL\r
+               If pFlags&FONT_ITALIC Then pLogFont.lfItalic=True Else pLogFont.lfItalic=False\r
+               If pFlags&FONT_UNDERLINE Then pLogFont.lfUnderline=True Else pLogFont.lfUnderline=False\r
+               If pFlags&FONT_STRIKETHROUGH Then pLogFont.lfStrikeOut=True Else pLogFont.lfStrikeOut=False\r
+               \r
+               If pSize > 0 Then pLogFont.lfHeight = -LogicalUnitsFromSize( pSize )\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+'A collection of functions that convert between Blitz pixmaps and Windows icons/bitmaps.\r
+Type TWindowsGraphic Final\r
+       \r
+       Function BitmapMaskFromPixmap:Int(pix:TPixmap)\r
+               \r
+               Local x, pix2:TPixmap, usealpha\r
+               \r
+               If PixmapFormat(pix) = PF_RGBA8888 Or PixmapFormat(pix) = PF_BGRA8888 Then usealpha = True\r
+               \r
+               pix2=ConvertPixmap(pix,PF_BGR888);ClearPixels(pix2)\r
+               \r
+               For Local y:Int = 0 Until pix.height\r
+                       For x = 0 Until pix.width\r
+                               If usealpha\r
+                                       If (ReadPixel(pix,x,y) Shr 24) < 128 Then WritePixel(pix2,x,y,$FFFFFF)\r
+                               Else\r
+                                       If (ReadPixel(pix,x,y) & $FFFFFF) = $FFFFFF Then WritePixel(pix2,x,y,$FFFFFF)\r
+                               EndIf\r
+                       Next\r
+               Next\r
+       \r
+               Return BitmapFromPixmap(pix2,False)\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function PreMultipliedBitmapFromPixmap32:Int( pix:TPixmap )\r
+               \r
+               Local argb, a\r
+               Local pix2:TPixmap = CreatePixmap( pix.width, pix.height, pix.format), x\r
+               \r
+               For Local y:Int = 0 Until pix.height\r
+                       For x = 0 Until pix.width\r
+                               argb = ReadPixel(pix,x,y)\r
+                               a = ((argb Shr 24) & $FF)\r
+                               WritePixel(pix2,x,y,((((argb&$ff00ff)*a)Shr 8)&$ff00ff)|((((argb&$ff00)*a)Shr 8)&$ff00)|(a Shl 24))\r
+                       Next\r
+               Next\r
+               \r
+               Return BitmapFromPixmap(pix2,True)\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function BitmapFromPixmap:Int(pix:TPixmap, alpha:Int = True)\r
+               \r
+               Local bitCount:Int = 32, format:Int = PF_BGRA8888, bm\r
+               \r
+               If Not alpha Then\r
+                       bitCount = 24\r
+                       format = PF_BGR888\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               pix=ConvertPixmap(pix,format)\r
+       \r
+               Local hdc = GetDC(0)\r
+               \r
+               Local bi:BITMAPINFOHEADER = New BITMAPINFOHEADER        \r
+               bi.biSize=SizeOf(bi)\r
+               bi.biWidth=pix.width\r
+               bi.biHeight=-pix.height\r
+               bi.biPlanes=1\r
+               bi.biBitCount=bitCount\r
+               bi.biCompression=BI_RGB\r
+       \r
+               Local bits:Byte Ptr\r
+               Local src:Byte Ptr = pix.pixels\r
+               \r
+               If alpha\r
+                       bm = CreateDibSection(hdc,bi,DIB_RGB_COLORS,Varptr bits,0,0)\r
+               Else\r
+                       bm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc,pix.width,pix.height)\r
+               EndIf\r
+               \r
+               Assert bm, "Cannot create bitmap.  The computer may be running low on resources."\r
+               \r
+               For Local y:Int = 0 Until pix.height\r
+                       SetDIBits(hdc,bm,pix.height-y-1,1,src,bi,DIB_RGB_COLORS)\r
+                       src:+pix.pitch\r
+               Next\r
+               \r
+               ReleaseDC(0,hdc)\r
+               \r
+               Return bm\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       \r
+       Function BitmapWithBackgroundFromPixmap32:Int( pix:TPixmap, pRed, pGreen, pBlue )\r
+               \r
+               Local tmpPixel, tmpRed, tmpGreen, tmpBlue, tmpAlpha, tmpAlphaFloat#, tmpAlphaFloat2#\r
+               Local pix2:TPixmap = CreatePixmap( pix.width, pix.height, pix.format), x\r
+               \r
+               For Local y:Int = 0 Until pix.height\r
+                       For x = 0 Until pix.width\r
+                               \r
+                               'Read pixel and alpha info\r
+                               tmpPixel = ReadPixel(pix,x,y)\r
+                               tmpAlpha = ((tmpPixel Shr 24) & $FF)\r
+                               tmpAlphaFloat = tmpAlpha/255.0\r
+                               tmpAlphaFloat2 = 1-tmpAlphaFloat\r
+                               \r
+                               'Get individual colours\r
+                               tmpBlue = tmpPixel & $FF;tmpGreen = (tmpPixel Shr 8) & $FF;tmpRed = (tmpPixel Shr 16)&$FF\r
+                               \r
+                               'Courtesy of Mark T\r
+                               tmpRed = (tmpRed * tmpAlphaFloat) + (tmpAlphaFloat2 * pRed)\r
+                               tmpGreen = (tmpGreen * tmpAlphaFloat) + (tmpAlphaFloat2  * pGreen)\r
+                               tmpBlue = (tmpBlue * tmpAlphaFloat) + (tmpAlphaFloat2  * pBlue)\r
+                               \r
+                               'Write the new pixels\r
+                               WritePixel(pix2,x,y,(tmpAlpha Shl 24)|(tmpRed Shl 16)|(tmpGreen Shl 8)|tmpBlue)\r
+                       Next\r
+               Next\r
+               \r
+               Return BitmapFromPixmap(pix2,False)\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+       Function IconFromPixmap32:Int(pix:TPixmap)\r
+               \r
+               ' Convert the pixmap to a HBITMAP\r
+               Local bitmap = BitmapFromPixmap(pix,True)\r
+               \r
+               ' and then copy/resize it (to the default size for icons/cusors).\r
+               Local hSrcBMP = CopyImage(bitmap, IMAGE_BITMAP , 0 , 0 , LR_DEFAULTSIZE)\r
+               \r
+               ' Now we need to create a mask bitmap for the image\r
+               Local hMaskBMP = BitmapMaskFromPixmap( pix )\r
+               \r
+               ' So now we have our source and mask bitmaps, we can create an ICONINFO structure\r
+               Local IconInf:ICONINFO = New IconInfo\r
+               IconInf.fIcon = True\r
+               IconInf.hbmMask = hMaskBMP\r
+               IconInf.hbmColor = hSrcBMP\r
+               \r
+               ' Create the icon\r
+               Local tmpIcon = CreateIconIndirect(IconInf)\r
+               \r
+               ' Free our temporary bitmaps\r
+               DeleteObject(hMaskBMP)\r
+               DeleteObject(hSrcBMP)\r
+               DeleteObject(bitmap)\r
+               \r
+               Return tmpIcon\r
+               \r
+       EndFunction\r
+Function KeyMods()\r
+       Local mods\r
+       If GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)&$8000 mods:|MODIFIER_SHIFT\r
+       If GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)&$8000 mods:|MODIFIER_CONTROL\r
+       If GetKeyState(VK_MENU)&$8000 mods:|MODIFIER_OPTION\r
+       If GetKeyState(VK_LWIN)&$8000 Or GetKeyState(VK_RWIN)&$8000 mods:|MODIFIER_SYSTEM\r
+       Return mods\r
+Function FindGadgetWindowHwnd(g:TGadget)\r
+       Local wg:TWindowsWindow\r
+       While g\r
+               wg=TWindowsWindow(g)\r
+               If wg Return wg.Query(QUERY_HWND)       'handle\r
+               g=g.parent\r
+       Wend\r
+Type TIntWrapper Final\r
+       Field value:Int\r
+       Function Create:TIntWrapper(value:Int)\r
+               Local tmpWrapper:TIntWrapper = New TIntWrapper\r
+               tmpWrapper.value = value\r
+               Return tmpWrapper\r
+       EndFunction\r
+       Method Compare( o:Object )\r
+               Local c:TIntWrapper = TIntWrapper(o)\r
+               If c Then Return (value - c.value)\r
+               Return Super.Compare(o)\r
+       EndMethod\r
+       Method ToString$()\r
+               Return value\r
+       EndMethod\r
index 6849ee870de51047850541bd6ec4e0bdf386dfcf..2329c8004f9585b766db4c012cc2cddfce32d8a4 100644 (file)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 @echo off\r
-windres -o ../xpmanifest.o resources.rc
\ No newline at end of file
+windres -o ../xpmanifest.o xp.rc\r
diff --git a/mod/maxgui.mod/xpmanifest.mod/resources/resources.rc b/mod/maxgui.mod/xpmanifest.mod/resources/resources.rc
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 78b2682..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#define RT_MANIFEST    24\r
-#define MANIFEST_ID    1\r
-MANIFEST_ID            RT_MANIFEST     "xp.manifest"\r
index ae006b538ac16185cea78c99b18935539bd68d96..b0c91a36036a97fd2a9d6dd1ff856f4980535953 100644 (file)
@@ -1,12 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>\r
 <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns:asmv3="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3" >\r
-  <asmv3:application>\r
-    <asmv3:windowsSettings xmlns="">\r
-      <dpiAware>true</dpiAware>\r
-    </asmv3:windowsSettings>\r
-  </asmv3:application>\r
diff --git a/mod/maxgui.mod/xpmanifest.mod/resources/xp.rc b/mod/maxgui.mod/xpmanifest.mod/resources/xp.rc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..78b2682
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#define RT_MANIFEST    24\r
+#define MANIFEST_ID    1\r
+MANIFEST_ID            RT_MANIFEST     "xp.manifest"\r
index c3cf023bb3651e12c0f28cbc93356c762c23b60a..9c30735728fc77719f478719a73f4f6ecce54e69 100644 (file)
Binary files a/mod/maxgui.mod/xpmanifest.mod/xpmanifest.o and b/mod/maxgui.mod/xpmanifest.mod/xpmanifest.o differ
index 91db7fb2f1d920ae050934d9e840106392277723..2f610b84e4d4b3ff3cb5419f8f143eb86e847ac2 100644 (file)
-Const MAX_PATH=260
-' popupmenus
-Const TPM_LAYOUTRTL=$8000
-' clipboard formats
-Const CF_TEXT=1
-Const CF_BITMAP=2
-Const CF_SYLK=4
-Const CF_DIF=5
-Const CF_TIFF=6
-Const CF_DIB=8
-Const CF_PENDATA=10
-Const CF_RIFF=11
-Const CF_WAVE=12
-Const CF_HDROP=15
-Const CF_LOCALE=16
-Const CF_DIBV5=17
-Const CF_DSPTEXT=$0081
-Const CF_DSPBITMAP=$0082
-' "Private" formats don't get GlobalFree()'d
-' "GDIOBJ" formats do get DeleteObject()'d
-' virtualkey modifiers
-Const VK_SHIFT=$10
-Const VK_CONTROL=$11
-Const VK_MENU=$12
-Const VK_LWIN=$5b
-Const VK_RWIN=$5c
-' windows hooks
-Const WH_CBT=5
-Const WH_MOUSE=7
-Const WH_DEBUG=9
-Const WH_SHELL=10
-Const WH_MOUSE_LL=14
-' wndclass styles
-Const CS_NOKEYCVT=256
-Const CS_CLASSDC=64
-Const CS_NOCLOSE=512
-Const CS_OWNDC=32
-Const CS_PARENTDC=128
-Const CS_SAVEBITS=2048
-Const CW_USEDEFAULT=$80000000
-' window styles
-Const WS_BORDER=$800000
-Const WS_CAPTION=$c00000
-Const WS_CHILD=$40000000
-Const WS_CHILDWINDOW=$40000000
-Const WS_CLIPCHILDREN=$2000000
-Const WS_CLIPSIBLINGS=$4000000
-Const WS_DISABLED=$8000000
-Const WS_DLGFRAME=$400000
-Const WS_GROUP=$20000
-Const WS_HSCROLL=$100000
-Const WS_ICONIC=$20000000
-Const WS_MAXIMIZE=$1000000
-Const WS_MAXIMIZEBOX=$10000
-Const WS_MINIMIZE=$20000000
-Const WS_MINIMIZEBOX=$20000
-Const WS_POPUP=$80000000
-Const WS_POPUPWINDOW=$80880000
-Const WS_SIZEBOX=$40000
-Const WS_SYSMENU=$80000
-Const WS_TABSTOP=$10000
-Const WS_THICKFRAME=$40000
-Const WS_TILED=0
-Const WS_TILEDWINDOW=$cf0000
-Const WS_VISIBLE=$10000000
-Const WS_VSCROLL=$200000
-' windows extended styles
-Const WS_EX_RIGHT=$1000
-Const WS_EX_LEFT=0
-Const WS_EX_STATICEDGE=$20000
-Const WS_EX_APPWINDOW=$40000
-Const WS_EX_LAYERED=$80000
-Const WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL=$400000
-Const WS_EX_COMPOSITED=$2000000
-Const WS_EX_NOACTIVATE=$8000000
-' windows messages
-Const WM_APP=32768
-Const WM_AFXFIRST=864
-Const WM_AFXLAST=895
-Const WM_CHAR=258
-Const WM_CLEAR=771
-Const WM_CLOSE=16
-Const WM_COMMAND=273
-Const WM_COPY=769
-Const WM_CREATE=1
-Const WM_CUT=768
-Const WM_DEADCHAR=259
-Const WM_ENABLE=10
-Const WM_GETFONT=49
-Const WM_GETICON=127
-Const WM_GETTEXT=13
-Const WM_HELP=83
-Const WM_HOTKEY=786
-Const WM_HSCROLL=276
-Const WM_INITMENU=278
-Const WM_KEYDOWN=256
-Const WM_KEYUP=257
-Const WM_MDINEXT=548
-Const WM_MDITILE=550
-Const WM_MENUCHAR=288
-Const WM_NEXTMENU=531
-Const WM_MOVE=3
-Const WM_MOVING=534
-Const WM_NCCREATE=129
-Const WM_NCPAINT=133
-Const WM_NOTIFY=78
-Const WM_NULL=0
-Const WM_PAINT=15
-Const WM_PASTE=770
-Const WM_POWER=72
-Const WM_PRINT=791
-Const WM_QUIT=18
-Const WM_SETFONT=48
-Const WM_SETICON=128
-Const WM_SETTEXT=12
-Const WM_SIZE=5
-Const WM_SIZING=532
-Const WM_SYSCHAR=262
-Const WM_SYSKEYUP=261
-Const WM_TCARD=82
-Const WM_TIMER=275
-Const WM_UNDO=772
-Const WM_USER=1024
-Const WM_VSCROLL=277
-Const WM_KEYFIRST=256
-Const WM_KEYLAST=264
-' setwindowpos flags
-Const HWND_TOP=0
-' scroll info
-Const SB_HORZ=0
-Const SB_VERT=1
-Const SB_CTL=2
-Const SB_BOTH=3
-Const SB_LINEUP=0
-Const SB_PAGEUP=2
-Const SB_TOP=6
-Const SB_LEFT=6
-Const SB_BOTTOM=7
-Const SB_RIGHT=7
-Const SIF_RANGE=$0001
-Const SIF_PAGE=$0002
-Const SIF_POS=$0004
-Const SIF_TRACKPOS=$0010
-       Field cbSize
-       Field fMask
-       Field nMin
-       Field nMax
-       Field nPage
-       Field nPos
-       Field nTrackPos
-End Type
-' loadcursor consts
-Const IDC_ARROW=32512
-Const IDC_IBEAM=32513
-Const IDC_WAIT=32514
-Const IDC_CROSS=32515
-Const IDC_UPARROW=32516
-Const IDC_SIZENWSE=32642
-Const IDC_SIZENESW=32643
-Const IDC_SIZEWE=32644
-Const IDC_SIZENS=32645
-Const IDC_SIZEALL=32646
-Const IDC_NO=32648
-Const IDC_HAND=32649
-Const IDC_HELP=32651
-Const IDC_ICON=32641
-Const IDC_SIZE=32640
-' changedisplaysettings flags
-Const CDS_TEST=2
-Const CDS_RESET=$40000000
-Const CDS_SETRECT=$20000000
-Const CDS_NORESET=$10000000
-' changedisplaysettings results
-' PeekMessage param wRemoveMsg
-Const PM_REMOVE=1
-' MsgWaitForMultipleObjects param dwWakeMask
-Const QS_ALLINPUT=255
-Const QS_HOTKEY=128
-Const QS_INPUT=7
-Const QS_KEY=1
-Const QS_MOUSE=6
-Const QS_PAINT=32
-Const QS_TIMER=16
-' ShowWindow commands
-Const SW_HIDE=0
-Const SW_NORMAL=1
-Const SW_SHOW=5
-Const SW_SHOWNA=8
-Const SW_MAX=11
-' menu flags
-Const MF_INSERT=0
-Const MF_CHANGE=$80
-Const MF_APPEND=$100
-Const MF_DELETE=$200
-Const MF_REMOVE=$1000
-Const MF_SEPARATOR=$800
-Const MF_GRAYED=1
-Const MF_STRING=0
-Const MF_BITMAP=4
-Const MF_OWNERDRAW=$100
-Const MF_POPUP=$10
-Const MF_HILITE=$80
-Const MF_DEFAULT=$1000
-Const MF_SYSMENU=$2000
-Const MF_HELP=$4000
-Const MF_END=$80
-' menu item info
-Const MIIM_ID=2
-Const MIIM_TYPE=$10
-Const MIIM_DATA=$20
-Const MIIM_STRING=$40
-Const MIIM_BITMAP=$80
-Const MIIM_FTYPE=$100
-       Field   cbSize,fMask,fType,fState,wID
-       Field   hSubMenu,hbmpChecked,hbmpUnchecked
-       Field   dwItemData:Int Ptr
-       Field   dwTypeData:Short Ptr
-       Field   cch
-       Field   hbmpItem
-End Type
-Const GWL_STYLE=-16
-Const GWL_EXSTYLE=-20
-Const GWL_ID=-12
-Const GCL_HCURSOR=-12
-Const GCL_HICON=-14
-Const GCL_HMODULE=-16
-Const GCL_WNDPROC=-24
-Const GCL_STYLE=-26
-Const GCW_ATOM=-32
-Const GCL_HICONSM=-34
-Const WA_ACTIVE=1
-Type MSG
-       Field hwnd
-       Field message
-       Field wParam
-       Field lParam
-       Field time
-       Field pt_x,pt_y
-End Type
-       Field style
-       Field lpfnWndProc:Byte Ptr
-       Field cbClsExtra
-       Field cbWndExtra
-       Field hInstance
-       Field hIcon
-       Field hCursor
-       Field hbrBackground
-       Field lpszMenuName:Byte Ptr
-       Field lpszClassName:Byte Ptr
-End Type
-       Field style
-       Field lpfnWndProc:Byte Ptr
-       Field cbClsExtra
-       Field cbWndExtra
-       Field hInstance
-       Field hIcon
-       Field hCursor
-       Field hbrBackground
-       Field lpszMenuName:Short Ptr
-       Field lpszClassName:Short Ptr
-End Type
-       Field reserved0,reserved1
-       Field maxw,maxh
-       Field maxx,maxy
-       Field minw,minh
-       Field minx,miny
-End Type
-       Field cbSize
-       Field rcWindowl,rcWindowt,rcWindowr,rcWindowb
-       Field rcClientl,rcClientt,rcClientr,rcClientb   
-       Field dwStyle
-    Field dwExStyle
-    Field dwWindowStatus
-    Field cxWindowBorders
-    Field cyWindowBorders
-    Field atomWindowType
-    Field wCreatorVersion:Short        
-End Type
-       Field hdc
-       Field fErase
-       Field rcPaint_left
-       Field rcPaint_top
-       Field rcPaint_right
-       Field rcPaint_bottom
-       Field fRestore 
-       Field fIncUpdate
-       Field res0,res1,res2,res3
-       Field res4,res5,res6,res7
-End Type
-Const RECT_LEFT=0
-Const RECT_TOP=1
-Const POINT_X=0
-Const POINT_Y=1
-Extern "Win32"
-Function SetCapture( hwnd )
-Function ReleaseCapture()
-Function RegisterClassA( lpWndClass:Byte Ptr )
-Function RegisterClassW( lpWndClass:Byte Ptr )
-Function CreateWindowExA( dwExStyle,lpClassName:Byte Ptr,lpWindowName:Byte Ptr,dwStyle,x,y,nWidth,nHeight,hWndParent,hMenu,hInstance,lpParam:Byte Ptr )
-Function CreateWindowExW( dwExStyle,lpClassName$w,lpWindowName$w,dwStyle,x,y,nWidth,nHeight,hWndParent,hMenu,hInstance,lpParam:Byte Ptr )
-Function DefWindowProcA( hWnd,MSG,wParam,lParam )
-Function DefWindowProcW( hWnd,MSG,wParam,lParam )
-Function DispatchMessageA( lpMsg:Byte Ptr )
-Function DispatchMessageW( lpMsg:Byte Ptr )
-Function GetMessageA( lpMsg:Byte Ptr,hWnd,wMsgFilterMin,wMsgFilterMax )
-Function GetMessageW( lpMsg:Byte Ptr,hWnd,wMsgFilterMin,wMsgFilterMax )
-Function PeekMessageA( lpMsg:Byte Ptr,hWnd,wMsgFilterMin,wMsgFilterMax,wRemoveMsg )
-Function PeekMessageW( lpMsg:Byte Ptr,hWnd,wMsgFilterMin,wMsgFilterMax,wRemoveMsg )
-Function PostMessageA( hWnd,MSG,wParam,lParam )
-Function PostMessageW( hWnd,MSG,wParam,lParam )
-Function SendMessageA( hWnd,MSG,wParam,lParam )
-Function SendMessageW( hWnd,MSG,wParam,lParam )
-Function PostThreadMessageA( idThread,Msg,wParam,lParam )
-Function PostThreadMessageW( idThread,Msg,wParam,lParam )
-Function GetDC( hWnd )
-Function PostQuitMessage( nExitCode )
-Function TranslateMessage( lpMsg:Byte Ptr )
-Function DestroyWindow( hWnd )
-Function MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( nCount,pHandles:Byte Ptr,fWaitAll,dwMilliseconds,dwWakeMask )
-Function MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx( nCount,pHandles:Byte Ptr,dwMilliseconds,dwWakeMask,dwFlags )
-Function ChangeDisplaySettingsA( lpDevMode:Byte Ptr,dwFlags )
-Function ChangeDisplaySettingsW( lpDevMode:Byte Ptr,dwFlags )
-Function LoadCursorA( hInstance,lpCursorName:Byte Ptr )
-Function LoadCursorW( hInstance,lpCursorName:Short Ptr )
-Function ShowCursor( visible )
-Function SetCursor( hCursor )
-Function LoadIconA( resourceid,lpIconName:Byte Ptr )
-Function LoadIconW( resourceid,lpIconName:Short Ptr )
-Function LoadLibraryA( dll$z )
-Function GetProcAddress:Byte Ptr( libhandle,func$z )
-Function LoadLibraryW( dll$w )
-Function GetClientRect( hWnd,lpRect:Int Ptr )
-Function GetWindowRect( hWnd,lpRect:Int Ptr )
-Function GetDesktopWindow()
-Function AdjustWindowRect( rect:Int Ptr,style,menu )
-Function AdjustWindowRectEx( rect:Int Ptr,style,menu,exstyle )
-Function ClientToScreen( hwnd,point:Byte Ptr )
-Function ShowWindow( hwnd,nCmdShow )
-Function SetMenu( hwnd,hmenu )
-Function DrawMenuBar( hwnd )
-Function CreateMenu_()="CreateMenu@0"
-Function CreatePopupMenu()
-Function TrackPopupMenu(hMenu,uFLags,x,y,nReserved,hWnd,prcRect)
-Function DestroyMenu(hMenu)
-Function EnableMenuItem(hMenu,uIDEnableItem,uEnable)
-Function CheckMenuItem(hMenu,uIDCheckItem,uCheck)
-Function AppendMenuA(hMenu,uFlags,uIDNewItem,lpNewItem:Byte Ptr)
-Function AppendMenuW(hMenu,uFlags,uIDNewItem,lpNewItem:Byte Ptr)
-Function SetMenuItemInfoA( hMenu,item,fByPosition,info:Byte Ptr )
-Function SetMenuItemInfoW( hMenu,item,fByPosition,info:Byte Ptr )
-Function GetMenuItemCount( hMenu )
-Function SetWindowTextA( hwnd,text$z )
-Function SetWindowTextW( hwnd,text$w )
-Function SetWindowPos( hwnd,hwndInsertAfter,x,y,cx,cy,uFlags )
-Function GetForegroundWindow()
-Function SetForegroundWindow(hwnd)
-Function IsIconic(hwnd)
-Function GetParent_(hwnd)="GetParent@4"
-Function GetWindowLongA( hwnd,index )
-Function SetWindowLongA( hwnd,index,newlong )
-Function GetWindowLongW( hwnd,index )
-Function SetWindowLongW( hwnd,index,newlong )
-Function GetClassLongA( hwnd,index )
-Function SetClassLongA( hwnd,index,newlong )
-Function GetClassLongW( hwnd,index )
-Function SetClassLongW( hwnd,index,newlong )
-Function IsZoomed( hwnd )
-Function CallWindowProcA( proc:Byte Ptr,hwnd,msg,wp,lp )
-Function CallWindowProcW( proc:Byte Ptr,hwnd,msg,wp,lp )
-Function OleInitialize(pvReserved:Byte Ptr)
-Function OleUninitialize()
-Function InitCommonControlsEx(controlsex:Byte Ptr)
-Function SetScrollPos( hwnd,nBar,nPos,bRedraw )
-Function GetScrollPos( hwnd,nBar )
-Function SetScrollRange( hwnd,nBar,nMinPos,nMaxPos,bRedraw )
-Function GetScrollRange( hwnd,nBar,lpMinPos:Int Ptr,lpMaxPos:Int Ptr )
-Function ShowScrollBar( hwnd,wBar,bShow )
-Function EnableScrollBar( hwnd,wSBflags,wArrows )
-Function SetScrollInfo( hwnd,nBar,lpsi:SCROLLINFO,redraw )
-Function GetScrollInfo( hwnd,nBar,lpsi:SCROLLINFO )
-Function InvalidateRect( hWnd,lpRect:Int Ptr,bErase )
-Function ValidateRect( hWnd,lpRect:Int Ptr )
-Function BeginPaint( hWnd,lpPaint:Byte Ptr )
-Function FillRect( hdc,lpRect:Int Ptr,hbr )
-Function EndPaint( hWnd,lpPaint:Byte Ptr )
-Function SetFocus( hWnd )
-Function GetFocus()
-Function GetActiveWindow()
-Function SetActiveWindow( hWnd )
-Function MoveWindow( hWnd,x,y,w,h,bRepaint )
-Function SetParent_( hWnd,hWnd2 )="SetParent@8"
-Function WindowFromPoint( point:Int Ptr )
-Function GetKeyState(vkey)
-Function SetWindowsHookExW(idHook,lpfn:Byte Ptr,hmod,dwThreadId)
-Function CallNextHookEx(hhk,ncode,wparam,lparam)
-Function UnhookWindowsHookEx(hhk)
-Function EnableWindow( hWnd,enable )
-Function IsWindowEnabled( hWnd )
-Function IsWindowVisible( hWnd )
-Function GetWindowInfo( hWnd,winfo:Byte Ptr )
-Function GetCursorPos_( lpPoint:Int Ptr)="GetCursorPos@4"
-Function EnumChildWindows( hWnd,lpfn:Byte Ptr,lp )
-Function OpenClipboard(hWnd)
-Function CloseClipboard()
-Function SetClipboardData(uFormat,hMem)
-Function GetClipboardData(uFormat)
-Function EmptyClipboard()
-Function IsClipboardFormatAvailable(format)
-Function DefDlgProcW(hDlg,Msg,wParam,lParam)
-Function DragAcceptFiles(hWnd,fAccept)
-Function DragQueryPoint(hDrop,lpPoint:Int Ptr)
-Function DragQueryFileW(hDrop,iFile,lpszFile:Short Ptr,cch)
-Function DragFinish(hDrop)
-End Extern
+Const MAX_PATH=260\r
+' popupmenus\r
+Const TPM_VERTICAL=$40\r
+Const TPM_NONOTIFY=$80\r
+Const TPM_RETURNCMD=$100\r
+Const TPM_RECURSE=1\r
+Const TPM_NOANIMATION=$4000\r
+Const TPM_LAYOUTRTL=$8000\r
+' clipboard formats\r
+Const CF_TEXT=1\r
+Const CF_BITMAP=2\r
+Const CF_SYLK=4\r
+Const CF_DIF=5\r
+Const CF_TIFF=6\r
+Const CF_OEMTEXT=7\r
+Const CF_DIB=8\r
+Const CF_PALETTE=9\r
+Const CF_PENDATA=10\r
+Const CF_RIFF=11\r
+Const CF_WAVE=12\r
+Const CF_HDROP=15\r
+Const CF_LOCALE=16\r
+Const CF_DIBV5=17\r
+Const CF_OWNERDISPLAY=$0080\r
+Const CF_DSPTEXT=$0081\r
+Const CF_DSPBITMAP=$0082\r
+' "Private" formats don't get GlobalFree()'d\r
+Const CF_PRIVATEFIRST=$0200\r
+' "GDIOBJ" formats do get DeleteObject()'d\r
+Const CF_GDIOBJFIRST=$0300\r
+' virtualkey modifiers\r
+Const VK_SHIFT=$10\r
+Const VK_CONTROL=$11\r
+Const VK_MENU=$12\r
+Const VK_LWIN=$5b\r
+Const VK_RWIN=$5c\r
+' windows hooks\r
+Const WH_MSGFILTER=-1\r
+Const WH_KEYBOARD=2\r
+Const WH_CBT=5\r
+Const WH_MOUSE=7\r
+Const WH_HARDWARE=8\r
+Const WH_DEBUG=9\r
+Const WH_SHELL=10\r
+Const WH_KEYBOARD_LL=13\r
+Const WH_MOUSE_LL=14\r
+' wndclass styles\r
+Const CS_NOKEYCVT=256\r
+Const CS_CLASSDC=64\r
+Const CS_DBLCLKS=8\r
+Const CS_GLOBALCLASS=16384\r
+Const CS_HREDRAW=2\r
+Const CS_NOCLOSE=512\r
+Const CS_OWNDC=32\r
+Const CS_PARENTDC=128\r
+Const CS_SAVEBITS=2048\r
+Const CS_VREDRAW=1\r
+Const CW_USEDEFAULT=$80000000\r
+Const COLOR_MENU=4\r
+Const COLOR_3DLIGHT=22\r
+Const COLOR_INFOBK=24\r
+' window styles\r
+Const WS_BORDER=$800000\r
+Const WS_CAPTION=$c00000\r
+Const WS_CHILD=$40000000\r
+Const WS_CHILDWINDOW=$40000000\r
+Const WS_CLIPCHILDREN=$2000000\r
+Const WS_CLIPSIBLINGS=$4000000\r
+Const WS_DISABLED=$8000000\r
+Const WS_DLGFRAME=$400000\r
+Const WS_GROUP=$20000\r
+Const WS_HSCROLL=$100000\r
+Const WS_ICONIC=$20000000\r
+Const WS_MAXIMIZE=$1000000\r
+Const WS_MAXIMIZEBOX=$10000\r
+Const WS_MINIMIZE=$20000000\r
+Const WS_MINIMIZEBOX=$20000\r
+Const WS_POPUP=$80000000\r
+Const WS_POPUPWINDOW=$80880000\r
+Const WS_SIZEBOX=$40000\r
+Const WS_SYSMENU=$80000\r
+Const WS_TABSTOP=$10000\r
+Const WS_THICKFRAME=$40000\r
+Const WS_TILED=0\r
+Const WS_TILEDWINDOW=$cf0000\r
+Const WS_VISIBLE=$10000000\r
+Const WS_VSCROLL=$200000\r
+' windows extended styles\r
+Const WS_EX_TOPMOST=$8\r
+Const WS_EX_MDICHILD=$40\r
+Const WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE=$100\r
+Const WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE=$200\r
+Const WS_EX_RIGHT=$1000\r
+Const WS_EX_LEFT=0\r
+Const WS_EX_RTLREADING=$2000\r
+Const WS_EX_STATICEDGE=$20000\r
+Const WS_EX_APPWINDOW=$40000\r
+Const WS_EX_LAYERED=$80000\r
+Const WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL=$400000\r
+Const WS_EX_COMPOSITED=$2000000\r
+Const WS_EX_NOACTIVATE=$8000000\r
+' windows messages\r
+Const WM_DPICHANGED = $2E0\r
+Const WM_APP=32768\r
+Const WM_ACTIVATE=6\r
+Const WM_AFXFIRST=864\r
+Const WM_AFXLAST=895\r
+Const WM_CHAR=258\r
+Const WM_CLEAR=771\r
+Const WM_CLOSE=16\r
+Const WM_COMMAND=273\r
+Const WM_COPY=769\r
+Const WM_COPYDATA=74\r
+Const WM_CREATE=1\r
+Const WM_CUT=768\r
+Const WM_DEADCHAR=259\r
+Const WM_DESTROY=2\r
+Const WM_DRAWITEM=43\r
+Const WM_DROPFILES=563\r
+Const WM_ENABLE=10\r
+Const WM_ENTERIDLE=289\r
+Const WM_GETDLGCODE=135\r
+Const WM_GETFONT=49\r
+Const WM_GETHOTKEY=51\r
+Const WM_GETICON=127\r
+Const WM_GETTEXT=13\r
+Const WM_HELP=83\r
+Const WM_HOTKEY=786\r
+Const WM_HSCROLL=276\r
+Const WM_INITDIALOG=272\r
+Const WM_INITMENU=278\r
+Const WM_KEYDOWN=256\r
+Const WM_KEYUP=257\r
+Const WM_MDICASCADE=551\r
+Const WM_MDICREATE=544\r
+Const WM_MDIDESTROY=545\r
+Const WM_MDINEXT=548\r
+Const WM_MDIRESTORE=547\r
+Const WM_MDISETMENU=560\r
+Const WM_MDITILE=550\r
+Const WM_MENUCHAR=288\r
+Const WM_MENUSELECT=287\r
+Const WM_NEXTMENU=531\r
+Const WM_MOVE=3\r
+Const WM_MOVING=534\r
+Const WM_NCACTIVATE=134\r
+Const WM_NCCALCSIZE=131\r
+Const WM_NCCREATE=129\r
+Const WM_NCDESTROY=130\r
+Const WM_NCHITTEST=132\r
+Const WM_NCPAINT=133\r
+Const WM_NOTIFY=78\r
+Const WM_NULL=0\r
+Const WM_PAINT=15\r
+Const WM_PAINTICON=38\r
+Const WM_PASTE=770\r
+Const WM_PENWINLAST=911\r
+Const WM_POWER=72\r
+Const WM_PRINT=791\r
+Const WM_QUERYOPEN=19\r
+Const WM_QUEUESYNC=35\r
+Const WM_QUIT=18\r
+Const WM_SETCURSOR=32\r
+Const WM_SETFOCUS=7\r
+Const WM_SETFONT=48\r
+Const WM_SETHOTKEY=50\r
+Const WM_SETICON=128\r
+Const WM_SETREDRAW=11\r
+Const WM_SETTEXT=12\r
+Const WM_SIZE=5\r
+Const WM_SIZING=532\r
+Const WM_SYSCHAR=262\r
+Const WM_SYSCOMMAND=274\r
+Const WM_SYSKEYDOWN=260\r
+Const WM_SYSKEYUP=261\r
+Const WM_TCARD=82\r
+Const WM_TIMER=275\r
+Const WM_UNDO=772\r
+Const WM_USER=1024\r
+Const WM_VSCROLL=277\r
+Const WM_KEYFIRST=256\r
+Const WM_KEYLAST=264\r
+Const WM_SYNCPAINT=136\r
+Const WM_MOUSEMOVE=512\r
+Const WM_LBUTTONUP=514\r
+Const WM_RBUTTONUP=517\r
+Const WM_MBUTTONUP=520\r
+Const WM_MOUSEWHEEL=522\r
+Const WM_MOUSEFIRST=512\r
+Const WM_MOUSELAST=522\r
+' setwindowpos flags\r
+Const SWP_NOSIZE=1\r
+Const SWP_NOMOVE=2\r
+Const SWP_NOCOPYBITS=$100\r
+Const SWP_DEFERERASE=$2000\r
+Const HWND_TOP=0\r
+Const HWND_BOTTOM=1\r
+Const HWND_TOPMOST=-1\r
+Const HWND_BROADCAST=$ffff\r
+Const HWND_MESSAGE=-3\r
+' scroll info\r
+Const SB_HORZ=0\r
+Const SB_VERT=1\r
+Const SB_CTL=2\r
+Const SB_BOTH=3\r
+Const SB_LINEUP=0\r
+Const SB_LINELEFT=0\r
+Const SB_LINEDOWN=1\r
+Const SB_PAGEUP=2\r
+Const SB_PAGELEFT=2\r
+Const SB_PAGEDOWN=3\r
+Const SB_TOP=6\r
+Const SB_LEFT=6\r
+Const SB_BOTTOM=7\r
+Const SB_RIGHT=7\r
+Const SIF_RANGE=$0001\r
+Const SIF_PAGE=$0002\r
+Const SIF_POS=$0004\r
+Const SIF_TRACKPOS=$0010\r
+       Field cbSize\r
+       Field fMask\r
+       Field nMin\r
+       Field nMax\r
+       Field nPage\r
+       Field nPos\r
+       Field nTrackPos\r
+End Type\r
+' loadcursor consts\r
+Const IDC_ARROW=32512\r
+Const IDC_IBEAM=32513\r
+Const IDC_WAIT=32514\r
+Const IDC_CROSS=32515\r
+Const IDC_UPARROW=32516\r
+Const IDC_SIZENWSE=32642\r
+Const IDC_SIZENESW=32643\r
+Const IDC_SIZEWE=32644\r
+Const IDC_SIZENS=32645\r
+Const IDC_SIZEALL=32646\r
+Const IDC_NO=32648\r
+Const IDC_HAND=32649\r
+Const IDC_APPSTARTING=32650\r
+Const IDC_HELP=32651\r
+Const IDC_ICON=32641\r
+Const IDC_SIZE=32640\r
+' changedisplaysettings flags\r
+Const CDS_TEST=2\r
+Const CDS_GLOBAL=8\r
+Const CDS_RESET=$40000000\r
+Const CDS_SETRECT=$20000000\r
+Const CDS_NORESET=$10000000\r
+' changedisplaysettings results\r
+' PeekMessage param wRemoveMsg\r
+Const PM_NOREMOVE=0\r
+Const PM_REMOVE=1\r
+Const PM_NOYIELD=2\r
+' MsgWaitForMultipleObjects param dwWakeMask\r
+Const QS_ALLEVENTS=191\r
+Const QS_ALLINPUT=255\r
+Const QS_HOTKEY=128\r
+Const QS_INPUT=7\r
+Const QS_KEY=1\r
+Const QS_MOUSE=6\r
+Const QS_PAINT=32\r
+Const QS_TIMER=16\r
+' ShowWindow commands\r
+Const SW_HIDE=0\r
+Const SW_NORMAL=1\r
+Const SW_MAXIMIZE=3\r
+Const SW_SHOW=5\r
+Const SW_MINIMIZE=6\r
+Const SW_SHOWNA=8\r
+Const SW_RESTORE=9\r
+Const SW_MAX=11\r
+' menu flags\r
+Const MF_INSERT=0\r
+Const MF_CHANGE=$80\r
+Const MF_APPEND=$100\r
+Const MF_DELETE=$200\r
+Const MF_REMOVE=$1000\r
+Const MF_BYPOSITION=$400\r
+Const MF_SEPARATOR=$800\r
+Const MF_ENABLED=0\r
+Const MF_GRAYED=1\r
+Const MF_DISABLED=2\r
+Const MF_CHECKED=8\r
+Const MF_STRING=0\r
+Const MF_BITMAP=4\r
+Const MF_OWNERDRAW=$100\r
+Const MF_POPUP=$10\r
+Const MF_MENUBREAK=$40\r
+Const MF_UNHILITE=0\r
+Const MF_HILITE=$80\r
+Const MF_DEFAULT=$1000\r
+Const MF_SYSMENU=$2000\r
+Const MF_HELP=$4000\r
+Const MF_RIGHTJUSTIFY=$4000\r
+Const MF_MOUSESELECT=$8000\r
+Const MF_END=$80\r
+Const MFT_RADIOCHECK=$200\r
+Const MFT_RIGHTORDER=$2000\r
+Const MFS_GRAYED=3\r
+' menu item info\r
+Const MIIM_STATE=1\r
+Const MIIM_ID=2\r
+Const MIIM_TYPE=$10\r
+Const MIIM_DATA=$20\r
+Const MIIM_STRING=$40\r
+Const MIIM_BITMAP=$80\r
+Const MIIM_FTYPE=$100\r
+       Field   cbSize,fMask,fType,fState,wID\r
+       Field   hSubMenu,hbmpChecked,hbmpUnchecked\r
+       Field   dwItemData:Int Ptr\r
+       Field   dwTypeData:Short Ptr\r
+       Field   cch\r
+       Field   hbmpItem\r
+End Type\r
+Const GWL_WNDPROC=-4\r
+Const GWL_STYLE=-16\r
+Const GWL_EXSTYLE=-20\r
+Const GWL_USERDATA=-21\r
+Const GWL_ID=-12\r
+Const GCL_MENUNAME=-8\r
+Const GCL_HCURSOR=-12\r
+Const GCL_HICON=-14\r
+Const GCL_HMODULE=-16\r
+Const GCL_WNDPROC=-24\r
+Const GCL_STYLE=-26\r
+Const GCW_ATOM=-32\r
+Const GCL_HICONSM=-34\r
+Const WA_INACTIVE=0\r
+Const WA_ACTIVE=1\r
+Type MSG\r
+       Field hwnd\r
+       Field message\r
+       Field wParam\r
+       Field lParam\r
+       Field time\r
+       Field pt_x,pt_y\r
+End Type\r
+       Field style\r
+       Field lpfnWndProc:Byte Ptr\r
+       Field cbClsExtra\r
+       Field cbWndExtra\r
+       Field hInstance\r
+       Field hIcon\r
+       Field hCursor\r
+       Field hbrBackground\r
+       Field lpszMenuName:Byte Ptr\r
+       Field lpszClassName:Byte Ptr\r
+End Type\r
+       Field style\r
+       Field lpfnWndProc:Byte Ptr\r
+       Field cbClsExtra\r
+       Field cbWndExtra\r
+       Field hInstance\r
+       Field hIcon\r
+       Field hCursor\r
+       Field hbrBackground\r
+       Field lpszMenuName:Short Ptr\r
+       Field lpszClassName:Short Ptr\r
+End Type\r
+       Field reserved0,reserved1\r
+       Field maxw,maxh\r
+       Field maxx,maxy\r
+       Field minw,minh\r
+       Field minx,miny\r
+End Type\r
+       Field cbSize\r
+       Field rcWindowl,rcWindowt,rcWindowr,rcWindowb\r
+       Field rcClientl,rcClientt,rcClientr,rcClientb   \r
+       Field dwStyle\r
+    Field dwExStyle\r
+    Field dwWindowStatus\r
+    Field cxWindowBorders\r
+    Field cyWindowBorders\r
+    Field atomWindowType\r
+    Field wCreatorVersion:Short        \r
+End Type\r
+       Field hdc\r
+       Field fErase\r
+       Field rcPaint_left\r
+       Field rcPaint_top\r
+       Field rcPaint_right\r
+       Field rcPaint_bottom\r
+       Field fRestore \r
+       Field fIncUpdate\r
+       Field res0,res1,res2,res3\r
+       Field res4,res5,res6,res7\r
+End Type\r
+Const RECT_LEFT=0\r
+Const RECT_TOP=1\r
+Const RECT_RIGHT=2\r
+Const RECT_BOTTOM=3\r
+Const POINT_X=0\r
+Const POINT_Y=1\r
+Extern "Win32"\r
+Function SetCapture( hwnd )\r
+Function ReleaseCapture()\r
+Function RegisterClassA( lpWndClass:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function RegisterClassW( lpWndClass:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function CreateWindowExA( dwExStyle,lpClassName:Byte Ptr,lpWindowName:Byte Ptr,dwStyle,x,y,nWidth,nHeight,hWndParent,hMenu,hInstance,lpParam:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function CreateWindowExW( dwExStyle,lpClassName$w,lpWindowName$w,dwStyle,x,y,nWidth,nHeight,hWndParent,hMenu,hInstance,lpParam:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function DefWindowProcA( hWnd,MSG,wParam,lParam )\r
+Function DefWindowProcW( hWnd,MSG,wParam,lParam )\r
+Function DispatchMessageA( lpMsg:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function DispatchMessageW( lpMsg:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function GetMessageA( lpMsg:Byte Ptr,hWnd,wMsgFilterMin,wMsgFilterMax )\r
+Function GetMessageW( lpMsg:Byte Ptr,hWnd,wMsgFilterMin,wMsgFilterMax )\r
+Function PeekMessageA( lpMsg:Byte Ptr,hWnd,wMsgFilterMin,wMsgFilterMax,wRemoveMsg )\r
+Function PeekMessageW( lpMsg:Byte Ptr,hWnd,wMsgFilterMin,wMsgFilterMax,wRemoveMsg )\r
+Function PostMessageA( hWnd,MSG,wParam,lParam )\r
+Function PostMessageW( hWnd,MSG,wParam,lParam )\r
+Function SendMessageA( hWnd,MSG,wParam,lParam )\r
+Function SendMessageW( hWnd,MSG,wParam,lParam )\r
+Function PostThreadMessageA( idThread,Msg,wParam,lParam )\r
+Function PostThreadMessageW( idThread,Msg,wParam,lParam )\r
+Function GetDC( hWnd )\r
+Function PostQuitMessage( nExitCode )\r
+Function TranslateMessage( lpMsg:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function DestroyWindow( hWnd )\r
+Function MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( nCount,pHandles:Byte Ptr,fWaitAll,dwMilliseconds,dwWakeMask )\r
+Function MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx( nCount,pHandles:Byte Ptr,dwMilliseconds,dwWakeMask,dwFlags )\r
+Function ChangeDisplaySettingsA( lpDevMode:Byte Ptr,dwFlags )\r
+Function ChangeDisplaySettingsW( lpDevMode:Byte Ptr,dwFlags )\r
+Function LoadCursorA( hInstance,lpCursorName:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function LoadCursorW( hInstance,lpCursorName:Short Ptr )\r
+Function ShowCursor( visible )\r
+Function SetCursor( hCursor )\r
+Function LoadIconA( resourceid,lpIconName:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function LoadIconW( resourceid,lpIconName:Short Ptr )\r
+Function LoadLibraryA( dll$z )\r
+Function GetProcAddress:Byte Ptr( libhandle,func$z )\r
+Function LoadLibraryW( dll$w )\r
+Function GetClientRect( hWnd,lpRect:Int Ptr )\r
+Function GetWindowRect( hWnd,lpRect:Int Ptr )\r
+Function GetDesktopWindow()\r
+Function AdjustWindowRect( rect:Int Ptr,style,menu )\r
+Function AdjustWindowRectEx( rect:Int Ptr,style,menu,exstyle )\r
+Function ClientToScreen( hwnd,point:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function ShowWindow( hwnd,nCmdShow )\r
+Function SetMenu( hwnd,hmenu )\r
+Function DrawMenuBar( hwnd )\r
+Function CreateMenu_()="CreateMenu@0"\r
+Function CreatePopupMenu()\r
+Function TrackPopupMenu(hMenu,uFLags,x,y,nReserved,hWnd,prcRect)\r
+Function DestroyMenu(hMenu)\r
+Function EnableMenuItem(hMenu,uIDEnableItem,uEnable)\r
+Function CheckMenuItem(hMenu,uIDCheckItem,uCheck)\r
+Function AppendMenuA(hMenu,uFlags,uIDNewItem,lpNewItem:Byte Ptr)\r
+Function AppendMenuW(hMenu,uFlags,uIDNewItem,lpNewItem:Byte Ptr)\r
+Function SetMenuItemInfoA( hMenu,item,fByPosition,info:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function SetMenuItemInfoW( hMenu,item,fByPosition,info:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function GetMenuItemCount( hMenu )\r
+Function SetWindowTextA( hwnd,text$z )\r
+Function SetWindowTextW( hwnd,text$w )\r
+Function SetWindowPos( hwnd,hwndInsertAfter,x,y,cx,cy,uFlags )\r
+Function GetForegroundWindow()\r
+Function SetForegroundWindow(hwnd)\r
+Function IsIconic(hwnd)\r
+Function GetParent_(hwnd)="GetParent@4"\r
+Function GetWindowLongA( hwnd,index )\r
+Function SetWindowLongA( hwnd,index,newlong )\r
+Function GetWindowLongW( hwnd,index )\r
+Function SetWindowLongW( hwnd,index,newlong )\r
+Function GetClassLongA( hwnd,index )\r
+Function SetClassLongA( hwnd,index,newlong )\r
+Function GetClassLongW( hwnd,index )\r
+Function SetClassLongW( hwnd,index,newlong )\r
+Function IsZoomed( hwnd )\r
+Function CallWindowProcA( proc:Byte Ptr,hwnd,msg,wp,lp )\r
+Function CallWindowProcW( proc:Byte Ptr,hwnd,msg,wp,lp )\r
+Function OleInitialize(pvReserved:Byte Ptr)\r
+Function OleUninitialize()\r
+Function InitCommonControlsEx(controlsex:Byte Ptr)\r
+Function SetScrollPos( hwnd,nBar,nPos,bRedraw )\r
+Function GetScrollPos( hwnd,nBar )\r
+Function SetScrollRange( hwnd,nBar,nMinPos,nMaxPos,bRedraw )\r
+Function GetScrollRange( hwnd,nBar,lpMinPos:Int Ptr,lpMaxPos:Int Ptr )\r
+Function ShowScrollBar( hwnd,wBar,bShow )\r
+Function EnableScrollBar( hwnd,wSBflags,wArrows )\r
+Function SetScrollInfo( hwnd,nBar,lpsi:SCROLLINFO,redraw )\r
+Function GetScrollInfo( hwnd,nBar,lpsi:SCROLLINFO )\r
+Function InvalidateRect( hWnd,lpRect:Int Ptr,bErase )\r
+Function ValidateRect( hWnd,lpRect:Int Ptr )\r
+Function BeginPaint( hWnd,lpPaint:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function FillRect( hdc,lpRect:Int Ptr,hbr )\r
+Function EndPaint( hWnd,lpPaint:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function SetFocus( hWnd )\r
+Function GetFocus()\r
+Function GetActiveWindow()\r
+Function SetActiveWindow( hWnd )\r
+Function MoveWindow( hWnd,x,y,w,h,bRepaint )\r
+Function SetParent_( hWnd,hWnd2 )="SetParent@8"\r
+Function WindowFromPoint( point:Int Ptr )\r
+Function GetKeyState(vkey)\r
+Function SetWindowsHookExW(idHook,lpfn:Byte Ptr,hmod,dwThreadId)\r
+Function CallNextHookEx(hhk,ncode,wparam,lparam)\r
+Function UnhookWindowsHookEx(hhk)\r
+Function EnableWindow( hWnd,enable )\r
+Function IsWindowEnabled( hWnd )\r
+Function IsWindowVisible( hWnd )\r
+Function GetWindowInfo( hWnd,winfo:Byte Ptr )\r
+Function GetCursorPos_( lpPoint:Int Ptr)="GetCursorPos@4"\r
+Function EnumChildWindows( hWnd,lpfn:Byte Ptr,lp )\r
+Function OpenClipboard(hWnd)\r
+Function CloseClipboard()\r
+Function SetClipboardData(uFormat,hMem)\r
+Function GetClipboardData(uFormat)\r
+Function EmptyClipboard()\r
+Function IsClipboardFormatAvailable(format)\r
+Function DefDlgProcW(hDlg,Msg,wParam,lParam)\r
+Function DragAcceptFiles(hWnd,fAccept)\r
+Function DragQueryPoint(hDrop,lpPoint:Int Ptr)\r
+Function DragQueryFileW(hDrop,iFile,lpszFile:Short Ptr,cch)\r
+Function DragFinish(hDrop)\r
+End Extern\r