Show Errata
Measure ranges are inclusive-inclusive: mm2-5 is mm2,3,4,5.
Items with checked boxes have been reported to the licensing organization. Here's what I've found out so far about reporting errors:
- Concord Theatricals: email to
- MTI: email to
Bright Star
- #18: add normale indication for senza vib found in m1 (likely at m3)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Keyboard 2
- #5A "News Of Veruca": delete staccato markings on rests in m17
- #12 "It Must Be Believed To Be Seen": resolve conflicting bowing markings in m117
- #14 "Strike That Reverse It": change tenuto B♭ to staccato
- #17B "The Invisible Corridor": delete extraneous staccato marking in m41
- #21 "Finale": delete extraneous fermata in m19
- #22 "Bows": delete extraneous staccato markings in mm56-58
- #22 "Bows": F♯ in beat 4 is below instrument range
A Christmas Carol (Broadway Version)
Violin 1
- #11 "Abundance and Charity": add a pizz. marking at the beginning of m74
- #11 "Abundance and Charity": change C in m171 to C♯
- #14 "Dancing On Your Grave": delete "2x" marking in m9 or align better with preceding repeat
- #15 "Yesterday, Tomorrow & Today": move misplaced measure numbers 3 and 4
Violin 2
- #11 "Abundance and Charity": add a pizz. marking at the beginning of m74
- #15 "Yesterday, Tomorrow & Today": move misplaced measure numbers 3, 4, and 6
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein Original)
Violin A
- add senza sord. indication after beginning of #5 "In My Own Little Corner" (likely at the beginning of #6 "Change Of Scene")
- #24 "Prelude to Act III Cinderella March - Complete": correct wrong notes from pickup of m23 through end of m24 to match phrase in m123
Seussical (Male Version)
Trumpet 1
- #24D "A Re-Enactment": in m6 swap the concert G and grace notes on beat 2 with the rest in beat 3
- #3 "Horton Hears a Who!": change half note to whole note to complete m52
- #7A "It's Possible (Part 2)": change m14 to treble clef or otherwise correct wrong notes
- #12 "Amazing Mayzie": add tremolo to beat 2 and eighth note pickup
- #24B "A Message From the Front/Solla Sollew Reprise": change mm46-48 to 4/4 time (adding 6 beats)
Violin 2
- #23A "The Butter Battle": move the caesura in m4 past the repeated section or mark as last time only
- #23B "Saving Private Jojo": in m7 swap the C and grace notes on beat 2 with the rest in beat 3
- #24B "A Message From the Front/Solla Sollew Reprise": change mm46-48 to 4/4 time (adding 6 beats), and remove 4/4 marking in m49
- #24D "A Re-Enactment": in m6 swap the G and grace notes (Trumpet 1 cue) on beat 2 with the rest in beat 3
#24D "A Re-Enactment": make mm9,10 a chromatic scale:
- m9: change the E in beat 2 to an E♭
- m9: change the B in beat 3 to a B♭ and the B♭ in beat 4 to an A
- m10: change the E in beat 1 to an E♭ and the E♭ in beat 1 to a D
- m10: change the B in beat 2 to a B♭
- #28D "Yopp!/Alone in the Universe (Reprise)": add tremolo to D notes in m4
The Sound of Music
- #4 "Maria": in m90 change the B to a C, and change m91 beat 2 from an F to a G
- #40 "Reprise: Sixteen Going on Seventeen": in m51 change the C to a B, and in m52 the F to an E
Violin 1
- #24 "So Long, Farewell": add initial dynamic marking at 12 (likely piano as in reprise #43)
- #29 "Entr'acte" m44: slur may be missing between second and third notes (see m36)
- renumber #31 "Incidental (A Cappella) ("The Sound of Music")" as 30
- #36 "Wedding Preparations (I) (The Postulants' Crossover)": delete staccato markings in m67 and on first beat of m68
- #36 m93 and m95: move staccato markings placed above staff
- #38 "Change of Scene ("My Favorite Things")": add staff text indicating an optional repeat as in Violin 2 part
Tuck Everlasting
- #2 m53: delete stray arrow marking
- #3 mm21,39,50,60,63: delete tremolo markings
- #3 m69: delete first, second, and fourth tremolo markings; third tremolo marking should be removed or extended through beat 3
- #6 mm9-13,26,34-37,51-53,63,65,68: delete tremolo markings
- #6 m68: add 1.5 beats of rest to complete the measure
- #7 m12: change Gs to G♯s
- #8 add an arco marking between m28 and m55 (likely at m36)
- #13: parts may be inconsistent about how many measures this song has; director instructed me to repeat the last measure to correct this
- #14: extend tremolo in m7 through m8 and first half of m9
- #14 m16: delete stray arrow marking
- #16 m79: add quarter rest to complete the measure
- #22: indicate violin for this number, as in piano/conductor score
- viola is indicated for #23 and violin for #25, but no indications in between: #23A and #24 seem more suited to violin
- add senza sord. indication after #24 m235 (likely at or before harmonics in m258)